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^ Bizarrely enough,  I do know the one legged farang guy zooming around on a rollerblade (assuming we are talking about the same person?). I have had a few conversations with him, we were staying in the same area once. Nice enough guy, do not know too much about him, except he will regularly take trips to places like Ban taawaii or other distant places on his "wheels"........

Other distant places is right: I’ve seen him zooming down highway 13 in Laos going from Pak Mong towards Luang Prabang, & obviously enjoying himself! I give him 10 out 10 for effort and strength of character. The guy obviously gets around!

But for me sometimes I have to wonder about some of these people. How were they before their handicap accident - did they get around as much before or not? Or was it the accident that fired them up & got them so motivated to travel, enjoy life & see as much as possible? Its an interesting thought I reckon.

I met a Burmese (Shan) beggar 6 weeks ago, hobbling down Moon Muang road on sawn off crutches - a double amputee at the knee. But shit did this guy ever have guts & strength of character. He claimed that he'd been in Thailand about 6 months & entered down south at Ranong & had worked his way north ever since. He might have been part of the “regular beggars mafia racket”, but he was a stropping good looking guy & also got 10 out 10 from me for perseverance. More than likely he was seeing more of the world, than if he’d remained normal & been stuck in Burma in the mountains somewhere.

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If you really want to see triumph over adversity next time you are in Maerim go to the carpark at the market and see the Burmese guy who is the parking attendant.

This gentleman had both arms blown off at the shoulders besides other wounds so now all he has are two stumps, how he copes and does this job is beyond me.

He is the most pleasant and polite individual you could wish to meet and I meet him most days this gentleman has his wife and kids here as well I believe.

Makes one feel humble when you see him just getting on with life with all his problems and I thought I had problems.

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