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From tulsathit's tweets. Maybe it's only me but it reads hilarious. From Wuttanut:

Red leader Nuttawut said the "pink" movement campaigning for peace is in fact yellow shirts in disguise.
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For those of you that are hollering the red "double-standards" line (That Abhisit quite appropriately pointed out was first used regarding the 2001 asset concealment case of Thaksin's), Can you please explain to me why you are crying about people exercising 2 of the pillars of democracy (the right ot peacefully assemble, and the right to free speech) and then tell us why it is inappropriate for people to do those things regardless of whether you agree with them or not?

Most of us that are either Anti-Red, Anti-Thaksin, or even Pro-Yellow have said that the peaceful assembly of the reds is in line with democracy even if what they are asking for is not! The people you are crying about aren't heading out to the airport, they aren't blocking traffic all over Bangkok, they are just expressing their opinions and you seem to wish to prevent that. Why?

they have the right to protest, i just mean that.

1 if you are yellow speak up for it and dont become pink

2. if not then where were you when the pad did this and much worse?

and the reds are not asking for anything undemocratic! they just ask for the house to be dissolved, thats as democratic as it goes.

as the current government is just a puppet anyway, elected during a military rule.

It looks a little like myanmar here, we have a constitution that states that anyone who will do a coup will be given amnesty.

Whats that? meaning the military can kick out any government whenever they want. meaning the real power here lies with the military.

MEaning we are no better then myanmar and laos in that aspect.

new elections - and rewrite the constitution is the only way to make this country a little bit domecratic again.

it doesn't really matter what color of shirt you are wearing, the people that are anti-red or anti-thaksin doesn't have to be yellow shirted people but they can be from any camp or just individual who are now fed up of the reds movement. for intance, I am also fed up of the protest of both yellow and red. it is time to move on and give the government 9 months to sort everything out as they plan.

they just don't ask for the house to be dissolve but behind that they want thaksin back. this should and cannot happen. I beleive that the anti-thaksin, whatever color they wear, are more than the red shirt so let's face it, thaksin is not comming back soon, not alive.

puppet this and puppet that, anyone can say anything but how can you prove that? when thaksin was in power weren't his subordinates his puppets?

if there are no military support the government will collapse not only true for thailand but any country without military support is in trouble. can you specify any country without military support?

you cannot compare thailand with myanmar and laos, only idiot will do that.

isn't that the subject of the peace talk? new elections? but hey, it's not gonna happen over night so stick to the timeline and let's have a new election in 9 months time and move on.

From tulsathit's tweets. Maybe it's only me but it reads hilarious. From Wuttanut:
Red leader Nuttawut said the "pink" movement campaigning for peace is in fact yellow shirts in disguise.

I wonder if Nuttawut is related to Koo? They both say the exact same thing! :)

From tulsathit's tweets. Maybe it's only me but it reads hilarious. From Wuttanut:
Red leader Nuttawut said the "pink" movement campaigning for peace is in fact yellow shirts in disguise.

I wonder if Nuttawut is related to Koo? They both say the exact same thing! :)

It sounds like a Seinfeld episode to me.

Wuttanut: "Abhisit provoked us today by entering Govt House. He will meet us for sure this weekend." about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

Wuttanut: "The parade to Chula will be neither big nor small. The size will be just about right." about 2 hours ago via


Not trying to be a scaremonger here, but I have just been to drop the Mrs off at the airport, and the place is crawling with army. There are 2 army checkpoints on the road leading off the expressway to the airport, along with army vehicles and high ranking Police Officers.

I do not know if it has been like this all week? but there are A LOT of army about tonight 8pm.



Chulalongkorn U suspends until Monday

BANGKOK: -- Chulalongkorn University announced on Thursday that it would suspend all activities, starting from tonight until Monday after red shirts leaders plan to march to the university on Friday.

Kua Wongbunsin, vice dean of the university said the university will re-open on Monday (April 5) out of concern for the safety of personnel, students and lecturers.

The red shirts leaders announced on Thursday the protesters would march to the university on Phaya Thai road as peace networks planned to hold a campaign for the peace of the country.

The leaders said they would send representatives to meet the university's dean to ask why the peace networks are allowed to campaign in the unversity's compound.


-- The Nation 2010-04-01



hasn't anyone cottoned on that this whole political turmoil thing is a conspiracy by the garment industry to sell more t-shirts.

Someone's makin' money (the dye factories must be doing overtime n'all).

doesn't look like they'll be protesting at Chula tomorrow. I heard the authorities chickened out after UDD threat and are closing the whole place down till Monday. (maybe yella's their color after all... :) )

hasn't anyone cottoned on that this whole political turmoil thing is a conspiracy by the garment industry to sell more t-shirts.

Someone's makin' money (the dye factories must be doing overtime n'all).

doesn't look like they'll be protesting at Chula tomorrow. I heard the authorities chickened out after UDD threat and are closing the whole place down till Monday. (maybe yella's their color after all... :) )

Closing down to protect students and staff is now chickening out?

Given the UDD's history of murder, mayhem, and extreme violence coupled with leaders such as Arisiman and Sae Daeng who are absolute fruitcakes, why place more innocents in harms way?

Smart decision, I'd say.


Now , this is becoming of the utmost ridiculous. This guy should be sent to an asylum....He's really loosing it.

I can think of another crook who would make a great roomate for him.


a campus should be a no go for whatever. there are ouers kids there is ouers future.. sad very sad. hope it wil not happen.

hasn't anyone cottoned on that this whole political turmoil thing is a conspiracy by the garment industry to sell more t-shirts.

Someone's makin' money (the dye factories must be doing overtime n'all).

doesn't look like they'll be protesting at Chula tomorrow. I heard the authorities chickened out after UDD threat and are closing the whole place down till Monday. (maybe yella's their color after all... :D )

Closing down to protect students and staff is now chickening out?

Point taken, but that wasn't really what I meant. Assuming that the 'no-colour pink shirts' were having a rally there, I'd a thought there was no classes anyway. But it was only a joke, in any case... :)


Closing down the airport (the PAD didn't do this, the AOT did) is nowhere near as bad IMHO as killing people. So yes, compared to the tanker, the burnt busses, the threats of 1,000,000 malotov cocktails burning BKK down, the grenades, dragging a man from his car and beating him and then killing him is FAR worse than holding a peaceful protest at an airport. Remember that Sae Daeng, a red leader, said that grenade attacks would happen and the day afterwards people started dying, and 18 people died ALL on the PAD side during the end days at Government house and the 8 days at the airport.

Tourism was hurt as badly last year during Songkran as it was during the airport debacle AND NOW we have this year.

So yes, Murder IMHO is worse than ANY act of civil disobedience.

This ought to address the fallacy of who closed the airports and who took control of them.

"The PAD has completely taken control of Suvarnabhumi Airport so any airline that wants to take off or land must seek permission from us directly,'' said Chaiwat Sinswuwong, one of the leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy.

Beatings, draggings, shootings, violence in general.




Now onto the LOLpeaceful protest at the airport



A plainclothes policewoman was nearly lynched by angry protesters at the Don Mueang Airport Saturday afternoon after she was identified and captured by guards of the People's Alliance for Democracy.

Now for the nature of the protesters...


Protesters in Thailand are luring children into their airport rally by paying mums and dads to give up their kids, according to an Australian trapped in the country...

Many families are pushing their children to enter into the situation to provide more money for their families," she said.

The idea is that the military or police won't use as much force because children were still there, she said.

Ms Vennell said the more violent protesters — the "rebels" — were taking stimulants and pills to keep themselves awake, which was making them more agitated and angry.

jd, sell your lies somewhere else. This forum is full up.


I think that it is the time for the government to strike back.

Indirect methods of course - to prevent the "steps over democracy". :D

Say, why not enforce the police squads to start "massive ID checks before songkran" for example? Any red id_iot detected - and must be treated with the full power of Thai bureaucracy machine speed: suspect him\her for a document's forgery or found any other "unclear" detail and lock him for the time period not over described by the law (3 days\p\time, if I not wrong). Bangkok has LOTS of cells, FYI. :D

Free him with excuses after that, and next 5 min check him again by the next squad...... :D Something like this.

At least MOST of the riots will finally be dispercing after 1-2 rounds, as noone will pay-the-crowd being locked somewhere in a monkey house. They will run out of funds and finally must be going for a REAL job....

PS: I've faced this "check-ID" scenario myself in 2004, and was lucky enough to have the enough amount of money in my pocket to go out of this easily. Yupee - I was not carrying a copy of my passport in my wallet, just that. That was the only reason. Nontaburee police station - I still ......mmmm.....love you... :)

You got anything on the Red Gaurs or the Village Scouts? Always fun looking back through the scrapbook.

Ah diversion. I don't DENY violence on either side. There are a lot of posters who DENY violence on the PAD side.

Can they admit to the lies?


I see in the Nation that the UDD is getting a little edgy about other groups wishing to protest as well. If democracy dictates this freedom then it's for everyone, not just the reds. I'm beginning to believe that the UDD/Red-Shirts only want democracy as they define it and have a controlled monopoly with that. UDD is full of b/s. They continue to prove this by their words that they are not and have never been about democracy. Selfish, self-serving interests only. Time to give it up, the mask has been removed.

Red-shirt leader Natthawut Saikua said the protesters going to Chulalongkorn today would be a group of "medium size, neither big nor small", but the red shirts' plan to stage their first-ever demonstration at an academic institution immediately caused jitters.

Moreover, the red shirts made it clear yesterday that they regarded the other side as being "a government tool" created to weaken or discredit them.

The red shirts' scepticism about the "pink" movement was somewhat ironical, considering their major complaint was that they were regarded as Thaksin's "tools" rather than a pure political force yearning for democracy.


I see in the Nation that the UDD is getting a little edgy about other groups wishing to protest as well. If democracy dictates this freedom then it's for everyone, not just the reds. I'm beginning to believe that the UDD/Red-Shirts only want democracy as they define it and have a controlled monopoly with that. UDD is full of b/s. They continue to prove this by their words that they are not and have never been about democracy. Selfish, self-serving interests only. Time to give it up, the mask has been removed.
Red-shirt leader Natthawut Saikua said the protesters going to Chulalongkorn today would be a group of "medium size, neither big nor small", but the red shirts' plan to stage their first-ever demonstration at an academic institution immediately caused jitters.

Moreover, the red shirts made it clear yesterday that they regarded the other side as being "a government tool" created to weaken or discredit them.

The red shirts' scepticism about the "pink" movement was somewhat ironical, considering their major complaint was that they were regarded as Thaksin's "tools" rather than a pure political force yearning for democracy.


First Weng, now Wuttanut, it's a PR man's dream.

You got anything on the Red Gaurs or the Village Scouts? Always fun looking back through the scrapbook.

Ah diversion. I don't DENY violence on either side. There are a lot of posters who DENY violence on the PAD side.

Can they admit to the lies?

So in the interest of fairness could you post a bunch of pics over and over again showing all the violence that the REDS did "last" year around this time? It would be you setting an example of not just always trotting out your red shirt.. but of actually setting the standard of equality... :) Thanks

You got anything on the Red Gaurs or the Village Scouts? Always fun looking back through the scrapbook.

Ah diversion. I don't DENY violence on either side. There are a lot of posters who DENY violence on the PAD side.

Can they admit to the lies?

So in the interest of fairness could you post a bunch of pics over and over again showing all the violence that the REDS did "last" year around this time? It would be you setting an example of not just always trotting out your red shirt.. but of actually setting the standard of equality... :) Thanks

I posted the pictures in the interest of exposing lies. Ridiculous ones at that.

You refer me to a post where I have lied about red violence or condoned it, and I'll find a similar catalog of red violent pictures just as easily.

You got anything on the Red Gaurs or the Village Scouts? Always fun looking back through the scrapbook.

Ah diversion. I don't DENY violence on either side. There are a lot of posters who DENY violence on the PAD side.

Can they admit to the lies?

the teams mentioned above are not from the other side, they are just from further back in history.

saying that, the project Pink Man came to my mind, an additional 'pink'.

That you consider the actions of the PAD worse is not shared by everyone now is it?????

wow you are shallow!

closing down an airport or blocking some roads? what is worse?

come on we dont have to think about this right, the answer is quite clear.

and they can disagree now, but dont say this is destroying the tourism business, as the pad actions did way more damage and they were silent then.I did not say the reds are good, i am just complaining that these 2 new groups are only coming out when it serves there intentious best, and they are not to get peace. they are only to keep their grip on politics!!


Closing down the airport (the PAD didn't do this, the AOT did) is nowhere near as bad IMHO as killing people. So yes, compared to the tanker, the burnt busses, the threats of 1,000,000 malotov cocktails burning BKK down, the grenades, dragging a man from his car and beating him and then killing him is FAR worse than holding a peaceful protest at an airport. Remember that Sae Daeng, a red leader, said that grenade attacks would happen and the day afterwards people started dying, and 18 people died ALL on the PAD side during the end days at Government house and the 8 days at the airport.

Tourism was hurt as badly last year during Songkran as it was during the airport debacle AND NOW we have this year.

So yes, Murder IMHO is worse than ANY act of civil disobedience.

haha you are really as pathetic as all the other yellow shirts. come on, the aot did only close the airport cause it could not guarantee the safety of the passengers anymore when the yellow shirts took over, even demanding access to the air control tower which is a restricted area. going in there is a crime and should be punished. Besides this, werent it the yellow shirts who detsroyed shops / custom clearings and more in the airport?

Oh no ofcourse not, this was the AOT as well. come on the treaned independend security agencys (who were protecting shops) to leave the airport or else they would get hurt./ Dont come with the AOT closed it, you just as shortsided as the rest.

Any just to mention it, werent the yellow shirts shooting? there were photos of that thai actor who played in ong bak 2 (a yellow shirt) waving his gun? there were bombs thrown at the taxi radio station at dindaeng. dont come with your peacefull demonstration.

You yellow shirt are just as low as the red shirts, and you have no right to complain when you all did the same not long ago.

and these bombs are most likely even done by your people. when seh daeng said that he did not necessarily had to mean that his group would do it. the yellows have been more the willing to hire southern insurgents to do the bad jobs (like those drugged guys that took over government at the start of their protests and disgraced the government house stealing many invaluable objects)

You got anything on the Red Gaurs or the Village Scouts? Always fun looking back through the scrapbook.

Ah diversion. I don't DENY violence on either side. There are a lot of posters who DENY violence on the PAD side.

Can they admit to the lies?

tnx for the images, showing the yellow shirts here that they cant deny their violence.

and i agree with you, i dont condone violence on any side as well.

just hate it that the instigators of this whole mess in thailand now claim they did it peacefull and go down on the current protesters.

Lets all just go home, cause whoever will win its protest, there will be another group coming afterwards, this situation will not be solved in the next 50 years as the majority does not care shit about what happens, and the government only cares about themselves (any government, so no i am not picking sides with Thaksin)

My ides, i know it wont work, but still, is kicking anyone that is over the age of 40 or has any relations with old politicion out of the government.

lets freshen up this country a little.


So now it is down to one groups violence was less serious than another groups violence?

Both sides have committed violent acts, and if a bunch of them from either side march into my office building armed with sticks and machetes, but the guard decides not the challenge them because he is outnumbered, but there is no violence per se involved, it doesn't mean that there is intent to commit violence. Taking the airport was an act of violence. Putting a gun to someone's head but not pulling the trigger is a violent act and some could say evokes control through terror..

Much in the same way people here are arguing that the last coup was peaceful, they came with tanks and guns, so what would you as the general population have done? Fought back with what?

So now it is down to one groups violence was less serious than another groups violence?

Both sides have committed violent acts, and if a bunch of them from either side march into my office building armed with sticks and machetes, but the guard decides not the challenge them because he is outnumbered, but there is no violence per se involved, it doesn't mean that there is intent to commit violence. Taking the airport was an act of violence. Putting a gun to someone's head but not pulling the trigger is a violent act and some could say evokes control through terror..

Much in the same way people here are arguing that the last coup was peaceful, they came with tanks and guns, so what would you as the general population have done? Fought back with what?

Nothing more to be sad, i fully agree.

haha you are really as pathetic as all the other yellow shirts. come on, the aot did only close the airport cause it could not guarantee the safety of the passengers anymore when the yellow shirts took over, even demanding access to the air control tower which is a restricted area. going in there is a crime and should be punished. Besides this, werent it the yellow shirts who detsroyed shops / custom clearings and more in the airport?

Oh no ofcourse not, this was the AOT as well. come on the treaned independend security agencys (who were protecting shops) to leave the airport or else they would get hurt./ Dont come with the AOT closed it, you just as shortsided as the rest.

Any just to mention it, werent the yellow shirts shooting? there were photos of that thai actor who played in ong bak 2 (a yellow shirt) waving his gun? there were bombs thrown at the taxi radio station at dindaeng. dont come with your peacefull demonstration.

You yellow shirt are just as low as the red shirts, and you have no right to complain when you all did the same not long ago.

and these bombs are most likely even done by your people. when seh daeng said that he did not necessarily had to mean that his group would do it. the yellows have been more the willing to hire southern insurgents to do the bad jobs (like those drugged guys that took over government at the start of their protests and disgraced the government house stealing many invaluable objects)

"werent it the yellow shirts who detsroyed shops / custom clearings and more in the airport?"

Actually, the yellow shirts caused VERY LITTLE damage at the airport. There was nothing stolen out of the duty free shops, and there was only one plate glass window damaged (not shattered).

The airport was able to open ONE DAY after the protests finished. That means that there must have been no damage to the control tower (except probably a broken door).

I am NOT saying that the takeover was a good thing or wasn't illegal. I'm just commenting on one of your statements.

Comparing red violence and yellow violence is pretty irrelevant. It doesn't excuse either of them. Trying to compare each of them is pointless. They both have violent elements. They are both bad for the Thai economy.

haha you are really as pathetic as all the other yellow shirts. come on, the aot did only close the airport cause it could not guarantee the safety of the passengers anymore when the yellow shirts took over, even demanding access to the air control tower which is a restricted area. going in there is a crime and should be punished. Besides this, werent it the yellow shirts who detsroyed shops / custom clearings and more in the airport?

Oh no ofcourse not, this was the AOT as well. come on the treaned independend security agencys (who were protecting shops) to leave the airport or else they would get hurt./ Dont come with the AOT closed it, you just as shortsided as the rest.

Any just to mention it, werent the yellow shirts shooting? there were photos of that thai actor who played in ong bak 2 (a yellow shirt) waving his gun? there were bombs thrown at the taxi radio station at dindaeng. dont come with your peacefull demonstration.

You yellow shirt are just as low as the red shirts, and you have no right to complain when you all did the same not long ago.

and these bombs are most likely even done by your people. when seh daeng said that he did not necessarily had to mean that his group would do it. the yellows have been more the willing to hire southern insurgents to do the bad jobs (like those drugged guys that took over government at the start of their protests and disgraced the government house stealing many invaluable objects)

"werent it the yellow shirts who detsroyed shops / custom clearings and more in the airport?"

Actually, the yellow shirts caused VERY LITTLE damage at the airport. There was nothing stolen out of the duty free shops, and there was only one plate glass window damaged (not shattered).

The airport was able to open ONE DAY after the protests finished. That means that there must have been no damage to the control tower (except probably a broken door).

I am NOT saying that the takeover was a good thing or wasn't illegal. I'm just commenting on one of your statements.

Comparing red violence and yellow violence is pretty irrelevant. It doesn't excuse either of them. Trying to compare each of them is pointless. They both have violent elements. They are both bad for the Thai economy.

an anti-coup movement is exactly what thailand needs, democracy wise.

if you think about the 'economy' Thailand also don't need the 'do good do good do good' democrats.

if you wanna know who is legit - election!

You got anything on the Red Gaurs or the Village Scouts? Always fun looking back through the scrapbook.

Ah diversion. I don't DENY violence on either side. There are a lot of posters who DENY violence on the PAD side.

Can they admit to the lies?

My point is, its just not very relevant anymore. If people want to be trapped looking backwards there will be plenty of reasons found for not moving the country forward. The neogotiations started are the way forward. A couple more parties need to be brought on board. The Privy Council and constitutional scholars. All parties need to understand that everything is on the table except the rights of the people which are sacrosanct.

"The Institution" needs radical change, sooner rather than later. It would behoove all parties to recognize that fact and do something about it now, in the spirit of negotiations, rather than later with emotionally charged people in the streets.

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