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Internet Chat Brings 200,000 Us$?


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Even funnier is that I don't actually doubt its true! :)

The story in the orignal post is indeed true.

No doubt about that.

I will keep everybody informed as soon as I have more news about it.

If I would start telling the TRUE stories of fahrangs who have lost milllions of Baht on their "teerak' and which I know the most of them personally, I could fill a book.

A few months ago, a friend of mine lost 50 million Baht when his teerak and her family kicked him out of the "company", took over a hotel which he had build and sold it immediatly, cashing the sum of 50 million Baht.

There are indeed a lot of gullible fahrangs out there.

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Even funnier is that I don't actually doubt its true! :D

My first next door neighbour here was a Thai woman whose English husband was at home earning enough money to pay for the rent, bills etc. She was always telling me how she was scamming all sorts of money out of him that went straight into her own bank account.... She never realised that, far from being impressed at her cleverness, I was appalled.

So that's a Thai woman scamming her English husband.

(Already Married) I do take it that he had met her before he married her.

The OP's post is about the guy's neighbour who has told him about a guy who has offered $200,000 US dollars to his daughter ( chat freind) via the internet for her to be able to build a house for him in the town they live in, so I take that to be about a guy who has never met the girl but only chatted via the internet.

A big difference.

I'll now up my offer of showing my ass on soi 6 for a week to 2 weeks if the guy gives the girl $200,000 dollars to build him a house without having never met her in person, that means giving her the cash before he ever meets her, if he ever does. :)

Quoting Coalminer below.

The story in the orignal post is indeed true.

No doubt about that.

I will keep everybody informed as soon as I have more news about it.

If I would start telling the TRUE stories of fahrangs who have lost milllions of Baht on their "teerak' and which I know the most of them personally, I could fill a book.

A few months ago, a friend of mine lost 50 million Baht when his teerak and her family kicked him out of the "company", took over a hotel which he had build and sold it immediatly, cashing the sum of 50 million Baht.

There are indeed a lot of gullible fahrangs out there.

The STORY (Jackanory) may indeed be true, to you, that meaning that the girls father did tell you the story and you seem to believe it enough to have posted a thread about it on Thai visa, but it don't mean that the girl will get the $200, 000 US dollars.

There are indeed a lot of gullible farangs out their who believe everything their told :D

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Yes of course the English man I'm talking about had met his Thai wife before marrying her. She had even lived in England for a while before deciding it wasn't for her and going back home.

Nonetheless (and understandably), he paid her rent, bills etc. in Thailand for a couple of years before he'd saved enough money to come here. She still decided to scam him for every possible penny.

The case in point - yes, its an entirely different situation, but knowing lots of stories like this its not hard to believe some complete loser is convinced that whilst he's a loser at home, some Thai woman that has told him how much she loves him by email, is stupid enough to send lots of money. Assuming of course, he's wealthy enough to not care about the money - only that some woman loves him so much.

I agree that 200,000 dollars is unlikely....., but lots of farang men send money to their Thai g/f's that they met on holiday. :)

It could be a troll, it could be a hard-bitten farang getting his own back - but if so, its more interesting that the Thai family think the farang is stupid enough to send that sort of money.

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No i dont think this is a scam. I happened to get chatting to the ex wife of a Nigerian Army General. Her Husbend had died and left her $ 600000 USD in a account but to get the money she first had to pay the bank $ 10000 US . She is a lovely woman so i agreed to help. She said she would spilt the money with me 50 - 50. I sent her $ 10000 USD by Western Union. Soon i will get my $ 300000 usd. I messaged her just a couple of hours ago and she said just a few days more and i will have my money. A few days is nothing to wait. I have been waiting 3 months now so a few days will fly by for me. :)

The internet is full of wonderful people willing to share there cash. I love it. I have already seen the new home i am going to buy with my $ 300000 USD .

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I can testify to the HUGE amount of potential to get money that's out there, here is what I did when the internet first came around ..... I got a bunch of pictures of a 15 year old female model and went to chat rooms, within 5-30 seconds some pedophile would pm me, I would tell them I wanted to run away but just needed bus fare, 99 times out of 100 within 2 minutes they had the mailing address and 90 times out of 100 they sent 100 usd. I even had one guy tell me straight up he thought I was some guy scamming him but 100 dollars was worth the risk ! I had another idiot send 100, 3 times after my stories of being caught by the cops and other excuses. I told them they were sending it to my neighbors house and I was taking it from his mailbox, but after scamming literally hundreds and hundreds of people I was told that the scam had become so large that I might be prosecuted even though I was ripping off child molesters. My mistake was telling to many people and making a big joke of it, but I have no remorse whatsoever.

A lot of people told me I should have reported them and was a bad person for not doing that so save your flaming I have heard it all on that account.

The point is that in addition to foolish people their are people willing to send money that don't even care if your story is true.

The remorse you should have had IMO,was that you'd posted pictures of a 15 year old girl on the internet to lure peadophiles for a profit. :)

How would you have felt if you'd have found out that someone had posted pictures of your daughter on the internet. (If you have one)

I know how I'd have felt and I've a pretty good idea of what I'd have liked to do about it.

How would you have felt if that had been done to your daughter (COALMINER) as you seemed to like MR Richards reply.?.

Edited by MB1
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It might not have crossed your mind or your neighbours but this US chat freind could really be that, a first class joker, playing a game on her and her family might just end up with egg on their faces when they recieve sweet FA, not a dime in money but they have told loads of people about the lump of cash they think their going to get from him in the USA. :)

Loss of face big time... :D

I have started a similar thread a few years ago, when I was doing translations for an Internet shop in my neighborhood.

You would be amazed how easy it was for these girls to extract money from their "chat friends".

I wouldn't have believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes.

Guys from the USA and Europe who were sending 500 Euro (650 USD) to help a girl's mother "pay the hospital bill".

I have also the complete wedding photo's of the daughter from a friend in my neighborhood who married a wealthy American which she meet in a chat on MSN.

I have seen similar. It seems there are plenty of guys out there who are "going overboard" with these ladies, even before they have met them. I have one 18 yr old that I know quite well, who has had several offers of marriage, before the guys ever met her. One offered her 30,000 bht per month, would put her through university & build a house for her parents. He was "falling all over himself" to get up from his residence in Pattaya, to meet her and her parents. Of course this never happened, because she was not interested in such a deal and prefers to have her freedom. Just take a look at the number of stories on this website about gents putting down 1 million+ sin sod, building houses they can't own & buying vehicles in their wife's name. I have one close Farang friend who has spent around 20 million bht in 5 years here. I wish I had that kind of money to blow.

Yep plenty out there just watch Louis therouxs take on it with "Lance" or whatever his name was threw all his money at her ( not that it was that much) married her the next day blah blah all ti*s up within months. "next"

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Just had a chat with my "over neighbor" (living in front of my house, across the street) and talked on a sidenote about the 200,000 USD thing.

Seems that his daughter has been chatting for about 3 months with this person.

They had many chats about getting married and he agreed with the plan to build a house and buy some furniture for them both The house and the furniture would be seen as "sin sod", but would remain the property of the couple.

Looking at he prices of the new houses around here (around 4 million unfurbished), 200,000 USD is not very much.

The parents are middle class Thais, not poor farmers.

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Even funnier is that I don't actually doubt its true! :)

My first next door neighbour here was a Thai woman whose English husband was at home earning enough money to pay for the rent, bills etc. She was always telling me how she was scamming all sorts of money out of him that went straight into her own bank account.... She never realised that, far from being impressed at her cleverness, I was appalled.

I ended up avoiding her like the plague - peering cautiously round the corner to see if she was in sight before going out! :D

It took me a while to realise that if he was stupid enough to believe she loved him, he deserved it....

p.s. I found out recently that he has now moved to Thailand and they have bought an expensive house locally. I've no doubt he's still blissfully unaware that she's scamming every baht she can from him. To look on the bright side, I've also no doubt that as long as the money keeps coming, she won't leave him.

That reminds me - I must get down to Western Union tionight to send back cash for my wife!

Thanks for the reminder, chaps.


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$200,000 not very much :). :D ...

200,000 dollars exchange rate at todays rates showing on Thai Visa = $200,000 times 31.21 Baht = 6.242 million Baht...

Fair old price for Sin Sod, but then you say their middle class so must be worth it eh..This story just gets better by the post.. Thanks [personal info deleted]. :D

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