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Brits Behaving Badly


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As a follow up to the "Limeys in Thailand Forum " I noticed many posts refer to the drunken ,hooligans that many young(and not so young) Brits portray themselves as at footy matches and generally where-ever they travel around the world and, I was wondering as the late Professor Julius Sumner-Miller would say "Why Is It So "

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I must add that the Brit term usually refers to the English. No offence guys but its true. Sure you get pissed up Scottish guys but the lager lout is more associated with the English.IMHO.

PS. Ozzydom. did you get my email regarding Koh Lanta?

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I must add that the Brit term usually refers to the English. No offence guys but its true. Sure you get pissed up Scottish guys but the lager lout is more associated with the English.IMHO.

Cobblers - the Scotch fans trashed Wembley Stadium when they lost a game there once.

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How many years ago was that ?? The Scottish have had a pretty good reputation since then.

About 30 years ago !

The Scots may have a good behaviour-reputation since then....alas sadly not for their footballing skills.

Soccer is another proxy for English louts. Its part of the atavistic tribalism.

Edited by The_Moog
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I must add that the Brit term usually refers to the English. No offence guys but its true. Sure you get pissed up Scottish guys but the lager lout is more associated with the English.IMHO.

Cobblers - the Scotch fans trashed Wembley Stadium when they lost a game there once.

Ye once! Scottish fans have one, if not the best reputation all over the world. what about the English. the worst. Imo!

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I must add that the Brit term usually refers to the English. No offence guys but its true. Sure you get pissed up Scottish guys but the lager lout is more associated with the English.IMHO.

Cobblers - the Scotch fans trashed Wembley Stadium when they lost a game there once.

"Scotch" is whisky but MPR.....

Following on to the little world cup game in 1966 which I seem to remember England just about won against a very very weak German side Scotland played them at Wembley (Les Anglais)not long afterwards and scored a great victory. :D:D ......

I must admit that one or two of the fans may have got a little bit over excited with the said VICTORY and the resulting purloning of the goal posts as well as a wee bit of turf from the stadium was maybe a bit over the top but at least there was no real modern type yobbish behaviour from the "Ambassadors".

Actually the guy in the kilt who was seen swinging on the crossbar that afternoon (BBC TV sports special )is/was one of my cousins and the last I heard from him he was still praticing law in the city somewhere but admits he dosnt talk too about the "incident".

Also to finalise ..the story that every household in Scotland has a piece of the hallowed centre spot of the pitch from that day on their mantlepiece is of course false :o:D

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I have mate who is 50 odd now, He was there, He told me that everytime they bought a round they bought one for the turf on the table. They then poured a wee dram on the grass that they had got from Wembley.Just remember there is NO arguement that the English are thugs. No matter what you say. It will fall on deaf ears.Eh! Eh! What did ya say? :o

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As a follow up to the "Limeys in Thailand Forum " I noticed many posts refer to the drunken ,hooligans that many young(and not so young) Brits portray themselves as at footy matches and generally where-ever they travel around the world and, I was wondering as the late Professor Julius Sumner-Miller would say "Why Is It So "

Just behaving exactly as they do at home, it is just more noticable abroad

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I have mate who is 50 odd now, He was there, He told me that everytime they bought a round they bought one for the turf on the table. They then poured a wee dram on the grass that they had got from Wembley.Just remember there is NO arguement that the English are thugs. No matter what you say. It will fall on deaf ears.Eh! Eh! What did ya say? :o

You obviously were not in London when the sweaty hoards invaded :D

Not a pretty sight

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I have not noticed any fences round the grounds in England,as you see in France,Spain Italy and other countries.

Not many goalies get hit on the head with flairs during matches in england. (was it Inter Milan recently?)

Have you seen the riots they have in South America?where the refs get shot.

English football fans are some of the best behaved in the world now.They will prove it next year in Germany.

Scottish fans are also among the best in the world.

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I have not noticed any fences round the grounds in England,as you see in France,Spain Italy and other countries.

Not many goalies get hit on the head with flairs during matches in england. (was it Inter Milan recently?)

Have you seen the riots they have in South America?where the refs get shot.

English football fans are some of the best behaved in the world now.They will prove it next year in Germany.

Scottish fans are also among the best in the world.

Not when they play England there not :o

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I must add that the Brit term usually refers to the English. No offence guys but its true. Sure you get pissed up Scottish guys but the lager lout is more associated with the English.IMHO.

PS. Ozzydom. did you get my email regarding Koh Lanta?

He He, I started this one but am staying out of it ,I keep getting flashbacks to my young days and remember what a shit I was ,Made these yobbo,s look like choirgirls,think I picked it up from the Jordy,s who used to crew the Port Line ships picking up cargoes of apples from Hobart. thats my excuse anyway.

P>S thanks for the info on koh lanta mate, am sure we will enjoy.


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I have not noticed any fences round the grounds in England,as you see in France,Spain Italy and other countries.

Not many goalies get hit on the head with flairs during matches in england. (was it Inter Milan recently?)

Have you seen the riots they have in South America?where the refs get shot.

English football fans are some of the best behaved in the world now.They will prove it next year in Germany.

Scottish fans are also among the best in the world.

Glad you added that!

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I have not noticed any fences round the grounds in England,as you see in France,Spain Italy and other countries.

Not many goalies get hit on the head with flairs during matches in england. (was it Inter Milan recently?)

Have you seen the riots they have in South America?where the refs get shot.

English football fans are some of the best behaved in the world now.They will prove it next year in Germany.

Scottish fans are also among the best in the world.

English hooliganism is alive and well and living in.....well, anywhere that's not England. The police here have learned to control and subdue any trouble at matches, hence there is no need for fencing (which was outlawed anyway).

It happens abroad because the local police forces of whichever country is unfortunate enough to be playing us at football are too pig-headed and proud to accept our help and expert advice on how to control our fans (I use that word in a very loose sense of the word).

The end result is an overwhelmed police force, much violence, and then plenty of arrests. And then NO ONE gets punished. :o The offenders get sent home ASAP without charge because the host country just wants to be shut of them.

And so it continues....

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I’m a Brit and I don’t behave badly (except on Thaivisa).

But then I was brought up in a country, where on the whole, we contain our thuggery, to the rugby pitch.

Our supporters, compared to those who chase after the round ball, are quite genteel.

But then even the Brown Shirts behaved like Nancy boys compared to worst excesses of the soccer louts.

I say castration is too mild a punishment for this loutish behaviour.

Bring back National Service. :o

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I must add that the Brit term usually refers to the English. No offence guys but its true. Sure you get pissed up Scottish guys but the lager lout is more associated with the English.IMHO.

in my eyes the most typical piss head larger lout is from up north in there 20s

hard as Nails that need to unwind on holiday normally this involves drinking more than usual and what with the heat it ends up in a fight or argument .

most arguments start over football I think they should ban English and Scottish football shirts abroad ha ha

also the reason you don't see any Scottish people being louts or hooligans is it involves buying beers .and you cant fight when your either in the toilet hidingso you dont have to get a round in or

your hands are at the bottom of their really deep pockets

so cant get them out quick enough to fight

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Have to agree with that last post. Scottish football has been down in the dumps for a long time and looks as if it's going to stay there for a long while yet. A shame as many of the best players I saw in the 80's were from north of the border.

After reading through this thread I feel inclined to defend us English but when I remember the scenes that went on at France 1998 and how we managed to turn a beach into a war zone it's hard to do so.

I've met a lot of people who go to matches for the violence only. Some of them hardly like football and seem to enjoy nothing other than kicking people's heads in.

But can we at least remember that these people are in the minority, and that your average football fan is not a hooligan, irrespective of where they come from. Unfortunately, it is the idiotic minority that attracts all the attention and gives everyone else a bad name.

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I’m a Brit and I don’t behave badly (except on Thaivisa).

But then I was brought up in a country, where on the whole, we contain our thuggery, to the rugby pitch.

Our supporters, compared to those who chase after the round ball, are quite genteel.

But then even the Brown Shirts behaved like Nancy boys compared to worst excesses of the soccer louts.

I say castration is too mild a punishment for this loutish behaviour.

Bring back National Service. :o

Lol I would never have thought some things me and Thomas agree on!! :D

I agree things have gotten way out of hand these days, thugs and vandals along with the new "Happy Slappers" just make a simple bus ride a anxious proposition when a gang of youths gets on (sometimes not so young either!). Getting blittzed on as much booze as possible then causing mayhem seems to be a prerequisite for a good night out for these people.

Must admit im stumped as to how you end it tho....they dont respect anyone, and it seems bred into them from a young age. What chance to these kids children have?

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I have mate who is 50 odd now, He was there, He told me that everytime they bought a round they bought one for the turf on the table. They then poured a wee dram on the grass that they had got from Wembley.Just remember there is NO arguement that the English are thugs. No matter what you say. It will fall on deaf ears.Eh! Eh! What did ya say? :o

What's this about Scots buying rounds? When did this happen :D

How ya doin' Jock?

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Lol I would never have thought some things me and Thomas agree on!!  :o

I agree things have gotten way out of hand these days, thugs and vandals along with the new "Happy Slappers" just make a simple bus ride a anxious proposition when a gang of youths gets on (sometimes not so young either!).  Getting blittzed on as much booze as possible then causing mayhem seems to be a prerequisite for a good  night out for these people.

Must admit im stumped as to how you end it tho....they dont respect anyone, and it seems bred into them from a young age.  What chance to these kids children have?

Wonders never cease!

In all seriousness: when I was at school (I was about 14) the Government stopped, much to my relief at the time, National Service.

Any proposals about its re-establishment were reserved IMHO to reactionaries, and war happy militarists who had difficulties adjusting to life outside army barracks.

However I have now become much older and have worked in many countries around the world, the most of them still have a form of National Service that nearly all of the young are compelled to give - from the almost total involvement of all between 19-22, as in Israel, to the ballot system employed in the Scandinavian countries - my views have totally changed.

IMHO the sense of purpose, commitment and dedication to the general welfare of the land engendered in these young people, regardless of if they serve in the military, the civil defence, the fire service or in appointed community projects, because of its very nature - the compelled giving of time and effort in service for the common good - means loutish behaviour is an anathema to them.

If only the system could return to the UK. The costs would be far outweighed by the benefits gained.

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