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Australian Tourist On Phuket Drugs Rap


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Ridiculous !!! They'd better clean up their own ranks the BIB.

And indeed who is the old farang looking more like a meth head then the dangerous criminal who got done for 0.9 grams of weed. talking about cleaning up the country :) .

This country never ceases to surpise me.


TOT (tired of Thailand) smiley_smoking.gif

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Not even enough to roll a joint, anywhere else in the world the police would have thrown it away and told him not to be caught again.

Not true. so many places where u have to deal with this circumstances sometimes.

As said before, it is not the norm.

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If police in Holland find 0.9 grams of herb in your pocket they will laugh and ask you if you need some more then at least then you can roll a decent joint...

Nothing wrong with pot especially the Thai one :) but This Is Thailand and Herbal Beaver is not very clever to walk around with a even a useless crumb of the holy herb in his pocket.

However Herbal Beaver should be send home with a warning: 'we truly apologize for the caused inconvenience, but this is Thailand and, like America and many other countries we believe that councious people are a possible threat to the government, so we kindly request you to leave the country, thank you for your understanding'

Taking this as a crime is rediculous ofcourse and boss in own brain !

I'm always amazed that pot heads think that ganga is not a drug and that they don't realize when they are addicted to it. I speak from personal experience as many friends of mine (mostly Americans) smoke it .As a non user I can tell you Ganga smokers are boring company and I am glad the drug is illegal. I don't think these pot heads realize that it is serious for them if they are caught in possesion of it in Thailand. There must be better ways to enjoy yourself in Thailand than turning yourself into a half wit by getting "stoned."

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there must be more to this , or the ' White ' copper doesnt take tea money....

again, anyone know who he is, doesnt look like a volenter?

I asked exactly the same question to another volunteer policeman yesterday.

The man in the picture is a volunteer at Chalong police station, not with the Tourist Police or Immigration Police, hence the different to usual uniform.

He's Swedish and Chalong police district covers the Swedish enclaves of Karon and Kata. He's supposed to be there to help the farangs.

I won't say much more to avoid the risk of deletion of this post, other than that Mr Beaver was not very impressed with the 'help' from this man.

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In many countries, marijuana has been decriminalized not only for medicinal purposes but simply because it should NOT share a place with truly dangerous substances such as meth (the very worst), as well as cocaine, opium and multiple pharmacological products.

Liquor was legalized quite some time ago after the 'law-makers' had figured-out a profitable method to accomplish all of that.

'Weed' is purported to be the single, largest cash-crop in California which is, arguably, the largest, agrarian cultivator of fruit&produce in the entire US of A.

Perhaps people in Thailand and elsewhere will someday be able to understand how to discriminate the huge differences found among illicit substances. Indeed, most of these things can be deeply injurious.

But, when's the last time that any legislators witnessed the beneficial effects of marijuana unto cancer patients and to others with medical issues? Indeed, most USA MD's are paid to attend 5-Star events which are little more than drug promotions.

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Poor old Mr. Beaver, 0.9 grams of cannabis and they parade him around to make an example of him? How can the death sentence be mentioned in the same breath? What is with the wanna be cop where did they dig him up from? Yeah right, he looks like he has never sampled any naturally grown herbs.

Bet he is the sort of guy to cut out and keep the news clippings so that he can show his great great grandchildren when he returns from wherever he came from. I bet he is an over stayer and working without a work permit.

Now I guess all the do gooders and whiter than white brigade will want him made an example of.

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The other "cop"is a volunteer tourist police officer, see him around Chalong all the time...

He would HAVE TO BE A VOLUNTEER, theres no way a real cop would grab a set of chained handcuffs that way....fastest way to lose a finger :D:) .

Ohh & the australian is obviously a dope, are you telling me he hasnt heard about the risks associated with drug use/possession in Thailand, get real :D . And for all the people going on about it only being .9 of a gram, so what, if someone robs a bank and only get 2 baht, they have still robbed a bank, what about a rapist, he only puts his penis inside for 3 seconds, so that makes it less a crime, I think not. WAKE UP TIME - This is the real world, Cannabis is illegal in Thailand, you don't need a truck load of it, its just illegal :D

Edited by neverdie
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If police in Holland find 0.9 grams of herb in your pocket they will laugh and ask you if you need some more then at least then you can roll a decent joint...

Nothing wrong with pot especially the Thai one :) but This Is Thailand and Herbal Beaver is not very clever to walk around with a even a useless crumb of the holy herb in his pocket.

However Herbal Beaver should be send home with a warning: 'we truly apologize for the caused inconvenience, but this is Thailand and, like America and many other countries we believe that councious people are a possible threat to the government, so we kindly request you to leave the country, thank you for your understanding'

Taking this as a crime is rediculous ofcourse and boss in own brain !

I'm always amazed that pot heads think that ganga is not a drug and that they don't realize when they are addicted to it. I speak from personal experience as many friends of mine (mostly Americans) smoke it .As a non user I can tell you Ganga smokers are boring company and I am glad the drug is illegal. I don't think these pot heads realize that it is serious for them if they are caught in possesion of it in Thailand. There must be better ways to enjoy yourself in Thailand than turning yourself into a half wit by getting "stoned."

Well good on you. Obviously you are not speaking from personal experience since you are a "non user". I find many people who consume alcohol half wits too, but most are still my friends. :D

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Maybe the volunteer tourist cop is there because he speaky de engrish and speaky de thai? Anyway, oh noes. Holiday ruined, paraded in front of the media, name emailed all over the world as a drug user, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...

0.9 for 500 baht? He got ripped off in more ways than one.

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I'm always amazed that pot heads think that ganga is not a drug and that they don't realize when they are addicted to it. I speak from personal experience as many friends of mine (mostly Americans) smoke it .As a non user I can tell you Ganga smokers are boring company and I am glad the drug is illegal. I don't think these pot heads realize that it is serious for them if they are caught in possesion of it in Thailand. There must be better ways to enjoy yourself in Thailand than turning yourself into a half wit by getting "stoned."

Addicted? i suggest your learn a little about the substance before making such a stupid post!

I agree mr beaver should have known better than to carry this .9 gram but it does,nt seem many here actualy question if this law is just totaly wrong , My self i,m of the opinion it should,nt be a criminal offence in any country.

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Chalong has two [volunteers] they are NOT Tourist police volunteers, they just went along there and volunteered and boy do they take there job seriously, they are real wannabees and you don't want their help believe me.

If you have the misfortune to end up in Chalong police station ask for a tourist police volunteeer, they are in white polo shirts, these guys will drop you in it further.

Not flaming here, I do have some knowledge of these characters.

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The old cop close to him is a farang?

Richard Beaver, 28, was allegedly caught with 0.9 grams of dry marijuana by police on Tuesday night.

Mr Beaver was stopped on Soi Samakee 2 off Saiyuan Road at around 11:30pm.

The tourist allegedly told police he bought the drugs for 500 baht from a Patong Beach dealer.

Mr Beaver arrived in Phuket on March 10 for a holiday and planned to stay on the island for one month.

Whether he makes it home within the planned time will now depend on how quickly a court hearing can be held.

Four Thais caught with small quantities of ya bah (crystal methamphetamine) were also paraded at the conference, which took place at Chalong Police Station.

Wasn’t it 0.01 gram? Don’t they say beavers are clever? Wasn’t it a present from a cop? I guess they put that in his mouth, who’d say that he bought something? He planned to stay one month...here you are, there’s a high ( not stoned) possibility to stay longer in a small cell and delicious Thai food, or just pay a little fine and go on with your holiday.

Without being racist, but the cop looks very suspicious to me, didn’t he sell it? (Cop= Certainly Overreacting Pig)

I’m not a specialist, but ja-ba isn’t Crystals. Ask your doctor, pharmacist, or even dermatologist.

Let me be honest, maybe he just forgot to pay a little more than he paid for being brainless.

P.S. The old guy next to him looks like an unhealthy old farlang, could be from too much fresh air.

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Chalong has two [volunteers] they are NOT Tourist police volunteers, they just went along there and volunteered and boy do they take there job seriously, they are real wannabees and you don't want their help believe me.

If you have the misfortune to end up in Chalong police station ask for a tourist police volunteeer, they are in white polo shirts, these guys will drop you in it further.

Not flaming here, I do have some knowledge of these characters.

Those people shouldn’t be there, only if they got enough cash to buy a Hummer and some special weapons. They will never have their tactics.

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Ridiculous !!! They'd better clean up their own ranks the BIB.

And indeed who is the old farang looking more like a _________fill in the blanks then the dangerous criminal who got done for 0.9 grams of weed. talking about cleaning up the country :) .

This country never ceases to surpise me.

Was the missing word: Junkie? (A student was asking me that question.)

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Is that the best they could come up with? A bust of 0.9g. That is embarrassing not only to the poor sap who got caught but also to the police. Weed is so readily available in Phuket that I cant believe this is the best they could come up with. There is more to this story than meets the eye.

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Umm 0.9 grams..? Thats about half a teenth..! Must be the smallest bust ever..

Why didnt he just give the coppers 10,000 and be done with it..?

Hey, have you ever tried to bribe a farang? :)

Hahaha....this old Geezer, Assistant Sheriff, is just funny. Where did they pull him out from?

A Swed? Oh my god, normally they’re hiding behind trees because they can’t stay with other people. Source from a swedish guy !) Well, now everybody knows him. Time for a Whiskey man……………….

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good for him drugs here its a serious offense now for him not possible to come back Thailand

Yeah....at least he did not steal a beer-mat..... then he would have been deep in shi@

Now a serious question: The Immigration arressted a guy in Mukdahan not too long ago, because he sold some handmade drawings.

When the Tsunami hit south Thailand, specialists from the BKA Germany came over to indentify the victims. Officials came and told them that they’d have to leave, working without a permit.

Please tell me if this guy is having a work permit. If not a reason to get kicked out, even as a volunteer you need to have a permit. Or is one law not the same law for everybody?

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Is that the best they could come up with? A bust of 0.9g. That is embarrassing not only to the poor sap who got caught but also to the police. Weed is so readily available in Phuket that I cant believe this is the best they could come up with. There is more to this story than meets the eye.

I would guess that a photoshoot had been pre-arranged so that the Chalong police could show the world how they were tightening up their campaign against drugs. Rick was just the unlucky token farang.

That's pure speculation on my part but, believe me, there's no more to add to the story, other than the Phuket Gazette have got his nationality completely wrong.

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I'm always amazed that pot heads think that ganga is not a drug and that they don't realize when they are addicted to it. I speak from personal experience as many friends of mine (mostly Americans) smoke it .As a non user I can tell you Ganga smokers are boring company and I am glad the drug is illegal. I don't think these pot heads realize that it is serious for them if they are caught in possesion of it in Thailand. There must be better ways to enjoy yourself in Thailand than turning yourself into a half wit by getting "stoned."

Addicted? i suggest your learn a little about the substance before making such a stupid post!

Whenever I read posts like this, I picture the poster sitting in an internet cafe in Pattaya with a large Chang next to the keyboard and 3 empties under the desk

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