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Another Weekend Looms

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with my nearly 3 year old.

Seems Samui is naff when it come to activities & places to take a small boy.

We spend most weekends hanging around the beach & pool at a local resort but tbh it is getting a bit boring so am trying to come up with things to do.

Might try the Samui aquarium with him this weekend. Anyone know how much it is to get in? Last time I went was years ago & I recall it wasn't that great but should keep him interested for all of 10 minutes if I know my boy.

Crocodile farm isn't far from our place but wonder if it is suitable for a boy so young. Can anyone tell me what a visit there involves, is it a show or can you just wander around looking at crocs?

I want to take him to Babylon but every time I have passed it looks deserted & last time ( a week ago) the bouncy castles were deflated, has it gone out of business?

Any other suggestions of places to go would be good too.



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koh phangyn had more stuff to do i reckoned.

3 years old. there is a place in lamui ring road. think it is called adventure park for kids. has a bloucy castle there sometimes and has a kids motor cross track. u will have to check it out. don't know much about it.

there is also a kids center opposite buddy beer in the shopping center

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koh phangyn had more stuff to do i reckoned.

3 years old. there is a place in lamui ring road. think it is called adventure park for kids. has a bloucy castle there sometimes and has a kids motor cross track. u will have to check it out. don't know much about it.

there is also a kids center opposite buddy beer in the shopping center

Try Paradise park farm up in the mountains (close to the military radar base) lots of animals and a swimming pool you can use.

I suppose he's a bit young for the rum distillery but after traipsing around the island you might enjoy it!

Bit of canoeing off Chaweng. Bouncy castle at Choeng Mon beach. Big noisy play area in Tesco's. :)

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koh phangyn had more stuff to do i reckoned.

3 years old. there is a place in lamui ring road. think it is called adventure park for kids. has a bloucy castle there sometimes and has a kids motor cross track. u will have to check it out. don't know much about it.

there is also a kids center opposite buddy beer in the shopping center

Try Paradise park farm up in the mountains (close to the military radar base) lots of animals and a swimming pool you can use.

I suppose he's a bit young for the rum distillery but after traipsing around the island you might enjoy it!

Bit of canoeing off Chaweng. Bouncy castle at Choeng Mon beach. Big noisy play area in Tesco's. :)

i used to let my kid sit on my lap and steer the car when i was driving. hope it will make her more road wiser in later years. worked for my i am the bst driver in the world !

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That reminds me of a time I was driving along on a straight stretch of road here, on a Sunday, and there was a huge mercedes driving at about 5 mph in front of me. So, I revved up my little Renault five and passed them. Glanced over and saw a family of about 10 people stuffed in there with a small child sitting on the driver's knee "steering". I almost crashed into them!!

But, I don't think Boo shall be doing that!!

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imho the challege with a 3 yr old is the short attention span, so making long trips to places that offer just one or two attractions is a miss for me, the bird park is a nice show, the butterfly farm gives them the opportunity to climb while seeing the butterflies, but for a quick trip i like what an other suggested, tessco has the play area that lets the child do many different activities in a short span of time i.e. ride the motor bikes, play the games, ride the rides, play in the jungle gym. i dont know if there is a parents group but it is not a bad idea to start one, imo kids should be able to play together without needing to be in school. my youngest is 5, 6 in august it may be too much of an age difference but if not pm me and they can have play dates also we have an art teacher that comes to the house and they do some very creative projects.

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maccaroni man you are spot on about the attention span & that I why I am loath do go to many of the "tourist attractions" aimed at his age group, the cost for the 10-20 minutes he would be interested is just too high. Samui aquarium is one example.

Today we did the beach & swimming pool for a couple of hours which was fun, he then had a nap & this atfernoon we went to tesco to go bowling, sadly they were having some sort of tournament so she asked us to come back in an hour but the reason we went at 6 was, by 8pm he is ready for bed so starting to play at 7 would be too late, we ended up doing a few of the tesco toys (my go to place already when I really stuck for things to do) then had MK & icecream & tomorrow will attempt the butterfly garden as 1) he loves butterflies & insects & 2) it's pretty cheap.

Macaroni man if he were a year older I would have loved to join you for arts & crafts but at this age he is quite disruptive & drawing involves scribbling over paper before ripping it to shreds so probably not fun for your kid to have him around.

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no getting off the island is quite easy but I may need to study rocket science just to come up with your reason as why we need to leave?

If you have nothing helpful to add to this thread then stay away please.

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