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What Do You Think ! ?


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IF I WAS YOU. I would open a rock bar that plays ONLY rock and alternative from the 90's (at the earliest) and 2000's. My generation is getting older and richer and taking more trips. NOBODY caters to this group yet. Its all old fart rock, crappy R&B, hip hop or techno.... be completely different and be the only new rock bar in town. Maybe have bands come in that of course play new rock and maybe even be a venue to host rock bands from other countries. Like I said though, no old music, no classics, no stupid R&B rips, nothing like that. Hard rock and alternative from the last 15 years max. Never seen a bar that does this.

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Well the OP doesn't need an answer anymore since he got banned, so don't waist any energy unless you want to of course..

It does not seem to be because of the content of his 4 posts - I can only assume the mods discovered a reincarnation, perhaps ? End of energy waste :)

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corn dogs

lemonade made from real lemon instead of limes... if that is even possible

seasoned fries

...sorry...these things I've been craving lately...and seems to be impossible to BUY somewhere..of course I can make corndogs and seasoned fries myself before..they were ok lol.. um yes... At least I think they would sell to the Americans.............

still looking for lemons... and lemonade...........

edit* k..I didn't see that..BUT... if someone happens to be opening something ...I hope they can consider my junk food cravings as something that might be possible..

Edited by ihunnieibee
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corn dogs

lemonade made from real lemon instead of limes... if that is even possible

seasoned fries

...sorry...these things I've been craving lately...and seems to be impossible to BUY somewhere..of course I can make corndogs and seasoned fries myself before..they were ok lol.. um yes... At least I think they would sell to the Americans.............

still looking for lemons... and lemonade...........

For lemons try Makro.

I use them for serving a 'wedge' with fish and chips.

Edited by Chaimai
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Frosted clean glasses

A clean establishment

Efficient and effective bar staff

A well stocked bar

A position where customers can sit and just people watch

No need to mention location

Readily available snacks

Something different on a Sunday afternoon perhaps, good old sausages and roast potatoes should keep the Brits happy

Clean Loos

Next to my house. :D:):D
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Cold clean glasses containing draught beer with a head on it, instead of the usual flat beer with ice in a dirty glass.

definatly good head on it is required in bar here, bit of dirty stuff as well. OP i think you know the answer already.

Not so sure if the head on the beer counts as much as giving.....

Oh, Oh, reply deleted!! :)

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