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Air Freshener Parade On Saturday


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Everyone complains about the March air quality in CM because no one does anything about it. Right?

Well aerosol air fresheners do work. I remember seeing a TV commercial for a Glade product (Johnson & Johnson, I believe) and the stuff is simply amazing. In the hands of a capable housewife, large swaths of smokey air are freshened in seconds, leaving a glistening atmospheric environment.

So, imagine what we could do with 100 cans. Yes, ONE HUNDRED CANS of Glade!

I am proposing we recon at Tuskers at 6PM. Remember to stop at Rim Ping on the way for your "weapons cache" ... Please avoid the Lavendar Lilac and the Peaches and Cream scents. They stink. Go for the Country Garden or Tropical Floral. Jasmine also works.

Let's Stop the Madness!

-NG :)

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get as many people as possible to breath deep as in exercising and the toxins will be absorbed into the participants lungs and bloodstreams.

what if everybody wore a personal water mister? Everywhere they went atomized water droplets would bind to the particles and fall to the ground.

how about getting people to carry big 3M filtrete pads taped to their arms like angels wings and when they flap their arms the particles will be absorbed into the wings.

get people to take deep breaths of dirty air and exhale the air into a straw in a container of water. Call it the reverse bong (waterpipe) effect.

let's think creatively.

People we can get this done!!!!!

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re .... That way we can do the 'shake'n'vak' dance too.

i can just about remember that coz ive been here too long but it was a nice thought .

naigreg ..... sad sad sad ... you are never going to change anything in thailand !

you spray away on your own ..... thais will never listen to you or hear you

thats a sad ... FACT ! ..... dave2

enjoy doi suthep ( where is it ) 7 march 10 .... NOT

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A few years ago Saab car company were claiming the exhaust gasses from there new car were cleaner than the air entering the engine. But only when parked in the most poluted part of london. Being as c.mai is bound to be more poluted than london right now, I sujest getting lots of these cars and reving them flatout on every corner.

Trouble is I cant remember which model of car it was...... :)

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Yes, please... lets also add CFC to the smoke and destroy the Ozone. :D ;

aerosols dont use cfcs these days as propellants, it is mainly propane or butane, and some others that dont deplete the ozone, but instead they are flammable :)

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