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Thaksin Draws Comparison Between Abhisit And Hitler


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Each time this whacko speaks, he seems to forget that three fingers are pointing right back at him.

Isn't one of his right hand men, Jakrpob a screaming queen? I've heard this is the case.

It is too bad he injected gender preference into the debate. Is the translation accurate? I'm sure he's just terribly frustrated with everything that's happened over the last few years. In that light I think we should be charitable and understanding of his comments. How soon we do forget all the dirty tricks and the violence and the shut down of the nation's Airport the PAD was responsible for. In light of those events this protest has been milk toast.

Thought i hasn't seen the airport one liner for a while :)

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... Fact is, do you think Thaksin gives a rats ass what you or any other farang thinks, “Thai’s for Thai’s” He now aim’s every word and gesture at every poor/un-educated Thai.

He would have you believe this....but if you watched the motorcade today, there were perhaps 10-20% signs in english, with buzz words and photo opportunities for the foreign press. There are the shirts some in Thai some in english.





now given that the voice over was almost entirely in Thai, the people in the picks and so on were almost universally probably people who don't have an excellent command of english and prefer to use Thai....why do you think the carefully prepared clappers, the shirts, the memorabilia, has this english component?

It is for the foreign press....and some of the foreign press sit in the middle, some lean towards Thaksin, some lean away from him.

But....he definitely cares very very much what is said about him; much of this protest is being fought in the foreign press around the world.

The issues

- access to countries (he is already banned from UK, Germany, Japan - foreign media shapes government and popular opinion as to whether he is someone they want)

- access to information (column inches supporting him are important evidence that this is a local biased conspiracy and biased media)

- the war of popular opinion (other governments can also lean on Thailand to forgive him or to change things; this is an important fight he needs to win)

- changing the economy (ideally, he needs to prove only he can manage the economy - attempts to derail it play into his hands that he would be doing a better job)

His large team of PR consultants, the talking points, the key logic steps in the red shirt argument to link Thaksin's asset case to true democracy and the various interviews with worldwide news organisations conducted in secret locations don't happen by accident.

He is most definitely conducting a PR campaign for both locals and foreigners alike. In addition, the threats and the attempts to derail the Thai economy, for the foreign investors in Thailand, are a way to push the economic argument for locals through actions by foreigners.

The one group he cares perhaps less about are most likely the NGOs and foreigners living inThailand....based on his past track record.

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Well except for a few of the usual suspects attempts at damage control,

the last two days events have been consistent loss leaders for Thaksin inc.

What would really interest me is seeing a well done translation scrolling under a

video of this 'performance by this raving Kuhn T. I want to see how many ticks and

liars mannerisms match up with each statement he makes to really judge how much of this

is stuff he believes, planned to say in advance, or is just made up free-form random

association and he isn't even listening to his own words.

Regardless of TANS perfection of translation, there is more than enough damning verbiage,

to hang this guy in the village nut house for an extended vist, and yes Abhisit SHOULD sue in this case.

There is precedent of Thaksin suing people for telling truths he didn't like,

and clearly Abhisit has tolerated a HUGE amount of public speech aimed

at destroying his reputation, But this last is clearly enough to warrant a suit on principle alone.

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Let's expose this for the crude hoax that it is.

There is no doubt the that government has set up an actor as a Thaksin look/sound alike, to utter these words in a diabolical attempt to portray the man as being totally amoral, corrupt, and mentally unbalanced.

Mythbuster and Rainman will surely come in here to support me.

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I have said it for some time:

It was clear Thaksin has regularly losing control of his decision making abilities, when under pressure.

This has been a clearly visible pattern since at least the 2006 election cycle,

it grew in frequency in the following 6 months, and grew increasingly more obvious since the coup.

Particularly noticeable to the average person AND his die-hard fans last Songkran and this weekend.

I am of the opinion that this predictable loss of judgment was closely observed by those around him

and contributed in no small measure to the coups happening. He became a loose cannon too many times

in too short a period. Since these are very very poor characteristics in a nations leader,

on might imagine this scared more than a few people needing to work with him.

Anger, lose of control, and lose of self control cycle through him when thwarted,

and he seems to lash out. Without consideration of truth or consequences.

I would be very interested in having a true forensic psychologist

look at 20-30 of Thaksins public pronouncements of the last

5 years in sequence, and give and opinion.

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Of course this is again a very sloppy translation of what he really said. We all know however that abhisit is not at all in charge. He is just the concierge or the bellboy. The real man in charge is Suthep. Given the fact that Suthep,the yellow shirts and their leaders have compared Thaksin numerous times with Hitler and how Hitler came to power there should be a little bit more evenhanded comments.

At least Thaksin came to power legitimate, the abhisit government came to power because of the army and people close to the highest circles.

Suthep orates about how he will easily win the elections but he does not take action, knowing that he is in power and taking lots of commissions without the support of at least 60% of the Thai population. Thaksin at least dared to call for new elections during the height of the yellow shirt demonstrations.

The reason Suthep did not take part was because he knew just like now that he would lose again. Suthep is a dictator, Thaksin is not.

The homosexual comment is taken fully out of context. But who cares? Someone writes something down in a forum and everybody takes it for the truth.

Finally someone who has the moral courage not to be a copycat of the overwhelming trend in this forum !!!!

Sometimes once in a while i like to see balanced comments instead of hate mongering .

Thats how one forms his own opinion usually

Heil ! :)

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Of course this is again a very sloppy translation of what he really said. We all know however that abhisit is not at all in charge. He is just the concierge or the bellboy. The real man in charge is Suthep. Given the fact that Suthep,the yellow shirts and their leaders have compared Thaksin numerous times with Hitler and how Hitler came to power there should be a little bit more evenhanded comments.

At least Thaksin came to power legitimate, the abhisit government came to power because of the army and people close to the highest circles.

Suthep orates about how he will easily win the elections but he does not take action, knowing that he is in power and taking lots of commissions without the support of at least 60% of the Thai population. Thaksin at least dared to call for new elections during the height of the yellow shirt demonstrations.

The reason Suthep did not take part was because he knew just like now that he would lose again. Suthep is a dictator, Thaksin is not.

The homosexual comment is taken fully out of context. But who cares? Someone writes something down in a forum and everybody takes it for the truth.

Finally someone who has the moral courage not to be a copycat of the overwhelming trend in this forum !!!!

Sometimes once in a while i like to see balanced comments instead of hate mongering .

Thats how one forms his own opinion usually

Heil ! :)

Ok, again, so which parts of this translation are incorrect? I didn't see the original broadcast and would really like to know. TIA


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A quick check among the UDD facebook sites and surprise, surprise no one's even mentioned this speech. Either too embarrassed to comment or all of the sudden they've conveniently developed collective amnesia (which would explain a lot given that their fearless leader is already beyond psychiatric help)

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OMG. If I had any doubts about this guys mental state. I don't now. Even the most intellectually challenged Red Shirts would be asking questions now.

Well excepting those showing such moral courage to deviate

from the obvious truth of the matter... :)

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Let's expose this for the crude hoax that it is.

There is no doubt the that government has set up an actor as a Thaksin look/sound alike, to utter these words in a diabolical attempt to portray the man as being totally amoral, corrupt, and mentally unbalanced.

Mythbuster and Rainman will surely come in here to support me.

So astute.

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Your right 100%, I read the posts thought the eyes of an educated farang.

but, I’d put money on it that you, me and most readers do not view what is happening in Thailand the same way a poor, uneducated farmer with a wife and 3 small sproggs living in a semi detached shit house he calls home view it, and having to make ends meet on 100/150 Bt a day, if lucky!

Most if not all replies to this topic keep pointing out, what a fool he sounds……….. Sure to us, we have the luxury of being able to look over the edge of the box and make an educated guess as to what’s going on. Fact is, do you think Thaksin gives a rats ass what you or any other farang thinks, “Thai’s for Thai’s” He now aim’s every word and gesture at every poor/un-educated Thai. Is Thaksin is any worse than the rest of them? You know politicians, they will say/do anything to win, and then deny saying a word.

In my opinion Thaksin was never ousted for being corrupt, he was turned over for threatening the balance of power and wealth distribution in Thailand. The poor were starting to lift their heads and look around; this was going to starting to affect the power base of the rich. The jury is still out for me; whether when Thaksin was lining his pocket the poor were lifted by design or just picked up and carried along by his own money making agenda.

I don’t think much of Thaksin….. He’s no saint to me… But he gives hope to the poor of Thailand. I don’t have to hope day in, day out for a better life! Hope for me is, “I hope those MTB tires I’ve ordered are in today” Do I know how lucky I am??? I hope so.

In the end the contribution is a meally-mouthed Thaksin apologetic. Those in touch with their emotions (you know, the ones who wear bits of string around their wrists) are like so in touch with the peasantry.

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At least Thaksin came to power legitimate


Bribing others to vote for you is hardly legitimate. Unless of course one sees that as the norm

Come on . Is it a joke or what ? Since democracy exist in Thailand political parties have been bribing poor voters

Not an excuse for Thaksin but AT least be objective ...

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1. Correct: Hitler was not corrupt even though politicans around him were

2. Wrong - Hitler was elected with resounding majority in free and democratic elections

3. Wrong - Hitler was not married (until last day when it killed him!

4. Wrong - Abisit has not established Nakhon Auschwitze to deal with the opposition - but its a good idea

5. Don't know - we have no report on Abhisit balls, except metaphoric

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... Fact is, do you think Thaksin gives a rats ass what you or any other farang thinks, “Thai’s for Thai’s” He now aim’s every word and gesture at every poor/un-educated Thai.

He would have you believe this....but if you watched the motorcade today, there were perhaps 10-20% signs in english, with buzz words and photo opportunities for the foreign press. There are the shirts some in Thai some in english.






He is most definitely conducting a PR campaign for both locals and foreigners alike. In addition, the threats and the attempts to derail the Thai economy, for the foreign investors in Thailand, are a way to push the economic argument for locals through actions by foreigners.

The one group he cares perhaps less about are most likely the NGOs and foreigners living inThailand....based on his past track record.

Excellent post as typical.

But you forgot my favorite red poster line"

"Sweet face Lies! " :)

It's been obvious Thaksin PR campaign has been on TVF for some time,

Apparently we are more influential that many suspect or believe.

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OMG. If I had any doubts about this guys mental state. I don't now. Even the most intellectually challenged Red Shirts would be asking questions now.

Well excepting those showing such moral courage to deviate

from the obvious truth of the matter... :)

Everyone make up a story to justify their cause.

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Someone writes something down in a forum and everybody takes it for the truth.<br />
<br />

Are you trying to say that TAN, part of Sondhi L's media group might in some way be biased towards the ruling elite and may not actually report facts all the time? Surely not.

The ironic thing is that half the posters on TV who claim that the uneducated rural voters cant tell Thaksin's spin from reality are the same ones who take any TAN or Nation report as being the gospel truth.

thatzz a BINGO!

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I've been monitoring the one sided diatribe on Facebook UDDThailand and there they were comparing Thaksin with Aung Sang Su Kyi! And the amount of wonderful farangs on their inciting bloodshed in someone elses country is outrageous. Their usual response is "Obviously you don't understand or haven't spent enough time in the Kingdom to do so" They certainly hate dissent over there. After they made the comparison between Aung Sang Su Kyi and Thaksin I rebutted with the fact that just because Hitler and JFK were both "Times Magazine's Man Of The Year" doesn't make them the same kind of guys.

Just want to add my point of view. I would compare Kuhn Thaksin with General Than Shwe, not with 1991 Peace Noble Laureate Nang Aung Sang Su Kyi.

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I have said it for some time:

It was clear Thaksin has regularly losing control of his decision making abilities, when under pressure.

This has been a clearly visible pattern since at least the 2006 election cycle,

it grew in frequency in the following 6 months, and grew increasingly more obvious since the coup.

Particularly noticeable to the average person AND his die-hard fans last Songkran and this weekend.

I am of the opinion that this predictable loss of judgment was closely observed by those around him

and contributed in no small measure to the coups happening. He became a loose cannon too many times

in too short a period. Since these are very very poor characteristics in a nations leader,

on might imagine this scared more than a few people needing to work with him.

Anger, lose of control, and lose of self control cycle through him when thwarted,

and he seems to lash out. Without consideration of truth or consequences.

I would be very interested in having a true forensic psychologist

look at 20-30 of Thaksins public pronouncements of the last

5 years in sequence, and give and opinion.

What a great idea, let's call in the NCIS team, or The Mentalist. If that doesn't work we could call in the physiatrist from Two and Half Men

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The characters in the below spoof in no way represent anybody living or dead....maybe.

Reporter: What proof do you have that the current Thai government is bribing protesters to leave the rally?

Mr X: I saw some video footage of someone giving money to my people. Obviously it was him who arranged this. <short pause & bewildered expression on face> Did you hear that?

Reporter: No, I didn't hear anything. Wasn't that footage of "your" money being given to the protesters?

Mr X: My money? I don't have any money! He took all of it, the <mumbles obsenities under breath>. <short pause> I just heard it again!!!

Reporter: I didn't hear a thing. You also claim that he has a mental disorder.

Mr X: Yes, I do. <short pause whilst looking intensely at a switched off television> He has Benevolence Syndrome...a nasty disorder. I am happy to state that I will never suffer from this terrible affliction. My psychologist told me & so did that television.

Reporter: I see. You said that his disorder is similar to what Hitler suffered.

Mr X: That's true. Hitler walked all over his country, wearing nothing but a robe & a pair of glasses. He had everybody convinced that he was a "good guy"...but we all know that this was rubbish. Anybody who wears nothing but a robe & glasses & walks everywhere must be totally nuts.

Reporter: Wasn't that Ghandi of India?

Mr X: No. It was Hitler, you peasant. This is why I get paid the big bucks & you are a peasant reporter.

Reporter: You just told me you don't have any money!?

Mr X: Money? What money? He took it all!!! God, how many times do I...<suddenly stops talking & looks intensely at the switched off television. He nods slowly at the blank television>.

Reporter: Is there something wrong?

Mr X: Not at all. By the way, I hope you don't drink the water in Bangkok.

Reporter: What water are you talking about?

Mr X: Any water.

Reporter: Even bottled water?

Mr X: Yes. He has put something in the water that is poisonous.

Reporter: You mean, he has been to every bottled water company in Bangkok & put poison into the water? How?

Mr X: I'm not sure but he is a very clever man...but not as clever as me <big grin>.

Reporter: What did he put in the water?

Mr X: Something that's not good. <short pause>. Did you hear that?

Reporter: I can only hear you. Is it true that he does not like to talk alone, has problems controlling his ambitions and violent tendencies.

Mr X: Of course it's true! Everybody knows that he is so unimportant that he has to speak to other people whereas I speak directly to god on a regular basis. God & I are best buddies <big grin again>. You know, he always wanted to be PM even though god selected me for that position. Obviously, he cannot control his ambitions. As far as the violence is concerned, look what he did in relation to the airport...and other stuff.

Reporter: What about the "bloodbath" event?

Mr X: There was no bath involved...just a shitload of my people's blood. Here...you can give blood too if you want <hands reporter appropriate blood collecting apparatus>.

Reporter: I can't give blood...I'm gay.

Mr X: What!!! I thought that all gay people had blood but maybe you're different. Just don't give me any of your emotional problems, ok? Actually, god told me that being gay was...<reporter cuts off Mr X with the next question>.

Reporter: Why do you want to go back to Thailand?

Mr X: Well...ya see...nobody seems to like me in other countries although I smile all the time. They all want my money, the greedy bastards.

Reporter: But you said that you don't have any money!

Mr X: Money? What money? He took it all!!!

Reporter: Thankyou for your time Mr X.

Mr X: A pleasure. You know, you do look a bit like Hitler yourself...except your about 15cm taller, you don't have glasses, you don't wear a robe, you weigh about 95kg & you're black. <short pause> Did you hear those voices?

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Of course this is again a very sloppy translation of what he really said.

Almost as good as your master.

I remember one time taksin did something completely different as what he said shortly before.

His explanation: I'm not good at Thai anymore as I use the northern dialect all the time. LOL

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