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Gay For A Day

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I am not gay, but I'll try anything once.

I always wanted to be gay for a day, mincing along when I walk, eating in expensive cafe's and listening to the Pet Shop Boys on my walkman.

Have any other straight people tried this, and what would a recommended itinerary be?

I can't promise I'll give it a go, but I am bored back in England so you never know. :o

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I am not gay, but I'll try anything once.

I always wanted to be gay for a day, mincing along when I walk, eating in expensive cafe's and listening to the Pet Shop Boys on my walkman.

Have any other straight people tried this, and what would a recommended itinerary be?

I can't promise I'll give it a go, but I am bored back in England so you never know. :D

I have no problem with being "happy" for a day.... :o

totster :D

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I am presuming you are just posting this to be facetious, Scamp, but if you did pretend to be "gay for a day" i think it could be quite an worthwhile experience for you to see the reaction of the general straight English community to you as a presumed gay person.

If you were to walk around the shopping district of any British or Irish provincial town hand in hand with another man (especially if he was somewhay feminine looking or fashionably dressed) I think the looks of distaste, not to mention the comments, from all too many of the troglodyte inhabitants would be quite an eye-opener for you to see what gay men and lesbians have to put up with every day if they are unlucky enough to live outside one of the metropolitan centres.

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listening to the Pet Shop Boys on my walkman.

I'll have you know, no self-respecting gay man would ever still be using a walkman...it's iPod, thank you very much, preferably in a colour that complements my outfit... :o

As for itinerary, I'd start with heading off to the corner office where you'll spend the day making the big bucks to pay for those expensive cafes, expensive consumer electronics, expensive clothing, expensive toiletries, expensive boutique hotels, and generally taking back the world that scorns you bit by bit...

Edited by austen
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I am presuming you are just posting this to be facetious, Scamp, but if you did pretend to be "gay for a day" i think it could be quite an worthwhile experience for you  to see the reaction of the general straight English community to you as a presumed gay person.

If you were to walk around the shopping district of any British or Irish provincial town hand in hand with another man (especially if he was somewhay feminine looking or fashionably dressed) I think the looks of distaste, not to mention the comments, from all too many of the troglodyte inhabitants would  be quite an eye-opener for you to see what gay men and lesbians have to put up with every day if they are unlucky enough to live outside one of the metropolitan centres.

Oh...gay men and women are so hard done by in the UK/Ireland aren't they..... why don't you go to Pakistan and walk hand in hand with your gay partner and see what happens, then you will be thankful of where you live... :o

Homosexuality is illegal in Pakistan and punishable by civil law with long prison terms (two years to life). Islamic Sharia laws were reintroduced in 1990 allowing for floggings with up to 100 lashes or death by stoning to take place. Which laws and punishments that are applied vary from district to district. The punishment of flogging has been abolished, except when imposed as a mandatory punishment under Islamic provisions of the penal code (including homosexuality). There are reports of homosexuals being raped by police while in custody

totster :D

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Oh...gay men and women are so hard done by in the UK aren't they..... why don't you go to Pakistan and walk hand in hand with your gay partner and see what happens, then you will be thankful of where you live...  :o

Homosexuality is illegal in Pakistan and punishable by civil law with long prison terms (two years to life). Islamic Sharia laws were reintroduced in 1990 allowing for floggings with up to 100 lashes or death by stoning to take place. Which laws and punishments that are applied vary from district to district. The punishment of flogging has been abolished, except when imposed as a mandatory punishment under Islamic provisions of the penal code (including homosexuality). There are reports of homosexuals being raped by police while in custody

totster  :D

Yes, and I believe back home in the US, they tie you to a fencepost in the middle of Montana after beating the shit out of you and leave you to die in the snow...among other things...

But hey, by all means, try it out for a day in England where I'm sure these kinds of things never happen.

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As a matter of fact, totster, I do not live in the UK, I live in Ireland.

But do you think anything i said is untrue?

Not sure what Pakistan has to to with a posting on being gay for a day in England on a board that is meant to be about thailand....

Edited by RonanTheBarbarian
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As a matter of fact, totster, I do not live in the UK, I live in Ireland.

Sorry.... I have edited my post

But do you think anything i said is untrue?

Well I didn't say anything was untrue.... The thing is, everybody has to deal with some sort of prejudice in everyday life, and deals with it... as long as there are humans in the world there will be prejudice..... I just though it would be better to remember that there are some in the world that suffer a lot more through prejudice than just a "funny look". You must seem quite lucky to these people.

I think many countries in the world could learn a few things from Thailand and their tolerance towards many things :o

totster :D

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I think many countries in the world could learn a few things from Thailand and their tolerance towards many things  :o

Very true! :D

..and perhaps a good note on which to end this thread which was started with questionable intention and will most certainly lead nowhere... (unless we'd like to discuss the merits of the above statement which would actually be relevant)

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The original post, like many posts and opinions about homosexuality, makes the mistaken impression that there is an easily identified gay lifestyle, gay mannerisms and public behaviours such as the way we wave our hands, swivel our hips, paint our lips, speak in high voice, watch Broadway musicals, carry certain accessories, and otherwise try to act more like women than women act. The Thai katoey is such a caricature of such a caricature.

Please keep believing this ridiculous tripe, whilst we more butch types (whether we be tops or bottoms) speak in low tones, mention the children we've fathered, walk without swivelling, watch popular sports on the telly, ride fast motorcycles, and otherwise fool those who deserve to be fooled, as we careen around the corner whilst going to see our lover(s).

Therefore, if you try to be 'gay for a day' - not a bad idea - act just like you do in public, and then when you get behind closed doors, get naked like you never did before.

Rather than signing off with 'ta ta' I'll sign off like Arnold did: "Hasta la vista - I'll be bock!"

Edited by PeaceBlondie
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So true PeaceBlondie, but wasn't it "Hasta la vista, Baby!!!"

I don't know if there are any statistics on this issue, but my guess is that effeminacy in men is about equal in numbers in the gay and straight populations.

It is interesting to note the poster speaks about the U.K., whose men often display many effeminate characteristics even though they are straight.

Any self-respecting man, gay or straight, anywere in the world, but in England, would have the temerity to speak in public in the fashion of David Beckam.

I suspect displayed feminine characteristics in men and masculine characteristics in women among those in the gay community may be just a public declaration of being gay in the most convenient way.

As PeaceBlondie said, spend your day as you would normally and then go to bed with a man and enjoy it, that would be experiencing being "gay for a day" as close to reality as possible for a straight.

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The original post, like many posts and opinions about homosexuality, makes the mistaken impression that there is an easily identified gay lifestyle, gay mannerisms and public behaviours such as the way we wave our hands, swivel our hips, paint our lips, speak in high voice, watch Broadway musicals, carry certain accessories, and otherwise try to act more like women than women act. 

Interesting comment PB - I recently came across this silly program on UBC called 'playing it straight' where there was a bunch of guys courting this gal (a real beauty for the record). Anyways, apparently she had to eliminate the one's she thought were gay, to eventually win a ridiculous amount of money. In the only episode I watched, she tossed out 3 that time and I figured they were straight based on their actions, mannerisms etc. WRONG. Just makes your point - stereotypes are just that. Not sure if she ended up with the right team and the cash or not :D

Friends are friends and I could give a wit if they're gay or straight, period. Besides, I figure the stats are more in my odds the more batsman there are on the other team out there NOT chasing the ladies :D

Gay parades tho?? What's THAT all about? :D Almost as strange if there were a flotilla coming down the street with Ward and June Cleaver's on every one (look at US, we're HETRO'). :D Having said that, the one in Vancouver every year has become a must see event. Overall point being, just be yourself, whoever you are. It'll all work out.

Steven, forgive Scampy, he's jest pullin yer leg imho. Besides, look how he got all us interacting here (or maybe crashing your forum?) :o

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Steven, forgive Scampy, he's jest pullin yer leg imho. Besides, look how he got all us interacting here (or maybe crashing your forum?) :o

Exactly, Baht. One of the definitions of trolling is posting rubbish just for reactions and attention, and that's just what this thread is- not to mention being in the general obsessive repertoire of the late and unlamented Harry Palmer ("Let's Play Gay" and "It's Ok To Like Ladyboys" being two of his favorite trolling themes). Better to squash it early.

Of course, genuine and rational straight viewpoints on gay issues are great to hear, and posts like yours make up a lot for the garbage on the first page.


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Is there some sort of "Gay test" that has to be undergone before a post can be allowed to stand.

"Sorry you're not gay enough"

Anyway, Scamp is ambiguous, if you met him you'd know he was confused sexually.

Very poor reaction from militants who are unwilling to support this member in his delicate rite of passage as the closet comes flying off.

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Is there some sort of "Gay test" that has to be undergone before a post can be allowed to stand.

"Sorry you're not gay enough"

Anyway, Scamp is ambiguous, if you met him you'd know he was confused sexually.

Very poor reaction from militants who are unwilling to support this member in his delicate rite of passage as the closet comes flying off.


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The only question now is Top or Bottom for the day!!! :D

Is there some sort of "Gay test" that has to be undergone before a post can be allowed to stand.

"Sorry you're not gay enough"

Anyway, Scamp is ambiguous, if you met him you'd know he was confused sexually.

Very poor reaction from militants who are unwilling to support this member in his delicate rite of passage as the closet comes flying off.


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Is there some sort of "Gay test" that has to be undergone before a post can be allowed to stand.

"Sorry you're not gay enough"

Anyway, Scamp is ambiguous, if you met him you'd know he was confused sexually.

Very poor reaction from militants who are unwilling to support this member in his delicate rite of passage as the closet comes flying off.


Look, this is not a troll post, I am merly curious to see if anybody has ever wanted to be gay for a day.

Ever seen the film Tootsie with Dustin Hoffman?

I'm not sexually confused, I just always fancied dressing as a woman but by Roman nose would not allow me to pull it off and it would be interesting to see the reactions of people.

I know where I stand sex wise, and I apologise to "Steven" for giving the impression that I think that all gay blokes were limp wristed handbag swingers in tight Erasure T-shirts.

The influence from this post came from a bloke down the pub who read an article on celibacy and something about Pope John Paul II lying in the coffin with the bishops hat on his chest.

My friend, (who's working class) misunderstood the passage and said... "With a cock that big, it's a shame he was celibate" which got us discussing if we could be celibate for a year, which I doubt any of us easily could - gay or otherwise.

P.S. I'm not Harry Palmer.

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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Scampy seems, understandably, to have struck a nerve in TV’s Gay membership.

I say understandably because an important observation was made down the pub, whilst discussing this posting with a gay couple I know.

By writing, in this light hearted way, implying boredom is compelling him to choose a gay lifestyle; Scampy is, by implication subscribing to the heterosexual myth, that being gay is a matter of personal choice. This mythology is dominant in homophobic cultures such as the Bible Belt in USA or even the Catholic Church, where the predominant theory is that you can treat gays – it is possible to demonstrate to them the error of their ways and cure them.

My mates are gay. They are homosexuals. Their sexuality has never been in doubt since they achieved puberty.

I know there are gays who go through a doubting phase as all do who explore their blossoming sexuality. But IMHO the most of these doubts are consumed with the question of how much they wish to expose their desires to public scrutiny.

Having realised you are gay; your sexuality is no more in doubt than it is for the most heterosexuals.

Scampy has demonstrated many times on TV his confusion concerning human relationships and sexuality. On these matters he is still, undoubtedly, an adolescent.

As a fellow Brit., I am afraid to admit, this is our cultural heritage. But go softly on Scampy, he is, at least, unlike most other Brits, IMHO, not yet sufficiently repressed as to suppress open discussions on this topic.

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As a fellow Brit., I am afraid to admit, this is our cultural heritage. But go softly on Scampy, he is, at least, unlike most other Brits, IMHO, not yet sufficiently repressed as to suppress open discussions on this topic.

Do you want this to become a serious topic Tom?

I've no qualm with that, and you've misjudged me again and failed to read in between the correct lines.

It is a mans decision when he 'comes out' not if he is gay or not, you are right there.

Thing is, many men have the occasional gay fantasy and hate themselves for it because they are terrified, terrified of their own sexuality and as a result they over compensate.

I know girls that have fantasized about being raped but it doesn't mean they would want it to happen in real life.

I went out with this girl called Karen in 1997 and we went to a gay club for a change and I was shocked to see her kiss another woman.

She dared me to kiss a man (we were alwas daring each other to do stuff and living out her warped fantasies) so I did, and it was horrible, a big wet horrible mans mouth and he went to 'touch me' and I have never retracted to such a small pathetic size in all my life, no matter how scared or cold I have been... It was scary, and it was enough, but I surprised Karen so it had the desired effect, unfortunately it also turned her on but that's another story.

That was my gay experience and at least I can say that, like any other man who has tried something before knocking it - at least I know I am not gay yet I can fantasize about what I want and not worry about it.

I recently had a fantasy about beating up and burning alive some local hooded youths that beat up an elderly lady who died in hospital as a result.

Doesn't mean I'll actually go out and do it, or that I really want to.

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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Gay a-go-gos in Bkk are awful.

The stage show is just buggery - in every conceivable position. Upside-down, perpendicular....

And they're not doe -eyed faun-like androgynes....

The dancers are surly mono-browed creatures who glare into the gloom. They have legs that are hairy only up to their knees - in a sort of reverse-goat arrangement.

...and they're not gay. One said to Mrs Moog, 'Lose the weirdo and i'll f$#$K you in 5 minutes.

Mrs Moog had said she wanted to see a show incidentally, lest anyone think I am becoming a gayist.

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As a fellow Brit., I am afraid to admit, this is our cultural heritage. But go softly on Scampy, he is, at least, unlike most other Brits, IMHO, not yet sufficiently repressed as to suppress open discussions on this topic.

Do you want this to become a serious topic Tom?

I've no qualm with that, and you've misjudged me again and failed to read in between the correct lines.

That was my point, Scamp: if you were not serious, then posting in the manner you did in the Gay Forum, could be construed as provocative at the least, given that it has obviously offended some of TV's gay members.

But let it ride. Let's see what others think.

(I see Moog has yet again demonstrated his compassion, understanding and intellectual prowess. You know, I leech in gay forum because I like gays - what Moog's reasons are, only Mrs. Moog can tell).

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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