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sorry, very newbie questions.

Im just building a 'light-tent' (Its taken me 2 weeks to find the energy to nip down the road to the hardware shop!)

While I have momentum, I need to source:

  1. A power adaptor for a canon powershot s3is -
  2. Some paper suitable for the backdrop in a lightbox/tent - any recommendations on paper type etc.. The things I will be photographing are small and WHITE! but I want a pro looking image on the website shop. Im scared of the product definition being lost, as it is in the image below eg: (no im not selling golf balls)


the definition is much better here, how is it achieved? - is it just the lights, or the screen through which it shines, or some setting on the camera?


But I hate going into town, as I have no plates on my bike, are there any shops near the airport that I might find these things! Airport plaza? / Tesco / (Tried Big C for adaptor)

Lastly... what does the 'digital' socket on the camera do? can i run the camera straight in the PC? eg for video? Does it connect like a usd stick would (eg: windows just allows explorer view?)

Thank you!!!!


Ok, forget the stuff above, I've got a 'light-tent' frame ready... got the lights... I just need the heavy paper as seen here

Anyone know if Big C has this please, in any color? I'd hate to have to go into 'town' :)



In case anyone else looking finds this thread:

found the answer:

"B2S" stores carry a large selection of art papers.

You can find those stores in the main department stores in both big malls:

•Central Department Store (Gad-Suan-Kaeo mall)

•Robinsons (Airport Plaza mall).

The B2S stores are on the top floor at each location.

-- Oneman



I would suggest going to photobug (in airport plaza, panthip, and in town close to taepae gate) and spending some money on a light tent (small about 1400 bigger 1800) it coms with a couple of backdrops in white, black, grey, blue and red.

Doing a lot of product photography and it works great.

It will also help you avoid the ugly shadows you see in the 2nd shot.


Thanks, found some paper, not a great variety, but enough to get started.

Have already built the frame, got lights etc..

Turns out the hardest thing to find in 'highstreet' shops is a cheap sheet for the light tent.

robinsons - 1000 baht up

big C - 600 baht up - none in white!

which means I have to venture into China Town!

Oh well, prooni!


I cannot recommend a specific shop,

but Thai stationery shops stock a variety of papers for school projects and the like.

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