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Deposed Thai Premier Thaksin Now In Montenegro


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Thaksin Declares Montenegrin Citizenship

UPDATE : 27 April 2010

TAN Network

Ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra was spotted in Montenegro yesterday and has declared himself a Montenegrin citizen.

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who is now confirmed to carry a Montenegrin passport, arrived in Montenegro last week and fully declared himself a Montenegrin citizen via the foreign press.

Thaksin claimed that he has traveled to Montenegro to discuss investment opportunities with representatives from Greece's First Financial Bank and owner of Restis Group, Victor Restis, who owns the luxurious Sveti Stefan Island. Both parties have denied that any agreements or opportunities have materialized.

Thaksin also stated that he is still in contact with Thailand's red-shirt members and is still urging the protesters to fight for democracy and justice.

Curiosity was raised when Thaksin did not comment on his illness, nor the dispersion of the red-shirt demonstration in Thailand.

Thaksin is rumored to be suffering from testical cancer and reports have surfaced that he went into shock while undergoing chemotherapy.


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That's odd, because a friend of mine sent me this picture from Montenegro. It was a display photo in front of a box and in the photo, he didn't look too good.


You can't fool me, thats Sutichai Yoon and I claim my b500 :) Perhaps they're related? I think we should be told

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So watching Thaksin in Montenegro speaking on the telly of the Redshirts, was he dead or alive while speaking? I know Montenegro isn't far from Transylvania and also the home turf of Vlad the Impaler, so I and many others still remain uncertain whether Thaksin is of the living, the dead or the undead. :)

The same might apply to Montenegro itself :D .

Edited by Publicus
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Today, he's supposedly off in Russia:


Former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra poses for a photograph in this picture taken in Moscow April 27, 2010 and obtained from his Facebook page

Reuters (52 minutes ago)

Now to address the conspiracy theorists: Shouldn't there be a visible shadow from Thaksin in the lower left corner for this picture?

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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Today, he's supposedly off in Russia:


Former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra poses for a photograph in this picture taken in Moscow April 27, 2010 and obtained from his Facebook page

Reuters (52 minutes ago)

If you believe this picture, you'll buy my watch :)

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Today, he's supposedly off in Russia:


Former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra poses for a photograph in this picture taken in Moscow April 27, 2010 and obtained from his Facebook page

Reuters (52 minutes ago)

Now to address the conspiracy theorists: Shouldn't there be a visible shadow from Thaksin in the lower left corner for this picture?

Conspiracy? Either a vamp does or doesn't reflect in a mirror. It's legend therefore it's true, same as Thaksin's assertions that Thai culture is inherently and natually corrupt, therefore Thaksin is legit. :)

Which is another reason the chief Himself has sought out refuge (refuse?) in the center of the rule of law, Montenegro.

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One of the hall marks of succesful Perception Management is to convince or lead a few 'regular people',

to actually back up their story being sold, by posting things that appeal to 2-3 individuals pet peaves

and 'creating a tie-in' they can then run with.

Also a major component is belittling or denigrating the more lucid posters that go counter to message.

And of course make it appear a heart felt individuals response....

The WE I used was for 'those repeatedly telling facts' in the face of repeated short sound bite like lies.

Not that I am part of any organized team effort. I am an individual angry at the lies I see repeated

to help the criminal control Thailand, or take revenge at losing control of Thailand.

By taking this particular revenge and making Thailands leaders react to him, he is controlling it from afar.

The same power rush of being in control, making people, a nation, move to his tune. Heady stuff for an egomaniac.

Of course those in an obvious organized Team Thaksin effort,

will try and make it SEEM that this is just individuals doing it...

Some don't bother to hide it , just throw out the propaganda concept on schedual.

While others try to appear as 'real people' and back up the storyline.

Of course this then attracts assorted real people to back it up.

So it is a mix or PR shills, true believers and people manipulated to believe one line or the other.

The grand attempted 'Rebranding of the Red Shirts', has been one of the harder fought Perception Management battles of late.

Even got through to CNN today. His team did a fine job in Montenegro though, as shown in this thread.

But it hasn't worked as well in places that actually matter in the bigger picture.

But Thaksin has shot himself in the foot so many times, it is a losing battle in the long run.

Maybe you believed a real truth, or maybe you have just been played by experts.

Are you having a laugh or are you genuinely bonkers?

Thats the best reply you have,pathetic

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"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

Montenegro profound! Consider sending what you are certain is a news bulletin to your prime minister, who's hiding behing sovereign immunity from money laundering and other criminal charges.


You would do well to advise your citizen Thaksin of the point you are trying to make as Thaksin himself and your PM continue to wallow about in their criminal fugitive abyss.

As the Lady once said to Churchill, "Sir, you are drunk." Churchill's famous reply is History, "Yes madam, I am drunk but in the morning you still will be ugly."


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That's odd, because a friend of mine sent me this picture from Montenegro. It was a display photo in front of a box and in the photo, he didn't look too good.


You can't fool me, thats Sutichai Yoon and I claim my b500 :) Perhaps they're related? I think we should be told

I've seen that guy before


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I recently heard that the Thai government really do love him & as such, they are sending him on a 'moon mission'.

When Thaksin was asked about his thoughts on this, he said, "I will become a true 'moon face'. Also, my brokers are currently in talks with the yanks regarding the price for which they wish to sell the moon to me. I'm even thinking about forming a Lunar Football Club. I think I'll call it 'Lunatics United'. Of course, the jerseys will be red.

As soon as the sale goes through, I am banning the moon from ever being yellow...ever again. It can be red, white, blue or even orange...but never yellow."

Apparently, the sale went through & old 'moon face' really is a moon face now. He arrived there today at 0714 GMT. His departure time is unknown.


Edited by elkangorito
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Today, he's supposedly off in Russia:


Former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra poses for a photograph in this picture taken in Moscow April 27, 2010 and obtained from his Facebook page

Reuters (52 minutes ago)

Very observant

Every thing has a 10 o'clock shadow except Taskin

Ghost of fake

Thai wife says must be a Ghost

Going one step further I placed the photo on to the works computer that can find colour difference, and it shows a white outline .5 pixels wide all around Taskins body

There is a shadow below the lamp post, in its present position it should have continued across Taskins body at the point where the photo was taken

But the shadow goes behind Taskins body

Looks like the picture of Taskin was placed over the shadow

a well done fake, but definatly a fake

Edited by ozzieman05
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Today, he's supposedly off in Russia:


Former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra poses for a photograph in this picture taken in Moscow April 27, 2010 and obtained from his Facebook page

Reuters (52 minutes ago)

Very observant

Every thing has a 10 o'clock shadow except Taskin

Ghost of fake

Thai wife says must be a Ghost

Going one step further I placed the photo on to the works computer that can find colour difference, and it shows a white outline .5 pixels wide all around Taskins body

There is a shadow below the lamp post, in its present position it should have continued across Taskins body at the point where the photo was taken

But the shadow goes behind Taskins body

Looks like the picture of Taskin was placed over the shadow

a well done fake, but definatly a fake

Maybe this supports the other story that Thaksin is broke. He has no money left for travel. He definitely has set some records; How a wealthy billionare can lose all his wealth in a short time. That includes the billions outside of Thailand. Stupidity. And some people think he can run a country.

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I recently heard that the Thai government really do love him & as such, they are sending him on a 'moon mission'.

When Thaksin was asked about his thoughts on this, he said, "I will become a true 'moon face'. Also, my brokers are currently in talks with the yanks regarding the price for which they wish to sell the moon to me. I'm even thinking about forming a Lunar Football Club. I think I'll call it 'Lunatics United'. Of course, the jerseys will be red.

As soon as the sale goes through, I am banning the moon from ever being yellow...ever again. It can be red, white, blue or even orange...but never yellow."

Apparently, the sale went through & old 'moon face' really is a moon face now. He arrived there today at 0714 GMT. His departure time is unknown.


This gives moonpie a whole different meaning. :)

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Gloating over someone possibly having cancer?

The obsession continues.

The sooner he is gone, the sooner that Thailand can come to peace and the Thais can stop killing the Thais. We all know that this is not about democracy. The is about money, greed and power and how the red terrorist want total control of the country so they can return it to corruption. They even admit that Thaksin was corrupt.

Who would support the red terrorist? What gains do you have with them?

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Today, he's supposedly off in Russia:


Former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra poses for a photograph in this picture taken in Moscow April 27, 2010 and obtained from his Facebook page

Reuters (52 minutes ago)

Very observant

Every thing has a 10 o'clock shadow except Taskin

Ghost of fake

Thai wife says must be a Ghost

Going one step further I placed the photo on to the works computer that can find colour difference, and it shows a white outline .5 pixels wide all around Taskins body

There is a shadow below the lamp post, in its present position it should have continued across Taskins body at the point where the photo was taken

But the shadow goes behind Taskins body

Looks like the picture of Taskin was placed over the shadow

a well done fake, but definatly a fake

I'm amazed. You guys have absolutely no knowledge about photography or shadows. Let me try and explain it as easy as possible. Everything has a shadow, you're right. Now, Thaksin does indeed have a shadow, but it's not visible because his legs are cut off above his knees. The shadow is there, you just can't see it. A person the height of Thaksin doesn't throw a 20 meters shadow like the pole that is behind him. Use logic, people.

Here's another "photoshopped" image for you kids to play around with. And this time there's even a shadow under his arm!


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If I remember some thread about Thai citizenship, it is illegal to hold dual citizenship..I realize that hundreds do, however, consider if indeed this is the LAW and the Thai Government confirmed that Thaskin is indeed a citizen of Montenegro, and moved to revoke his Thai citizenship.....Intresting bitch slap by the Thai government for all the trouble he has been giving them.... :)

Wouldn't that be double standard? Letting hundreds have dual citizenship but revoke it from Thaksin because ...well ...because he's Thaksin?

I had previously posted a thread in this forum,(not to revoke his citizenship)!

Suspend his (T's,) civil right's for a period of time,say 5 years,no voting no elected post,no nothing,declare person non grata,

Its done in the states and some EC country's as well for serious criminals.

He revoked a lot of poeples citizenship ,by killing them through the police etc. about 2-3 thousend suspected drugdealers/pushers and a lot of innocent's as well.Like a couple who won the lottery,jalous neighbors informed the Fuzz who shot them,that it was drug-money,a Lie,but the kids are dead.The money (1-2 Millions disappeared??!!Was in the newspaper BP and Nation years back.

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This is not 'photoshopped'...it's real. The guy who sold it to me even gave me an authenticity certificate for an extra 2000 Baht.

I consider it to be a great investment.


Sorry, my friendly Aussie, but you was ripped off! :D

With all this talk of PS, I asked my kid to take a look at five photos, just for fun and chuckles. Three came back as definite PS - 100% certainty. One came back as probably PS - 75% certainty. And the last came back as a toss-up - 50%, could go either way.

It was good of DeadSnoopy to give us his erudite opinion and lecture as to the validity of some photos. But my kid has been doing website design and implementation and graphics for the past 10 years, and with 4 macs, 2 PCs that he built himself, several different film and digital cameras, and more equipment than I would ever know what to do with, I kinda trust him.

So, Elkangarito....I've got some photos with really authentic certificates of authenticity, if you want to PM me :D:D

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Today, he's supposedly off in Russia:


Former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra poses for a photograph in this picture taken in Moscow April 27, 2010 and obtained from his Facebook page

Reuters (52 minutes ago)

Very observant

Every thing has a 10 o'clock shadow except Taskin

Ghost of fake

Thai wife says must be a Ghost

Going one step further I placed the photo on to the works computer that can find colour difference, and it shows a white outline .5 pixels wide all around Taskins body

There is a shadow below the lamp post, in its present position it should have continued across Taskins body at the point where the photo was taken

But the shadow goes behind Taskins body

Looks like the picture of Taskin was placed over the shadow

a well done fake, but definatly a fake

I'm amazed. You guys have absolutely no knowledge about photography or shadows. Let me try and explain it as easy as possible. Everything has a shadow, you're right. Now, Thaksin does indeed have a shadow, but it's not visible because his legs are cut off above his knees. The shadow is there, you just can't see it. A person the height of Thaksin doesn't throw a 20 meters shadow like the pole that is behind him. Use logic, people.

Here's another "photoshopped" image for you kids to play around with. And this time there's even a shadow under his arm!


first photo a fake?/!!

Look at the cars,no such thing in moskwa,look at thejacket of the man,the sleeves are way too long,and the shirt,must have found it in a skip.

Arches domes with crosses not in russia seen,come with onion shapes.crosses koptic,nuff said,eh?

might be wrong in all above?

The distance with arrows on the lamp-post shows 50m.no such sign with metres(m) in russia,the writing on the sign is certainly not cyrillic,connot make out much.

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