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Doing A 'weng'


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Dr Weng (of reds): "What we want is real democracy for Thais and constitutional monarchy such as in the UK. I never agreed with Thaksin on everything, but his was an elected government. We got a coup and independent agencies appointed by coup leaders. Army C-in-C Anupong refused to enforce a state of emergency under Samak and also when the government under Somchai asked for military to help guard the airport, the military just stepped aside idly. However, now Anupong sends troops to the temple for Abhisit.

The military helped you to become PM. This outside influence means you have become part of the ammat (aristocrat) system. An election gives power back to the people. The military budget increased dramatically after the coup [bP: from 80 billion to 140 billion]. The military gained too much power."

Per Bangkok Pundit, this is what he said during one of the televised "debates".

Does not seem so unreasonable to me and hardly deserving of all the scorn being directed at him on this thread.

I think he makes a couple of points worthy of consideration.


May be thats the problem, that he ONLY makes a couple worthy points while other million points are far from being worthy :)

Can you name / quote the other "million unworthy " ??

i double dog dare you...........



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Where I come form satirising and even ridiculing politicians was always part of the game. And often iot was on mannerism and appearance rather than substantive stuff. What was Dennis Healey famous for? Ted Heath? Private Eye and Spitting Image and....... Who remembers looking for the presidents brain? etc etc

It is good to see Thailand also has this sense of humour although I do vaguley remember a rubber dollprancing round the TV screen looking like an inflated version of Chavalit a bunch of years ago. That all seemed to stop under a certain PM nobody could criticise but it is good to see it back now. imho

Politics is all a load of old weng anyway

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To be consigned to the Wengbin of history.

Which is apropo, because in France public trashcans are called 'Poubles'

after the originator Mr. Pouble, who had no intention of them being named after himself.

For Brits this puts another spin on Weng Tip shoes. :)

Hammered is quite right the ability to use political satire and humor, often black humor,

is a sign of political maturity. And the relief valve for political tension.

Lets not forget UKs Mock The Week and Les Guinoles, in France.

Thailand needs it's own Frankie Boyle to deflate the pompous

and idiotic pronouncements of so many politicians here.

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the eccentric doctor-turned-political-activist into an overnight celebrity, with teenagers now using his name as a slang and an online mockery game invented with his screaming face on it.

The Weng Game


I got him to go 4,952 meters so I'll claim first high score. :D

You will get there in time young Weng <deleted> padawan :)


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..funny as hel_l :)

Weng has found himself a purpose then. :D

Those of us from the UK look on in fascination as some of our eccentric countrymen enjoy the sport of Welly Wenging. This is a country sport where people throw a wellington boot (rubber boot to the Americans) as far as they can. The Thai's I hear have taken up this sport, except the boots are filled with a. red chilli sauce; B. pig's blood or C. Aids & Hep viruses wrapped in red blood cells. The world championships will be held in Montenegro next month in an event sponsored by Khun Thickskin's new energy drink called "What a ruddy sauce".

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..funny as hel_l :)

Weng has found himself a purpose then. :D

Those of us from the UK look on in fascination as some of our eccentric countrymen enjoy the sport of Welly Wenging. This is a country sport where people throw a wellington boot (rubber boot to the Americans) as far as they can. The Thai's I hear have taken up this sport, except the boots are filled with a. red chilli sauce; B. pig's blood or C. Aids & Hep viruses wrapped in red blood cells. The world championships will be held in Montenegro next month in an event sponsored by Khun Thickskin's new energy drink called "What a ruddy sauce".

Yes, I can see it now, as it is all coming together: The Wenglympics :D

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Phil, I, also, 'childishly' jumped onto to the 'humour' band wagon. post #79, but then my own question about 'changing the rules', meant to be 'light hearted', got me thinking about whether, or NOT, all this derisiveness is 'kosher'?

I totally agree with you. This thread is a compilation of a bunch of w***ing [sawy couldn't stop myself] Flamers. The man, after all IS a Doctor! I'm not.

{I won't be surprised if Dr Weng sues the Nation, would you?}

So he is a doctor. So what? So is Thaksin and look at the weng he spouts. BTW the moron who came up with the traffic system on the northern section of 2nd Road in Pattaya was also a doctor.

There is a big difference in passing a driving test and being a good driver. There is also a difference in passing exams and being intelligent, particularly in Thailand.

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If they did the same with the PM arrests would be made.

And would you support that, or is this all just harmless fun characteristic, as some have said, of a healthy democracy, but uncharacteristic in the extreme in Thaksin's time as PM.

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If they did the same with the PM arrests would be made.

And would you support that, or is this all just harmless fun characteristic, as some have said, of a healthy democracy, but uncharacteristic in the extreme in Thaksin's time as PM.

Cartoons losing their funny side?

Published on April 29, 2009

Rayong Democrat MP Satit Pitutacha attacked Thai Rath cartoonist "Sia" Sakda Iew, saying he was bent on destroying Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and the Democrat Party.

In a press conference on Sunday, Satit said Sia's cartoons were clearly biased against the PM and the Democrat Party.

"Sia did not exercise media ethics and professionalism in his work. He did not offer a professional, honest criticism or offer his opinions in a creative manner so it would lead to a straightforward consumption of news. He did not use his intellect either at a time when the country is facing problems," he said. "I ask for Sia to be fair, unbiased, professional, ethical and work within media standards."


The Supreme Court Friday issued arrest warrants against 2 former Thai Rak Thai MPs after they failed to turn up to hear the verdict of the court in a defamation case filed by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

The court ordered that Suporn Atthawong and Thirachai Saenkaew be arrested and brought to the court to hear the verdict at 9 am on April 21.

The two were accused of defaming Abhisit by saying the prime minister was unusually rich.

The lower courts gave 12-month suspended jail term against Suporn and a six-month suspended jail term against Thirachai. Suporn was ordered to pay a fine of Bt20,000 while Thirachai Bt10,000.

The lower courts put the two on probation for two years.

The two appealed against the ruling and the Supreme Court was scheduled to read the verdict Friday.

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Phil, I, also, 'childishly' jumped onto to the 'humour' band wagon. post #79, but then my own question about 'changing the rules', meant to be 'light hearted', got me thinking about whether, or NOT, all this derisiveness is 'kosher'?

I totally agree with you. This thread is a compilation of a bunch of w***ing [sawy couldn't stop myself] Flamers. The man, after all IS a Doctor! I'm not.

{I won't be surprised if Dr Weng sues the Nation, would you?}

So he is a doctor. So what? So is Thaksin and look at the weng he spouts. BTW the moron who came up with the traffic system on the northern section of 2nd Road in Pattaya was also a doctor.

There is a big difference in passing a driving test and being a good driver. There is also a difference in passing exams and being intelligent, particularly in Thailand.

He is such a 'weng-derful' doctor.

Wonder he help those innocent wengers with the blood-donawenging events? :)

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The Nation actaully asked apertinent question. If Weng gets upset at being satirized why doesnt he get upset at the lies used on the red stage to generate hatred - the fake tape being a case in point. I wonder how that can be answered? This side of the red push is as abhorent as their link to such an awful human rights abuser. Without the vile lies and the link there would be little to criticse.

As the rural indoctrination camps (the reds like to call them schools but there is only hard propaganda taught in them so that is a bit of a misnomer) were set up pretty much by the wife of Weng (ex-Maoist hardliner) and they have been used extensively to peddle that mentioned lies I would be doubly interested in knowing his thoughts on why this is acceptable but satirizing him isnt.

Still I doubt answering such things will cross his mind.

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So Mrs Weng completes the Thai Maoist Gang Of Four.

So when Thaksin is finally ostracized and neutered, these 4 will try a take over

and then be removed from circulation, or at least Tweeting at random.

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The phrase has REALLY caught on with the younger generation via the internet.

Google it in thai, like this; เหวง (you wengerz!) and you get meanings like;.

A person who speaks because he likes to hear the sound of his voice.

A person who speaks for a long time yet never gets to the point of the story.

A silly or foolish person who speaks nonsense yet tries to make you believe it's true.

BTW: the thai press picked up on its slang usage way before the engrish ones.

One last observation; that’s quite the hideous hairpiece :D ; what in the world is perched atop his head? Is it a badger or a marmot? :) I could have sworn I saw it move during the ‘debate’. :D

Okay, last thing I promise; the Thaksin rap song someone linked to on this thread is just tooo frickin’ hysterical. Although when I played it for some red shirts they didn’t seem to guffaw as much as I did. :D

Poking fun at political figures is not a new phenomenon. One only needs to look at Will Ferrell’s parodies of GW Bush or Tina Fey as Sarah Palin to see this isn’t an isolated case. As Ted Nugent says, Weng, Dang, Sweet Poon-tang

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THE NATION: Weng on the Reds raid Parliament

"It is Arisman's own act and decision without consent of other leaders."

Angry Arisman, vows rewenge for the Doctor's retrayal.

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