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Siam Commercial Bank Is Making My Life Living hel_l!

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On Saturday night I deposited nearly 60,000 Baht in cash in all brand new 1,000 Baht notes into a Siam Commercial Bank CDM Machine. The machine gave me back a few of the bank notes and then kept most of them. The problem is the machine did not deposit the money into my account or return it to me because of some sort of system error. The machine put up a message saying it can't return the cash to me or deposit it to my account. How could something like that happen? This machine's sole function is to accept cash deposits!!!!! And why would it keep the money and not return it if it is not able to make the deposit for some reason?????

So immediately I called customer service while still standing in front of the CDM. They said they would get it sorted out by Monday (today). I just called the branch a few minutes ago and now they told me they will get it sorted out within this week!!!! I am screwed. I have no cash left and all my money is lost in space at the moment. I also have no evidence of the deposit since it was in cash and I have no recourse really if they decide to tell me they can't find the money for some reason.

Then the guy at the branch I spoke with on the phone a few minutes ago asks me if I want to come down and fill out some forms. Forms for what? Is he joking? They should be running over to me with cash in their hand and an apology letter. What in the world are they thinking?

Needless to say I will be closing my account with SCB as soon as I get my money back. I will also never use one of these machines ever again. Should I be filing a police report right now?

Be smart, avoid SCB!

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Everything in the modern day requires a "paper trail", so the fact that they are asking you to come in and fill out some papers is a good thing.

I would go in and take a look at the papers and if it appears to be a "claim form" or similar then there is a good chance that you should be ok and that it will just take some time to process the claim (admin time is required for anything like this anywhere in the world).

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Call me an old Luddite, but I have never been able to understand why anyone would trust a machine to accept their money, and this goes for England as much as Thailand.

I would never, ever, use a machine for depositing money - I just don't trust them or the staff who empty them.

However inconvenient, I will always queue up and have the cashier count my money and give me a stamped receipt. That way, if anything goes wrong I have the documents to prove my case.

Anyway I hope the Op get it sorted.

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I would never, ever, use a machine for depositing money - I just don't trust them or the staff who empty them.

However inconvenient, I will always queue up and have the cashier count my money and give me a stamped receipt. That way, if anything goes wrong I have the documents to prove my case.

Exactly. Any number of things can go wrong when using those CDM machines at any bank. For deposits over say 5000 baht, I would rather go into the branch and just have the teller physically count it and make the deposit. :)

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Relax, you will get your money back. It has happened to me at an TMB CDM, had to go in early next money fill out some form and around 11 am my account was debited.

and after 4 days some one from the bank's call center called to check if I was happy.

Sometimes, the box is full, The reason why they let you enter your details first before you slot in the cash is to avoid losing the account for the intended deposit.

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I lost more the 2 million baht,who were robbed through ATM machines.

When you call Bangkok bank and Siam bank,the first thing they ask that you give the pincode to somebody or blame some other things.

Never more Thai bank-pass. :)

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We tried to use the cash machine for 120K deposit, it said max 100 notes at a time, yet the slot was so narrow we could barely get 20 in at a time, and it kept spitting they back at us. Tried a few times then lined up in the Q, and will continue to from here on out.

even being completely drunk i wouldn't use an ATM to deposit any amount of money! :)

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Those things just seem to a problem waiting to happen. I'd rather queue for awhile than use one of those.

I used to deposit checks via the ATM in US, but even in the US i wouldn't deposit cash via an ATM, there is absolutely no way to prove how much money you inserted.

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We tried to use the cash machine for 120K deposit, it said max 100 notes at a time, yet the slot was so narrow we could barely get 20 in at a time, and it kept spitting they back at us. Tried a few times then lined up in the Q, and will continue to from here on out.

even being completely drunk i wouldn't use an ATM to deposit any amount of money! :)

Reminds me of when I visited my local bank a few days ago, a very busy branch of a Thai bank here in Bangkok, 99.9% of the customers are Thai including lots of local small business people.

This branch has a 'customer service' lady who just roams around and talks with customers, ensuring they have correct / completed forms etc.

She tried to get every customer who had cash to deposit to go outside the bank (but within the shopping complex) and use the cash deposit machine. No takers whatever. Me too.

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