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Tea Money To Bib?


Tea Money Poll  

151 members have voted

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You read from time to time on ThaiVisa about stops being made by the police for a real or imaginary violation (wish we could have added that as a fourth question to the poll!) Then a request of money is made (slang: "Tea Money") for you to continue on your merry(?) way, in order to avoid an official ticket or to avoid being taken to the police station. Because bad news usually travels faster (and more) than good news, I'm wondering how much it really happens, and thought a poll might shed some light.

Yes, there are probably a few added questions or clarifications I should have made, but we are limited to three questions, each having up to 20 choices. Meanwhile, try your best to answer accurately, and then add a post for any clarification.

If you've never been stopped and asked for Tea Money, you'll need to also answer the last choice on the last question of the poll.



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Just to clarify i have been here between 1 and 5 years and only been stopped a few times, this is because i don't need to go out for work so i am not on the road a lot.

I have had to pay only a few times and all of those times it was for not being in the most left lane with my motorcycle. I find the most left lane dangerous so i don't mind paying once in a while.

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Just to clarify i have been here between 1 and 5 years and only been stopped a few times, this is because i don't need to go out for work so i am not on the road a lot.

I have had to pay only a few times and all of those times it was for not being in the most left lane with my motorcycle. I find the most left lane dangerous so i don't mind paying once in a while.

Just out of curiosity, are you talking about the paved left shoulder of the road where most motor scooters usually ride? Or, the left lane of two full lanes going the same direction (in a presumably 4-lane highway)?

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Just to clarify i have been here between 1 and 5 years and only been stopped a few times, this is because i don't need to go out for work so i am not on the road a lot.

I have had to pay only a few times and all of those times it was for not being in the most left lane with my motorcycle. I find the most left lane dangerous so i don't mind paying once in a while.

It would be a useful option for the poll to ask if the stop was for a legitimate reason according to the law. I know everyone likes to drive drunk, too fast and without helmets or lights in the rightlane but these are legitimate reasons for stops.

Edited by harrry
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I've been living and working here for the past seven years, never once been asked for tea money by the BIB.

Been stoped a few times for traffic violations but when I showed them my foreign driver's license they just smiled and waved me on my way.

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I've been living and working here for the past seven years, never once been asked for tea money by the BIB.

Been stoped a few times for traffic violations but when I showed them my foreign driver's license they just smiled and waved me on my way.

Hmmm, a disadvantage to having a Thai driver's license, no? :)

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As you say, I think an important factor would be if the violation was real or imaginary. You might want to add a question about that.

How can I add a 4th question to a poll?

Edit: Just got word back from mod; can't be done, sorry. Caution all you poll-makers out there! :)

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Just to clarify i have been here between 1 and 5 years and only been stopped a few times, this is because i don't need to go out for work so i am not on the road a lot.

I have had to pay only a few times and all of those times it was for not being in the most left lane with my motorcycle. I find the most left lane dangerous so i don't mind paying once in a while.

Just out of curiosity, are you talking about the paved left shoulder of the road where most motor scooters usually ride? Or, the left lane of two full lanes going the same direction (in a presumably 4-lane highway)?

I am talking about the most left lane.. i would never ride on the paved left shoulder.

When there are 2 roads going the same way (both with lanes) i sometimes go to the most right road (i got a big bike no problem keeping up with traffic). But the times i was fined it was not for that but for not being on the most left road of a normal road (not the frontage road or whatever they call it).

But like i said i know im wrong (at least 50% of the people say i am) so i don't mind paying. I will still do it for my safety and because its an outdated rule and i could not enjoy my bike as much if i did not.

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I have been living here 8 years and been stopped about 4 times. I have always been on long journeys never in the cities. Only ever had to pay 200 baht and that was my choice before they even ask.

They have always stopped me for doing 100-105 in a 90 zone. I have been in the wrong so i cannot complain or even argue with them. In the uk i would have been banned as i would have had 3 points on my licence for each offence, 12 points on my licence.

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Just to clarify i have been here between 1 and 5 years and only been stopped a few times, this is because i don't need to go out for work so i am not on the road a lot.

I have had to pay only a few times and all of those times it was for not being in the most left lane with my motorcycle. I find the most left lane dangerous so i don't mind paying once in a while.

Just out of curiosity, are you talking about the paved left shoulder of the road where most motor scooters usually ride? Or, the left lane of two full lanes going the same direction (in a presumably 4-lane highway)?

I am talking about the most left lane.. i would never ride on the paved left shoulder.

When there are 2 roads going the same way (both with lanes) i sometimes go to the most right road (i got a big bike no problem keeping up with traffic). But the times i was fined it was not for that but for not being on the most left road of a normal road (not the frontage road or whatever they call it).

But like i said i know im wrong (at least 50% of the people say i am) so i don't mind paying. I will still do it for my safety and because its an outdated rule and i could not enjoy my bike as much if i did not.

I agree with you and would do the same thing. Unfortunately, I have a normal (for Thailand) motorbike and can't always keep up with the fast-lane traffic. Meanwhile, I find the left paved shoulder (where almost everybody rides their motorbike) is INSANELY dangerous: parked trucks/cars, huge pot holes, vendors, signs, bushes and branches sticking out into the lane, A few years ago, there was a ghastly accident where two guys on one motorbike were impaled on a pipe sticking out of the back of a parked truck. Both survived, but I get a really bad ache in my gut when I remember the pictures. That image keeps me as alert as possible on the death-shoulder of Thailand's highways.

Yup, if I had a faster bike, tea-money would be worth it! :)

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Frankly, I'm a bit taken aback to see that at least 30% of our responders (at this point) have been stopped over 10 times. Makes where I live sound like Utopia (never been stopped and asked for tea money in seven years).

Another helpful poll question would have been "Where do you live? Bangkok & Environs / Larger Thai City / Medium Thai City / Rural Village?

Oh well, maybe we can petition the mods for a software change to allow 4-5 poll questions? :)

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When I first came back to Thailand in 2002 I lived in Bangkok and leased a Ford Laser with clear windows. I was stopped over and over again, nearly always for no reason and had to regularly pay tea money. Once I was stopped for doing an ilegal U-turn when I hadn't done any such thing, and my wife was so irate that they let me go without paying.

Then I bought a new Ford Escape with very dark windows, and as if by magic,Ii was never stopped in that car. The cops couldn't see in, didn't know who was driving and left me alone, wherever I went in Thailand.

Then I changed it for a new Fortuner - by this time I had moved to Pattaya - again with dark windows, and I was never stopped - anywhere.

My wife had new Honda Jazz with clear windows and was regularly stopped, for no legitimate reason. I was with her once when they told her she was going too fast. She vehemently denied this, so they changed their story and said she was going too slow!!!

Then, nearly two years ago I bought a new BMW, with dark windows. I have driven some 40,000kms, all over Thailand, frequently over the speed limit, often overtaking police cars, and have been stopped only twice.

The first time was on my way to Chiang Mai, when there was a road block right across Highway 1 to the North, and every single vehicle was diverted into a lay-by where they had to pay the police who were set up at a table. If your papers where in order, as mine were, it cost 150 Baht, if anything was wrong , you could pay up to 1,000 Baht.

The second time was yesterday. I was driving to Roi Et on Highway 23 in the outside lane at around 170kms hour.(It was a good, clear straight road). An idiotic, suicidal cop was standing in the outside lane looking for speeding vehicles. I saw him way off and slowed down, but he waved me to the side of the road. he told me I was doing 140kms/Hr. I was actually doing 170 - so I didn't argue. :)

He wanted 400 baht, but I objected and offered him 200. He immediately accepted my offer and I was on my way. :D

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Frankly, I'm a bit taken aback to see that at least 30% of our responders (at this point) have been stopped over 10 times. Makes where I live sound like Utopia (never been stopped and asked for tea money in seven years).

Another helpful poll question would have been "Where do you live? Bangkok & Environs / Larger Thai City / Medium Thai City / Rural Village?

Oh well, maybe we can petition the mods for a software change to allow 4-5 poll questions? :)

I live in nothaburi a lil bit outside of Bangkok. The moment the registration on my bike is completed and it has had a overhaul im going to drive a lot more. (the changing of registration takes forever)

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The second time was yesterday. I was driving to Roi Et on Highway 23 in the outside lane at around 170kms hour.

An idiotic, suicidal cop ....waved me to the side of the road

Glad to see the BIB in our neck of the woods doing their job!

(By they way, I was that red speck, on the shoulder, doing 40kms, that you blew off the road whilst screaming by.....) :)

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Since I am retired, I have no schedule to keep so I am usually never in a hurry. I have friends and a condo in Jomtien. I live in Loei province. I go to Jomtien a number of times a year. Seldom can I make the trip without being stopped at least once. It makes a big difference if I have my Thai wife with me. She tends to get upset with the police especially if I have done nothing wrong. I really never mind paying the 100 or 200 baht tea money. I consider it one of the costs of living in a corrupt country.

Unfortunately I think the police are getting greedy and even more corrupt. Late last year I had farang friends visit me. We were driving from Bangkok to Pattaya. One of my friends was quite nervous because of the expressway traffic so I was taking it especially easy. We were stopped on the other side of a toll booth. The extra corrupt thieving cop insisted on 2,000 baht. YES, 2,000 baht. Had I not had my two farang friends with me, I would NEVER have paid. Had my wife been with me it wouldn't have happened either.

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After over 500 000 Km all around Thailand ( mainly central, east and northeast ) I got stoped by the police more than 100 times.

When it is justified I'm happy to pay on the spot, usually 100 ฿, dl+ 100 ฿ readily prepared for a fast transaction - no silly talk, no excessive demand, no haggle, no quarrel - he likes it, we like it.

If I am not in the wrong, no money.

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In nearly six years here I can say that I have never been stopped and asked for tea money.

I have been stopped by police checks out in the middle of no where,I used to ride my moter bike from Rangsit to Ang Thong 2-3 times a week. the police were always ok and just checked the bike over and that was that'

For the past 3 years I have been driving my pick up, the only tea money kinda fine I had was in Bangkok. I drove in the bus lane up from Asoke, the officer just said pay me 400 baht now or go to the police station and pay 600 baht.

In all that time I have payed 3 motering fines. 400 baht no seat belt. and riding my bike up the wrong way on a one way street. again 400 baht, and the one I mentioned.

But the one that hurt the most was being fined 1000 baht for dropping a ciggy butt on the pavement. colino

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Been here in the 1-5 year list.

Stopped twice in Chiang Mai for not wearing a helmet. Paid 200 Baht at the station x 2.

Wife tried to pay for tickets to the policeman's ball, but was refused and informed that " you have to pay at the station."

Now I live in a very rural village and have not even seen the BIB for over 5 months now. :)

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10 years coming and going and 5 years living..

Had a bad month last month and it was the first time.. I have been stopped in taxis and the driver had to pay up also as a passenger in a car a couple of times andmy friends have coughed up...got stopped once and there were 5 of us farangs and the BiB just laughed and waved us on..when not one of us spoke Thai....we quickly made this decision while slowing down to act dumb about speaking Thai and it worked.

Hoever, last month :):D

Got stopped on the toll way and was on my own...I had not been speeding as i had cruise control on at 8o..but the officers insisted i had done 118......i had to pay up 1000 baht... ! massively over the top..and i was flipping mad...but 5 cops and me alone on the toll way..what can you do... then a few weeks later i read a letter from another farang in the main English Bangkok newspaper the one with the old style writing as its title about being stopped on the toll way and having to pay 2000 baht..

Then 5 days later got pulled over...but was ready this time.... 500 baht....no thanks officer how about 200 baht.... khorp khun krap he said...and the proceeded to stop Petchaburi road for me so could do a compete u turn and this meant reversing back across the road !! :D

Total service for 200 baht and me well chuffed as was then heading in the right direction...it was actually cheaper for me paying 200 baht for the u turn as i was about to head onto a toll way and go <removed> knows were to do you another u turn..! :D

so good and bad.... don't mind the 200 baht now and again..but 1000 never again...will take ticket to cop shop next time...

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Poll is a little biased, because it doesn't take into account how much driving one does, and one's driving style eg. slow and conservative, or flatout getting from A to B in the fastest possible time.

My approx. driving stats in Thailand:

8 years - over 400,000 kms.

been stopped by BiB somewhere between 40 - 60 times for various driving infractions, most real, some imagined, one or two faked.

almost always pay the 'on the spot' cash fine, as the alternative is;

i) more expensive

ii) a waste of my time waiting

iii) more often than not outside my jungwat which sometimes means you have to go back the next day to pick up your license from the main highway police station after they have processed the bill payment - in some instances this has cost me 1000k's driving for a staff member to go and retrieve his license, and the police will not post it back to you.

one of the "mastercard moments" for tea money with me was;

Had a really trying day with a few business problems & I was driving on a secondary country road on a Friday evening, around 5.00pm. Get pulled over by a lone police officer standing next to his highway pursuit car. I knew I hadn't broken any rules in the last few kilometers, so instead of getting into negotiation mode, I asked the police officer why the hel_l he pulled me over, and what road rule I had broken???


"None! Just want a bottle of whisky!"


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When I used to drive without a licence, I would get pulled over and 'fined' 100-200 baht

After I did get a licence, the 'fine' increased to 400 baht. It turned out that having a licence now meant that I had something which they could take from me, therefore making it worth my while to pay a higher *cough* fine.

And yes, they did have a legit reason to stop me. I have never been extorted for money (touches wood)

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I've paid 6 fines in 3 and a half years. All of the offenses were real (if the offense is made up they tend to give up after a few minutes if you don't speak any Thai to them).

I paid all but one "on the spot". Just once I had to go to the station because the cop refused 200 baht. That was in Phuket and it cost me 400 baht (plus taxis), and wasted an hour of my life.

In the UK I nearly lost my licence (which I needed to do my job) for doing 56 in a 50 zone on an empty dual carriageway at 6am. No complaints on the Thai system.

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I can never understand why cops ask for tea money,most of the ones i know hate tea

Must be a British-ism from the days when the king's soldiers in the New World stopped speeding or drunken colonists on their way to Indian Thanksgiving dinners. :)

For those who refused to pay up, there were other similar LOS-type options...


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