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Banking Proceeds House Sale

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I am about to sell a house on which I have 30 year lease.

To facilitate sale I will drop my lease and it will be sold in thai owner's name.

Can the proceeds of the sale be made directly to me? Will any questions be asked if I lodge a large amount (9ml baht) in my account? I already have an account.

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Make absolutely sure, with a lawyer with you, your ruights are not dropped along with the lease.

Once you drop the lease, you have no rights to the property sale proceeds.

Have them done at the same time.

If you drop your rights at the land office as the sale is going through, then you get paid while you sign!!

You want to see the CASHIER'S CHECK / BANKER'S DRAFT in your name at the land office when you are signing.

You do not care to hear that the bank or the buyer will make out only one check and only to the owner.

Just make sure to get a lawyer to assist you. It is worth every baht!! 9,000,000 is lot of money.

Also, if you are married here, have your wife go to the land office and ask them how it is normally done in order for you to remain safe. Who knows? they may even have a form to fill out.

Be cautious.

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Can you sell a house that you don't own?

You may be able to sell the leasehold rights (I presume you can in Thailand like elsewhere?) but the owner still remains the owner.

Also the owner can sell the house and you can still retain the leasehold rights but you don't get any proceeds from the sale.

I'm guessing the house is in your wife's name and you want to get the money for the sale paid to you and not her?

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