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Hi gangsters,

We're in Doi Hand and yesterday what

seemed like a mini tornado came through

the village.

The place we're in had guttering torn from

the house, several huges fruits tree's were

uprooted and a fair bit of fencing came down.

We're pretty high up where we are but the wind

was like nothing I've seen before and my home

town is pretty windy.

Anybody else see or get much damage?




Driving in it, along the river, was interesting as there were some branches on the road but no we did not suffer any damage out in Phaya Mengrai. The Kepoc trees made it look like we were driving in a snow storm part of the time, with their billowy white fluff flying through the air and covering the river in places.


This is a typical weather pattern for around the mountains and foothills as the season changes. Violent thunder storms and strong winds, often very localised.

Your neighbour's roof can be gone and your kid's toys are still on your front lawn.


Today a friend was hiking back of Doi Suthep in CM.

Just came out of the jungle to a Hmong village when a storm hit.

The basket of his parked bike almost filled with small hailstones.

He said the winds were so violent that the tin roof on the shack he took shelter in was lifting a few feet; looked to fly off.

In the 20 years he's been coming here, he said it was the most radical he had seen....


A nice storm here in Donsila also. I was however very surpised that the storm started to blow from west and within half an hour it blowed from east! But anyway, the grass roof of my garage was blown up and after that blown down. Self repairing storm damage I think.

By the way I Love storms, makes me think of the beach in Holland where sometimes there are storms you cannot stay upright with waves so high... I Love it!

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