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What Must The World Think Of Thailand And Thai People?


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What must the world think of Thailand and its people after it has been highlighted in the world media this past week?

We've had blood splattering, voodoo rituals, black magic curses. And then just now a news shot of The Royal Thai Police in force guarding the Prime Minister of the country's house. And instead of them looking professional and vigilant 2 of the police were holding up frogs that they've caught because its raining with a "look I found a frog" stupid face on!

Can't imagine the policeman outside no. 10 Downing street doing that.

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What will the world think of this on top of the airport being blockaded previously and all the problems people had that could not get back home and to there jobs.

A lawyer I know from Australia had this problem while on his honeymoon in Thailand, as it was he had to beg his boss to give him 1 week off work. Then he was stuck in Thailand, eventually getting a bus south, the price was negotiated for the bus. A few hundred Kilometers out of Bangkok everyone was ordered off the bus, to continue they had to pay again, then this happened once more before reaching there destination.

The current goings on in Thailand have caused very few problems so far, unlike the previous protest.

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What will the world think of this on top of the airport being blockaded previously and all the problems people had that could not get back home and to there jobs.

A lawyer I know from Australia had this problem while on his honeymoon in Thailand, as it was he had to beg his boss to give him 1 week off work. Then he was stuck in Thailand, eventually getting a bus south, the price was negotiated for the bus. A few hundred Kilometers out of Bangkok everyone was ordered off the bus, to continue they had to pay again, then this happened once more before reaching there destination.

The current goings on in Thailand have caused very few problems so far, unlike the previous protest.

If you travel to places like Cambodia and Malaysia and China and ask them what they think you get a simple answer: Nuts! or Crazy! or things I can't say here.

I am not trying to spam or generate a heated discussion or whatever..........this is the response I have been getting (for at least four years now).

What I want is what is best for ALL of the people and not a wealthy few.......red, yellow, or whatever color.

The internal rural-urban conflict is seriously hurting Thailand........its economic growth, its reputation in the world.

I am not sure if I can say this, but in my country if you fart the wrong way you are not going to be elected to anything.

This seems to be very different from the situation in Thailand......you can read between the lines.

Chok Dee

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What will the world think of this on top of the airport being blockaded previously and all the problems people had that could not get back home and to there jobs.

A lawyer I know from Australia had this problem while on his honeymoon in Thailand, as it was he had to beg his boss to give him 1 week off work. Then he was stuck in Thailand, eventually getting a bus south, the price was negotiated for the bus. A few hundred Kilometers out of Bangkok everyone was ordered off the bus, to continue they had to pay again, then this happened once more before reaching there destination.

The current goings on in Thailand have caused very few problems so far, unlike the previous protest.

Bad luck, occurred in the chain of events, where each one is dependent from original source event!

if this marriage turns out bad, it's the PAD as well....is it?

Get real!

why should anyone be bothered of what happens in Thailand?

are people concerned what happens in Benin, Zanzibar, Girgaun, Iran or Haiti?

Maybe the media... if it promises to draw a crowd to sell advertising to.... get real!

Who in the world "cares"about Thailand unless someone decides to make holidays here.

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The Baht has held up against every major currency....the Taiex has been up every day during the protest...and up again this morning.

If that is anything to go by...the world is not that concerned. It's like asking what the world thinks of France after the farmers (or students---or somebody)

has dumped garbage all over Paris...or shut down the main rail system.....or a bunch of animal rights loons go ape shit in London......

Business goes on...the sun comes up each morning......."dogs bark but the caravan moves along"......

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What will the world think of this on top of the airport being blockaded previously and all the problems people had that could not get back home and to there jobs.

A lawyer I know from Australia had this problem while on his honeymoon in Thailand, as it was he had to beg his boss to give him 1 week off work. Then he was stuck in Thailand, eventually getting a bus south, the price was negotiated for the bus. A few hundred Kilometers out of Bangkok everyone was ordered off the bus, to continue they had to pay again, then this happened once more before reaching there destination.

The current goings on in Thailand have caused very few problems so far, unlike the previous protest.

If you travel to places like Cambodia and Malaysia and China and ask them what they think you get a simple answer: Nuts! or Crazy! or things I can't say here.

I am not trying to spam or generate a heated discussion or whatever..........this is the response I have been getting (for at least four years now).

What I want is what is best for ALL of the people and not a wealthy few.......red, yellow, or whatever color.

The internal rural-urban conflict is seriously hurting Thailand........its economic growth, its reputation in the world.

I am not sure if I can say this, but in my country if you fart the wrong way you are not going to be elected to anything.

This seems to be very different from the situation in Thailand......you can read between the lines.

Chok Dee


In my travels most people don't have the foggiest idea about what is going on in Thailand. Thailand's economic growth is amongst the strongest in the region and the current government is getting accolades from outside sources.

Watching others try and shift this to make it about the yellows is kind of sad in a very predictable way.

The reds are now marching on their way to the US Embassy, why?

Al Jazeera just ran an interesting report on this silliness and did a pretty good job of it.

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The reds are now marching on their way to the US Embassy, why?

I think they are also going to The British Embassy as well. Can't see the point really, Thaksin is PNG in The UK, so I don't think they will be particularly interested. Maybe some more blood throwing there as well. :)

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For myself, currently working in the U.S., I think, "Thank God the Thai people are not mostly a bunch of sheep like they are here in Amerikana." Most of the people here in the U.S. take pride in being abused. We are, after all, as I am so often told, Number One.

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why should anyone be bothered of what happens in Thailand?

are people concerned what happens in Benin, Zanzibar, Girgaun, Iran or Haiti?

Who in the world "cares"about Thailand unless someone decides to make holidays here.

The difference is that Thailand is a major international tourist destination when compared to your examples. It is also a country that has substantial foreign manufacturing facilities and is a huge exporter of key foodstuffs.

Lots of fellas wife's and girlfirends hail from here as well, err....

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Well people in most western countrys will think what is the truth about the red shirts. They are poor and should have nothing to do with politics. The people throwing blood at the PMs House are just Animals. But then again most people who live here know about half that Thai's wont see anything wrong with this. If you take of the Tourist glasses and see thailand for what is really is..... The place and its people are not great. To sum it up, ITS A MESS OF A COUNTRY

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> What must the World think of Thailand

Well, don't forget that "The World" by and large gets their news not from The Nation or other papers with a focus on painting anyone opposed to the Democrats or the establishment with the blackest possible paint.

Quite possible the only thing that registers is that there was a by and large orderly political demonstration, much like there was one in Italiy around the same time against their government, and that this may be a sign of greater political participation among the population.

It's all good.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Thailand's annual GDP growth is, actually, among the lowest in the region and has been for some time now.

Investment money is going elsewhere. Why? Different thread and subject.

If you ask neighboring people what Thailand is like.......you get the answer I presented earlier from many of them: Crazy place....Nuts!

If you ask people from Europe and the USA.......many will say something like, "Thailand.......where is that?"

The fact is that Thailand is not nearly as important worldwide as some people think.

Certainly it is not as important worldwide as Thais think!

Economically, it is a fairly insignificant player in Asia.

Face it.......when it is known, it is known for one thing only........and that is something we can't discuss. :)

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What must the world think of Thailand and its people after it has been highlighted in the world media this past week?

We've had blood splattering, voodoo rituals, black magic curses. And then just now a news shot of The Royal Thai Police in force guarding the Prime Minister of the country's house. And instead of them looking professional and vigilant 2 of the police were holding up frogs that they've caught because its raining with a "look I found a frog" stupid face on!

Can't imagine the policeman outside no. 10 Downing street doing that

When I came to Thailand, it was obvious that the Thais, mentally, were at least 50 years behing the 'developed' world. That has slipped to 150 years now. :)

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I have'nt a clue what the rest of the world thinks, but i'd hazzard a guess that ayone that has watched the coverage must be rolling about laughing, because, baring in mind that this garbage "face" thing is so important, they seem hellbent on making themselves a laughing stock. :)

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apart from a short blurb somewhere in the international segment of the various newspapers, no one seems to pay attention. we are on the verge of a third intifada at the moment and there was a major losing face moment with the usa so thailand has remained where it usually is: a nice place to go for pesach. i dont think the zillion tourists that will be flying over will be daunted by red shirts. after all, we hd the orange shirts about 4-5 yrs ago (my son's fave colour and he couldnt and still wont wear orange shirts as the poltical significance still sticks to it)...and since then, have become colour blind especially if it means being able to eat bread during the holiday.

here, if the news isnt something with the usa, it gets back paged in favour of local scandals, corruption, and crime...



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What must the world think of Thailand and its people after it has been highlighted in the world media this past week?????

Most of world is feed news about Thailand in 1 minute’s news segments, along with all the other crap designed to keep the viewer tuned to a particular station just to win some ratings war. Impartially is very rare commodity in today’s news media.

Fact is most people know very little about Thailand (why should they) but are generally happy to share what they do know with you, and depending who you ask, and from with social background they are from, you will get very different answers. Most answers are a very sad indictment about Thailand, or more to the point people’s view of the country. The last time I went back to the UK, I very quickly stopped saying I lived in Thailand, too much hassle!!!!!

What must the world think of Thailand?

One word: sex, ladyboy’s, kiddy fiddlers, full moon party, sex, sun, bent coppers, sand, ping pong balls, seaside, Thai massage (way hay) Pattaya, bar beers, Pattaya, Thai brides,(me Ting Tong) go go bars, sex, getting ripped off, fake goods, CD’s DVD, sex…………………There’s some hope, elephants, jungle, islands, beach’s, hill tribes and warm weather.

As for red, yellow or pink shirts? The world don’t give a tosh, so long as it gets its two weeks in the sun, either on a beach, a young Thai boy/girl or elephant, and gets to go home with a tan, some fake trainers and the promise of eternal love from their new g/f, without having had a tank run amuck thought there resort.

I think Thailand is in the shitter at the moment and slowly stretching its own hand out to pull the flusher. The more it try’s to save face on the world stage the more it makes an ass of itself…… Come on Thailand wake up, stop talking shit, we all know Essan mentality covers a large area, just not 98% of the world surface.

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For my two Bahts worth! I get calls and e-mails from friends and acquaintances from around the world and most of them ask a similar question. "What on earth are those morons you have chosen to live with up to now?" As a previous poster put it, 'This country is a mess'. Noise, Litter, Filth, Superstition, Racism, Violence, Crazy drivers ... But I can safely reply, 'What the heck, at least the sun shines nearly everyday' People do pay attention around the world and it does have a cost!

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Previously, when you tell someone who has never been to Thailand that you live in Thailand, first thing they think is drugs and prostitution. Maybe the reds have lifted the image a bit.

Edited by Garry9999
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Thailand's annual GDP growth is, actually, among the lowest in the region and has been for some time now.

Investment money is going elsewhere. Why? Different thread and subject.

If you ask neighboring people what Thailand is like.......you get the answer I presented earlier from many of them: Crazy place....Nuts!

If you ask people from Europe and the USA.......many will say something like, "Thailand.......where is that?"

The fact is that Thailand is not nearly as important worldwide as some people think.

Certainly it is not as important worldwide as Thais think!

Economically, it is a fairly insignificant player in Asia.

Face it.......when it is known, it is known for one thing only........and that is something we can't discuss. :)

It would seem that some 300 million USD of foreign capital has been invested in the SET over just the last month, so somebody knows what is going on. Namely a country well on the road to economic recovery from the worldwide recession and a underpriced stock market.


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You are all talking like Thailand is something GRAND on the world scale. Get over it, half the world is completely unaware of what is going on in their own backyards, yet alone half way around the globe.

Aye you're right there. In my experience, half the world thinks Thailand is in Taiwan, and vice versa for the rest. I even had a neighbour at one house in the UK ask me if Thailand was near Siam! :)

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The International news feeds have not really been too focused. Maybe that's attributable to the peaceful nature of the protests, the general restraint and the emptiness of the situation. What is mentioned repeatedly in the news reports is the coup, how PM Abhisit came to power, the likelihood of an increase in interest rates and the strength of the baht. The stories that local farangs complain about most (e.g. double pricing, tuk tuks, sin sod, inlaws etc.) are not even mentioned. I don'tthink the world really cares since what is happening in Thailand has no impact on the world. It;s not as if something really really importanthappened like Michael Jackson's estate signing a massive contract with Sony or a strike at BA or Sarkozy having marital issues. :)

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The Baht has held up against every major currency....the Taiex has been up every day during the protest...and up again this morning.

If that is anything to go by...the world is not that concerned. It's like asking what the world thinks of France after the farmers (or students---or somebody)

has dumped garbage all over Paris...or shut down the main rail system.....or a bunch of animal rights loons go ape shit in London......

Business goes on...the sun comes up each morning......."dogs bark but the caravan moves along"......

Vicco..... I`m glad someone has some brains.... you hit the nail on the head... some people have no idea... water will come and water will go.... for Gods sake Songkran uses such a tiny drop of water.. and no-one outside Thailand gives a dam_n or cares in the slightest whats going on here...Roll on Songkran , lets have some wet fun.....

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Have to agree with a couple of previous posters - nobody in the West has noticed what's going on politically here.

If you ask them their impressions of Thailand the answer will have nothing to do with politics, but will revolve around things not to be mentioned on the forum!

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