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New Woes Loom For Thaksin


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Yes, it's really all about greed.

I well remember 2001 when Thaksins' affilliates won many Seats even in Bangkok, many times I heard educated Bangkokians say they voted for him "because he is already so rich, he has no need to be as corrupt as the alternatives".

This was soon proved decisively wrong and Thaksin never again received such a share of the Vote from Bangkok constituencies.


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Yeah, the Supreme Court judgement was balanced and judicious
I just counted 19 posts and not one supporter of Thaksin Shinawatra so far.

Speaks volumes


So I am going to be categorized as a Thaksin supporter for stating the obvious; Thaksin will be hit with everything the government can throw. However this makes Thaksins government no less nor more corrupt than the current government or the ones that proceeded Thaksin.

As the years go by, even some of the hard core Leo and singlet expat brigade will come to the understanding that this was not about cleaning up corruption, it was about trying to defang Thaksin. Both The Nation and the PAD have stated this! Corruption will continue as it has, no better no worse. At which point you might ask yourself why did I get so worked up about Thaksin when he is no different than the rest and removing did nothing to benefit the country or reduce it's endemic corruption?!

Just telling the truth however unpalatable this may be, deal with it.

I think what got up all the Puyai's nose was his attitude to the "Boss", they could ignore his lower class posturing, his giving public money away as if it was his own even his rapacious financial habits! He blew it when he thought that he could do a "Harry Lee" in Thailand i.e. become a benevolent dictator!

Even the middle class was not prepared to put up with that! :)

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Three words for Abhisit government

LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop worrying about Taksin, start running the country. You tried the guy, you found him guilty, its over

If Abhisit wants to win the next election, he needs to start governing, all he can do now is Taksin bashing.

I am not a pro-taksin or a pro-abhisit, i just want this country to move, enough of this statu quo


Can't agree with you. He certainly deserves more criminal charges for his actions, and any money they can claw back will help Thailand. A billion baht here, a billion baht there, soon we'll be talking real money!

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It's like you get pulled over for a speeding ticket. Then the officer notices a half empty bottle of whiskey on the drivers seat. When he does a search of your car, he finds a bunch of ganga doobies that a friend gave you in exchange for your Led Zeppelin cassette tapes. At the station, they do a strip search and find your mauve colored ladies underwear a hoot, and yell it out to everyone down the halls. Then someone does an FBI search on your name, and finds you have unpaid taxes going back seven years. Your cell mate turns out to be a Tiny Tim fan who can't stop whistling 'Tiptoe Through the Tulips" like an out-of-tune tape loop. You use your one allotted phone call to call home. Wife went out shopping with the Cuban landscaper, but your mother in law answers, and she gives you a ten minute monologue on how to launder undershorts so the brown spots come out. Then your father-in-law, Pastor McGreggor, gets on the phone and gives you a fifteen minute epistle on the evils of pornography, which was triggered by him just finding your Ghanese Virgin Enema Surprise - video series collection under your mattress.

If it ain't one thing, it's another......

....when it rains, it pours.

Edited by brahmburgers
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...it seems parliamentarians in the government have decided to strip Thaksin of anything and everything he has or could have or get.

Can't say I could blame 'em.

In fact, go get 'im and nail his nads to the wall. Piling it on is now clearly justified. Strip him of everything everywhere. Squish him now once and for all.

Well it would appear that his tactic is to do JUST that to them

and anyone who disagrees with his return to power.

He has damaged others just for publicly disagreeing with him,

publicly acting against him would carry bigger penalties in a

Thaksin controlled world. So fair play to them.

What once was a reasonable action of tabling the SC Assets charges,

has now proved to be a nicety too far to allow to stand.

He is not acting with finesse, but with a social cudgel, winner take all.

He wants power completely and will say or do most anything

and associate with most anyone who he calculates can profit him.

This is not the actions or mindset of a proper public servant,

but a self serving public person....

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Yeah, the Supreme Court judgement was balanced and judicious
I just counted 19 posts and not one supporter of Thaksin Shinawatra so far.

Speaks volumes


So I am going to be categorized as a Thaksin supporter for stating the obvious; Thaksin will be hit with everything the government can throw. However this makes Thaksins government no less nor more corrupt than the current government or the ones that proceeded Thaksin.

As the years go by, even some of the hard core Leo and singlet expat brigade will come to the understanding that this was not about cleaning up corruption, it was about trying to defang Thaksin. Both The Nation and the PAD have stated this! Corruption will continue as it has, no better no worse. At which point you might ask yourself why did I get so worked up about Thaksin when he is no different than the rest and removing did nothing to benefit the country or reduce it's endemic corruption?!

Just telling the truth however unpalatable this may be, deal with it.

No categorization required here. You make a good point. However your comment about trying to "defang" Thaksin probably hits the proverbial nail ,so to speak.

Thaksin got rich, very rich, before and whilst in politics, as countless others have done and no doubt will do. Corruption is a human weakness and we all know what power can do.

Thaksin however didn't know when to quietly get up from the table and cash in his chips, he wanted the casino for his own.

He got too loud and too arrogant and now he's almost cornered, reduced to flitting between some rather unsavory havens while still urging on his minions with seditious rantings.

Now he's got a lot of forces wearing red shirts supporting him, but there are more powerful forces arraigned against him.

Loser comes to mind.............eventually.

BTW, I enjoy Leo, but shun singlets. :)

Edited by ratcatcher
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Three words for Abhisit government

LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop worrying about Taksin, start running the country. You tried the guy, you found him guilty, its over

If Abhisit wants to win the next election, he needs to start governing, all he can do now is Taksin bashing.

I am not a pro-taksin or a pro-abhisit, i just want this country to move, enough of this statu quo


Well Thaksin won't let it go. That is his S.O.P. M.O.

Two points:

He is logically guilty of much MORE than what they have aimed at him, he should be tried for all crimes,

just because he was found guilty on two counts, doesn't mean others should not be adjudicated.

Serial killers who are convicted for 1 murder, are still tried and convicted for others afterwards,

even if the ONE is enough to remove them from circulation permanently.

Thaksin is actively sabotaging them running the country,

or letting people KNOW what they are doing to fix the country.

If he is actively preventing them from doing their job,

because he wants to take their job from them,

then they should not just " let it go...."

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Is he really cornered though? Come on, this is the Thai justice system we are talking about. They have to hit up goverments because they can't, or won't, or do not have extradition treaties with countries that would apply, yeesh.

This is going to continue until 6 months to 1.5 years after an event which we cannot mention but must pass over in silence. That is his real game and it hasn't even started yet, better stock up the Leo for that one!

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When I saw this I thought it said " New Wool Loom For Thaksin ".

Then I thought, lol that is probably going to be his new job when he goes to prison for Life. Weaving stuff to bribe the other inmates with, so that he doesn't become the jailhouse bride.

Seriously though, the more bad things that happen to him the happier I feel. When he is eventually sent down for Life, I will even break my tee-totalism & pop that bubbley. Fireworks too. Lol. :)

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Three words for Abhisit government

LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop worrying about Taksin, start running the country. You tried the guy, you found him guilty, its over

If Abhisit wants to win the next election, he needs to start governing, all he can do now is Taksin bashing.

I am not a pro-taksin or a pro-abhisit, i just want this country to move, enough of this statu quo


I agree with the let it go, but I think you have misdirected the advice. Thaksin is doing live call-in almost every night, boradcast on a huge screen at the redshirt rally telling the crowd to keep on, keep on. there is evidence he is moving money into the country to finance most of the cost.

Who is it that won't let go.


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I almost feel sorry for the guy.

Yeah, the Supreme Court judgement was balanced and judicious, but given that Thaksin denounced the court and it level headed ruling, and now is associating with more gangsters and mobsters in more countries while he has his Redshirts motorcycling around Bangkok and rallying again to topple the government on the coming weekend, it seems parliamentarians in the government have decided to strip Thaksin of anything and everything he has or could have or get.

Can't say I could blame 'em.

In fact, go get 'im and nail his nads to the wall. Piling it on is now clearly justified. Strip him of everything everywhere. Squish him now once and for all.

I hope so. And while they are at it might then keep him from broadcasting his anti govt rhetoric into Thailand. GEEZE seems like a "no brainer." "Somebody" monitors/censors the internet e.g. youtube etc soooooooooooooooooooooo keep his square face outta here!!!!!

Good idea and then why don't they take the vote away from all people who voted for Thaksin or are red shirt supporters. Then Abhisit may stand a chance of staying on as primeminister in the future. After all thats what the yellowshirts want isn't it?

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Stop worrying about Taksin, start running the country. You tried the guy, you found him guilty, its over

Firstly, the government weren't the ones who tried him and secondly, the guilty party remains at large and many cases against him have yet to be heard because of his stalling tactics; so clearly, it is far from over.

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Three words for Abhisit government

LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop worrying about Taksin, start running the country. You tried the guy, you found him guilty, its over

If Abhisit wants to win the next election, he needs to start governing, all he can do now is Taksin bashing.

I am not a pro-taksin or a pro-abhisit, i just want this country to move, enough of this statu quo


In a way he should let it go from a day-to-day concept, he (Abhisit) should give it the importance it needs by allocating it to a couple of junior pollies to look after with a couple of reports each week as to what is going on.

He should then spend his time turning the tables on Thaksin with a daily chat session aimed directly at the areas so love by Thaksin, the reason being that all these people hear is Thaksin - Thaksin - Thaksin bleating all day without any other side to the story.

The rest of the time he can spend on running the country.

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Yes, it's really all about greed.

I well remember 2001 when Thaksins' affilliates won many Seats even in Bangkok, many times I heard educated Bangkokians say they voted for him "because he is already so rich, he has no need to be as corrupt as the alternatives".

This was soon proved decisively wrong and Thaksin never again received such a share of the Vote from Bangkok constituencies.

Um, the first part is not disputed, that he had a big following in urban middle class areas as well in 2001, with the economy still in the state it was in.

However you make it sound like alleged corruption played any significant part in the middle classes becoming dis-enamoured (is that a word). The main cause for that was Thaksin betting on the rural poor to give him sustained support. That worked very well, until the military put a stop to it.

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I almost feel sorry for the guy.

Feel sorry for me every time he and his Red gang make trouble for Thailand my business alone with bunch of other business lose a lot of money

I guess he might as well kiss the rest of the money goodbye :)

"I almost feel sorry for the guy."... as one feels sorry for the "intellectually challenged"?

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Why he's so much hooked to this power game?

It's a good question, "Greed" is the only answer i can think of...

With the kind of money he has got (had) he could have set himself up anywhere and spent the rest of his days in total luxury and still left enough cash for his grandchildren's grandchildren to live it large.

He obviously has an excellent business mind as well, as he seems to be doing now, he could have used that ability on the world stage to create a powerful corporation to make his family even more money and then influenced governments from the sidelines...

Power corrupts, and total power corrupts totally.

I agree with the first and last line in your reply, but the "excellent business man" doesn't want go down at all!

Roughshod ruthlessness alloyed with an humongous alter ego, which later turned, with increasing power into recklessness,

driven by unprecedented rapacity which did grow progressively with success, at best!

None else can explain what he is engaging, at present in, considering other possibilities which have been discussed, like living a Monte Carlo life at it full throttle....on the sunny side of life, not to worry about anything... why is he engaging in this senseles battle, which can't be won by him, is it delusion?

Indeed , he is not quite normal

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Why he's so much hooked to this power game?

It's a good question, "Greed" is the only answer i can think of...

With the kind of money he has got (had) he could have set himself up anywhere and spent the rest of his days in total luxury and still left enough cash for his grandchildren's grandchildren to live it large.

He obviously has an excellent business mind as well, as he seems to be doing now, he could have used that ability on the world stage to create a powerful corporation to make his family even more money and then influenced governments from the sidelines...

Power corrupts, and total power corrupts totally.

I agree with the first and last line in your reply, but the "excellent business man" doesn't want go down at all!

Roughshod ruthlessness alloyed with an humongous alter ego, which later turned, with increasing power into recklessness,

driven by unprecedented rapacity which did grow progressively with success, at best!

None else can explain what he is engaging, at present in, considering other possibilities which have been discussed, like living a Monte Carlo life at it full throttle....on the sunny side of life, not to worry about anything... why is he engaging in this senseles battle, which can't be won by him, is it delusion?

Indeed , he is not quite normal

Any man who can accumulate 2bn USD in a lifetime rarely is normal. To do it in a circus like Thailand even less normal.

I wonder how many hundreds of millions he had to disperse for friends and favour in order to get to the point that his company could be sold for 2bn?

Presumably he is playing the game because he can see a way to win. Have you ever met an Asian businessman or Asian individual who fought a fight he found at the beginning could be lost? Be it physical, economic or mental in concept?

I think he sees this as potentially a 5 year or even longer battle. Quite a few of the major protagonists in this game won't last that long.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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I almost feel sorry for the guy.

That I could never ever allow myself to do :)

I feel sorry for the special investigators working too many hours. this family of crooks has laundered money in every country. Enough of any sympathy for this evil family, there is no escaping the money and debt they owe to others who make an honest living.

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Yeah, the Supreme Court judgement was balanced and judicious
I just counted 19 posts and not one supporter of Thaksin Shinawatra so far.

Speaks volumes


So I am going to be categorized as a Thaksin supporter for stating the obvious; Thaksin will be hit with everything the government can throw. However this makes Thaksins government no less nor more corrupt than the current government or the ones that proceeded Thaksin.

As the years go by, even some of the hard core Leo and singlet expat brigade will come to the understanding that this was not about cleaning up corruption, it was about trying to defang Thaksin. Both The Nation and the PAD have stated this! Corruption will continue as it has, no better no worse. At which point you might ask yourself why did I get so worked up about Thaksin when he is no different than the rest and removing did nothing to benefit the country or reduce it's endemic corruption?!

Just telling the truth however unpalatable this may be, deal with it.

Please.... Big Mou**... give one example of Abhisit being corrupt..?? Cat got your tongue...!!!!

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Why doesn't LOS have a secret hit squad like the Israeli's, Americans, Russians, British and any other country you might want to mention?

Oh yes.. the Thai Army "Special Forces" Unit. I can see it now.. they can "take him out" with their trusty telescopic automobile whip-antennae attached to empty plastic boxes (as long as they insert the specially purchased "Substance Sensor Card" to allow the "unit" to "detect and destroy" a greedy pathological megalomaniac liar).

According to the "success rate" of that device, there's a 25% chance the mission will succeed.

That is, if they dont get refused on their visa application to run a mission into a non-S.E. Asian country. :)

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Three words for Abhisit government

LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop worrying about Taksin, start running the country.

Neither the PM or the Parliament are spending any time on this, its being handled by the Department of Special Investigation. If you want to complain about nothing getting done, blame it on the reds. Parliment hasn't been able to meet due to the red shirt protests, and the PM has actually been flying around and getting more done (Visits to the North and South) that I expected him to, what with him needing to monitor the protests and keep the police and military from doing anything stupid.

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Why doesn't LOS have a secret hit squad like the Israeli's, Americans, Russians, British and any other country you might want to mention?

Oh yes.. the Thai Army "Special Forces" Unit. I can see it now.. they can "take him out" with their trusty telescopic automobile whip-antennae attached to empty plastic boxes (as long as they insert the specially purchased "Substance Sensor Card" to allow the "unit" to "detect and destroy" a greedy pathological megalomaniac liar). According to the "success rate" of that device, there's a 25% chance the mission will succeed. That is, if they dont get refused on their visa application to run a mission into a non-S.E. Asian country. :)

That reminds me, I just invented a device that detects bullshit. It's called the SRJ-492/BLRTY-C and it only costs Bt.1.3 million each. If you buy 100, you get a 2% discount!

It's a mobile phone sized black box that clips to one's belt, with not one, but three antennae sticking out. The box itself is sealed against tampering in order to protect the delicate and patented machinations inside.

You just aim it at something or someone, and if there's bullshit involved, it squeaks like a bargirl who's been wronged. Sorry, no money back guarantee.

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Why doesn't LOS have a secret hit squad like the Israeli's, Americans, Russians, British and any other country you might want to mention?

Oh yes.. the Thai Army "Special Forces" Unit. I can see it now.. they can "take him out" with their trusty telescopic automobile whip-antennae attached to empty plastic boxes (as long as they insert the specially purchased "Substance Sensor Card" to allow the "unit" to "detect and destroy" a greedy pathological megalomaniac liar). According to the "success rate" of that device, there's a 25% chance the mission will succeed. That is, if they dont get refused on their visa application to run a mission into a non-S.E. Asian country. :D

That reminds me, I just invented a device that detects bullshit. It's called the SRJ-492/BLRTY-C and it only costs Bt.1.3 million each. If you buy 100, you get a 2% discount!

It's a mobile phone sized black box that clips to one's belt, with not one, but three antennae sticking out. The box itself is sealed against tampering in order to protect the delicate and patented machinations inside.

You just aim it at something or someone, and if there's bullshit involved, it squeaks like a bargirl who's been wronged. Sorry, no money back guarantee.

Just build a Theramin body capacitance detector / synthesizer,

then aim it an ANY ONE chances are there will be bullshit of some level involved,

so fair play, it makes a sound in the presence of humans. :)

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I just counted 19 posts and not one supporter of Thaksin Shinawatra so far.

Speaks volumes.

A witch hunt, if ever I saw or heard one. No post here for Taksin, all his supporters are out on the streets, and probably don’t have access to computers and probably can’t write English (Like some on here). I wonder how many here have thought about those billions, with envy and hate, nothing like seeing the mighty fall (makes me feel good inside)

I am not a supporter but obviously if he had not done some good, there wouldn’t be so many out on the streets shouting his name. Does not matter that they are uneducated (Opinion only), they are people, and all people have a right to voice.

I read a lot here and never voice opinion but it seems all the intellect persons are very opinionated with blinkers (They THAT WILL NOT see) the sentiments of others :)

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I am not a supporter but obviously if he had not done some good, there wouldn't be so many out on the streets shouting his name.

Firstly, why are they shouting his name when so many of the red sympathisers on here tell us the red movement is not about Thaksin, and secondly, who has claimed that Thaksin hasn't done anything good? I think it's clear that he has do some good things, what is not clear is why some people think that a few good deeds excuse the bad things he is guilty of. I'm sure you would find that every inmate at every prison around the world has at some stage in their lives done something good. Should we exonerate them all?

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I just counted 19 posts and not one supporter of Thaksin Shinawatra so far.

Speaks volumes.

A witch hunt, if ever I saw or heard one. No post here for Taksin, all his supporters are out on the streets, and probably don't have access to computers and probably can't write English (Like some on here). I wonder how many here have thought about those billions, with envy and hate, nothing like seeing the mighty fall (makes me feel good inside)

I am not a supporter but obviously if he had not done some good, there wouldn't be so many out on the streets shouting his name. Does not matter that they are uneducated (Opinion only), they are people, and all people have a right to voice.

I read a lot here and never voice opinion but it seems all the intellect persons are very opinionated with blinkers (They THAT WILL NOT see) the sentiments of others :)

It's not a witch hunt. Most of us are quite happy to discuss the good things he has done along with the bad things he has done.

In a lot of our opinions, some of the "good" things he has done aren't really that good - ie cash handouts, easy loans - and they are completely out weighed by the bad things he did - ie changing laws to directly benefit his business, organising loans to Burma so that they could buy things from his business.

There also isn't a lot of evidence of some of the "good" things he is supposed to have done - ie improve education.

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With all due respect had you lived here for any length of time (I have been here some twenty years) you would have seen how Thaksin bent the rules, look back at the financial crisis of 1997. Thaksin was there along with Adnan Khashoggni gutting Thailand for all it was worth.

Fast forward to the Thaksin administrations, people who opposed Thaksin quashed by massive court actions and costs, people disappearing, the war on drugs victims, the tak Bai massacre. Oh indeed the list is a long one.

Dubious loans to Myanmar so as to enable the Junta to by equipment from Thaksin companies, tax breaks favouring Thaksin companies.

Note Thaksins rhetoric always ME, I , never you or us.

Remember the comments from Thaksin concerning voting patterns ?

Those areas that voted in a T.R.T member of Parliament will receive all and more than they ask for, Those areas that oppose me and return a non T.R.T will receive nothing.

That is the Thaksin idea of Democracy, perhaps you approve of such a political mandate ?

No sir or Madam it's not a ''Witch-hunt'' it is a quest to try to clean up politics in this country, to stop the people being hoodwinked and being governed by vengeful despotic dictators, along with the pursuit of justice and the return of illegally gained monies and other assets.

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I just counted 19 posts and not one supporter of Thaksin Shinawatra so far.

Speaks volumes.

A witch hunt, if ever I saw or heard one. No post here for Taksin, all his supporters are out on the streets, and probably don't have access to computers and probably can't write English (Like some on here). I wonder how many here have thought about those billions, with envy and hate, nothing like seeing the mighty fall (makes me feel good inside)

I am not a supporter but obviously if he had not done some good, there wouldn't be so many out on the streets shouting his name. Does not matter that they are uneducated (Opinion only), they are people, and all people have a right to voice.

I read a lot here and never voice opinion but it seems all the intellect persons are very opinionated with blinkers (They THAT WILL NOT see) the sentiments of others :)

He did some good yes . some bad too . If you look at his biography during his tenure in power its one page full of incidents

and controversy

Anyway my point is that yes it would be very interesting to hear some of the red shirts here but they dont speak english

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