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Help With Understanding Electricity Bill


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OK guys so here is the problem

Moved house a couple of months back and just noticed the standing charge for the electricity is changing every month.

Last month 'Kaa FieFar Taan' (ด่าไฟฟ้าฐาน) 190bht + units used 83*0.9255 (บาท/หน่วย) + 7 percent

This month 'Kaa FieFar Taan' (ด่าไฟฟ้าฐาน) 470bht + units used 207*0.9255 (บาท/หน่วย) + 7 percent

Now my last house had the same standing charge every month (as you would expect)

I compared with my neighbour and their standing charges were different every month and different to mine.

I thought the standing charge (ด่าไฟฟ้าฐาน) would be the same for every house every month??

Any ideas??

(If you live in a condo this post is unlikely to apply to you or your bill)

Edited by sarahsbloke
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The more electricity you use the higher the charge is per kwh (per unit of electricity).

For example:

Last month I used 278 units and paid 989 baht (3.56 baht per unit), this month i used 342 units and paid 1242 baht (3.63 baht per unit).

Does that help answer your question?

Ohh one other thing, on your bill you will notice there is a section under where it states the amount of electricity you used.

it has two parts, 1. that states a rate of 0.0000 & a baht fee and 2. 0.9255 and a baht rate next to that. My understanding of this is a portion of your bill gets charged at that rate outlined at point 2 and the rest of the bill at another rate which is calculated depending on the amount of electricity you used.

Edited by neverdie
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OK, maybe you are right

Back in the UK the standing charge is a fixed fee by the util company, every household with the same company has the same fixed fee standing charge.

I was pretty sure this was the case at my last Thai house .... but I didn't keep the bills when I moved.

I guess this is Thailand so the same logic may not apply here.

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My FIL works for the electricity mob here.

The reason it shows a rate of 0.0000 is because its a sliding scale based on the amount used. I agree, its different to what we had back home in Australia too.

Im unsure what the portion (as a percentage is) for being charged at the fixed rate of .9255, I think some of his explanation was lost in my basic ability to understand <deleted> he was on about :)

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My current bill is up 1800 a month over the highest bill I ever had

I do not ever remember the charge at 0.9255 being on any other bills until this month?

If you throw in VAT my total unit cost is up to 4.03 baht per unit

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Ahh there we go, found something :)

This was a 2005 post, so prices most likely went up a bit since, but it gives you a breakdown.

First 150 units @ 1.8047 baht = 270.705

Next 250 units @ 2.7781 baht = 694.525

Next xxx units @ 2.9780 baht = ???.???

+ standing charge...................... 40.9 baht

+ FT (fuel surcharge) =.....total units*0.4328 baht

Everything charged at 7% VAT

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Ahh there we go, found something :)

This was a 2005 post, so prices most likely went up a bit since, but it gives you a breakdown.

First 150 units @ 1.8047 baht = 270.705

Next 250 units @ 2.7781 baht = 694.525

Next xxx units @ 2.9780 baht = ???.???

+ standing charge...................... 40.9 baht

+ FT (fuel surcharge) =.....total units*0.4328 baht

Everything charged at 7% VAT

^ found here

2000 prices, not sure if they have changed, couldnt open the other page

Edited by Donnyboy
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I understood the first bit but the Ft part, I never got my head around, until reading this:

Ft Charge is the additional expenditure which is altered by the oil price. PEA will calculate by using the ratio of cost of production that is increased on the period.

Thats the bit I could never get my head around when it was being explained to me in thai. Now it makes perfectly good sense. So the going rate for that as at March, 2010 is .9255 (as opposed to the 0.6285 they are quoting at sept 08).

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The more electricity you use the higher the charge is per kwh (per unit of electricity).

For example:

Last month I used 278 units and paid 989 baht (3.56 baht per unit), this month i used 342 units and paid 1242 baht (3.63 baht per unit).

Does that help answer your question?

what is the average consumption when you are in Thailand and live in your house? :)

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if you are using over 200 units it will cost you bt4.04 per unit inc. tax.

that is not quite correct because the surcharge varies based on prevailing energy prices. example: my last month's consumption was 2,927 kWh @ 2.95 Baht = 8,621 Baht, energy surcharge 0.9255 Baht per kWh = 2,737 Baht, VATax 795, total 12.152 Baht = average 4.15 Baht/kWh.

Edited by Naam
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I know how to work out my electricity bill to the last satang. I am happy to provide you with the calculation excel spread sheet I use. I am however unsure if I am able to give you my email address here, or mobile phone number?

I am sorry that I am so vague about giving my contact details online?

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I know how to work out my electricity bill to the last satang. I am happy to provide you with the calculation excel spread sheet I use. I am however unsure if I am able to give you my email address here, or mobile phone number?

I am sorry that I am so vague about giving my contact details online?

Just upload the .xls to rapidshare or another free file share service, and post the link here for all to enjoy.

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  • 5 months later...

I have posted an EXCEL Spreadsheet here:


which I use.

Enter the BEGINING and END meter readings.

Adjust the GREEN numbers starting at the bottom until CALCULATED is equal to USED.

If the FT changes then it will need updating.

All current charges are here:


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I have posted an EXCEL Spreadsheet here:


which I use.

Enter the BEGINING and END meter readings.

Adjust the GREEN numbers starting at the bottom until CALCULATED is equal to USED.

If the FT changes then it will need updating.

All current charges are here:

Great stuff, thanks

Edited by davehowden
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