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Cigarette Packs With Shocking Pictures Go On Sale


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Cigarette packs with shocking pictures go on sale

BANGKOK: -- Thailand has became the fourth country in the world to make it compulsory for cigarette packets to carry shocking and graphic pictures and messages warning smokers of the health risks of smoking.

The new labels, with six different pictures and six severe warning messages, were officially launched on Wednesday (25th May) to mark no Smoking Day next week.

The graphics take up half the size of a cigarette packet and feature six of health risks -- smoking makes you look older, smoking causes bad breath, passive smoking can harm children, smoking can cause lung cancer and smoking can cause emphysema (chronic condition in which the walls of the air sacs in the lungs become gradually damaged, resulting in irreversible destruction of the tissues of the lower lungs ) -- to help reduce the number of smokers in the country, President of the Thai Health Promotion Institute, Dr. Hathai Chitanon said.

“I hope that the awful pictures and severe messages will succeed in deterring people from smoking, particularly the less-educated people,” Dr.Hathai said.

A recent survey in Canada found that the graphic pictures on cigarette packs had helped 44% of smokers kick the habit within twelve months of the labelling system being introduced.

Canada was the first country to introduce the graphic labels on cigarette packets, followed by Brazil and Singapore.

A survey in 1994 found nearly ten million people in Thailand were regular smokers, among them 500,000 female smokers, according to Secretary-General of the Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), Dr. Prakit Vathisathokit.

Dr. Prakit said he as particularly concerned by the the increasing numbers of female teenagers in urban areas turning to smoking as a result of advertising and the smoking habits of movie stars.

Thailand’s Health Ministry had given distributors and retailers two months notice to get rid of their old stocks before the new labelling system came into force.

The government’s new labelling system has been introduced a week ahead of the World No Tobacco Day 2005 on 31 May. Under the Tobacco Free Initiative, government and health officials intend to step up international and national campaign against smoking.

--TNA 2005-05-25

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my friend love to see those photo in the cigarette pack, he got it almost everyday :D . this propaganda may reduce smokers. but the best solution is to close the cigarette factory :o. everybody will stop smoking if no more cigarette available in the world. isn't it? :D

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The picture on the outside doesn't mean thats what you get inside.....

Think of Baby Food as an example, just because there is a picture of a baby, doesn't mean there is one in the can. :o

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I've seen a couple of people patiently unload their fags from one of the pictorial packs into a plain cigarette case. Decades back cigarette cases were a hot fashion/jewelry item. Maybe they'll make a come back.

Marketing ideas anyone?

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The pictures make me laugh...in fact, i've actually started smoking more!!! ...and for all you Brits out there, the pic with the woman (or man) smoking whilst holding the baby looks to me like Dot Cotton from Eastenders...anyone see the resemblence?? :o

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The picture on the outside doesn't mean thats what you get inside.....

Think of Baby Food as an example, just because there is a picture of a baby, doesn't mean there is one in the can.  :D

If I remember correctly, baby food failed miserably when first introduced to the Middle East because of this. Or was it Africa? :o

And is it just my imagination, or have I been seeing an increase in the number of cigarette cases being sold in the last month?

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my friend love to see those photo in the cigarette pack, he got it almost everyday  :D . this propaganda may reduce smokers. but the best solution is to close the cigarette factory :D. everybody will stop smoking if no more cigarette available in the world. isn't it? :D


Fact is: smoking is big business worldwide.

Fact is: to shut it down as a legal business makes it an illegal business - just another drug trade.

Fact is: the price goes up, blackmarket goes up. Price goes down, more people start smoking.

Fact is: pictures work, educating the young works, discouraging or banning smoking in public and work places works.

Fact is: smoking, and second hand smoke, kills.

Weaning the 'junkies' (I smoke) and the industry down using a trickle-down method allows some adjustment period.

For Thailand, and Asia for that matter, this is a good start.


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my friend love to see those photo in the cigarette pack, he got it almost everyday  :D . this propaganda may reduce smokers. but the best solution is to close the cigarette factory :o. everybody will stop smoking if no more cigarette available in the world. isn't it? :D

Then smokes would become bootleg and organized crime steps in to make the money, i guess really no different from big biz.

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to reduce the smoker: the family should advice the youngster about the risky of cigarette smoking. let today's smoker smoke until they died but the family should start now to play a great roll to descipline its member for the benefits of the new generation. :o

my father was smoker ever since but he is the only smoker in the family. he advice us not to smoke although he used to, atleast we follow his advice. we (family circle) don't smoke at all :D easy as that.

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They have been out for 1 month or so. I think the picture of the cancerous lung hanging out of the bloodied chest cavity, goes a little to far  :o

I bought a cigarette case.

Yes, they have been out for a month or so....

I now hestitate to buy one without the pictures, means the package is at least a month old.

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to reduce the smoker: the family should advice the youngster about the risky of cigarette smoking. let today's smoker smoke until they died but the family should start now to play a great roll to descipline its member for the benefits of the new generation.  :D

my father was smoker ever since but he is the only smoker in the family. he advice us not to smoke although he used to, atleast we follow his advice. we (family circle) don't smoke at all :D easy as that.

I used reverse psychology when my two sons were early teenagers. I caught my youngest sneaking a cigarette in the shed behind the house. I got them together, lit a cigarette and told them "Look I can not stand here with a cigarette in my face telling you not to smoke. But don't sneak around to do it. You want to smoke ? Sure, go ahead. I's bad for you but if you think you must, then do it in front of me." :D

That was over 25 years ago. Both are non-smokers.

As for me ? Well, I still smoke (after almost 60 years) My motto. You only live once and if you do it right, once is enough. :o

Greetings, the ol Capt.

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I can't smoke when I'm hungover. Any suggestions? :o

Even if they were to make tobacco illegal, look at heroin, cocaine, ya ba, crack and all that crap, all still sort of easily available. Mind you I wouldn't pay 100$ for a gram of tobacco, then I'd quit... maybe... There's always coconut husk and that neglected lawn in the park across the street.

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The picture on the outside doesn't mean thats what you get inside.....

Think of Baby Food as an example, just because there is a picture of a baby, doesn't mean there is one in the can.  :D

I wonder if putting pictures on condom packages would help.....................?


:D if you could choose what picture would you put on a condom packet?

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The picture on the outside doesn't mean thats what you get inside.....

Think of Baby Food as an example, just because there is a picture of a baby, doesn't mean there is one in the can.  :D

I wonder if putting pictures on condom packages would help.....................?


:D if you could choose what picture would you put on a condom packet?

"Actual Size" pictures, would be good for starters.

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The picture on the outside doesn't mean thats what you get inside.....

Think of Baby Food as an example, just because there is a picture of a baby, doesn't mean there is one in the can.  :D

I wonder if putting pictures on condom packages would help.....................?


If they're anything like the cigarette pictures .... :D

I think they ought to make more pictures- they kind of work like trading cards.

Hey - anyone notice that box with the one with the teeth opens like a jaw? You can even hang a cigarette out of the teeth if you clinch it in the box right.... :D

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