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Where To Buy American Country Music Cds


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Does anyone know where I can buy original CDs, either in Bangkok or close by? I don't want to buy street copies, and I know the vendors on Silom Road sometimes have country, but rather a proper selection of contemporary American Country.


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Copies are easy to get...just about any place that sells CD's in bangkok has them. But originals...that would be hard to find.

I suppose there might be originals in some of the more expensive music stores...try some of the music stores in the Emporium on Sukhumvit road...but even there you might find copies not originals. Originals will be expensive.

If you ever get to Singapore there is a music store there..I think on Orchard Road...that is five or six floors. Every type of music you can imagine...and a lot of country music, a whole floor, I think. Can't remember the name of the store now, sorry. Possibly Capitol Records...something Records anyhow. Sorry that's not much information.


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Hard to find any original CDs here unless it's Thai pop or something like Lady Gaga, Black Eyed Peas, etc. The only legit stand alone cd store left in Bangkok that I know of is in Paragon, third floor I think. You might try Rex on Petchburi across from Panthip. They have mostly copies but a limited no. of originals. More Bluegrass than straight Nashville stuff. Also the Central Dept. stores. Their selection varies from store to store. Central World probably has the biggest choice.

Edited by dekestone
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