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nappies- pack of 64 about 700/800 baht, probably go thru 1 and half to 2 packs per month

formula prices vary, we buy Enfalac A+ at 550 baht per box, more expensive than some others, little one goes thru box a week roughly

it blew my mind just how many different varieties of formula out there, next time have a look down yr local large supermarket

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Baby formula??? How dare you? Really - you can't love your child enough to feed it mother's breast milk? Your child didn't ask to come into this world - YOU brought it into this horrible world. The least you can do now is give the kid a fighting chance by giving it the most nutritious, healthy food and the warmth and love of mother's breast. At the very least use a breast pump so the kid gets real human milk instead of industrial "formula".

Kids fed formula lose IQ points and also have greater likelihood of being introverted, depressed, unhappy, and unsuccessful. Oh yeah, those kids tend to have worse relations with their mothers. I guess because such mothers are less loving than those who breast-feed.

Shame on you for even considering baby formula. If breast feeding is so inconvenient, you shouldn't have had a baby.

Oh, and since money is your big concern, you can save a lot of money by not buying that crap. Sometimes the best things in life are free.

Edited by dumbnewbie
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^finished with yr rant? :)

unless you know the circumstances of the OP how can you pass judgement?

perhaps the mother is unable to provide enough milk, what would suggest then, that the baby goes hungry?

by the looks of yr handle you were you raised on formula

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Baby formula??? How dare you? Really - you can't love your child enough to feed it mother's breast milk? Your child didn't ask to come into this world - YOU brought it into this horrible world. The least you can do now is give the kid a fighting chance by giving it the most nutritious, healthy food and the warmth and love of mother's breast. At the very least use a breast pump so the kid gets real human milk instead of industrial "formula".

Kids fed formula lose IQ points and also have greater likelihood of being introverted, depressed, unhappy, and unsuccessful. Oh yeah, those kids tend to have worse relations with their mothers. I guess because such mothers are less loving than those who breast-feed.

Shame on you for even considering baby formula. If breast feeding is so inconvenient, you shouldn't have had a baby.

Oh, and since money is your big concern, you can save a lot of money by not buying that crap. Sometimes the best things in life are free.

What a ridiculous response. How do you know that the poster CAN'T supply breast milk? He may be a single man! Or if a woman there may be a medical condition.

Really. Shame on you for your flaming rant.

Oh and Sean - 60,000 Baht a month for baby formula and nappies???? :)

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Baby formula??? How dare you? Really - you can't love your child enough to feed it mother's breast milk? Your child didn't ask to come into this world - YOU brought it into this horrible world. The least you can do now is give the kid a fighting chance by giving it the most nutritious, healthy food and the warmth and love of mother's breast. At the very least use a breast pump so the kid gets real human milk instead of industrial "formula".

Kids fed formula lose IQ points and also have greater likelihood of being introverted, depressed, unhappy, and unsuccessful. Oh yeah, those kids tend to have worse relations with their mothers. I guess because such mothers are less loving than those who breast-feed.

Shame on you for even considering baby formula. If breast feeding is so inconvenient, you shouldn't have had a baby.

Oh, and since money is your big concern, you can save a lot of money by not buying that crap. Sometimes the best things in life are free.

Your user name suits you. :)

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Jeez. Yeah, if the OP is truly unable to nurse her child as nature intended due to some medical condition or whatever, then OF COURSE my "rant" wouldn't apply, and I trust her to know that and not take it personally in that case. If she were to tell me that she were physically unable to breast-feed, then OF COURSE I would apologize to her for my "rant". I feel strongly about the subject, because YES, I WASN'T BREAST-FED. That's WHY I feel strongly about it! I'm quite certain it explains my childhood asthma and OF COURSE I wish I had whatever IQ points that infant formula cost me. Don't I have the right to express a strong opinion about something?

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who ever said the OP was a she?

perhaps, its a guy who lives overseas, and his thai gf has asked him to send money to pay for nappies and formula, hence the OPs question.

you have a right to express yr views but not by flamming someone, i dont think anyone would be prepared to take on advice this way

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There are many reasons why a baby could not be fed breast milk eg. mother working full time. My 2 kids were breast fed until 1 year and are now on formula.

If you are planning to kill yourself dumbnewbie, would you like to leave me something in your will?

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off post, but all my kids werwe only breast fed but two of the three are asthmatic... genetics unfortunately plays a big part in our life; environment of course is the other part...

closing thread,, there is duplicate in the family /children's section already...


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