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Gold Shops In Cm Don't Want To Buy My Gold!


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If it's "farang gold", they are not interested in buying.

So true. I tried to sell a "gold" ring from the USA but the Thai gold shops weren't interested.

it is a well known fact that gold jewelry is unknown in the U.S. of A. :)

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I think white russian guy is living in some novel I read about the alternative universe. The one where the Chinese and Russians are trading bwith North America before Columbus. I think he is the only farang who is "excited" about China being dominant power. Fact is, like other people have said, China has always screwed themselves up and are doing it again. Their economy is about to go down like everyone elses, except much worse, from all the information I have read.

Before the map below, China was a superpower, it receeded after 1820's - I guess when the Brits were the Yanks of the day...First Opium War (1839–42).



As for North America... disregarding the Russia Innuit in Alaska...

(The Bering Strait has been the subject of scientific speculation that humans migrated from Asia to North America across a land bridge at a time when lower ocean levels - perhaps a result of glaciers locking up vast amounts of water - exposed a ridge beneath the ocean. This would have allowed humans to walk from Siberia to Alaska, thus populating North and South America.)


Skraeling Island lies off the east coast of Ellesmere Island in the Canadian territory of Nunavut.

The Norse referred to the indigenous peoples they encountered in Greenland and the New World as skræling (`cloth-skin,' possibly derived from the hides the natives wore), and the sagas make it clear that the Norse considered the natives hostile.[2]

Skraeling Island is an extensive archeological site which has yielded a wealth of artifacts from Small-Tool cultures dating from 4500 BC (Dorset and Thule). Norse items found at Inuit sites — some 80 objects from a single site including a small driftwood carving of a face with European features — suggests that there was a lively trade between the groups (as well as an exchange of Norse goods among the Inuit).

-- As for the Chinese, yes it's just a theory... but in the 1200's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zheng_He Zheng He was doing buisness as far as East Africa.. the theory is, his fleet seperated... and some evidence suggests that certain fleets ended up in America.

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  • 3 months later...


Maybe it need to be assayed? Or maybe they are waiting to buy on a dip, eg: $1000. Doesn't look 'overbought' to me.


dam_n I'm good. $1105 at the time of the above post. Went up to $1256.5.

post-50139-080147500 1278518546_thumb.jp

Anybody getting itchy gold fingers?

time to put it on yer radar. Might nip down to Tescos this weekend...

will support hold? place yer bets.


Edited by whiterussian
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maybe they will have a better balance than cowboys.

They have have screwed up and fought with each other over and over again for thousands of years. Don't count any chickens just yet. :D

I'm not counting chickens, I'm waiting to count Yuan! Easy money! :)

Am I the only farang that is excited by the prospect of a dominant China? 19.62% of the world are Chinese! It just seems to make sense!

No point fighting the inevitable (resistance is futile!)

And the beauty of it is that the US is moaning its too weak... lets hope it stays that way until I get some cash behind me :D If I were a rich man.. da da da da

Han Chinese constitute about 92% of the population of the People's Republic of China (mainland China)

USA ancestry


Don't forget India. They are expected to have the largest population in the world by 2050. Just today Carfare announced they are pulling out of Thailand and concentrating on India. I believe they have already left Japan and Korea.

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The shops I asked in weren't even bothered to look at it, I said, 'Phum mee bin doii' (I have the reciept also).

It's Thai gold I bought at an Aurora gold shop down South. Does anybody know if they have branches in CM? Their website is in Thai.


According to their website, they don't have any branches north of Suphanburi(about 169 km north of Bangkok). Aurora has a good reputation, wonder why they don't want to buy your gold.

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The shops I asked in weren't even bothered to look at it, I said, 'Phum mee bin doii' (I have the reciept also).

It's Thai gold I bought at an Aurora gold shop down South. Does anybody know if they have branches in CM? Their website is in Thai.


According to their website, they don't have any branches north of Suphanburi(about 169 km north of Bangkok). Aurora has a good reputation, wonder why they don't want to buy your gold.

Must be a temporary thing where some shops just say "hey, we have enough in stock right now, let's not buy"?! I mean, they'll have to limit their inventory, otherwise they'd be gold speculators rather than gold shops, difference being the latter make money good times and bad... could that be it?

I find it a little worrying to be honest. If I buy Gold, I want to know that I can sell it again.

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The shops I asked in weren't even bothered to look at it, I said, 'Phum mee bin doii' (I have the reciept also).

It's Thai gold I bought at an Aurora gold shop down South. Does anybody know if they have branches in CM? Their website is in Thai.


According to their website, they don't have any branches north of Suphanburi(about 169 km north of Bangkok). Aurora has a good reputation, wonder why they don't want to buy your gold.

Must be a temporary thing where some shops just say "hey, we have enough in stock right now, let's not buy"?! I mean, they'll have to limit their inventory, otherwise they'd be gold speculators rather than gold shops, difference being the latter make money good times and bad... could that be it?

I find it a little worrying to be honest. If I buy Gold, I want to know that I can sell it again.

I am a little worried about this also...

I have Thai GOLD. It is in the preffered form of 1 baht necklaces. I have been told the small ingots get a lower price when you sell again. Thais prefer the jewelry.

I bought the gold in Pattaya but on a trip to Yasothon I enquired about selling 1 baht at the gold shop in the BIG C. They offered 2/3 of the actual price on that day...because they did not know us as customers !!!

Since then I have decided to sell (when I get round to it) at the shop I bought it from as I still have the receipt.

The shop owners are a family of rich Chinese Thais with 3 shops in Pattaya and more in Bangkok...so hopefully they are not a fly by night operation....but TIT !!!

Bloomberg News ticker last week expected Gold to go to over 1300 dollars an ounce by the end of the year.......fingers crossed.:jap:

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