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`Turn off the lights and save'

BANGKOK: -- The country will save as much as 20 billion baht a year from a national energy saving campaign that the government plans to implement with a fresh start next month.

The new campaign will operate on a voluntary basis. It is a response to a trade deficit of 118.5 billion baht in the first quarter of this year, partially due to the rise in oil imports.

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who will preside over the launch of the campaign in early June, will lead a drive to encourage people nationwide to turn off lights as part of a blitz to economise on electricity and oil consumption.

Energy Minister Viset Choopiban said the kickoff day would provide impetus to the nationwide drive to conserve energy.

Under the campaign, which ends in August, every household will be asked to turn off at least one light at 8:45 pm, to turn off air-conditioners for one hour during lunchtime and limit driving speeds to 90 km/hour.

Turning off lights will help cut 1.2 billion baht from electricity bills annually, shutting off air-conditioners for one hour will save 63 million baht a month and driving at a slower speed will help save 1.5 billion baht in monthly fuel bills.

Last year, Thailand spent one trillion baht on energy consumption, which accounted for 15% of GDP, resulting in a rise in oil imports.

This year, the government expects electricity demand will reach 136,784 million units and peak demand will be 21,143 Megawatts.

--The Post 2005-05-28

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Actually even without campaign induce by the goverment, if the people are aware for what they are doing in everyday life, then they may found such importance of conservation. everybody knows by cutting out unneccessary usage of electricity, fuel etc...etc...can benefit their self and big reward for their country. but who cares? only few individuals care of it...majority doesn't care!, :o but, I hope this project bring out success anyway. :D

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who will preside over the launch of the campaign in early June, will lead a drive to encourage people nationwide to turn off lights as part of a blitz to economise on electricity and oil consumption.

as he continually reinforces that his lights are on , but there is nobody at home.

How about this for an alternative - enforce every truck and bus in the nation to be serviced and repaired - will result in a more efficient engine and less pollution - cor , two dodos with the one rock.

encourage the sale of energy efficient air conditioners and the correct installation of them - ie. the placement of the heat exchanges , how many of them are placed in the sun.


Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who will preside over the launch of the campaign in early June, will lead a drive to encourage people nationwide to turn off lights as part of a blitz to economise on electricity and oil consumption.

as he continually reinforces that his lights are on , but there is nobody at home.

How about this for an alternative - enforce every truck and bus in the nation to be serviced and repaired - will result in a more efficient engine and less pollution - cor , two dodos with the one rock.

encourage the sale of energy efficient air conditioners and the correct installation of them - ie. the placement of the heat exchanges , how many of them are placed in the sun.


agree :D


D-day on new energy saving drive set in early June

BANGKOK: -- The government's new campaign on energy conservation across the country will kick off early next month, with Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his three deputies to be invited to preside over a ceremony to launch the campaign, according to Energy Minister Viset Choobiban.

Mr. Viset told TNA yesterday that the new campaign to encourage 'all Thais to join forces in reducing energy use' would kick off on 1 June.

"The new drive is aimed at creating the public awareness on a needed unity to seriously conserve energy across the country now that the nation's value of imported oil has soared to Bt30 billion over the first four months of this year", he noted.

The government's new three-pronged energy saving campaign includes urging all households and building to switch off at least one light after 20:45 hrs., to switch off air conditioners during the lunch break--between 12:00-13:00 hrs--and urging motorists to limit their driving speed to 90 kilometres per hour.

"Switching off at least one light every building and household during the period will help the nation conserve energy costs up to Bt1.2 billion a year, while switching off one million air conditioners for one hour will reduce the energy costs up to Bt63 million a month, and limiting the driving speed will help save the energy costs up to Bt1.5 billion a month", said the energy minister.

On 1 June, the prime minister and three deputies prime minister would be invited to preside over a countdown ceremony for the launch of the campaign, to be held at the Government House, he disclosed.

"When the time comes, each building and household will be urged to switch off at least one light for five minutes simultaneously", said the minister.

The ceremony will be broadcast live on Modernine TV of MCOT Public Company Limited (MCOT) and TV Channel 11 of the government's Public Relations Department (PRD).

The Permanent Secretary for Energy, Cherdpong Siriwit, said that the government would also encourage business firms to turn off the light on their advertisement billboards after 20:45 hrs.

The first evaluation of the government's new energy saving drive will be conducted after three months, or after August, accoring to the Ministry of Energy.

Meanwhile, the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) said if successful, the campaign would also help reduce the nation's costs of building new power plants worth billions of baht.

--TNA 2005-05-28


This is actually good news. It's long overdue if it hasn't been announced before here.

It drives home (no motorcyci pun here :o) the point that every little bit helps. We all have a responsibility so save energy, even if we can afford personally to waste it.

Let's face it, if we continue to waste energy by not taking personal responsibility, we will personally be affected by the results, which could range from energy shortages to environmental problems.

At the same time, many lights here in Thailand are flourescent. Isn't usually better to leave a flourescent light on for an hour (or some period of time) than to turn it off and then on again? This advice is best for those who think about leaving lights on at the end of the day, etc.

D-day on new energy saving drive set in early June 

BANGKOK: -- The government's new campaign on energy conservation across the country will kick off early next month, with Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his three deputies to be invited to preside over a ceremony to launch the campaign, according to Energy Minister Viset Choobiban.

--TNA 2005-05-28

Did any ever see the Simpson’s episode where the city of Springfield decides to save on energy and turn down the lights so they could see the stars at night? It ends up the vandalism and theft gets really bad. Any one thought about this in turning off so many lights at the same time through out the country? :o

D-day on new energy saving drive set in early June

BANGKOK: -- The government's new campaign on energy conservation across the country will kick off early next month, with Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his three deputies to be invited to preside over a ceremony to launch the campaign, according to Energy Minister Viset Choobiban.

--TNA 2005-05-28

What is interesting to me is that I'm paying over THB 5,000 a month which is the same rate I paid in USA. Why am I paying this, because I'm a farang and therefore pay three times the normal rate. Why should I provide an inconvenience to me to provide these ###### plus points.


Isn't everyone paying thier own electric usage at the current market-price? And if so...how is the country going to save any money? Maybe loose some in lost tax-revenuy...

What is interesting to me is that I'm paying over THB 5,000 a month which is the same rate I paid in USA.  Why am I paying this,  because I'm a farang and therefore pay three times the normal rate.  Why should I provide an inconvenience to me to provide these fools plus points.

Falang is getting ripped off. AAAaaaaaawwwwwwwww.

Anyway, if everybody left the aircons on and their doors open, it wouldn't be so hot outside - and in conclusion there'd be less cooling needed... :o ...or so.

It all ends in August, do not conserve energy after that, what a plan???


The owner of the properties here came up with the bright idea last month to install "street lighting". 20 1,5 meter wooden poles in the ground along the concrete road with cute globes on top of it. Really looks great and does help negotiating the terrain especially on pitch black nights up here at the edge of the jungle. Only one problem. There is a switch at the end of the line which most of the time was never turned on and if so, the lights were kept on all day as well. (They contracted with a burmese grounds keeper with the task who either forgot or was too drunk to remember)

I took it upon myself to install a light activated switch (270 Baht). Lights go on when the sun goes down and turn off at daybreak. :D

The reaction of the landowner....... Duuh, how they do that ? :D

I's the 21st century :o

This will more than likely result in even more motorbikes travelling without lights at night.


So true. Another "war on". Useless without educating people. Thai are great wasters and I'm quiet sure that only very few people will follow directives.


I am quite willing to do this if the government will:

1) Turn off their air conditioning

2) Stop using 25 cars to move one not very important government official from A-B whilst stopping traffic which sits burning fuel for 30 - 45 minutes on the expressway.

3) Thaksin (God Bless him!) sells his Ferrari and hands the keys back to his Air Force 1 Jet.

4) The Police actually come to do home checks instead of taking 1000Baht bribes to get off their butts and stop watching tv in the police station whilst complaining they are too busy.

5) TVs are turned off in all the Tax, Immigration and other offices where the queues are out the door and people behind desks seem to be more interested in lunch time cabaret shows..

6) etc. etc.


I'm all for it, although in my experience electriciy is so expensive that most Thais take it upon themselves to turn off them lights already. There are SO MANY other ways to do it besides turning off lights, tho.

Re: 5K power bill, If you pay your landlord for your utilities, you are prolly getting ripped off. Most landlords charge 5 BHT / unit, while the electricity comp. charges about half that. If you pay the power company directly, no problem.

Of course, its not just farang who are getting ripped off.


I remember these sorts of measures from back in 1997. Offices turned the lights and air-con off at lunchtime. Given how much the office heated up during the heat of the day while the air-con was off and how long it took to cool it, I never thought there was any saving. Does anyone have any idea of the cost saving (or lack thereof) of turning fluro lights off and then back on?

I'm no expert, but wouldn't an air con turn off for 1 hour at lunch cause the unit to run more and use more energy when you turn it back on?

Estrada: Well I am an expert, and of course you are right, assuming that the air conditioners were sized correctly in the first place. If they were and are set correctly and cut in and out when they reach the set temperature then you are correct. Turning the Air Conditioners off at lunch time would cause the temperature to rise to 34 Degrees C and then when you switch them on again they have to work to lower the temperature back down to 26 Deg C. Thai law is for an office temperature of 26 Deg C, so the Air cons should be switched back on perhaps half and hour prior to the end of lunch time.

In practice most Air conditioning systems are badly designed, badly installed, badly maintained and run continuously as a result. I believe the Thais realise this and for this reason no extra power will be consumed to bring the temperture down to normal.

Better to encourage them to set the thermostats correctly, and not turn them down to 18 Degrees. Thais believe by setting the controller to 18 Degrees it will get colder quicker. This is not correct since the cooling rate is fixed and will cut out when the temperature has been reached.

Making vehicles travel slower in Bangkok is likely to cause more fuel to be used as this results more vehicles being in a given area at one time instead of completing their journey. As a result traffic jams are caused and more energy is wasted due to vehicles being stationary in traffic jams.

Better to encourage better home insulation. I recently modernised my home, increasing the area by 50%, the Air conditioners from 1 to 3, insulated the roof and installed double glassed doors. Afterwards my electricity bills dropped from B5,500.month to B2,500.

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