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Letters To The Post

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Well the Royal story is that Prince Charles buggered the Chief of Staff. When the Bonnie Prince Charlie ascends the throne he'll be the titular head of the Church of England and defender of the faith :o

Excellent, we can now combine the gay/religious and gay/royal into one super-spat of a thread. (I reckon those pesky corgis got of pretty lightly inthe whole sordid affair - off with their tails and send 'em to Sakhon Nakhon!).

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Guest IT Manager
Well the Royal story is that Prince Charles buggered the Chief of Staff. When the Bonnie Prince Charlie ascends the throne he'll be the titular head of the Church of England and defender of the faith :o

Who was it described Oscar Wylde as "that bugger, Wylde?"

Just forget. Seem to remember it was a member of the currently ridiculed house of Saxe Coburg Gothe, or their immediate predecessors.

Guest IT Manager

Post Letters, Noember 10, proves I was wrong in saying the Post does not support debate in the letters column, but it's more fun here, don't you think.

Read On... :o

On the subject of oxymorons

Ken Haydock (Postbag, Nov 7) certainly managed to include one oxymoron in his letter about the consecrated gay bishop. It wasn't the one he intended.

``Gay Christians'' isn't an oxymoron, but someone who feels so much moral outrage at a gay bishop showing affection for a another man yet claiming to have ``nothing against gays'' surely is.

We see heterosexuals hugging all the time in the media, and any open minded individual would realise that gay people are entitled to do the same.

I'm not religious, but being kind to your neighbour and learning to accept the difference spring to mind when I think of the moral codes of Christianity. I'm not homophobic either. I accept a gay bishop. I am also eagerly awaiting the day female bishops, homosexual or otherwise, are appointed.

Forward looking countries (the US, Canada, Polynesia and New Zealand), have made these changes already. Let's hope it continues.

Julia Buckley"

Perhaps Juia, if anyone knows her, may have some interesting bits to kick into the forum..


Guest IT Manager
first, we are talking about anglican church, whick may I say has nothing to do with other Christians, they are prostestant, closer to some american churches.

two, this has no chance to happen in the roman catholic church.

which, may I say, is the one with millions ... (not the one we talk about)

You're right, Francois, the RC church is still debating things like whether to allow contraception or not, has hardly moved on to abortion so still condemns it outright as a "mortal sin" and whether we should believe the Genesis version of events or concede that evolution might just be possible. In fact, it's so progressive in it's attitudes, I'm surprised they've even forgiven the 16th century renaissance heretics they condemned to death or excommunicated for daring to suggest contrary views to Rome. Nowadays, the White House has assumed the papal role in deciding who is a heretic or not, who shall live or die in the Great Game ....... "you're either with or us or you're against us"......... never forget those immortal words.

And let's not forget the Catholic decision to "forgive" the heresy of Galileo, in 1998 or something.. Hmm forward thinking and up to date indeed Khun Francois?

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