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Thai Gov To Broadcast Special Program On 10 March


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Thai Gov to broadcast special program on 10 March of measure to deal with UDD's rally

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Government will ask for cooperation from television and radio stations nationwide to broadcast special program on 10 March to inform the public of the plan to deal with the UDD’s mass rally.

The Prime Minister Office’s Minister, Satit Wongnongtaey, expressed his belief that the rally by the UDD on 12-14 March would not become severe. He said the government would do its best to keep the incident peaceful.

The Minister added that the Government would follow three steps in dealing with the rally which included to keep peace ,to publicize for people understanding in case the use of Internal Security Act was activated, and to facilitate the people joining the rally as much as possible. Another was to ask for cooperation from television and radio stations nationwide to broadcast special program in clarifying to the public of transportation and the plan to tackle with possible accidents that could happen.


-- NNT 2010-03-09


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The Prime Minister Office’s Minister, Satit Wongnongtaey, expressed his belief that the rally by the UDD on 12-14 March would not become severe

Apparently there is a communication breakdown in the PM's office:

"...the prime minister said intelligence showed that there would be bomb attacks in at least two locations and grenades would be thrown at 30-40 locations, particularly "important places"."

(from today's Nation- Fear Of Grenade Attacks At Key Sites)

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What evil intentions are some of you folks reading into the announcement?

The planned broadcast sounds like a very sensible move by a sitting administration.

The wording "and to facilitate the people joining the rally as much as possible" certainly sounds even-handed to me. There may be less charitable intentions unspoken - but the actual wording of this announcement is responsible and benign.

If you are seeing something else, then the problem is in your overactive imagination - not in the statement.

There are at least four populations of Thais out there:

The UDD red-shirts

The PAD yellow-shirts

The sitting government (which is part political positions, and part career civil servants)

The population unaffiliated with any of the above

The UDD will perhaps put 300,000 people on the street

The activist PAD might number 50,000 in Bangkok

The political portion of the sitting government might number another 50,000

That leaves about 8,000,000+ in the unaffiliated category - including all Thais under perhaps 15 years of age

The responsible action for sitting leadership to take is to try to keep the 8,000,000+ from being unnecessarily harmed by the actions of the various minority factions.

This statement did a good job of preparing the ground for delivering responsible information to the vast majority.

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What I read in the OP was not sounding slightly inciting.

They even said they would encourage people to go to the rally.

Explaining whys and where fors of the the ISA is incitement?

Explaining emergency plans and the like is incitement?

These posts make no sense, except as kneejerk pronouncements.

Edited by animatic
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Well if the country has both the technology and the brains (doubtful on both counts) they would jam any communication from the square faced man who is inciting sedition, treason and a number of other things such as probably funding the upcoming riots.

But no they let him carry on with his evil messages instead of locating him and giving him a 'double tap' with a 9mm between the eyes.

They have sufficient on him now to extradite him and put him in front of a firing squad for his treason alone.

I know that he has to be in a country with an extradition treaty with the realm but if he is somewhere such as Cambodia or Burma it would be a very simple matter to eliminate this douch bag once and for all.

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What evil intentions are some of you folks reading into the announcement?

...There are at least four populations of Thais out there:

The UDD red-shirts

The PAD yellow-shirts

The sitting government (which is part political positions, and part career civil servants)

The population unaffiliated with any of the above

The UDD will perhaps put 300,000 people on the street

The activist PAD might number 50,000 in Bangkok

The political portion of the sitting government might number another 50,000

That leaves about 8,000,000+ in the unaffiliated category - including all Thais under perhaps 15 years of age

The responsible action for sitting leadership to take is to try to keep the 8,000,000+ from being unnecessarily harmed by the actions of the various minority factions.

This statement did a good job of preparing the ground for delivering responsible information to the vast majority.

Thanks you for a balanced and clear assessment.

It wasn't this post I was referring to as kneejerk.

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The Prime Minister Office’s Minister, Satit Wongnongtaey, expressed his belief that the rally by the UDD on 12-14 March would not become severe

Apparently there is a communication breakdown in the PM's office:

"...the prime minister said intelligence showed that there would be bomb attacks in at least two locations and grenades would be thrown at 30-40 locations, particularly "important places"."

(from today's Nation- Fear Of Grenade Attacks At Key Sites)

That's no communication breakdown. They simply mean that "severe" would be Abhisit & Co. forced out of office. That's much worse than 30-40 grenades thrown at civilians. Nobody cares about civilians getting hurt, but forced out of office ...whew ...that's bad.

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The Prime Minister Office’s Minister, Satit Wongnongtaey, expressed his belief that the rally by the UDD on 12-14 March would not become severe

Apparently there is a communication breakdown in the PM's office:

"...the prime minister said intelligence showed that there would be bomb attacks in at least two locations and grenades would be thrown at 30-40 locations, particularly "important places"."

(from today's Nation- Fear Of Grenade Attacks At Key Sites)

That's no communication breakdown. They simply mean that "severe" would be Abhisit & Co. forced out of office. That's much worse than 30-40 grenades thrown at civilians. Nobody cares about civilians getting hurt, but forced out of office ...whew ...that's bad.

You sir, are a hypocrite.

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The Prime Minister Office’s Minister, Satit Wongnongtaey, expressed his belief that the rally by the UDD on 12-14 March would not become severe

Apparently there is a communication breakdown in the PM's office:

"...the prime minister said intelligence showed that there would be bomb attacks in at least two locations and grenades would be thrown at 30-40 locations, particularly "important places"."

(from today's Nation- Fear Of Grenade Attacks At Key Sites)

That's no communication breakdown. They simply mean that "severe" would be Abhisit & Co. forced out of office. That's much worse than 30-40 grenades thrown at civilians. Nobody cares about civilians getting hurt, but forced out of office ...whew ...that's bad.

You sir, are a hypocrite.

The PM's office said that they "don't expect it to become severe" while at the same time they said that there might be sabotage and grenades thrown at civilians. What part of that is not severe?

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The PM's office said that they "don't expect it to become severe" while at the same time they said that there might be sabotage and grenades thrown at civilians. What part of that is not severe?

Seems pretty easy to understand to me. It may become severe (grenade attacks) however they think its more likely that everything will remain largely peaceful.

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