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Are Many Thais Rude Or Lacking Developed Nation's Common Sense


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Before anybody slams me for “bashing” Thai people or Thai ways … understand that I live here, find Thai people in general to be great and generous people and I understand that people of all countries have what outsiders perceive as odd behaviors. But for now, I am trying to understand some of what I believe any other country would perceive as either rude, selfish or just lacking common sense.

Examples of the behaviors are …

Not holding doors open.

Being ignored (no thank you or smile) when you do hold the door open for somebody.

Pushing their way onto an elevator, MRT and BTS before departing passengers exit. (this is a funny one because in the subways they have arrows where to stand, posters explaining to wait and even videos running … what other country requires this kind of common sense advertising???)

In the last 48 hours here are a couple other examples of what I see as bizarre behavior…

A women w/child in lap sitting on the steps outside the door of a 7-11. Note that the steps exceed far beyond (both ways) of where the door is but she chose to sit almost directly in front of the door. Okay, easy mistake but why did she not move over after she noticed everyone entering and exiting was having trouble getting around her. Also note that this was not a crazy person of beggar. I do not directly know here but she lives in a condo near me and is by all other means a nice person.

A last example … two girls walking side by side very slowly on a very narrow sidewalk on a very busy street. We finally ended up inches behind them as the many people behind us did to us because they basically where causing a pedestrian traffic jam. Finally, one girl turns around and sees us and I think she will move single file to let us all pass. Nope, doesn’t happen. Then a minute later the other girl looks back but again seems to never occur to her to walk single file to let the 20 or so people pass. I think in most any other country this would be taken as they were purposely trying to disturb the people behind them … even odder is that it would be uncool here for somebody to tell them to move. I finally did say excuse me and pushed my way past them but they still refused to walk single file and let the others pass. My girlfriend and I literally had to squeeze between them rubbing up against both of them.

Yes, we all talk about the “Thai Way” but sometimes there just seems to be a disconnect in many Thai people’s brain about the way to behave. I understand behavior at somebody else’s expense where you gain but none of these behaviors benefit the offender. The BTS, MRT and Elevator will all wait .. taking a side step to the left or right to let people pass will not likely result in a pulled muscle and any benefit of getting some air when the 7-11 door opens surely must be lost when you and your baby are being kicked by people trying to get by.

I think that is enough examples and will not even getting into parents riding with infants on motorcycles while the adults where helmets and the leave their kids no protection at all ... or the idiocy of believing reversing escaltors at the mall will result in anything but pedestrian traffic jams and wanting to get the hel_l out of the mall sooner because it takes so long to get to the place/floor you actually want to go.

I would just like some opinions as to why many Thais seem to be missing these social behaviors. I used to ask my Girlfriend, “What are you thinking about” and her answer 99% of the time was, “nothing”. I am starting to wonder if Thais really are able to think of nothing beyond the bare minimum goal of the task at hand (sitting, going somewhere, and entering elevators) regardless of what is happening around them.

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Its not rude. It a cultural thing, and not confined just to Thailand. Asians often consider western ways odd too. If you live here, you have to accept that thats the way it is and a few wingeing farangs are not going to change things.

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Its not just you!

Plenty of examples of this type of behaviour daily, like the truck crossing the centre line when you indicate you are going to pass it.

Its part of the landscape, if it bothers you just push on by, nobody will be worried unless you knock them in the gutter and swear.

Women are the worst at the MRT/BTS doors. They just have to get that last seat for some unknown reason.

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The OP has touched on many social behaviors which are not accepted outside of Asia. There are a myriad of such practices which stymie Westerners. Even my own loving wife will open a pneumatic or spring-loaded door and then allow it to slam in my face if I am in trail. The thought of being considerate to another person, even a family member, just does not compute. They are on their own wavelength. It seems to me that Thais and other East Asians simply go about their business with no regard for others...none absolutely. This is not intended to create disrespect...again, the behaviors that we have been brought up on simply do not register here in his part of the world. This seems odd to me, because the population density here is greater than most everywhere else (except India perhaps) and one would assume that being considerate would be an important social norm. People are definitely considerate (obsequious?) to those of a higher class, but that is different than demonstrating simple courtesy to their fellow man or woman.

One of my peeves...how about when somebody decides to park his vehicle adjacent to an ATM or shop on a busy lane, impervious to other drivers who are immediately inconvenienced? Do they have any thoughts about their actions and how they affect others? I am convinced it is not callousness, but simple mindlessness...I have found that most Thai have one-track minds...a single-minded purposefulness which cannot be burdened by extra thoughts. The ability to multitask is a rare ability.

How about on the golf course...when a slow, wagering, imbibing group of 5 or even 6 Thais (or Koreans, or Chinese) refuses to allow a trailing 2-ball to pass through them...a very common occurrence here. In the West, such behavior would invite being escorted off the property by course marshals. Not here. Social etiquette according to our own terms is lacking and probably never will occur in Thailand. Thus we expats have to learn to accept this apparent rudeness and get on with our lives...and try to block out negative thoughts. I agree with the OP that most Thai people are among the most friendly and gracious anywhere. All in all, I am more comfortable here than I would be in my own homeland. There are distractions and letdowns to be sure, but they are usually offset by the positives.

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Agree with the observations, some people are just on a totally different wavelength.

Thais, on the whole, are probably the warmest and most friendly people on the planet but, as in any country, there are some who don't follow the usual pattern. I think that the rudeness in elevators and BTS is definitely an Asian thing - where people seem to have no common courtesy or sense of personal space. I remember once being on a plane to Beijing... it was full of Chinese ladies (must have been a social or sport tour). On landing, all of them stood up en-masse and immediately started opening lockers and grabbing their bags and the flight attendants had to literally push them back into their seats! It is the same in HK where they just seem to ignore everyone and everything around them and are quite happy to push their way in a group to get into any doorway. In a western country, we'd all be a lot calmer and simply wait our turn, getting through the same door with a minimum of fuss. But, as pointed out, it is a cultural thing and thats how it is done in Asia.

For me, when I'm confronted by people with no sense of manners or personal space, I'm inclined to do as the Romans do. If I'm getting off BTS and people are stupidly trying to get on I'll gently but firmly clear the path. Same as elevators. My Thai is also good enough for me to remind them verbally to let others off first, so no problems anymore on that one anymore.


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Its not rude. It a cultural thing, and not confined just to Thailand. Asians often consider western ways odd too. If you live here, you have to accept that thats the way it is and a few wingeing farangs are not going to change things.

Is this cultural -

Yesteday, i am waiting for a man to finish at the local kasikorn ATM Machine, till i realize that this fella is actually withdrawing 20K with the same card, to cover a 100k or more perhaps. Now, everytime 20k comes out from the slot, he counts it, collects the transaction slip and starts over again for the next round of 20k. He looked at me twice, till such time i gave him a nasty look and he stepped aside.

Prior to this one, again kasikorn atm, long queue of 10 ppl behind me already. And this bugger is doing the same thing withdrawing 20k over n over again. I had to tap him on his shoulder to show him the long queue, and then he gave me a stare (to which i responded in thai saying...wat the heck are you looking at.. the money is out there!) He moved thereafter, probably wasn't expecting thai from me.

Absence of Thank you's / please, not keeping doors open while the person behind is still walking in, BTS / MRT rush, its all there in big cities. People are too busy, occupied and out of time to show any public generosity. But, the ATM example is a first time for me, havent see that happen anywhere else !

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Thanks guys ... I would really be curious also to hear other's opinions and especially those of the people who do these things. I think you hit it on the head about not (hate to say this but..) multitasking with their minds.

At first I bought my girlfriend telling me that Subway / Skytrain are new and people don't understand.... but that is just BS. This is about what we in other parts of the word call common courtesy and common sense which I believe(d) is built into every person as is many moral convictions like killing, stealing. raping or screwing your best friends wife.

I just don't fathom how doing some of these behaviors they don't believe the victim of their actions should not take it personal. I am not saying by any means that this would be right but if somebody parked their car on a small side street (or motorcycle on a sidewalk) in NYC causing havoc with traffic they would not find their vehicle in one piece when they came back or at minimum it would be towed. Me, I personally think it would be ok to hold your keys out the window as you pass and let the owner of the car know parking there is unacceptable.

Thais are so great in so many ways about showing respect and not making somebody lose face in public but they have taken it to a retarded extreme. What is wrong with telling these people their behavior is not acceptable or simply asking them, "Did I do something to get you mad?" and when they ask why then explain you are trying to understand why they are treating you badly because that is exactly what they are doing.

I live on a narrow Soi with no useable sidewalks to the main road and people continually park on the street causing traffic to back up in each direction greatly as each car has to pass singly from each side very slowly not to hit the parked car, building or food carts. Yet the continue to build high rise condos. So, it is not just the Thai people but the government ... have they not heard of doing traffic studies here before building and getting the developers to foot the bill for fixing traffic issues their developments will create?

Sorry for my rants but I hit a boiling point or as they say the tip of the iceburg the other day when we visited an area with many people touting their wares. As I was in deep converstation while walking with my GF a seller would not go away and my first response was to shake my head and smile, then I said "No Thank You", then I said firmly no but he continued to follow us until I raise my voice fairly loud and said, "DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND NO?" ... it worked and he moved on to the next farang but what utterly shocked me was my GF asking me, " Why you no nice?"

Understand, my GF is really a great girl but she too sometimes just baffles me. I was going to leave this part out we were in Patpong because I had never been in my 1.5 years here and wanted to check it out. What the guy was selling was going to Pingpong show. I didn't take offence at first that he would talk about a women shooting Pingpong balls from her privates while I walked with my GF since we put ourselves on that street but I became irritated at the utter disrespect he showed by not taking the answer "no" the first three times and his going on to describe in more details the wonders of the show. But again what lit my fuse the most was my GF wanting to know why I was not nice and NOT what was wrong with that guy. When we spoke about this she said he was just doing his job.

Point is there are rude people all over the world and very aggressive street sellers but I don't know anywhere in the world that people would see me as the bad guy in this situation.

I have to add once again ... I realize we are all here because of the things we love about Thailand and it's people but I am just trying to understand this bizzareness in the culture and wonder how if ever it can change if Thais refuse to tell others what they are doing is not nice.

I mean for Christ sakes, the Red Shirts decided to run through road blocks on their way to BKK the other day and the police just let it happen?!?!? Why not throw down some spike strips? How many of them are willing to get 4 flat tires and their car towed away? Were the scared of violence? If they attacked the police with weapons then the cops should shoot for the head .. again, how many would continue that behavior if their were consequences. But God forbid that a Thai cop would want to let others know it is not okay to show police no respect ... which by the way, the cops doing nothing actually increases the likelyhood of violence because they are telling the protesters they can make their own rules.

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Its not rude. It a cultural thing, and not confined just to Thailand. Asians often consider western ways odd too. If you live here, you have to accept that thats the way it is and a few wingeing farangs are not going to change things.

>>It is not a cultural at all. I think it s just lack of common sense of some ppl. Nothing much about a cultural for this behavior. Some have but some never had this behavior. Individual different. They may lazy to improve themself about a good common sense thats all.

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Agree with the observations, some people are just on a totally different wavelength.

Thais, on the whole, are probably the warmest and most friendly people on the planet but, as in any country, there are some who don't follow the usual pattern. I think that the rudeness in elevators and BTS is definitely an Asian thing - where people seem to have no common courtesy or sense of personal space. I remember once being on a plane to Beijing... it was full of Chinese ladies (must have been a social or sport tour). On landing, all of them stood up en-masse and immediately started opening lockers and grabbing their bags and the flight attendants had to literally push them back into their seats! It is the same in HK where they just seem to ignore everyone and everything around them and are quite happy to push their way in a group to get into any doorway. In a western country, we'd all be a lot calmer and simply wait our turn, getting through the same door with a minimum of fuss. But, as pointed out, it is a cultural thing and thats how it is done in Asia.

For me, when I'm confronted by people with no sense of manners or personal space, I'm inclined to do as the Romans do. If I'm getting off BTS and people are stupidly trying to get on I'll gently but firmly clear the path. Same as elevators. My Thai is also good enough for me to remind them verbally to let others off first, so no problems anymore on that one anymore.


I have been to HK, Japan and Singapore but have not spent the time in any of those places that I have here. So, I appreciate the understanding it is more of an Asian culture thing than a Thai thing. Because it really does blow my mind because in so many ways Thais are so giving and polite. I did spend a few months in Singapore and at first thought it was great but then started wondering if they put something in the water because everyone started looking like drones or ants just moving about with blinders on with these blank expressions. I also did start to find many people in Singapore rude by American standards (which is hard to do). Not because they thought differently but they were just more open about being selfish and only concerned with "what is in it for me" ... grant it probably most people have this in their back of their head but they realize by putting it out front in the open they usually will offend people and not get what they want.

I know many people complain about Thais only being interested in money or farang money but I actually do not mind this. Every country is the same when it comes to this with tourism but they are just not as open about it. I actually appreciate the openness and avoiding the games and I really find generally Thais do it in an honest and respectful way. Example ... these working Thai girls cannot find good income here and want to find a man that can support and take care of them. They (many) are honest about this but it makes the Farang feel used when in fact most women in the world are looking for this but it doesn't mean they don't love the man or are attracted to them. In fact women in general do not find looks as important as men when it comes to a real relationship in any part of the world. In it part of evelution for them to be attracted to a man who can take care of them and their child. Men on the other hand are looking for young healthy looking women to help ensure a baby. We all love screwing and even if you wear a condom, the hornyness is coming from the need to procreate.

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Its not rude. It a cultural thing, and not confined just to Thailand. Asians often consider western ways odd too. If you live here, you have to accept that thats the way it is and a few wingeing farangs are not going to change things.

>>It is not a cultural at all. I think it s just lack of common sense of some ppl. Nothing much about a cultural for this behavior. Some have but some never had this behavior. Individual different. They may lazy to improve themself about a good common sense thats all.

I have a hard time believing 80 to 90% Thais lack common sense. I mean that really has to be close to the percentage of people who do these things. I am just dying for some Thais to come onto this thread and explain why they do these things or if they never even noticed they do these things and if now being aware it is incredibly rude and offensive, will they change their ways.

What I don't want to hear is Thais coming on here saying they don't mind having doors slammed in their face or being mauled getting off transportation services because that really would severely lower my opinion of them and will also have to conclude that Thailand will never become a modern civilization because they are so content on accepting idiocy that can easily be corrected. Even their own government is putting up posters and running videos in the subway about how to enter and exit the train. That alone should shame them into doing things right ... it is equivalent to having to tell a society to use toilets rather than taking a dump on the sidewalk.

Edited by johndpoole
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i got to agree with most of the people here.

Most of the un-educated Thai's to a foreigner seem to have no manners.

They live in their only little world and have no idea that there are other people around, usually walking about an inch away form them, trying to get past the

ever so wide paths!

One thing i often notice is the difficulty they have trying to get on a escalator! 1, 2, 3 go go go!!!

I think they are waiting for a written invite! :)

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Its not cultural or ignorance its just selfishness. Thais generally dont care about anyone outside their immediate family. The concept of civics does not exist here except when there is a possible advantage or its necessary to avoid potential conflict with one's neighbors, etc. If you dont believe me just observe the driving habits of Thais (a) behind tinted windscreen vs. (:) non tinted windscreen. What is cultural in Thailand is the act of reflexively blaming others for ones own actions. For example, a Thai knows their dog is vicious and still allows it to roam the street in front of the house unattended. The dog attacks another dog being walked on a leash by a foreigner. If the dog on the leash runs aways the Thais laugh how brave their dog is and how cowardly the foreigner's dog is. If the foreigner's dog injures or kills the Thai dog in self defense the Thais angrily would demand compensation from the foreigner for harming their dog. Basically, to enjoy living here you just ignore and avoid all of this to the greatest exent possible and instead spend your time doing things and visiting places you enjoy. there is no point in getting angry at or trying to lecture Thais to care about others; they are masters of blaming others for their own lack of respect.

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I've said it before: I've found that Thai's are unable to understand the concept of causing inconvenience to others. Whenever it happens (often) all you get is a blank stare of incomprehension.

Well at least I got my rantings for the day out but feel a little silly that you were able to sum up exactly what I was talking about in one sentence .... "unable to understand the concept of causing inconvenience to others"

But again ... would love to hear from Thais to see what they say about this.

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This is primarily a cultural thing. Not so much single-mindedness. It is much more pronounced in countries like Korea, Japan and China for sure. In my view, the Southeast Asians countries have seemed to adjust a bit more to these western public practices in recent years.

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What bothers me is the sight of an adult and a child walking side by side in the road, with the child on the outside and most exposed to passing cars. No matter how many times I explain that this is dangerous I just get the blank face in return...

This would be inconceivable in the UK and the parent / adult would get such an ear bashing from any passing motorists.

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I used to ask my ex if she could walk a little bit faster, she would answer I have been walking this speed for 27 years but would stop while she was talking. I would say you don't have to stop walking when you talk you should be able to walk and talk. She would say it's considered rude to walk and talk. :)

It's like when your on an escalator or one of them conveyor belts in Car4 or wherever you very rarely see a Thai moving, they take the free ride and rest their brain and when they get off it's let's see who can walk the slowest like they've got nowhere to go

This sh!t actually deters me from going shopping

Got to be one of my longest posts this

Stage 3 is a long way away for me


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Its not rude. It a cultural thing, and not confined just to Thailand. Asians often consider western ways odd too. If you live here, you have to accept that thats the way it is and a few wingeing farangs are not going to change things.

Is this cultural -

Yesteday, i am waiting for a man to finish at the local kasikorn ATM Machine, till i realize that this fella is actually withdrawing 20K with the same card, to cover a 100k or more perhaps. Now, everytime 20k comes out from the slot, he counts it, collects the transaction slip and starts over again for the next round of 20k. He looked at me twice, till such time i gave him a nasty look and he stepped aside.

Prior to this one, again kasikorn atm, long queue of 10 ppl behind me already. And this bugger is doing the same thing withdrawing 20k over n over again. I had to tap him on his shoulder to show him the long queue, and then he gave me a stare (to which i responded in thai saying...wat the heck are you looking at.. the money is out there!) He moved thereafter, probably wasn't expecting thai from me.

Erm.. While I agree with the comments in the thread about Thais being strangely spatially unaware I fail to see the issue here and if you had tapped me on my shoulder while I was doing my banking you would have been told to back off.

I used to have to take 100k out of an ATM monthly, what do you want me to do, queue up 5 times, or allow someone through each time ?? No I queue up and wait like everyone else, and when its my turn I use it until I am finished.

I cant even understand how else you would expect it to operate.

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This is primarily a cultural thing. Not so much single-mindedness. It is much more pronounced in countries like Korea, Japan and China for sure. In my view, the Southeast Asians countries have seemed to adjust a bit more to these western public practices in recent years.

When do you think they will realize having the mall's escalator run backwards does nothing but cause people traffic jams and bumping into people as well as making it take 10 times longer to get to the floor you want to be on, lol

Just kidding but is this a Thai or BKK thing or an Asian thing too.

And to be clear, I can guarantee they lose sales doing this and that they do not create sales by having people walk by the junk stalls to get the next escalator up. For one they are too busy fighting the lines people to get to the next one to notice the stalls and it also limits the time they have to spend at the mall as well as making being at the mall an unpleasing experience. The only thing it could possibly help the mall with is to convince the sellers they need to pay more rent because of the foot traffic that will go by their stalls.

I felt like I was in heaven once after getting out of a late movie and the mall had closed. The actually set the escalators the way they were meant to be set and you simply make a two step 180 degree turn to continue on your way as opposed to having two escalators dumping people off within a foot of each other and then walking god knows how far to go to the next set of escalators where again two sets of people are crammed together trying to get on the right directioned escalator.

This is not a culture thing but common sense because any study would show customers would enjoy the mall experience if set right and that they get no increase in revenue and in fact probably lose revenue.

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LOL...a thread full of many of my little pet peeves. But I have learned. When in Rome...

My theory on courtesy is quite simple -- until some "thing" creates some bond...no matter how small...there is no courtesy. Once there is any bond at all...the generous and kind nature of Thais comes through. Someone cuts in line at McDonalds...I walk to the side, smile, and catch their eye..."Oh, excuse me so much." I'm driving and trying to get into the traffic circle flow...I catch their eye...they wave me to go ahead. The simple bond of eye contact can accomplish so much.

Not rudeness, butbeing totally oblivious.

I live on Suk 24, with many Japanese. I think they tend to be even "worse" at it...with the additional ingredient of being "cold". Yet, the longer I have lived here...almost a year now...there are a couple of Japanese in my complex that are beginning to say hello and give me warm smiles.

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It's like when your on an escalator or one of them conveyor belts in Car4 or wherever you very rarely see a Thai moving, they take the free ride and rest their brain and when they get off it's let's see who can walk the slowest like they've got nowhere to go

I was actually walking to the top of an escalator the other day and a family with 3 generations was walking to it at the same time, I actually slowed my pace to allow them as a group to get on it ahead of myself and my GF as they had young kid etc, and just as they walked right into the mouth of the escalator, the father stopped turned around and decided that was the time and place to retie his childs shoelaces !!

Now this was a busy space and instantly it was more than just myself and my GF but others behind us backed up as hes bent over and blocking everything.. I gave the grandparent a look like 'really' and he just looked back baffled, like the idea that the mouth of an escalator isnt the perfect place for 5 or so people to stop and stand couldn't even cross his mind.

Another.. A few days ago stuck in traffic.. Wondering why a normally fast 2 lane part of a one way system wasnt flowing, after about 15 mins we get to the blockage and its a family mart stocking truck, blocking one lane and literally causing a km or so backup.. When I pass the truck I see that right in front of it, was an open pull in spot, it wouldnt have been any harder to park, any further to walk, or out of his way at all to simply have pulled into it. But no, parking in the middle of the road and stopping all the traffic while they unload was the solution.

Why this is I dont know, I try hard not to be anti Thai, but I am one of those people who is very time and motion, always wants to see things done in the most efficient and smart way.. Thais seem poor at logical deduction and problem solving, the cause and effect or problem solution type of stuff. So I guess I just see that as a extension of this issue.

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Its not rude. It a cultural thing, and not confined just to Thailand. Asians often consider western ways odd too. If you live here, you have to accept that thats the way it is and a few wingeing farangs are not going to change things.

Is this cultural -

Yesteday, i am waiting for a man to finish at the local kasikorn ATM Machine, till i realize that this fella is actually withdrawing 20K with the same card, to cover a 100k or more perhaps. Now, everytime 20k comes out from the slot, he counts it, collects the transaction slip and starts over again for the next round of 20k. He looked at me twice, till such time i gave him a nasty look and he stepped aside.

Prior to this one, again kasikorn atm, long queue of 10 ppl behind me already. And this bugger is doing the same thing withdrawing 20k over n over again. I had to tap him on his shoulder to show him the long queue, and then he gave me a stare (to which i responded in thai saying...wat the heck are you looking at.. the money is out there!) He moved thereafter, probably wasn't expecting thai from me.

Erm.. While I agree with the comments in the thread about Thais being strangely spatially unaware I fail to see the issue here and if you had tapped me on my shoulder while I was doing my banking you would have been told to back off.

I used to have to take 100k out of an ATM monthly, what do you want me to do, queue up 5 times, or allow someone through each time ?? No I queue up and wait like everyone else, and when its my turn I use it until I am finished.

I cant even understand how else you would expect it to operate.

I understand what you are saying but would you really not step aside if you had that much ATM work to do and the que got long? Plus, can't you take out more than 20k at a pop? Obviously he had at least a 100k daily limit on his card. I think the frustration may have also come from how Thai's love to count money 3 times before they believe the amount (always makes visits to the 7-11 fun). But I agree, this is an irritation I think we all experience in all parts of the world. But kind of similar to the store when somebody has 30 items and you are just buying a pack of smokes and they let you go ahead. I would be unhappy with this experience but wouldn't be pissed unless it was actually at the bank and the bank was open.

But do ATM's here have a limit on what they will disperse? I usually take out 20k at a time and have to go to a special screen to enter the number but I could swear I once took out 40k in one shot. I know my ATM has a daily limit and think many ATMS may have a transaction limit but think those are the off brand ATMS (not affiliated with any bank) but "think" the actual bank ATMs will give you what every your daily limit is.

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well, it's the way many are!

what does one expect from un(der)educated people who are told their life long that they are "the best"?

Boys are brought up like princes/pashas, girls are taught to be life long Cinderella's and obedient towards who ever whatever, the whole base of society listens to their village heads and follow whatever,

in general, or whatever the orders are, or services requested.

So ask yourself what can one expect?

They all know how to survive "out there", but not much else, so what?

We should feel pity and sorry for them instead of cursing 'em, help and educate!

We, Farangs with our knowledge,our ability to see this, shouldn't complain, but take action and help them out of

this misery or is there anyone who believes that this is a choice they've made?

Besides, anyone who can name a country where there are no "duds"... and still as good and easy as here, let me know, it will be my next destination!

Edited by Samuian
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LOL...a thread full of many of my little pet peeves. But I have learned. When in Rome...

My theory on courtesy is quite simple -- until some "thing" creates some bond...no matter how small...there is no courtesy. Once there is any bond at all...the generous and kind nature of Thais comes through. Someone cuts in line at McDonalds...I walk to the side, smile, and catch their eye..."Oh, excuse me so much." I'm driving and trying to get into the traffic circle flow...I catch their eye...they wave me to go ahead. The simple bond of eye contact can accomplish so much.

Not rudeness, butbeing totally oblivious.

I live on Suk 24, with many Japanese. I think they tend to be even "worse" at it...with the additional ingredient of being "cold". Yet, the longer I have lived here...almost a year now...there are a couple of Japanese in my complex that are beginning to say hello and give me warm smiles.

Ohhhh, I left out cutting in line. I tend to give space to the person in front of me to conduct their business but not much and there is always a que behind me when somebody just decides to walk up to the counter in front of everyone. I do take this one personal because of my skin color but at least now the girl at the local 7-11 ignores the offender whenever they do it to me.

I've always wondered what would happen if I just moved to the front of the line. Would any Thai speak up? I don't have the heart to do this but really would love to try it to see what would happen.

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Its not rude. It a cultural thing, and not confined just to Thailand. Asians often consider western ways odd too. If you live here, you have to accept that thats the way it is and a few wingeing farangs are not going to change things.

Is this cultural -

Yesteday, i am waiting for a man to finish at the local kasikorn ATM Machine, till i realize that this fella is actually withdrawing 20K with the same card, to cover a 100k or more perhaps. Now, everytime 20k comes out from the slot, he counts it, collects the transaction slip and starts over again for the next round of 20k. He looked at me twice, till such time i gave him a nasty look and he stepped aside.

Prior to this one, again kasikorn atm, long queue of 10 ppl behind me already. And this bugger is doing the same thing withdrawing 20k over n over again. I had to tap him on his shoulder to show him the long queue, and then he gave me a stare (to which i responded in thai saying...wat the heck are you looking at.. the money is out there!) He moved thereafter, probably wasn't expecting thai from me.

Erm.. While I agree with the comments in the thread about Thais being strangely spatially unaware I fail to see the issue here and if you had tapped me on my shoulder while I was doing my banking you would have been told to back off.

I used to have to take 100k out of an ATM monthly, what do you want me to do, queue up 5 times, or allow someone through each time ?? No I queue up and wait like everyone else, and when its my turn I use it until I am finished.

I cant even understand how else you would expect it to operate.

I understand what you are saying but would you really not step aside if you had that much ATM work to do and the que got long? Plus, can't you take out more than 20k at a pop? Obviously he had at least a 100k daily limit on his card. I think the frustration may have also come from how Thai's love to count money 3 times before they believe the amount (always makes visits to the 7-11 fun). But I agree, this is an irritation I think we all experience in all parts of the world. But kind of similar to the store when somebody has 30 items and you are just buying a pack of smokes and they let you go ahead. I would be unhappy with this experience but wouldn't be pissed unless it was actually at the bank and the bank was open.

But do ATM's here have a limit on what they will disperse? I usually take out 20k at a time and have to go to a special screen to enter the number but I could swear I once took out 40k in one shot. I know my ATM has a daily limit and think many ATMS may have a transaction limit but think those are the off brand ATMS (not affiliated with any bank) but "think" the actual bank ATMs will give you what every your daily limit is.

No I wouldnt.. Thai machines only dispense 20 notes at a time.. What do you want me to do queue up 5 times..

Also theres the whole privacy, risk, counting it scene.. No I stay there until I have my cash thanks.

I have seen thais with a HUGE sheet of paper.. Doing a payroll payment (I assume) paying 10's of transactions via ATM.. Once I saw it just join another queue.

Ohh heres another.. At the bank.. Go sit at the 'manager' desks, to modify something, do a passbook, and even with the little 'take a number' system.. Thais come along and interrupt the process, or sit down next to you as tho your banking isnt a private issue, checking out your passbooks and balances etc.

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The lack of common courtesy according to Western standards is definitely not a Thai thing. To a certain degree more or less it is an East Asian thing. I have lived in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, PR China and Korea - it happens everywhere. Now guess where this behaviour is most extreme: well, it's definitely Korea. Without going to details - if you feel annoyed here in Thailand you would definitely lose your nerves in Korea. I would say that Thailand is certainly one of the better countries in that respect.

You need to learn to live with what you cannot change.

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Personal favorite, reach the top of the escalator and stop there to have a conversation or make a phone call, while other people are crashing into them from behind. It’s baffling.

Okay, I have to be honest. One thing I like about the backwards escalators is at the Esplanade (spelling?) in Huay Kwang. Because they were not designed to be operated this way, when you go down you can see VERY VERUY easily up all the girls dresses going up next to you. In my adventures I've learned that many Thai girls, though always wear a bra, often don't wear panties.

Now, lets just hope this post gets the attention of some girls who will make a stink to the mall but more likely I have just dramatically increased the number of people using the escalator at Esplanade.

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This one is not fair to bash Thai's too much, becuase it actaully happens a lot in Asia I think.

I live in Singapore and get the same situations as the OP describes. In Singapore, yes the MRT has signs where to stand, notices to let people off, videos saying let people go first, but no one appears to take notice. They just think the train is here I gotta get on.

The ATM machine is the same. Although the last time I remember that happening to me was at the Goldern Mile Complex, which is the Thai center, so could have been a Thai :)

But all the stopping in the street, walking slow they do it in Singapore much the same. It is so dam rude.

Don't get me started on Asian driving! The more expensive the car, the worse the driver I think. The term giving way, slowing down for someone, moving the steering wheel just a touch so you don't nearly knock me off my bike! Just does not happen. You actually managed to get cut up from behind when driving in Asia with all the crazy inside line overtaking they do. And when you show your fustrations, you just get a blank expression back....

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Personal favorite, reach the top of the escalator and stop there to have a conversation or make a phone call, while other people are crashing into them from behind. It's baffling.

You beat me to it with that one. But also at the bottom of the escalator too.

And there's hundreds of driving common sense issues too. Now I can understand the motocy riders with a death wish that just turn onto a main road from a side soi without even looking. But what about the car drivers that stop, look, see something coming (and the road clear behind) and then pull out in front of the only vehicle on the road!!

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