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Schengen Visa Validity Question

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We received a Schengen Visa and the validity period was filled in exactly like the flight/travel dates we have given in the application form.

Now due to illness we most likely have to postpone the trip and change the flight details.

Does anyone have experience with this scenario?

I know from visas for other countries that the number of dates the visa is valid is counted from the day one enters the country, so one has some flexibilty, but this does not seem to be the case for Schengen?

Would it be possible to extend the end date of the stay, perhaps when passing through immigration while arriving in Europe and bringing it to their attention that the trip was postponed lets say for one week, and to get that week added to the end of the visa validity date?

The consulate is closed right now so I am trying to check here and find out what the options are. The schengen visa is quite expensive and slow, so it would not make sense to apply for a new one.

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I know from visas for other countries that the number of dates the visa is valid is counted from the day one enters the country
Not necessarily; it depends on the visa rules of the country concerned. For example, a UK visa is valid from the date it is issued (unless the applicant asks for a different, later start date) not the date one first uses it to enter the UK.

As far as I'm aware a Schengen visa is the same; it commences on it's start date, not when the holder first enters the Schengen area. However, I've never had the need to obtain one, so hopefully someone who has will be able to confirm or deny.

If the above is so, and your revised travel plans mean that you now wish to enter the area after this date that is not a problem; you can enter at any date after the visa's start date. However, if you now wish to remain beyond the current visa's expiry date, then you will need to contact the embassy that issued it and see if they will change the dates.

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Schengen Visas are normally issued for the original dates of the planned trip, and not for six months from date of issue, like the UK usually issues.

Last year my partner was issued with a Schengen Visa with a validity of one month, multi entry, from the date she stated we intended to travel. We thought we were going to have to delay the trip and asked the French visa section if the visa could be changed, we were advised that she would have to submit a fresh application as a fresh visa would be required.

I am pretty sure, not 100%, that the visa cannot be extended in country, unless in the case of an emergency.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure your travel dates but my GF obtained one for our holiday trip last Sept. for just under 3,000bht and took maybe 10 days including interview. We had put 21 days stay on the app. and the visa started the date we had plans to arrive and didn't expire till 90 days later even though we had plane tickets to leave 21 days later. If the visa you've received has specific dates I'd assume you need to contact somebody at the embassy in Thailand, not sure if it helps but here's the number and email to the lady who was unbelievably helpfully with everything for us. Tel. 66 2 6618284-7

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Not sure your travel dates but my GF obtained one for our holiday trip last Sept. for just under 3,000bht and took maybe 10 days including interview. We had put 21 days stay on the app. and the visa started the date we had plans to arrive and didn't expire till 90 days later even though we had plane tickets to leave 21 days later. If the visa you've received has specific dates I'd assume you need to contact somebody at the embassy in Thailand, not sure if it helps but here's the number and email to the lady who was unbelievably helpfully with everything for us. Tel. 66 2 6618284-7

I am sure the lady is thrilled that you put her email address on a public forum to be picked op by a bot, so she can be spammed to death.

Pm would have been be the way to go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You cannot change the dates unless you apply again but you can arrive after the start date, as long as you still leave by or before the end date there will be no problems. Basicly travel within the dates stated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If people also have to request a new visa because ppl need to change their dates because of the Volcano Erruption... at least someone makes a bit of money of this desaster. Im supposed to fly in 9 days to germany. Finally got Visa for BF and everthing else ready. Great...

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