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Multiple Trips With Visa On Arrival

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I have been reading this forum as a guest for some time now and am impressed with the quality of help given - it is great. I ahve worked here for many years with a work permit but starting in 2002 did many trips in and out as a tourist.

Early in 2003 I gained a work permit again but due to financial issues with the company (they won't broke) had to resign and also hand back my work permit. This happened in late July 2003. My Non-imm B visa was stamped for a date in late Oct 2003. So now I am a few days overstay.

I will be getting a job in Nov with work permit and non-imm B etc.

In the meantime I plan to travel to Poipet, exit Thailand (pay the 200B /day), enter/exit Cambodia and then immediately return to Thailand on a 30 day until I can get new position confirmed.

Sorry for rather long-winded approach to my questions which are:

Will above work? I have read and heard that Imm is getting tough on "tourists".

Under these circumstances would you play safe and buy a plane ticket?

Are computers linked i.e. will I have to pay 200/day from July or from Oct?

Your help and advice would be greatly appreciated....

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Immigration computer system and Labour Department's computers are linked these days, as we aree informed, but it doen't always work out. TiT.

Try your Poipet plan, but be prepaired to pay the full overstay from July if the mud hits the fan. But I believe they will only charge for your "few days". Don't quote me, though.

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Firstly my apologies for not inc. required information. I am a Brit and am 40 years old.

George, thanks for advice and yes I had heard exactly the same comment regarding eh computers being linked but not always by the operators.

Dr P - unfortunately I doubt that I can get documentation until the end of this month. Ordinarily I would just wait till the end of the month, pay the fine at Airport, fly to Singapore and get Non-Imm B. From what I have hearing though the current "toughness" does have me a bit worried plus not having worked since July I am very short of cash (but can pay full fine etc. if required).

Thanks for your help.

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My Non-imm B visa was stamped for a date in late Oct 2003. So now I am a few days overstay.

Your overstay is from when your visa expired not your work permit. You won't have to pay from July just late October.

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Take enough to cover the worst case scenario and go go go

Thanks, yes that was the conclusion I came to. It seems that days of old may have changed forever. IMOHO this is probably a good thing in the long run but will hurt a lot of "good" people. Reason I say it is a "good" thing is that it MAY change attitudes here in LOS towards farang - i.e. knowing that the majority who are here are here legitimately.

I am "ceremonially married" with one son, and will go the whole nine yards when I get back for Non-Imm O backed up by WP. WP "should be with large well respected accounting firm here in Bgk so providing I can get out and in again should get everything sorted before the end of this year. i.e. well before July 2004.

I think this is serious attempt to raise the "quality" of farang in the LOS and doubt that it will go the way of previous - get criminals or fake stampers "alerts"...

Once again thanks for the words and site - great service and reassuring for people who often through not fault of their own end up on the far end of a shaky limb.

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Huski, not getting personal here but but you have a one week grace period after the one week period a company has to inform labour dept of termination. SO EFFECTIVELY A CANCALLED WORK PERMIT MEANS A CANCELLED VISA no matter how long was left oon the visa. Lots of people get caught out by this and they used to staple a note in your pasport telling you this. I was laid off anrd the personnell office went out of her way to tell me not to stay on the old visa because while I would probably get out of the country no problem, there would be problems when it came to reapplying for a visa and work permit. I thinki i once had to pay a couple of days overtay on a new wp and visa in a similar situation.

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