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All Over Health Checks.


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I am hoping to leave Thailand by the end of the year and wonder if I should take advantage of the seemingly reasonable health checks offered by some of the private hospitals here. I've seen offers for very thorough all over health checks, including various scans etc. Although I'm still fairly young I think it might be an idea for me and the wife since we have just had kids.

Has anyone had one and what do you think?

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Just a few months ago I had Bumrungrad's most thorough physical. I was very pleased. It took a whole day, but it was even a special price that month! All tests were reported to me verbally in English and then I got a very thorough email attachment with all the data so that I could check things with internet information myself. The real test for me was that they found a medical condition I have that would not be expected to be found during a physical. I already knew about the condition, and it's not problematic, but it showed to me that they were very alert to their quest to discover any problems.

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Hello Rich,

Not just because I work at the hospital, but if you are getting a check-up it is definitely worth getting them done here in Thailand. Depending on the level of check-up you get, they can be extremely thorough. If anything is found, given your age, the key is to asses with your doctor if anything needs to be done now, or if you need to just keep an eye on it.

The packages can be quite varied. Our hospital offers the following packages:


If you are looking for something basic, I would recommend the Executive, simply because of the abdominal ultrasound. It was quite revealing for me.

If you have any specific concerns, we are having a Health Fair at the hospital this weekend (Mar 27 - 28, 2010) and you can get some free checks done, as well as consultations with doctors.

Unfortunately, I don't have an English Language link, but if your wife is Thai she can help, of course:

http://www.bumrungrad.com/special-checkup/ (for the agenda)

http://www.bumrungrad.com/special-checkup/index2.aspx (with the packages)

We have special package prices on check-ups and the specialized check-ups.

If you have any questions, just let us know.

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I keep getting headaches. Do you think a full check up like this might reveal the source and maybe help find a treatment?

If the headaches are due to undetected high BP or other related to general health and vital functions, a health check my resolve this but, given the complex nature of headaches and it's causes, it would be more worth while and cost effective to have a dedicated examination with this as the central point of focus.

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Hello HalfSquat,

Then the answer is "yes", but that is because you say "might reveal". But it is definitely overkill, as the check-ups are full body examinations.

I would recommend something far less intensive and expensive by just seeing a general practitioner first. Headaches/migraines can come from a wide variety of causes, and they will help you pinpoint what the issue might be.

I would start there, and based on that get the tests done which are recommended - if any are required. If the costs of additional checks come close to those package prices, then I would get the package since you will get additional testing done at similar costs.

I keep getting headaches. Do you think a full check up like this might reveal the source and maybe help find a treatment?
Edited by bumrungrad
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If a general check up (whether by a GP or as part of a comprehensive package) does not yield an explanation there are doctors who specialize specifically in headaches, both at Bumrungrad and several other hospitals. Go to the find a doctor function on website, put in "neurology" as specialty and then look for ones with either "headache" or "pain management" as a "special interest".

But do rule out more obvious causes like hypertension first.

Also, if you drink heavily, that would explain it and could likewise skip the specialist consultation (but not the check-up...all the more important in such a case)

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I keep getting headaches. Do you think a full check up like this might reveal the source and maybe help find a treatment?

Maybe your drinking too much, have a Thai girlfriend, living in LOL its probably a social issue and not medical.

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Thanks people. I will have a look for a head ache specialist on the Bumungrad website.

Its been happening for years long before LOS and I have no Thai gf unfortunately ;-)

If anyone could recommend someone that would be great!

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