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This entire thread is an incredible weng -- sleep would be more entertaining !

Oh you're such a whine..ur...wenger :D

This Weng guy is going to become a folk hero, that is for all thepeople who want to take the mickey out of someone :)

His big mouth is otherwise known as Weng Wien Yai

I feel you are being very nice JB, I would have thought Weng Wien Yak would emphasize the point more :)


On The Wengs Of a Great Speckled Bird?

Sitting in the Wengs, waiting to go on.

Wengtip shoes?

Wengsnuts Roasting On An Open Fire

Juatupron snipping at your nose.

My ex wife gives such good WENG! How Good? ( ba da bump)

I'm still taking aspirin for the headache 5 years later!

His big mouth is otherwise known as Weng Wien Yai

I feel you are being very nice JB, I would have thought Weng Wien Yak would emphasize the point more :)

Since "Wong Wian Yai" in Thai means "a big circle" or a "Circus" perhaps it is appropos?

His big mouth is otherwise known as Weng Wien Yai

I feel you are being very nice JB, I would have thought Weng Wien Yak would emphasize the point more :)

Since "Wong Wian Yai" in Thai means "a big circle" or a "Circus" perhaps it is appropos?

Its okay I thought you were using a bit of poetic license and terming Wien as whine, my bad :D


The events of the past few days have shown without a doubt that in the whole red circus the one true Weng-master is Thaksin. But beware, if he ever comes back he'll be out for Wengence and a spot of reWenge. Having seen how the red side of the talks Wengt down like a lead balloon, I think it's highly likely that he'll ramp up his dirty little bomb and gWengade campaign and try to Wengal a revolution in order to achieve that goal. Break out the AK-FortyseWengs. Paradise and a dozen virgin Wengches await all who die for the cause. Roll up for a Weng-side seat.


I like Weng. Can't quite catch up with what he is saying all the time, but he's entertaining in his own way alongside Jatuporn and Weera.

Obviously he doesn't plan what he is gonna say and just wengs it as he goes along.

The events of the past few days have shown without a doubt that in the whole red circus the one true Weng-master is Thaksin. But beware, if he ever comes back he'll be out for Wengence and a spot of reWenge. Having seen how the red side of the talks Wengt down like a lead balloon, I think it's highly likely that he'll ramp up his dirty little bomb and gWengade campaign and try to Wengal a revolution in order to achieve that goal. Break out the AK-FortyseWengs. Paradise and a dozen virgin Wengches await all who die for the cause. Roll up for a Weng-side seat.

Timmy Curry MUST play him in the sequel!

Shutts shweet reWenge!

Weng south for the winter.

So can we call this THE WENG EFFECT :)

Distinct Narcoleptic action, with sudden flight or fight incidents.

Recognizable from the sudden mood shifts, irratability

and inability to concentrate on short term concepts.

Responds quickly to Thaksination, via direct sheckle injection.


And in news from le Système international d'unités, the new metric unit for bullsh*t is to be the Weng, symbol We, based upon the standard Weng. As this standard represents such a huge amount of bullsh*t, it is expected that daily use of the unit will be in the milli- and micro-Weng (mWe and uWe). For example, the Orson Welles "War of the worlds" hoax would be measured at 146 uWe, and the Loch Ness Monster at 37 mWe. There are some notable exceptions, however; the statement "this protest is not about Thaksin" comes in at 189 mega Wengs.

And in news from le Système international d'unités, the new metric unit for bullsh*t is to be the Weng, symbol We, based upon the standard Weng. As this standard represents such a huge amount of bullsh*t, it is expected that daily use of the unit will be in the milli- and micro-Weng (mWe and uWe). For example, the Orson Welles "War of the worlds" hoax would be measured at 146 uWe, and the Loch Ness Monster at 37 mWe. There are some notable exceptions, however; the statement "this protest is not about Thaksin" comes in at 189 mega Wengs.

Jatuporn tips the scale at a brontosaurus like 2 megaWengs

But is generally too far off the charts for anything but the study of Chaos Theory.


Wenker or wanke_r...there doesn't appear to be much difference in the meanings. The spelling is a bit different but that is 'inkeeping' with the spelling (& meaning therefore) of wanke_r. :)

I wonder why?

This story is about as newsworthy as me saying I have heard children playing talking about a victim of bullying and then saying oh he's been abhisited! The Nation, get a grip and print something newsworthy for a change

I wonder why?

This story is about as newsworthy as me saying I have heard children playing talking about a victim of bullying and then saying oh he's been abhisited! The Nation, get a grip and print something newsworthy for a change

Oh do try to lighten up please. :)


Dr Weng (of reds): "What we want is real democracy for Thais and constitutional monarchy such as in the UK. I never agreed with Thaksin on everything, but his was an elected government. We got a coup and independent agencies appointed by coup leaders. Army C-in-C Anupong refused to enforce a state of emergency under Samak and also when the government under Somchai asked for military to help guard the airport, the military just stepped aside idly. However, now Anupong sends troops to the temple for Abhisit.

The military helped you to become PM. This outside influence means you have become part of the ammat (aristocrat) system. An election gives power back to the people. The military budget increased dramatically after the coup [bP: from 80 billion to 140 billion]. The military gained too much power."

Per Bangkok Pundit, this is what he said during one of the televised "debates".

Does not seem so unreasonable to me and hardly deserving of all the scorn being directed at him on this thread.

I think he makes a couple of points worthy of consideration.


Dr Weng (of reds): "What we want is real democracy for Thais and constitutional monarchy such as in the UK. I never agreed with Thaksin on everything, but his was an elected government. We got a coup and independent agencies appointed by coup leaders. Army C-in-C Anupong refused to enforce a state of emergency under Samak and also when the government under Somchai asked for military to help guard the airport, the military just stepped aside idly. However, now Anupong sends troops to the temple for Abhisit.

The military helped you to become PM. This outside influence means you have become part of the ammat (aristocrat) system. An election gives power back to the people. The military budget increased dramatically after the coup [bP: from 80 billion to 140 billion]. The military gained too much power."

Per Bangkok Pundit, this is what he said during one of the televised "debates".

Does not seem so unreasonable to me and hardly deserving of all the scorn being directed at him on this thread.

I think he makes a couple of points worthy of consideration.


May be thats the problem, that he ONLY makes a couple worthy points while other million points are far from being worthy :)

Dr Weng (of reds): "What we want is real democracy for Thais and constitutional monarchy such as in the UK. I never agreed with Thaksin on everything, but his was an elected government. We got a coup and independent agencies appointed by coup leaders. Army C-in-C Anupong refused to enforce a state of emergency under Samak and also when the government under Somchai asked for military to help guard the airport, the military just stepped aside idly. However, now Anupong sends troops to the temple for Abhisit.

The military helped you to become PM. This outside influence means you have become part of the ammat (aristocrat) system. An election gives power back to the people. The military budget increased dramatically after the coup [bP: from 80 billion to 140 billion]. The military gained too much power."

Per Bangkok Pundit, this is what he said during one of the televised "debates".

Does not seem so unreasonable to me and hardly deserving of all the scorn being directed at him on this thread.

I think he makes a couple of points worthy of consideration.


May be thats the problem, that he ONLY makes a couple worthy points while other million points are far from being worthy :)

Can you name / quote the other "million unworthy " ??

i double dog dare you...........

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