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How To Get Rid Of Ants In A Condo ?


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...What I want to know is why do the really small ants smell so "aromatic" ? It's  not a  nice smell, but it's not repellent either. And before you ask what am I doing smelling  squashed ants, it's only because my Thai g/f said they smelled when you squashed them that I had a sniff! If you squash just one with your finger, you can actually smell it on your finger. :D  :o

It all depends on events leading up to it. Squashed ants in the bedroom smell different from sqashed ants in the toilet.

Eeew! :D:D Fortunately, both my bedroom and toilet are ant-free! :D

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I think I bought every kind of ant killer that is available in Thailand. NOTHING worked. I was complaining to a friend of mine and he just happened to be going back to the USA to visit family. I asked him to see what he could find in the way of ant killer. He brought back a product called Terro. It looks like a clear syrup in a small plastic bottle. You put a drop or two on a small piece of cardboard and set them around where you have seen ants. The first day there were thousands of ants eating the stuff. The next day there were even more. The third day there were just a few and then there were NONE. It has been over six months and I still have not seen an ant.

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...What I want to know is why do the really small ants smell so "aromatic" ? It's  not a  nice smell, but it's not repellent either. And before you ask what am I doing smelling  squashed ants, it's only because my Thai g/f said they smelled when you squashed them that I had a sniff! If you squash just one with your finger, you can actually smell it on your finger. :D  :o

It all depends on events leading up to it. Squashed ants in the bedroom smell different from sqashed ants in the toilet.

Eeew! :D:D Fortunately, both my bedroom and toilet are ant-free! :D

If you are actually asking in earnest, I think it is because they communicate and leave scent trails to e.g. food for each other. At least that's what my German ex-neighbour told me when I asked him why he was on his knees in front of his condo, deo-sticking the floor and the door posts. Claimed it would confuse the ants.

Then again, he also had a plastic dinosaur as a decoration on his TV set.

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Asiawolfie try looking at these 2 websites www.fastpestcontrol.com this one has the Fast Ant Bait which has been talked about, were the Ants eat it and take it back to the nest.

This website www.pestcontrolshop.co.uk has got these Lentex Pest Repplers, which give out an electromagnetic and ultrasonic pest reppeler. I dont know if they are any good but i have the same problem in my house with the little buggers, i have just ordered both of these products so if they work i will let you know.

Good luck Geordie

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I had a simlar problem, so on a trip back to Australia, I picked up this stuff which looks like honey and attracts the ants. YOu put it in your kitchen and along the ant trails and let them drink it up.

The beauty of it was though it didn't kill the ant immediately, it lets the ants drink the stuff and then take it back to the nest to feed to the queen and any baby ants living in the nest. Kills off the queen and the next generation. After 2 or 3 treatments, my condo was ant free for the next 18 months. 

I don't think it is available in Thailand, but if you know anyone in your home country (or in OZ) get them to send over a couple of small bottles (which are about as big as a tippex bottle).

What's it called samran?

I wish I could remember...."Ant Rid", I think.....

Ant Rid it is. Good gear too.

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I think I bought every kind of ant killer that is available in Thailand. NOTHING worked. I was complaining to a friend of mine and he just happened to be going back to the  USA to visit family. I asked him to see what he could find in the way of ant killer. He brought back a product called Terro. It looks like a clear syrup in a small plastic bottle. You put a drop or two on a small piece of cardboard and set them around where you have seen ants. The first day there were thousands of ants eating the stuff. The next day there were even more. The third day there were just a few and then there were NONE. It has been over six months and I still have not seen an ant.

Exactly, been fighting the little pricks for 4 years now. Tried every thing available without success. :o

Finally in my frustration and whether legally or not I bought 5 different poisons back with me from Aust.

The best by far is a sticky liquid called “Hovex Ant Killer”. Takes about 3 days to completely wipe out a nest, only needs a couple of drops places on one of their tracks.

Now I know what works I will stock up on my next trip. :D

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I think I bought every kind of ant killer that is available in Thailand. NOTHING worked. I was complaining to a friend of mine and he just happened to be going back to the  USA to visit family. I asked him to see what he could find in the way of ant killer. He brought back a product called Terro. It looks like a clear syrup in a small plastic bottle. You put a drop or two on a small piece of cardboard and set them around where you have seen ants. The first day there were thousands of ants eating the stuff. The next day there were even more. The third day there were just a few and then there were NONE. It has been over six months and I still have not seen an ant.

Exactly, been fighting the little pricks for 4 years now. Tried every thing available without success. :o

Finally in my frustration and whether legally or not I bought 5 different poisons back with me from Aust.

The best by far is a sticky liquid called “Hovex Ant Killer”. Takes about 3 days to completely wipe out a nest, only needs a couple of drops places on one of their tracks.

Now I know what works I will stock up on my next trip. :D

The Terro only works for the "sweet" eating ants. I used it up country at the house and it wiped out the little red ants that get into everything. I still have the big black ants wandering around. They are not especially active and they don't seem to bother much so I have not gotten too excited about them. I would like to find a way to control them. Any ideas? My condo only had the red ants and they are gone.

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Is it a hardware line or supermarket ?

Hardware --- “Bunnings”

The ‘Active Constituent” in the Hovex is:

9.24g/kg Boron B present as Borax Decahydrate --- whatever that means. :o

If you find a similar recipe you have got it.

Edited by bdenner
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I would like to find a way to control them. Any ideas?

Sorry I’m no expert on this subject and cannot advise without personal experience.

We do have other varieties of ants here as well, but like yourself they are not a real problem and stay away from the house. They run along the clothes line occasionally, upsetting the missus, so I use some locally bought dust on em. Of coarse the dust is no good at this time of year with the onset of the wet season.

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Told by professional exterminator, one of best non-toxic ant, roach, termite "killers" is D-Limonene (Orange oil). Very effective in garden, around house foundation or inside walls. (Kills eggs as well as adults.)

Boric acid also very effective when mixed with a sweep syrup and placed in dish under sink or other area inaccessable to pets.

Ground cinnamon, clove or chilli power, sprinkled on ant paths also works well to convince such pests to move and take up residence in a neighbor's house. :o

cheers :D

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My ex-boyfriend, who is still my housekeeper, works as a hotel manager, supervising room cleaners. We've had all kinds of ants in the condo, and all he uses now is a green spray can (metal, cylindrical, dark green plastic lid) called Motrein followed by lots of Thai letters ending in the numberal 5. A little blurb on the side up high also salls it Shieldtox, Odourless 5. We spray it on the legs of the tables, and sometimes on flat surfaces that won't be used for food preparation. Works like a charm, and is probably available in stores everywhere. It claims to also kill coackroaches, Aedes mosquitos, and other crawling insects, too.

Haven't seen any kind of ant in weeks, and we used to see several kinds and sizes.

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yes my new place here is nice...if only there were no ANTS....they are everywhere.....especially in the kitchen.....no surprise....cannot store any kind of food, bread, cake, fruits....outside the fridge.....they even managed to get in the cereals (even it was vacuumized when I bought it, but they managed to open the bag)...... I know I can buy a lot of chemicals to kill them, but the instruction on such items is in Thai only and i dont wanna buy anything that is too poisoneous and kills any life within a radius of 50 kilometers....anybody can give advice ? had the same problem and solved it ? okay, I might consider to buy some posion as well, but at least I would like to know what are the ingredients......

look, just tell them you never loved them, pay them and kick them out!

Ps. never heard of them being referred to as Ants! :o

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Have you ever seen some house has a table with 4 small bowl with water under the table to keep ants away from the food on the table too.

I thought the powder my mother-in-law was using in these cups was some kind of poison... the powder is scented talcum (baby powder)! It seems that spreading some around their point of entry also works...
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...What I want to know is why do the really small ants smell so "aromatic" ? It's  not a  nice smell, but it's not repellent either. And before you ask what am I doing smelling  squashed ants, it's only because my Thai g/f said they smelled when you squashed them that I had a sniff! If you squash just one with your finger, you can actually smell it on your finger. :D  :o

It all depends on events leading up to it. Squashed ants in the bedroom smell different from sqashed ants in the toilet.

Eeew! :D:D Fortunately, both my bedroom and toilet are ant-free! :D

If you are actually asking in earnest, I think it is because they communicate and leave scent trails to e.g. food for each other. At least that's what my German ex-neighbour told me when I asked him why he was on his knees in front of his condo, deo-sticking the floor and the door posts. Claimed it would confuse the ants.

Then again, he also had a plastic dinosaur as a decoration on his TV set.

Perhaps the ants spoke German :D But seriously, I'm surprised that no-one yet has pointed out the fact that as the rainy season if imminent, if in fact not here, that thousands of ants move inside at the slightest smell of rain. This time of the year, it is not unusual to have an ant colony congregating just inside the house and gradually moving inward at the scent of goodies.

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Well, I'm very happy to report that "Ant Rid" does exactly what it says on the packet! :D

This is what the plastic case containing the yellow granules looked like after an hour or so:


I even left some of the granules out on the kitchen surface. They were soon covered in ants:


These little suckers were carting off their new-found treasure from the kitchen floor, up the tiled wall to their nest somewhere behind or under the kitchen cupboards. Sometimes, it took 5 of them to carry just one tasty morsel away :D :


And two days later, not a mot to be seen:


(mot = Thai for ant :D )

Feel a little sad... all those ants... gone to the big ant nest in the sky... :D


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That's the stuff! Works wonders! I'm in the lab now working on a new version of the product that will get rid of govt. tax employees, salesmen who ring our doorbell in the morning, careless drivers and corrupt politicians (like roaches, nearly impossible to eliminate).

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