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Thai Government, Protesters Edge Towards Talk

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Jatuporn, Weng and Weera have dressed up nicely for the talks :D

Could have put on a clean shirt ...

And how come they didn't shave their heads??? :)


On TV ... TNN24 ... Truevisions channel 7

Reliable news network. Watched it since the PAD airport takeover. Balanced reporting and always seem to have reporters on the scene.

No live coverage of the talks, but is showing pictures of the red shirt leaders arriving and sitting down (all smiles) in the conference hall.


Mark looking very dapper and quite relaxed without his necktie and suit jacket.

All smiles and politeness at this stage. Doesn't look like anyone has called anyone a buffalo.

Live coverage now on TNN24

Actually on most of the channels at the moment. Although no sound at present.

Abhisit's men in black guarding the proceedings.

Lots of photos just in case you miss it on TV.

Everyone waiting for someone to burp, fart or speak ....

Tension in the air ...

Holding hands now!!

Shaking hands ... formalities over.

Everyone sitting silently wondering why the pizza hasn't arrived yet.

Weng is knocking back the water. Steady on wee man!

Weera said many days have passed already and everyone has been having fun.

Thanked the other gentlemen for the opportunity to hold talks and stating their case.

Abhisit making notes while Weera talks. Just in case there is a test on it in the next O-Net or A-Net university entrance test.

Weng and Jatuporn looking at Weera and wondering what he is talking about.

Has offered Mark the chance to speak now.

Mark letting him know that over the last 2 weeks the government has accommodated the reds protests in a non-aggressive manner and yet the whole country has been very serious.

Mark reiterating that if he dissolves Parliament, what will happen to the country without leadership in the interim period before elections can be held.

Mark saying something about if any decision is made it has to be with the whole support of government not just him and his 2 friends.

He is following the wishes of the majority of Parliament to continue as P.M.

Made a joke about people sending him an SMS if they have an idea how he should run the country.

Laughs on the part of the 3 red shirt leaders, although not happy at what they are hearing.

Weera speaking again now.

This could go on for a while. I will leave it up to the experts with vastly better Thai language skills to summarize the highlights of this momentous occasion.


Abhisit looks very nervous and fidgety - odd as everyone else seems relaxed and jovial. Dont think Eton prepared him for dealing with medallion wearing revolutionaries.

Jatuporn, Weng and Weera have dressed up nicely for the talks :D

Could have put on a clean shirt ...

And how come they didn't shave their heads??? :D

Surely you can't expect them to make some personal sacrifices like their foot soldiers? :)


Channel 7 has it live.

Real theatre, teams being introduced by Abhisit's spokesman, and about 100 cameras in the room, we'll probably get slo-mo action replays from all sides.

A reporter's just fallen over. Nobody's saying a word. Has it started? Everybody enjoying the publicity and feeling of being important. Swivel chairs. Jatuporn doing 360s like a kid in class. Another reporter's fallen over. Abhisit's received a call on his mobile. Spokesman moderating from the Speaker's Chair. Still nobody's saying anything. This is not a frank exchange of views...

Abhisit looks very nervous and fidgety - odd as everyone else seems relaxed and jovial. Dont think Eton prepared him for dealing with medallion wearing revolutionaries.

You are seeing something that I do not think other people are seeing.

and the people voted Thaksin out? and Abhisit was the electors choice for PM? dont think so...

The people do not choose the PM. That is the fact. If you are going to compare party support in terms of percentage of the population the only way you can do that is with the proportional vote.

The people did not vote Thaksin out. He was an extra-constitutional caretaker PM. He had no legal right to hold that position at the time of the coup. The military removed him so that he could stand trial for his many crimes against Thailand and the Thai people.

CMF knows all this, he has said time and again that it is how people "feel" that matters and not the reality of the situation that matters.

Yes CMF knows this and you guys know that he was removed illegally - or you now do not agree with legality? and yes don't lecture me about Parlimentary Democracy I do understand it and do not doubt the legality or methodology of the PM - I simply state that this minority party are just that... a minority with little support apart from the Krung Thep rich classes - buying votes? they bought many if you want to go want that route - both sides did and do - I am against dirty politics no matter what the colour.


"Abhisit looks very nervous and fidgety - odd as everyone else seems relaxed and jovial. Dont think Eton prepared him for dealing with medallion wearing revolutionaries. "

He can't take the smell of shit and pla ra, otherwise known as the red shirt brigade, lol.


Looks like the negotiations have started - all very cordial. (Watching it on TNN fyi)

/edit - Abhisit looks composed and attentive. This could be one the landmark moments of his PM-ship IMHO.


Abhisit said no to talks... now back tracks? Hmmmmm real leadership

also he now says 'we may dissolve government'? nervous is what he should be

and the people voted Thaksin out? and Abhisit was the electors choice for PM? dont think so...

The people do not choose the PM. That is the fact. If you are going to compare party support in terms of percentage of the population the only way you can do that is with the proportional vote.

The people did not vote Thaksin out. He was an extra-constitutional caretaker PM. He had no legal right to hold that position at the time of the coup. The military removed him so that he could stand trial for his many crimes against Thailand and the Thai people.

CMF knows all this, he has said time and again that it is how people "feel" that matters and not the reality of the situation that matters.

Yes CMF knows this and you guys know that he was removed illegally - or you now do not agree with legality? and yes don't lecture me about Parlimentary Democracy I do understand it and do not doubt the legality or methodology of the PM - I simply state that this minority party are just that... a minority with little support apart from the Krung Thep rich classes - buying votes? they bought many if you want to go want that route - both sides did and do - I am against dirty politics no matter what the colour.

The PPP was also a minority party.

There is nothing legal about a coup. There is also nothing legal about stealing billions for your personal pocket from the country's coffers.


Veera opens the batting, tells us who he is, all very polite. Thanks Abhisit for allowing them to meet and exchange views frankly. There's a low barrier between the two sides, making it difficult to lean across the table and throttle everyone. There's football on the other channel. Pattaya United v someone. 1-0 to Pattaya. Veera's still talking, about the constitution. It's so exciting.

Would any other country in the world permit such theatre? It says something about Thai society and the Thai psyche, I'm not sure what.

Abhisit said no to talks... now back tracks? Hmmmmm real leadership

also he now says 'we may dissolve government'? nervous is what he should be

He already offered to dissolve parliament but the offer was rejected by the UDD. This was a days ago. Where have you been?

and the people voted Thaksin out? and Abhisit was the electors choice for PM? dont think so...

The people do not choose the PM. That is the fact. If you are going to compare party support in terms of percentage of the population the only way you can do that is with the proportional vote.

The people did not vote Thaksin out. He was an extra-constitutional caretaker PM. He had no legal right to hold that position at the time of the coup. The military removed him so that he could stand trial for his many crimes against Thailand and the Thai people.

CMF knows all this, he has said time and again that it is how people "feel" that matters and not the reality of the situation that matters.

Yes CMF knows this and you guys know that he was removed illegally - or you now do not agree with legality? and yes don't lecture me about Parlimentary Democracy I do understand it and do not doubt the legality or methodology of the PM - I simply state that this minority party are just that... a minority with little support apart from the Krung Thep rich classes - buying votes? they bought many if you want to go want that route - both sides did and do - I am against dirty politics no matter what the colour.

Ummmm "he was removed illegally" I assume refers to Thaksin. Thaksin was a caretaker PM that was sitting (after a public resignation) extra-constitutionally (his time to form a government had run out!) There have been elections since then. Samak and Somchai effectively removed themselves.

There is NO MAJORITY party in parliament. PPP was a minority before they were tossed out for electoral fraud. The Dems currently have the majority through the coalition, just like in the past the PPP had a majority through a coalition. If you really do understand this WHY do you keep bringing up lies or stating things based upon "feelings" and not based upon reality? (note -- you state the government is legal)

Your "morality" issue just doesn't wash as a coalition that has more than 50% is running the government. If they just dissolved parliament that would be IMMORAL as they would not be serving the majority of Thais (the ones that elected them!)

Abhisit said no to talks... now back tracks? Hmmmmm real leadership

also he now says 'we may dissolve government'? nervous is what he should be

He already offered to dissolve parliament but the offer was rejected by the UDD. This was a days ago. Where have you been?

He's always been open to negotiations but set stipulations for them (he wouldn't do it under threat!) He stated he would consider dissolving parliament under some circumstances. He didn't offer to just dissolve parliament.

Abhisit looks very nervous and fidgety - odd as everyone else seems relaxed and jovial. Dont think Eton prepared him for dealing with medallion wearing revolutionaries.

You are seeing something that I do not think other people are seeing.

Why does seeing Jatuporn sitting there remind me of Carl Pilkington? (you gotta have watched Ricky Gervais)

Abhisit said no to talks... now back tracks? Hmmmmm real leadership

also he now says 'we may dissolve government'? nervous is what he should be

He already offered to dissolve parliament but the offer was rejected by the UDD. This was a days ago. Where have you been?

He's always been open to negotiations but set stipulations for them (he wouldn't do it under threat!) He stated he would consider dissolving parliament under some circumstances. He didn't offer to just dissolve parliament.

Of course there were conditions. But it was still an offer.


Abhisit could have politely turned his phone off for the duration of the talks :) If he was in my classroom he would be given extra homework for allowing his phone to keep beeping!

Seemed to be smiling at the messages he was getting more than listening to Weera.

I don't know .... youngsters today and their gadgets!


Weera looking unimpressed by what Abhisit is stating. However, we shouldn't be surprised. The two sides are so far apart in what they want that it's quite unrealistic to expect either side to give up anything.

Abhisit could have politely turned his phone off for the duration of the talks :) If he was in my classroom he would be given extra homework for allowing his phone to keep beeping!

Seemed to be smiling at the messages he was getting more than listening to Weera.

I don't know .... youngsters today and their gadgets!

Last thing I would want is a head of a government to be without his phone, even if he has staff nearby :D


The problem with these talks are all the people and groups not present at them or represented at them. Those people need to buy into whatever is agreed if anything actually is

Abhisit could have politely turned his phone off for the duration of the talks :) If he was in my classroom he would be given extra homework for allowing his phone to keep beeping!

Seemed to be smiling at the messages he was getting more than listening to Weera.

I don't know .... youngsters today and their gadgets!

Last thing I would want is a head of a government to be without his phone, even if he has staff nearby :D

PM now drinks water from a glass

Maybe you think this is also some thing he should not do while here

Abhisit could have politely turned his phone off for the duration of the talks :) If he was in my classroom he would be given extra homework for allowing his phone to keep beeping!

Seemed to be smiling at the messages he was getting more than listening to Weera.

I don't know .... youngsters today and their gadgets!

Last thing I would want is a head of a government to be without his phone, even if he has staff nearby :D

Apologies ... I meant leave it on 'silent' ...

I am sure if there is something urgent he will be told.


Abhisit is pretty good at this kind of thing. It is one of his strengths. Veera isnt doing badly but the election as a refendum ploy was a bit of a soft ball

Abhisit said no to talks... now back tracks? Hmmmmm real leadership

also he now says 'we may dissolve government'? nervous is what he should be

He already offered to dissolve parliament but the offer was rejected by the UDD. This was a days ago. Where have you been?

He's always been open to negotiations but set stipulations for them (he wouldn't do it under threat!) He stated he would consider dissolving parliament under some circumstances. He didn't offer to just dissolve parliament.

Nor should he.

There is absolutely no point in dissolving parliament until the Thaksin issue is resolved. Half the people will not accept a government that tries to bring him back or forgive him for his heinous crimes, and the other half is dead set on worshipping him no matter how evil he is. How would dissolving parliament change this? Whatever happens, half the people will cry foul. After Thaksin is somehow eliminated, then I would be all for dissolving parliament and calling for new elections.

I would love to hear the red shirts plan for how they intend to punish Thaksin for his crimes. He was not mistreated by the coup. He was illegitmately consolidating power and eviscerating the institutions designed to provide a legal balance of power and the coup was the only way to get him out so that he could be fairly tried in a court of justice. If anything, he has received way too much leniency.

This is the sticking point. Dissolving parliament is a red herring. I'm not a diplomat, so this senseless doublespeak drives me nuts. Why can't we all just call a spade a spade.

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