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Thai Govt Likely To Enforce State Of Emergency On Top Of ISA

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ISA ,Arrest of UDD Leader, SOE, Or you could say....

We have all the ingredients to light the fire with out actually being seen striking the match and at the same time we have the means to extinguish it.

What ever happens we will come out of the smoke smelling of roses.

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Continue to promote a Demo_crazy wit handing out money to poor farmers and do no gooders which makes the majority of the blood-Reds.

is it the will of 60 million thai,s to be coerced to bow to the ill-will of some paid 80 000 simpleminded non educated farmers and job-less chaff.

Malaysia seems to be doing OK ...

But no country has ever brought in democracy in only 10 years. It's a learning process.

The problem in Thailand is that it was hijacked by Thaksin. He used the non-educated farmers to steal billions from the rest of Thailand.

Even if you go with the argument that Thailand is still run by the Bangkok elite and the army, at least the people have some say in what happens. And as time goes on the non-educated farmers will learn more about how democracy should work. Actually, it's amazing how little some Bangkok office workers know about democracy too.

All this talk about the uneducated people learning to vote in a Democracy.

Just Plain Silly! and insulting.

This is not rocket science! Some people with less education that you make not chose the word that you are comfortable with but in a Democracy is 99% common sense.

Everybody, "Everybody", knows what the expect their government to provide them. They then determine if they think the government can deliver and vote for the representative that most closely fit their beliefs and values and vote. You may not agree with all or any part of how others think but it is their vote and not yours so live with.

Just calling people uneducated make make you feel superior but I know many people who are broadly successful whose vocabulary youmight not approve of. Would you say only people with college degrees are educated and can vote or serve in the Thai government? If so that means that Bill Gates wold not be allowed to vote or run financial or technology entities in the government.

Stop all the bickering and name calling and sit down and develop a rational plan to make Thailand peaceful and prosperous. Don't be part of the problem! Be Part of a Solution!

ISA is not well perceived already: Poll in BP shows than two thirds are against. So the State of Emergency may backfire with probably some consequences on an already shaking coalition....

interesting day to observe.....

I believe I saw that poll, which basically asked (as I remember) whether the respondent felt that ISA was invoked for political reasons or to maintain order, with 2/3 responding to maintain order. That seemed rather supportive to me. However I can't find it this morning to check it. Need more coffee. I believe that the residents of BKK however stand behind the government in the ISA and will do so an SoE is declared.

I found it. It was phrased to ask whether respondents believed that invoking ISA was a measure for political reasons to control the military, rather than to assure public safety. 2/3 indicated they believed the reason for ISA was public safety. It did not ask whether they approved or not but what they felt was the motive. Clearly they considered the motivation to be public safety.

besides Thailand is one of the most lucrative markets for BMW and Mercedes etc.etc.

Apologies but unless you can provide figures to back it up that's simply not the case. A 3 or 5 series isn't exactly a common sight round my way and a 7 series is a rarity.


I see that George's constant "Breaking News" emails are bringing out the "best and brightest" to join our lively discussion. The only reds I want to hear from are those on ground zero, supporting the cause. We have a lot of "Thaksinlike" red supporters here on TV. (i.e. go out and rally, and I'll call you from Dubai to wish you luck). lol

Some pretty uptight views here, but how many people posting actually have the right to vote in an Thai Government election?

People are discussing it from an observers point of view. If one actually had to be capable of direct participation to be able to discuss something, professional sports would not exist.

Great reply! :)

Red shirt TV is "off air" as of 5 mins ago ... beginning of clampdown??

No, the government had requested a court order to shut them down, for fomenting (spelling) violence with inflammatory and dangerour speeches (Such as Arisman asking people to bring gasoline "Molotovs" to burn down the city, etc).

You clearly don't read the news. The red shirted leaders have made it clear they intend to cripple the city of Bangkok INDEFINITELY by blocking major roads. Is that what you call peaceful, disturbing the lives of millions of people, and potentially crippling the entire country? Get real.

no doubt! the city can't function! Speaking for myself and my family, we can't go about work and make a living right now...tons of people have lost a lot in wages. Blocking roads has a huge and unfortunate impact.

Wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be awesome if the redneck leaders were forced to repay all the estimated lost wages in greater bangkok. they'd be broken and have to abandon these silly demonstrations. the other 59 or 60 million people in thailand really dont support this.


If you, guys, believe what is written in The Nation or Bangkok Post or spread by the propaganda in TV channels, you belive Santa Claus. These media is nothing then steered to spread panik. DON´T BELIEVE ANYTHING, you have not seen by yourself!

You clearly don't read the news. The red shirted leaders have made it clear they intend to cripple the city of Bangkok INDEFINITELY by blocking major roads. Is that what you call peaceful, disturbing the lives of millions of people, and potentially crippling the entire country? Get real.

no doubt! the city can't function! Speaking for myself and my family, we can't go about work and make a living right now...tons of people have lost a lot in wages. Blocking roads has a huge and unfortunate impact.

Wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be awesome if the redneck leaders were forced to repay all the estimated lost wages in greater bangkok. they'd be broken and have to abandon these silly demonstrations. the other 59 or 60 million people in thailand really dont support this.

Exactly! I know quiet a few people in my area who are losing wages as well. These are Thai's btw. Like the majority of the population, they don't support this, want to get on with their daily lives, and really can't afford to lose their daily wage.

You clearly don't read the news. The red shirted leaders have made it clear they intend to cripple the city of Bangkok INDEFINITELY by blocking major roads. Is that what you call peaceful, disturbing the lives of millions of people, and potentially crippling the entire country? Get real.

no doubt! the city can't function! Speaking for myself and my family, we can't go about work and make a living right now...tons of people have lost a lot in wages. Blocking roads has a huge and unfortunate impact.

Wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be awesome if the redneck leaders were forced to repay all the estimated lost wages in greater bangkok. they'd be broken and have to abandon these silly demonstrations. the other 59 or 60 million people in thailand really dont support this.

Exactly! I know quiet a few people in my area who are losing wages as well. These are Thai's btw. Like the majority of the population, they don't support this, want to get on with their daily lives, and really can't afford to lose their daily wage.

Agree. Throw all the red and yellow shirt leaders (everyone of them who took to the stage) in jail and throw away the key.

Agree. Throw all the red and yellow shirt leaders (everyone of them who took to the stage) in jail and throw away the key.

Now we're talking, and it's really that simple. :)

Abhisit was not elected by the people in any general election. He won a special vote in the Parliament after the PPP was dissolved. Even he has said in recent interviews he knows there should be new elections.
It is understandable for suffering poor farm workers to fall for a movement like this. But for western people who should know better, who should have been educated about what movements like this can mean, I sincerely don't understand how they can be supportive of it.
Is the government trying to prevent violence or create it?

It seems like they are over reacting.

It is understandable for suffering poor farm workers to fall for a movement like this. But for western people who should know better, who should have been educated about what movements like this can mean, I sincerely don't understand how they can be supportive of it.

The government are concerned with the violent rhetoric being thrown around on stage by the Reds' leaders. If it was false bravado by individual protesters then no problem, but it is the call from leaders on stage and by Thaksin in his phone hookups. He doesn't call for protests. He wants people to fight and says he will pay them back.

Abhisit needs laws in place to give him the power to quickly call in the Army if this thing gets out of control. It is the right thing to do. Roaming bands of out of control thugs is a real risk. While many of us that live here in Bangkok do not want violence, we do feel safer knowing that Abhisit is in control with the ability to quickly call in the Army to quell this if need be.

Of course, if there were roaming bands of thugs in Loei or thereabouts, I may take a different view, but when it is in your own backyard it gives you a different perspective.

The Kingdom of Thailand has stood strong in the face of many wars, diseases and changes for hundreds of years, and it's people will continue to stand, side by side to face the future problems. Even as the old lotus flower, floating on the great Chaopraya River shrivels and dies with time, a new lotus flower blooms to take its place. Its many delicate petals form a beautiful flower which, defying the scorching sun, sends out its sweet fragrance for all. This is my dream for Thailand.


As and when the reds move to the 11th infantry base at Bang Khen you can expect traffic chaos in the immediate area.

For those of you not aware of its location it is in the northern corridor of Bangkok on PHAHOLYOTHIN ROAD, north of Kaset-Nawamin intersection (Kaset University) and south of the big roundabout at the 5th Constitution Monument (Phaholyothin/Ramintra/Chaengwattana intersection). It's close to Phaholyothin Soi 49 (outbound) and Phaholyothin Soi 46 (inbound). It's roughly south-east of the older airport at Don Muang.

If all the reds converge there, the roads to avoid will probably be the eastern section of Chaengwattana, western section of RamIntra and Phaholyothin Road from Sai Mai all the way down to Ratchayothin Junction (Phaholyothin/Ratchadadpisek).

Agree. Throw all the red and yellow shirt leaders (everyone of them who took to the stage) in jail and throw away the key.

Now we're talking, and it's really that simple. :)

:D Excellent idea

Agree. Throw all the red and yellow shirt leaders (everyone of them who took to the stage) in jail and throw away the key.

Now we're talking, and it's really that simple. :D

:D Excellent idea

Would they actually see the inside of the jail or be allowed to roam the face of the earth at free will, insighting trouble from abroad and neighbouring countries? :)

Agree. Throw all the red and yellow shirt leaders (everyone of them who took to the stage) in jail and throw away the key.

Now we're talking, and it's really that simple. :D

:D Excellent idea

Would they actually see the inside of the jail or be allowed to roam the face of the earth at free will, insighting trouble from abroad and neighbouring countries? :)

Okay, how about solitary confinement. :D

You clearly don't read the news. The red shirted leaders have made it clear they intend to cripple the city of Bangkok INDEFINITELY by blocking major roads. Is that what you call peaceful, disturbing the lives of millions of people, and potentially crippling the entire country? Get real.

I take it Thailand doesn't have parades? Those too would cripple the entire country.

Sorry, just joking but really ... this is what protesters do all over the world. It is call democracy and the right to peaceful assemble and be heard. I am not into their politics but do believe an intertionally monitored vote should be held before 2011. Even the Yellow Shirts closing down the airport illegally didn't cripple Thailand.

My problem is why the police sit back when these folks get out of hand. Yesterday the Reds decided not to stop at road checks because the que was too long. WHY THE HECK DID THE POLICE NOT DEPLOY SPIKE STRIPS????

Yes it would have caused a larger traffic jam initially but as they towed away cars and buses with all tires flat but I bet nobody else would run over them after having to pay for towing and new tires. Are they scared they will get violent? Don't the cops have guns? Isn't it okay to shoot people when a cop feels his life is at risk from them?!?!? Are Thais really this into peace or just a bunch of _____ (fill in the blank).

It is just insane for any police force to allow their authority to be ignored. THIS IS WHAT ENCOURAGES and CREATES more violent confrontation.

Marching on roads for a couple days ... no problem ... let them be heard. Throw a rock (deadly weapon) at a cop then shoot them.

I say this like some right wing nut but I am very much a liberal person but there has to be law and order. If the laws are so oppressive then yes, take up arms and fight the government but only if you are prepared to die because it is called a Civil WAR. Though I never understood what was civil about any war.


State of Emergency? LMAO...The red 'mob' looks very threatening indeed outside. :)

Even if the demonstrations are going to paralyse Bangkok, as long as they can do it peacefully I say all the power to them. They obviously have learned from another certain movement that by occupying public buildings fro months and holding a city for ransom you get what you want and can topple a government.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander!


The red shirted leaders have made it clear they intend to cripple the city of Bangkok INDEFINITELY

Or at least until their cash payments runout.

Takes a lot of Banknotes for a paid mob to cripple a city indefinitely.

30 billion IS A LOT of banknotes !

30 miljon notes of 1000 bht

you can pay 1 milj people during 15 days (2000bht/day)

By that time everything stands still ! :)

QUOTE (Jingthing @ 2010-03-14 01:55:04)

The red shirted leaders have made it clear they intend to cripple the city of Bangkok INDEFINITELY/quote]

Caution should be the watchword regarding the comment '' CRIPPLING THE CITY INDEFINITELY.''

The good burghers of Bangkok may well resent the interruption of their daily trading routines and may well be inclined to ''CRIPPLE'' any Red Shirt or any other body whom they may deem as interfering with their daily efforts to make a living.

One should never upset those you wish to support your cause, your enemies enemy may well become your enemies friend if their lives are disrupted.

Ten thousand, one hundred thousand or even one million dose not make a majority in a population of over 60 million.

How many of the 60 million chose to vote Abhisit into power?


My thoughts, the ISA and the state of Emergency have been forced on the Govt. & not by the redshirted people who are after all pawns, but by the high echelons of the Thaksin~mafia. I call it a mafia now & thats ok to say because he is a convicted arch-criminal. I think that the Govt. is right to do this, although it comes at a very tragic time.

What really is my point is that, I have been reading a lot about this impending, very bad drought, and food shortage.

A political state of emergency & ISA can only slow down the essential groundwork that needs to be done right now in advance to prevent this drought being a disaster.

The fact that Thaksin is attempting to force a Govt. and the infrastructure to its knees, and bringing essential preparations for the expected severe drought soon, shows him to have no love whatsoever for Thailand or any of its people, be they rural or urban. If Thaksin had a heart, he would have read all these reports of "worst drought ever predicted, water shortages, food shortages" and he would have said to himself "now is a very bad time to force to Govt. & the nation to a total grinding stop".

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