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Thai Red Shirts Lap Up Urban Support


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Another piece of yellow journalism from "The Nation." This time showing in its headline. "Lap up" intentionally evokes a dog's image.


They have a name for these on Wikipedia for the editors... you can now challange an edit, for 'weasel words'!

I thought Abhisit said Thailand didnt have 'classes' anymore?

Ppfftt .. lower middle class. bah.. can't stand em. Don't they know their place!

Maids and Taxi drivers get out of Bangkok forthwith!



Edited by whiterussian
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Clearly the redshirts have at least some support (even in BKK). And clearly the old Thaksin party did do some good things for the poor. (For whatever reason - probably electoral.)

Equally clearly, Thaksin cannot be allowed to ever again influence Thai politics.

I get the impression that the pro-poor policies were and are more popular than Thaksin personally. (He's an ultra-rich thug, after all.)

Would not a compromise solution be for the existing government to introduce a raft of pro-poor reforms? That should satisfy both sides.

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Would not a compromise solution be for the existing government to introduce a raft of pro-poor reforms? That should satisfy both sides.

They have. Unfortunately the populations in the North and NE are being indoctrinated through daily red media, red eduction schools, red announcements on village loudspeakers, and pro-red village kamnans to reject the value of any of the many measures enacte dby the Abhisit government.

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An interesting outcome to the procession.

I am also amazed that the Nation printed the headline. Obviously the Sunday editor will need a little re-education on Monday morning. Seeing that there is also an element of support in Bangkok goes to start showing that this is not entirely a rural movement.

LOL. Right, but it's positive that even The Nation cannot avoid some things anymore.

I would suggest that the reds play on this issue for all its worth. Red flowers dropped around the city by pedestrians?

They already do that. Can't find a picture right now though. Posting another batch or rally pics instead:




I like the pictures

Especially the one that shows a nice converitble mercedes

with the english words "poor man"

Gets their point across loud and clear, lol

Wish i knew the way to copy those fantastic pics and send them to my overseas buddies who are only hearing what this government want them to hear !

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Actually not my country, so i can't really talk about politics, as we all are only guests in LOS.

But can someone tell me what PM A. made wrong? He tried to help many poor peaples for free elctricity up to 300 Baht, He try to set a minimum price for fruits and vegetables that the poor farmers not get squizzed by the "middle man dealers". He done manything, but nobody ever speak the good part of PM. A. on this forum.

Do you really think foregin investors would invest money in big amounts overhere, when mister T. comes in power again?

I know ! i know..........but he refuses to give them their rights and entitlements..............a fair election !

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I still can't believe how partisan, to one side or the other, farang are on this site. Whoever is in power, it'll make not the slightest difference to our lot in Thailand. Let the Thais get on with it for goodness sake.

I think you're wrong. I think a megalomaniac like Thaksin coming back to power would be a disaster for the country, including foreigners.

Why should it be a disaster ? Everything was 'hunky dory' when he was in power, of course we all know that the 'swine' was cutting down on the army's share of the trough!

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I still can't believe how partisan, to one side or the other, farang are on this site. Whoever is in power, it'll make not the slightest difference to our lot in Thailand. Let the Thais get on with it for goodness sake.

Very, very wrong. If Thaksin comes backs i'm out of here - after being barred from the UK and Germany he's going to have a point to prove...


On yer bike then tomster and good luck !

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Actually not my country, so i can't really talk about politics, as we all are only guests in LOS.

But can someone tell me what PM A. made wrong? He tried to help many poor peaples for free elctricity up to 300 Baht, He try to set a minimum price for fruits and vegetables that the poor farmers not get squizzed by the "middle man dealers". He done manything, but nobody ever speak the good part of PM. A. on this forum.

Do you really think foregin investors would invest money in big amounts overhere, when mister T. comes in power again?

I know ! i know..........but he refuses to give them their rights and entitlements..............a fair election !

They have their rights and entitlements. They can vote for whoever they want (hopefully not for whoever pays the most) at the next election in 2011.

Was the 2007 election fair? It seemed to be when the PPP was in power.

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I still can't believe how partisan, to one side or the other, farang are on this site. Whoever is in power, it'll make not the slightest difference to our lot in Thailand. Let the Thais get on with it for goodness sake.

I think you're wrong. I think a megalomaniac like Thaksin coming back to power would be a disaster for the country, including foreigners.

Why should it be a disaster ? Everything was 'hunky dory' when he was in power, of course we all know that the 'swine' was cutting down on the army's share of the trough!

Thaksin bought the electorate in the poor areas. He didn't do anything for them. He wasn't just cutting down the army's share, he was making sure he got everything.

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I still can't believe how partisan, to one side or the other, farang are on this site. Whoever is in power, it'll make not the slightest difference to our lot in Thailand. Let the Thais get on with it for goodness sake.

I think you're wrong. I think a megalomaniac like Thaksin coming back to power would be a disaster for the country, including foreigners.

Why should it be a disaster ? Everything was 'hunky dory' when he was in power, of course we all know that the 'swine' was cutting down on the army's share of the trough!

Thaksin bought the electorate in the poor areas. He didn't do anything for them. He wasn't just cutting down the army's share, he was making sure he got everything.

"Taksin bought the electorate".........Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa some people behave like sheep and believe anything they are told if it suits them.

I don't, i always want real proof ! This payment line has been pushed to the limit , seems its working for some.

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I think you're wrong. I think a megalomaniac like Thaksin coming back to power would be a disaster for the country, including foreigners.

I think you're wrong. I think a Popular PM like Thaksin coming back to power would be a Blessing for the country, including foreigners.


Would you please like to explain why it would be a blessing for the foreigners?

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Best report I've seen in a long time. Being caught up in it all, I found the whole atmosphere totally like a carnival and was surprised at how much this is becoming more of poor versus rich. I'm not surprised that as Thailand moves towards greater development that the poor will start to work out that they are getting screwed over in a big way by the old guard and have been for a long time. It was the maids and cooks out there and I was shocked at how much support there was for the reds. They have appeared as a bit of a mob previously but if they can make more politically smart moves like this one they may not appear as such a violent mob as what the old guard want to portray them as.

Really they are just average people fed up with sloggin it out everyday for very small amounts of money and gratitude. The old culture of everybody else is there just to serve the rich has to die here if this country is to progress towards a truly developed nation. But of course those with money don't see the benefits in empowering their lower class with improved education or improved working conditions. Keep 'em poor and ignorant that's the wish of the present establishment. In time this will change as the poor begin to demand a better deal and the elite eventually will have to give if they really want to be considered a developed nation. At present "they" think they are but everybody in the international community knows they haven't really arrived as a developed nation unless they allow and take on greater social responsibility hence changing the old exploitation culture. Think it's goin' to be a long haul though! A lot of those rich folks really want to hang on in to that money and power with an iron fist regardless of who else in their community suffers.

If you're rich all you need to think is the same way they drive here; "me, me, me!" :)

Edited by fiercesnake
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You can't restoresomething that never excisted LOL

I'm cheering for the reds. I am disappointed that they seem to have so little support from the whites in Thailand online. Could it be that a large percentage want to see a largely disenfranchized majority of the population? It does help fill the brothels they rely on for affection and ensures an available workforce of domestic servants that work for peanuts.

I'm also disappointed by our Canadian political and media elite. Supposedly we are at war in Afghanistan because of our deep faith in democracy. If we in Canada have so much faith in democracy why are we so silent on behalf of the heroes that are trying to restore it to Thailand ?

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