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Bangkok Traffic Police Preparing For A Tough Saturday


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ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.............. In most countries demonstrations have to be announced and approved ahead of time....... Don't they need to advise when it will start and end?????? Seems like that would be a reasonable request to make of any organized demonstration and that it not disrupt the general public too.......... I think it is time to advertise that the streets will ALL be subject to a periodic cleaning, Then bring out the WATER CANONS and if they decide to clean the particular street where the red shirts are............. Tuff sh*t.......... Most of them could probably use a shower anyway, altough I think that most of their "dirt" is on their insides, and a shower won't help........ Strictly in my own opinion, however..........

what an idiot. This guy must have been living in Chile when Pinochet brought out the water cannon and conveniently dropped a few thousand Chilean "reds" from aircraft over the ocean.

Is that what he wants here?

You are talking about something that happened in Argentina, not Chile. It would be better to do some reading before making comparisons with South America, rather than cutting and pasting some muddled nonsense from your own mind.

ouch, but true :)

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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


Me Me Me, your only worried about yourself. 100,000 baht is a drop in the bucket for a farang so get over it. Oh and you didn't lose an money when the YELLOW SHIRTS closed down the airport for 2 weeks

Then I guess you belong to the elite and I don't ..... I earn on average about 35.000 a month so for me this is a very big deal! It is definately not a drop in the bucket. Were I come from, the Netherlands, 2500 Euro is not considered a drop in the bucket. And yes 2009 was disastrous because tons of productions cancelled. First after the airport shutdown and they came back by March .... after that came bloody Songkran and that finished the business for the rest of 2009.

I do not have the money or reserves to go through a second year like 2009. But since you say it is a drop in the bucket. Maybe I can get 100.000 from you? After 11 years of living here and having a family here I would be forced to leave Thailand if 2010 turns out like 2009!

Apart from that many businesses in the entertainment industry would fold making many 1000's of Thais loose their employment. When a production is on I employ Thai actors as well. I had to call 2 Thai actors whom lost 40.000 baht each (my take is 15% commission) because their commercial was cancelled becaused of the red shirts. Over a 100 Thai extras would have earned 600 baht each as well. So go figure with many productions cancelling left, right and center how many people are loosing on this stupid hillbilly parade. If you do not know what the fuc_k your talking about please shove it!


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argh im coming to BKK this saturday til tuesday. what should i do..cant cancel the flight.

dont give them the power to change your life, come, eat drink have fun...all these protests amount to a nuiscance at best, traffic has been a breeze latley, maybe not so this weekend, but when dosent traffic here suck :)

Fully agree == come here and chill, this last week has been 100% theatre without even being worth the price of the ticket.


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Chaos planned for Bangkok tomorrow

"The red-shirts have won the hearts of people worldwide as the anti-government rally over the past week has been peaceful as we said it would be", he said.


-- thaivisa.com 2010-03-19


World wide? :)

Analysts outside the country do not have an anti-Thaksin take on things like foreigners here seem to:


Well that line has been trotted out a few times on TV. Obviously all the farang newspapers and journals are in the pocket of Thaksin.

It is well known that international journalists sit in cocktail lounges with other journalists without even going into the "trenches" or doing research on the situation. Living in a luxurious hotel/ serviced apartment and just "newworking" with other jounalists keeps one in a bubble.

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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


Is it really necessary to insult people. Surely you must be capable to express you unhappiness in a civil tongue.

Please try it. People will respond in a like manner.

I didn't find the original poster's tone insulting at all but your condescending one certainly is, Miss Manners. :) How about some sympathy for someone whose business has been hurt by this fiasco?

the word hillbillie can certainly be insulting and used by this poster because he hates the red shirts is more insulting and besides thst, didn't he and the whole country suffer when the Yellow Shirts closed the airport for 2 weeks. Why does everyone keep forgetting about that.

You want me to call them what my Thai friends call them? And they are from Isaan as well as other parts of the country ....... Kwai Daeng, Zombies, Barbarians etc. And these are comments by their fellow Thais whom just like me are looking at their business being destroyed because many companies do not want to come here now that there are problems for the third time in a short period. We survived 2009 hanging on but if 2010 is like that many businesses will be closing down permanently.


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Supporting the people who are demonstrating is one thing.  Supporting their leader is another.  You will be looking for a while to find a post of mine supporting Thaksin.  I see little, if any redeeming qualities in the man.  I see a lot of redeeming qualities in the people protesting in Bangkok.  

The problem is that the people you are supporting have the stated goal of bringing back Thaksin. Therefore, if you support their movement you also support this goal. Personally I sympathize with the plight of the poor, but I cannot support this movement until the divorce themselves entirely from Thaksin and call for his imprisonment.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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I don't think any one on this forum has any objection to the poor being given the opportunity to work themselves out of poverty and to have a brighter more secure future. And as Abhist has offered mediated talks; which would be an ideal forum in which to bring up their hopes and concerns, and have some concerete promises laid down, as to how a brighter more equitable future can be achieved - A meeting with the PM seems the perfect opportunity. So why dismiss it?

It seems that the 'poverty' card gets played with the provision, that only a 'red' alligned political party is allowed to solve this problem and that makes me seriously wonder if certain political parties really want to solve the so called underlying problem. Or if they prefer to use poverty as an excuse to further exploit the down trodden.

The whole democracy thing is just smoke and mirrors. Democracy takes may forms in many different countries. And in 18 mopnths new elections will be held. If the Dems manage to solve the poverty problems in that timeframe. Then the Reds really will be up the creek.

I have a solution to the poverty problem take Taksins 46 billion confiscated baht and start some real help for the farmers and poor in general. You ever seen how the majority of the rice is planted, harvested, threshed etc. BY HAND. A lot of small tractors, combines and other farming equipment would help alot. And how about attracting, financing cottage industries all over up country. Interest free loans with credits for increasing production and industries loans with credits for employing local people. There is a lot that could be done with 46 billion baht. how many poor head of households are there? I have no idea but if it is 1,000,000 that would be 46,000 baht available for each for farm and business improvements. So what does the powers that be have in mind for this money?

:):D:D:D:D:D is that their mindset???

Good idea. The present adm. should do this to really show that they care about the backbone of thailand's working class. It would score more points with everyone (including the foreign journalists) than anything else.

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Why all the hate against the red shirts for disrupting the life of the Bangkok residents? Aren't these the people that consistently win elections, only to have the Bangkok residents steal the result?

No results have been stolen ... but they ARE the people that consistantly appear to accept money for their votes, and accept it from people that get caught for massive electoral fraud :)

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I stand neutral, but find it amusing that foreigners are getting their knickers in such a twist. Sure, maybe it is affecting your 'business' but like any business you have to factor in civil disturbances when you operate a business. Just as people take out fire insurance to protect their investment in a home, people should have the foresight to see that this kind of thing could happen, especially anyone who has been here since the last coup.

On Monday 14th I walked 2km along a particular stretch of Phaholyothin Road between Kaset-Nawamin and Central Ladprao, an area that has little in the way of slums, during the red convoy's passing through the area. I saw blue collar and white collar workers out on the street waving red flags, etc. I didn't see a single person vent any frustration. This doesn't mean that everyone supported the reds, just that they were not showing any great objection.

Perhaps the story is different in downtown Bangkok, but there are many areas of Bangkok where the reds do enjoy support, or are not hated to the degree some people believe.

I work in a private Thai school in this area and the mood there is mixed. There are teachers there who are actually going down in the evenings to join the rallies. Others are neutral, but far from backing the present government.

I believe that the reds have not applied an effective strategy, but they are far from beaten. There is clearly still some gas in the tank and this is going to keep running for the time being.

Those who believe that urban migrants, and even some Bangkokians, are fed up with the reds are very much underestimating the number of people who have not taken to the street, but would welcome change.

I hope that both extremes of the political divide can find a solution which pleases all, but that's very unlikely.

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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


Tak Sin has EVERYTHING on the line. He cares for NO ONE but himself. He WILL make trouble. It's his LAST shot. He has to throw a Hail Mary. Count on it!

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I don't think any one on this forum has any objection to the poor being given the opportunity to work themselves out of poverty and to have a brighter more secure future. And as Abhist has offered mediated talks; which would be an ideal forum in which to bring up their hopes and concerns, and have some concerete promises laid down, as to how a brighter more equitable future can be achieved - A meeting with the PM seems the perfect opportunity. So why dismiss it?

It seems that the 'poverty' card gets played with the provision, that only a 'red' alligned political party is allowed to solve this problem and that makes me seriously wonder if certain political parties really want to solve the so called underlying problem. Or if they prefer to use poverty as an excuse to further exploit the down trodden.

The whole democracy thing is just smoke and mirrors. Democracy takes may forms in many different countries. And in 18 mopnths new elections will be held. If the Dems manage to solve the poverty problems in that timeframe. Then the Reds really will be up the creek.

I have a solution to the poverty problem take Taksins 46 billion confiscated baht and start some real help for the farmers and poor in general. You ever seen how the majority of the rice is planted, harvested, threshed etc. BY HAND. A lot of small tractors, combines and other farming equipment would help alot. And how about attracting, financing cottage industries all over up country. Interest free loans with credits for increasing production and industries loans with credits for employing local people. There is a lot that could be done with 46 billion baht. how many poor head of households are there? I have no idea but if it is 1,000,000 that would be 46,000 baht available for each for farm and business improvements. So what does the powers that be have in mind for this money?

:):D:D:D:D:D is that their mindset???

Great ideas! have you ever heard of layoffs because people get replaced by machines? So don't forget to include a solid social security program for the jobless in your save the poor scenario.

I get that. But I've heard that before. Wait a minute - sounds a bit like FDR.

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Please be reminded that the whole circus started right after the court rulings. Why not before?

It tells pretty much of who's in control of the crowd since they(the people) had/have nobody to lead them through. They rightfully feel something's wrong but they can't express themselves, cannot explain what should be done and have no ideals - this why this government should take this opportunity to get closer to the heart of the matter so to cut off Thaksin, his cronies and to proceed to a real rural development.

There's maybe some good staff in the banned 111 for the future to consider.

Either way, a healthy opposition needs to be worked on and displayed.

Edited by elcent
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-- The Nation 19/03/2010


The red shirts plan to go along various roads including Silom, Ratchadaphisek and Rama IV roads marking a distance of over 80 kilometres.

"If you don't have to run any errand outside, please stay home," Sukhumbhand said Friday.

He said more than 200 city policemen would be mobilised today to help facilitate traffic in the capital.

Metropolitan Police Bureau spokesman Maj General Piya Uthayo said security would be beefed up to boost the safety of demonstrators and general people.

"Checkpoints will be strictly manned and more patrols will be conducted on foot," he said.

Piya was speaking after senior police officers yesterday met to discuss on how to ensure public order during the red-shirt rally.

House arrest for Bangkokians :)

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"The disruption is needed because middleclass people like Bangkok residents are naturally reluctant to express themselves, unless their lives are affected," the source explained.

What planet is this guy on? It was the urban middle class who got screwed by Thaksin, and they definitely don't want him or his proxies back.

Maybe the red-shirts should read this...


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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.



How dare the RED shirts make a FAHRANG lose more than 100,000 baht?????????


I will tell the nearest redshirt encounter that you want your go-go dancers from Issaan back immediatly and they should visit your go-go bar to cover the losses.

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i really get sick of all this conservatives here who blame the red shirts and say something against them...

better for you to leave the country if you cannot handle things like this and have either no idea whats going on...

some of this "foreign residents" who post here are already too long time in this country and think its their country and have to make western polemic politic here...

i really give a **** if people loose 100.000 baht or whatever from their business here... seems they are not well in biz...

the smallest dogs barking loudest...

Edited by haudegen
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The reds are trying to hurt the average Thai city dweller. The yellows were after the government.


The YELLOWS were after the government.

The movie on YouTube where the Yellows attack a motorcycle (from a poor motorcycle taxi driver) and reduce the motorcycle to junk is a VERY GOOD EXAMPLE of the YELLOWs being agter the government!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next i....t ........................................

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i really get sick of all this conservatives here who blame the red shirts and say something against them...

better for you to leave the country if you cannot handle things like this and have either no idea whats going on...

Been living here and working (not go go bar) for 20 years. I have the greatest respect of the rural Thais as I was married to one. I do not like some self appointed egotistical Ahole taking advantage of them. He uses them in the most terrible way, but comes across as a savior. Maybe it's time you removed your head from the same place your brains are and smell the coffee. If your so blind you can't see the scam that's going on, then your as pathetic as the so called man in question.

Enough said from my end. I have no time to waste talking to someone who is without common sense and self worth. Good night to you all....

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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


Is it really necessary to insult people. Surely you must be capable to express you unhappiness in a civil tongue.

Please try it. People will respond in a like manner.

I didn't find the original poster's tone insulting at all but your condescending one certainly is, Miss Manners. :) How about some sympathy for someone whose business has been hurt by this fiasco?

I agree. These people (Reds) are not on hurting businesses with employees but also helping to kill the tourism in Bangkok causing hardships on many honest, hardworking people. The are selfish & shameless. Like Thaksin, they are killing Thailand.

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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


Is it really necessary to insult people. Surely you must be capable to express you unhappiness in a civil tongue.

Please try it. People will respond in a like manner.

I didn't find the original poster's tone insulting at all but your condescending one certainly is, Miss Manners. :) How about some sympathy for someone whose business has been hurt by this fiasco?

"hilbillies visiting town"

"Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter."

I'm not quite sure to make of your conclusions. They don't seem the reflect the words of the OP. See the quotes above.

Certainly we have to have sympathy for all who are hurt for any reason. That means we have to have sympathy, as well, for the plurality of Thai voters who were disenfranchised when their will was ignored in the last election.

All of that does not justify name calling and insults.

Regards, my friend.

TV posters does anyone have a solution to this problem? Its getting a bit dull hearing the Reds are all bad Thaksin is the anti christ etc The yellows had the best interests of the country when they closed the airports etc etc How about a solution,here is mine, maybe give the people a vote? Isnt that what we do in a democracy maybe a referendum ASKING do you want Abhisit to continue as PM?

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Bangkokians are largely made up of people who make their living off the backs of others.

What a bizarre but telling statement. The Red stance and wording is beginning to sound more and more like something out of a 1960-'s China or Khmer Rouge handbook. Setting up the "class war", will the evil middle class "making their living off the backs of others" be assigned to camps to be re-educated?

spot on, association with red and blood, and revolutions and countries who were ruthless used red. Most noticeable is that the theme is always primordial revenge, destruction, and negativity. I would've hoped they'd learned from the past, or be evolved enough to find smarter approaches. All of the speeches and the video footage is saturated in anger and blood. What a case study.

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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.



How dare the RED shirts make a FAHRANG lose more than 100,000 baht?????????


I will tell the nearest redshirt encounter that you want your go-go dancers from Issaan back immediatly and they should visit your go-go bar to cover the losses.

you are one He-l of a sympathetic nice guy coalminer. These stupid Reds are killing Thailand. It affects everybody, not just farangs. Many of the Issan girls are sent to work in the bars by their families. Maybe they can see where their daughters work while they are here roaming the streets like a pack of mangy soi dogs.

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Agree completely. Farangs with zero compassion for the struggling poor of their adopted homeland. Self interest rules.

Agreed the Reds are fools to follow Taksin, but they have very valid complaints and Taksin did at least appear to help the poor of Isaan. Abhisat's government is not elected and efforts to improve: standard of living, education, healthcare etc. are absent. Thus they are elites and indeed military installed tyrants. And where is the family we may not speak of in all this? Silent. Pitiful.... which is my point.... I feel for the Reds and hope their voices are heard.

Khun Sulak for PM!


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This topic continues here:


Don't leave home Saturday: Bangkok Governor warns

Full story:


Developing story (AFP): Thai protesters to gridlock capital with travelling rally

Read more


Bangkok Live updates:



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Agree completely. Farangs with zero compassion for the struggling poor of their adopted homeland. Self interest rules.

Agreed the Reds are fools to follow Taksin, but they have very valid complaints and Taksin did at least appear to help the poor of Isaan. Abhisat's government is not elected and efforts to improve: standard of living, education, healthcare etc. are absent. Thus they are elites and indeed military installed tyrants. And where is the family we may not speak of in all this? Silent. Pitiful.... which is my point.... I feel for the Reds and hope their voices are heard.

Khun Sulak for PM!


As many Thais are employed by me and in the Thai entertainment (and with entertainment I mean TV/Movie business not GoGo bars!) they are all out of jobs currently because of foreign productions cancelling. Have you tried explaining to a Thai actor on the phone that people will not come to Thailand to shoot a commercial because no insurance wants to insure it because of all the trouble in Thailand. Have you tried explaining, sorry no 40.000 baht, no rent for you the coming few months no way for you to feed your children. I have to deal with this on a daily basis now. Nothing to do with me having zero compassion. I like helping out the poor and underpriviliged. But for me to be able to do that they shouldn't destroy their own country and economy to start with.

And this is all for one poor bastard whom lost one billion out of the many billions he has .... jeez phulease!


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