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Hi as my log in name says I have been a stupid Farang! I meet a girl on the net who said she work for a international company which she had in the past but she did not tell me she work in a bar and has been fleecing many many farang for thousands of dollars a month, one guy i now know of spent $20,000 in eight months and that is just one of us! Any way I married her then I find out later that she is working girl, she not tell me I found out by myself via her email. Anyway have been married for seven months and have found out she is up to her old tricks by seeing a farang she saw before. and this is now in the UK! Anyway have her on a plane to Thai next week as she is going to see family, I am going to tell her that I want a divorce over the phone. I will need to go back to BKK to get divorce, I will have one thai person on my side who can translate for me, but I am worried that she will bribe people and police to try an get money from me. My questions are, can anyone recommend a good lawyer, or offer any advice as I am a Farang in a bad situation in her home town

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There are about a dozen different reasons you can apply for a divorce in Thailand and one of them is adultry. If you can supply proof or a witness that she is doing what you say you have her by the short hairs. Look at one of the sponsers for Thai Visa (Siam Legal) and you can get all the info you need for divorce in Thailand. :)

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There are about a dozen different reasons you can apply for a divorce in Thailand and one of them is adultry. If you can supply proof or a witness that she is doing what you say you have her by the short hairs. Look at one of the sponsers for Thai Visa (Siam Legal) and you can get all the info you need for divorce in Thailand. :)

Thank you, yes I have emails between them and I have proof that she has taken other Farangs money and there is a number of Farangs who are angrey. But this is one very good professional Gold digger and am worried about what she will do and who she will bribe. A thai friend has said that even laywers can not be trusted.

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There are about a dozen different reasons you can apply for a divorce in Thailand and one of them is adultry. If you can supply proof or a witness that she is doing what you say you have her by the short hairs. Look at one of the sponsers for Thai Visa (Siam Legal) and you can get all the info you need for divorce in Thailand. :)

Thank you, yes I have emails between them and I have proof that she has taken other Farangs money and there is a number of Farangs who are angrey. But this is one very good professional Gold digger and am worried about what she will do and who she will bribe. A thai friend has said that even laywers can not be trusted.

If she has a car, get a GPS tracker (3,800bht) track her and catch her in the act.... (it is best to have videor/camera etc)

dont get angry, dont hit her etc etc. Just gather evidence.

Do not anounce your intentions to divorce, gather your money, hide it, protect it etc. before you let her know

good luck

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For real? I always thought guys like you were a myth.... How long did you know her before marrying her? 3 months?

Am pleased that you have found this funny, yet unless you can offer some intellegent comment then please do not bother to comment as I am sure there are many things in your life that one can laugh at!

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There are about a dozen different reasons you can apply for a divorce in Thailand and one of them is adultry. If you can supply proof or a witness that she is doing what you say you have her by the short hairs. Look at one of the sponsers for Thai Visa (Siam Legal) and you can get all the info you need for divorce in Thailand. :)

Thank you, yes I have emails between them and I have proof that she has taken other Farangs money and there is a number of Farangs who are angrey. But this is one very good professional Gold digger and am worried about what she will do and who she will bribe. A thai friend has said that even laywers can not be trusted.

If she has a car, get a GPS tracker (3,800bht) track her and catch her in the act.... (it is best to have videor/camera etc)

dont get angry, dont hit her etc etc. Just gather evidence.

Do not anounce your intentions to divorce, gather your money, hide it, protect it etc. before you let her know

good luck

Thank you

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There are about a dozen different reasons you can apply for a divorce in Thailand and one of them is adultry. If you can supply proof or a witness that she is doing what you say you have her by the short hairs. Look at one of the sponsers for Thai Visa (Siam Legal) and you can get all the info you need for divorce in Thailand. :)

Thank you, yes I have emails between them and I have proof that she has taken other Farangs money and there is a number of Farangs who are angrey. But this is one very good professional Gold digger and am worried about what she will do and who she will bribe. A thai friend has said that even laywers can not be trusted.

If she has a car, get a GPS tracker (3,800bht) track her and catch her in the act.... (it is best to have videor/camera etc)

dont get angry, dont hit her etc etc. Just gather evidence.

Do not anounce your intentions to divorce, gather your money, hide it, protect it etc. before you let her know

good luck

Thank you

If your marriage is not registered in Thailand, you should do that first, and allow her to continue her activities. I am not sure if you can register the marriage and then divorce her on adulterous acts commited prior to thai marriage registration. (i have this problem on my hands)

Once you have your money prepared, evidence gathered, and informed her of your desire to divorce, DO NOT go any private locations with her. She may claim rape, physical abuse etc etc.


Check in to phone spy ware, if she currently does not have a phone that will allow u to use spy ware, buy her a new one as a gift that can use the tech.... I imagine it would be well worth the money, and technically u would not need a GPS tracker at that point the phone would do all the work.

Good luck

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I called isan lawyers, and was not impressed. The people i spoke to, had very poor English, and communication with then was essentially impossible. Siam Legal seems to be a little better, and Sunbelt an improvement.

But to be honest, I have yet to find a group of lawyers that are excited about taking up my case.... I guess they have plenty of business.

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I called isan lawyers, and was not impressed. The people i spoke to, had very poor English, and communication with then was essentially impossible. Siam Legal seems to be a little better, and Sunbelt an improvement.

But to be honest, I have yet to find a group of lawyers that are excited about taking up my case.... I guess they have plenty of business.

A Thai friend has siad the laywers can be just as bad, it all comes down to money, my Thai friend has advised me to have two thai witness that I can trust and also to hire police to watch over me at the divorce. Crazy but when it all comes down to money and bribes, farangs have to watch out

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Why do you need to divorce her? Just stop giving her anything, unless you plan to marry another Thai girl who is going to know that you are married to one. Unless you married her in your home country where the marriage maybe considered valid, even then this is not a big problem.

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You could always threaten to sue her for 20k or more and tell her you are not prepared to divorce her until she pays , if she has another man she will probably want a divorce so she can keep on ripping people off.

Negotiate with her yourself and then when she starts to worry then tell her ok divorce has to be by a certain date or you will sue her.

just use reverse psychologey

Edited by saintofsilence
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I have met a couple of Thai women that I would considering marrying, they would also be happy to marry me, and this is the deal that I tell them. Everything is going to be 50/50. I will help them with some of the house expenses if the house is owned outright by them, or they are paying it off thru the bank, as this would be like me having to pay rent somewhere.

I tell them when I die they get the $400,000 Bhat that I have to have in the bank. They take the ABM card and go for it. I do not offer to pay anything to the family before I marry if I do marry.

If the woman is not happy with this, then she is not interested in me as a person and will not love me for who I am. I will not marry a woman who is not working or who does not have an income. I would never marry a lady who works or has worked in a club or bar.

I would only marry a woman who is already independent and able to care for her self and her children before I came along. After all, the question should be who supported you before you met me. Call me what ever you like, but the women that I may marry have no problems with this whatsoever. In the long run they know That I will purchase things for the home and their children that they may not otherwise have.

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How would you know if they had ever worked in a club or bar? (ladies sometimes lie about their past, as do some gentlemen)

If they can support themselves why do you imagine they would want to marry you?

at the OP

Did you actually marry this person?

1) in the UK

2) In the Amphur office

3) With a monk in the local village

Has she replaced her ID card with a new one bearing your surname?


You say you are living in the UK and yet your native language does not appear to be English, why is this?

Edited by sarahsbloke
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