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Monk Kills Monk


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Monk kills monk

PHUKET: -- A monk was stabbed to death after boasting that the talismans (amulets) hanging from his neck made his skin impenetrable to weapons.

Phra Sunantha Phongsu-wan, 44, died in hospital earlier this month from a single stab wound to his chest.

Witnesses reported that the previous evening Phra Sunantha and his friend Phra Sathien Khamphira, 55, had been at Samnak Takhro Temple in Nakhon Ratchasima discussing amulets and charms.

Phra Sunantha boasted that his amulets made him invulnerable to weapons.

To test the power of their charms, the two monks slashed each other’s arms with a knife. The pair reportedly found that the knife did not make an impression on Phra Sunantha’s skin.

The middle-aged monks then quarrelled over whose turn it was to use the knife, and Phra Sathien slipped, falling knife-first into Phra Sunantha, the witnesses said.

This time the amulet failed and the knife went deep into the monk’s chest, killing him.

Police have charged Phra Sathien with murder.


-- Phuket Gazette 2010-03-18


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"slipped" yeah right. Nobody slips and accidently stabs someone to death! Get real. This is simply a story about absolute ignorance, and the belief in invulnerability based on a marketing ploy by amulet sellers.

One is born every minute apparently, I suspect it's much more than that.

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