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'the Nation' Is Now Extreme Yellow


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So don't expect any objectivity from these Nation-sponsored forums.

"A big mess" is how a journalist working for a leading Bangkok-based daily, who requested anonymity, calls the Thai media when it comes to covering the political tensions in the country.

" 'Bangkok Post' seems to be leaning towards the 'centre red', while 'The Nation' is now extreme yellow. In that sense, you have a balance of views," quipped the journalist, referring to the two English-language dailies in Thailand.

He added: "'Bangkok Post' seems to take sadistic glee in running reds-related stories to make the yellow feel downtrodden while 'The Nation' runs yellow stories to make the reds feel rotten. I think both sides want to win."

It is unfortunate that some media institutions "seem to want to sow panic and fear in the society (by the kind of stories they release)," adds Chiranuch.

"Most of the stories we see now in relation to the rallies is a projection of how the violence will happen. We don't see them questioning the government side on how they're going to commit to using non-violent measures when trying to contain the crowd, for example," she said.


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"A big mess" is how a journalist working for a leading Bangkok-based daily, who requested anonymity, calls the Thai media when it comes to covering the political tensions in the country.
It is unfortunate that some media institutions "seem to want to sow panic and fear in the society (by the kind of stories they release)," adds Chiranuch.


That's the pooch screwed then...

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So what. It is a good a newspaper's politics are known and in the open rather than hidden. No newpaper is objective and unbias, period. Some just pretend to be. Praise those that are honest.

The comments on the Bangkok Post are rather silly too.

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Power to the people, "GO REDS" !!!!!!!

John Lennon has just turned over in his grave....

I'd prefer Peaceful power to the people, not power to one man, at the expense of injury / death to the poor.

Edit, forgot to stay on topic - I would never buy The Nation, I prefer intelligent political commentary, preferably in English, both of which do NOT feature in this newspaper.

Edited by WeeGB
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So what. It is a good a newspaper's politics are known and in the open rather than hidden. No newpaper is objective and unbias, period. Some just pretend to be. Praise those that are honest.

The comments on the Bangkok Post are rather silly too.

It is worth noting that IPS isn't really a News agency --- it is a NGO with an agenda.

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"A big mess" is how a journalist working for a leading Bangkok-based daily, who requested anonymity, calls the Thai media when it comes to covering the political tensions in the country.
It is unfortunate that some media institutions "seem to want to sow panic and fear in the society (by the kind of stories they release)," adds Chiranuch.


That's the pooch screwed then...


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Again a and again, follow both publications over 2 decades,

since 2001 both have lost a lot!

Why was that i wonder?

In the answer is the answer to why both

seem to be "biased" today.... sheer irony!

"The Nation" has always been the National,

rather conservative one whilst imho BP

has lost the most!

Especially some really good columnists!

That is what made them worth reading,

I loved the saturdays issues...!

guess why?

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Power to the people, "GO REDS" !!!!!!!

Same old post, eh Lizard ?

Sadly they are now going, no doubt tired & a bit disillusioned, having been led nowhere. Hope they learn something useful from the experience.

Regarding the OP, I agree that 'the Nation' shows its colours fairly openly, but I don't agree that this in-any-way influences ThaiVisa, which is what we the posters make of it. Long may this remain the case ! :)

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The Nation was always rabidly anti-Thaksin and pro-establishment. It's an extreme right-wing paper in the Thai context.

I disagree that the Bangkok Post is that much better though. They may be slightly less rabid, but look what some of their wingnut commentators are writing. (Veera Prateepchaikul specifically).

But yes, I will at times read the Bangkok Post. The Nation I tear up if I see it somewhere. Last time they put that sorry excuse for a newspaper on the knob of my hotel room. Made a point to complain about it.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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