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Criminals On The Road With A Police Badge And A Gun


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This issue is a major one for most of us who travel Thailand's highways. I don't know the answer but I would suggest that the first step to eliminate these corrupt, stop you and rob you at the pointy of a gun, would be : Create a professional Police Force that is properly financed by the Government and hire recruits that are not required to pay a bribe to get the job, buy their own gun, and buy their own transportation. The current system of financed is provided by road blocks maned by smiling goons that take your money on the spot for no reason at all and put it in their pocket. I guess the shares are divided up there or later with the bosses. Not an efficient way to finance a major part of police work.

It is shameful that as the result of spending time robbing the citizens takes away from real police work and real traffic major violations. It is a form of thievery that is mai pen rai to so many Thais that it is an accepted nuisance. I must say, The police do not discriminate against falangs, They steal from everyone. I guess, if you can afford wheels, you can afford to pay. Two recent named areas of note. KM marker 20, East of Udon Thanni, Westbound lane. 100 baht. My favorite, 100 km N of Pattaya on road to Issan. Stopped by flag down going south. 20 baht for ? Said he was thirsty and wanted a coca cola.

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I've seen them discriminate against both Thais and Farangs at different times.

Just the other night, they were pulling over every vehicle (cars, trucks and motorbikes) but let me pass (I'm farang)

I was a bit shocked but then realized it's the first of the month.

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I lived in Thailand for 16 years and I have never been fined by police without reason. Whenever I am stopped I have everything in order, in case they are dubious I pull out my video recording camera and start recording. I have been fined twice in 16 years, once because I had a light broken and another time I forgot my license home. I really don't see the point, just let police know you mean business assuming you are right and your car is ok.

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I actually like the corruptness of the Thai police, much more user friendly than the pricks back home in OZ.

have to agree --- at least u get a smile after u hand over the money and a nice salute -- and here even the female officers are lovely -- back in oz the so called female officers are totally butch or should i say - ladies in comfortable shoes to quote robin williams ---

i was pulled over on the way back from run to ban laem last weeks -- crisp salute -- pay 250 bt and off i go -- no points lost - no stand over methods -- what the heck ---

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Back in the UK every other road seems to have a radar camera to say nothing of all the police men hiding behind bushes etc etc etc. And the fines are a dam_n site more than 250 baht.

Admittedly the money goes into the government pockets and not the police's but I know which system I prefer.....and its not paying for the UK MP's expense claims. lol

HL :)

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After several year's, I think Ive got the fine thingy sorted. If Im going on any major road, I take all my money out of my pocket's, except for about one hundred in small note's. Every time Im stopped just plead that's all I got on me. Never had a problem most time's they just say go on then, or they take the 98 baht. Either way it's a bonus. Give it a try.

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No, sorry, this is not a major issue.

You are talking about $3

This is a minor inconvenience of living in beautiful Thailand.

If something this minor is causing you major heartache, I think you need to source out the original cause of your problems

This is part of life here, either accept it or move on.

I cannot image 100 baht would ever get in my head enough to warrant writing a story about it

There is no place on earth that is perfect

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Corruption is not an inconvenience it shows a lack of integrity and honesty by the perpetrator and using whilst in a position of trust or authority for dishonest gain is reprehensible.

It may just be easier to hand over a small amount of money to get on your way but the longer this practice of extortion is accepted, the police cannot be taken seriously. And what about the number of Thai people who begrudgingly hand over money, is that ok? they probably cannot afford it.

And before any bright spark makes the usual suggestion, I am home and I'm going nowhere.

Edited by theoldgit
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In the last 6 years of living in Thailand I have driven wore than 300,000Kms, mostly on business in my truck. I agree any off the book fees paid to the policy is fundamentally wrong -BUT. As always in Thailand there is a BUT. There has been a few occasions when it was evident I was pulled over cos I am a Ferange, the last time was in the outskirts of Roi-Et. The policy man almost fell over in stopping me, he said too fast too fast which was untrue, I was driving a Suzuki Carry, overloaded to hel_l, no way could I speed. What the policeman didn't know was that my wife and I were very tired having driven non-stop from Loe - zero tolerance. From the nature of the road block I could see it was illegal -no officer in charge etc. So I gave him hel_l, my normally placid Thai wife gave him hel_l and I drove off. I wouldn't normally recommend this line of action unless you fell confident about the situation.

One of the things things the Police like to do is pick a subject, one favourite is the metal work on the load area(I think the roll-over style is exempt????) When you purchase a frame (circa 4K Bht) you should get a receipt with a stamp on it, you then have to take your truck to the relevant Road Transport office(normally the same place you a driving license), they will inspect the truck and finally annotate your car log book to show it has been modified. The formal fine with receipt is 300Bht, when it is a "proper road Block" there is no negotiation normally - I know I tried.

Two sides of a coin, I have been caught speed(115Km's) on the big wide empty dual carriageways of Road 24, the stop lasted about 30 seconds, 100Bht later and I was off - a good result.

Beside the lasers the Policy on Road 24 are known to pile into a people mover with black glass and drive in such a way that most Thai drivers can't resit taking chase, foe most of you you know what I mean. They tried it with me one day, but with past experiences I was not going to drawn in. After a few Km's they pulled into a gas station and met up with their buddies in normal patrol cars.

Ha we live and learn

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I suppose if there wasn't as much corruption a great many farangs would have to go home. No more illegal working, no more getting away with DUI, no more playing fast and loose with fire & safety codes, especially some of the guest house operators. Yes. corruption stinks and holds the nation back. However, this is the culture. Until the Bangkok leaders stop requiring corruption as the M.O. here, nothing can change. Corruption in Thailand is what a sunrise is to a day.

I lived in Thailand for 16 years and I have never been fined by police without reason. Whenever I am stopped I have everything in order, in case they are dubious I pull out my video recording camera and start recording. I have been fined twice in 16 years, once because I had a light broken and another time I forgot my license home. I really don't see the point, just let police know you mean business assuming you are right and your car is ok.

Good way to lose your video camera. If these clowns are not afraid of extorting money, do you think they'll hesitate in confiscating the camera to check for kiddie porn or drugs and then having a woops we dropped it moment?

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No, sorry, this is not a major issue.

You are talking about $3

This is a minor inconvenience of living in beautiful Thailand.

If something this minor is causing you major heartache, I think you need to source out the original cause of your problems

This is part of life here, either accept it or move on.

I cannot image 100 baht would ever get in my head enough to warrant writing a story about it

There is no place on earth that is perfect

Yes a 100 baht is small change I agree. But if you'd had had to pay 5000 baht at one time in BKK for not doing anything wrong. Then I think It's a good ruse. If you dont think so wait till you have to pay. 2000 up and then you might agree.
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I suppose if there wasn't as much corruption a great many farangs would have to go home. No more illegal working, no more getting away with DUI, no more playing fast and loose with fire & safety codes, especially some of the guest house operators. Yes. corruption stinks and holds the nation back. However, this is the culture. Until the Bangkok leaders stop requiring corruption as the M.O. here, nothing can change. Corruption in Thailand is what a sunrise is to a day.
I lived in Thailand for 16 years and I have never been fined by police without reason. Whenever I am stopped I have everything in order, in case they are dubious I pull out my video recording camera and start recording. I have been fined twice in 16 years, once because I had a light broken and another time I forgot my license home. I really don't see the point, just let police know you mean business assuming you are right and your car is ok.

Good way to lose your video camera. If these clowns are not afraid of extorting money, do you think they'll hesitate in confiscating the camera to check for kiddie porn or drugs and then having a woops we dropped it moment?

Agreed...suspect the "keyboard warrior" is coming out in that post, if you pull a camera on one of Thailands finest, suspect losing you carmera would be the least of your worries...

Me...The Thai Police an example of captialism at its best...been shook down for things I didnt do, and got off with a small contribution to the policeman's retirement fund for the things I did do, so evens itself out

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Shit, I'd rather pay the $6.00 here than the $250.00+ back in Oz.any day. :D:)

Right on brother.

For those who are relating stories about getting agressive with officers, sticking cameras in their faces or driving away from checkpoints, I hear you and I understand your frustration. However, please do bear in mind that you are dealing with ARMED police officers, and it only takes one slightly psychotic individual to send a couple of 9mm slugs through your back window, and for you to be photographed slumped over the wheel dead with a gun in your lap and a bag of ya ba on your dashboard. Your dream of living in paradise well and truly over.

However frustrating it is, and whatever opinions we all may have on corruption, is it really worth it for 1 or 200 baht?

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If I don't do at least 2 violations a day on my bike, I don't feel right. Therefore, when I get stopped, it's only fair I give a few baht to atone for my previous sins.

Also, paying at the roadside is a lot more conevenient than having to go to the station.

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I actually like the corruptness of the Thai police, much more user friendly than the pricks back home in OZ.
They are the only charity in Thailand I donate to. :D
Shit, I'd rather pay the $6.00 here than the $250.00+ back in Oz.any day. :D:D

I'm with guys :D

Sorry officer, here's 100 baht, see you tomorrow, would you like cash in advance, then you can just wave me through :)

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I'm with guys :D

Sorry officer, here's 100 baht, see you tomorrow, would you like cash in advance, then you can just wave me through :)

This I suspect is the majority view, and of course everyone is fully entitled to their view, but it is one reason why the police force gets away with the corruption and extortion that is within their ranks.

Of course the bribes that people happily pay to the police when they don't confirm to traffic regulations, which I would have thought were there in the interests of road safety, rather than the understandable inconvenience of going to the police station, are only the very small tip of a very large iceberg.

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I'm with guys :D

Sorry officer, here's 100 baht, see you tomorrow, would you like cash in advance, then you can just wave me through :)

This I suspect is the majority view, and of course everyone is fully entitled to their view, but it is one reason why the police force gets away with the corruption and extortion that is within their ranks.

Of course the bribes that people happily pay to the police when they don't confirm to traffic regulations, which I would have thought were there in the interests of road safety, rather than the understandable inconvenience of going to the police station, are only the very small tip of a very large iceberg.

I was being satirical, never had to pay tea money in over 10 years :D Of course having the family with me and my wife's mother doesn't take any sh%t from them. In a polite way of course :D

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I was being satirical, never had to pay tea money in over 10 years :D Of course having the family with me and my wife's mother doesn't take any sh%t from them. In a polite way of course :)

I wasn't trying to be pompous, as I say it's the majority view and something I have to admit that I have done, but I still think it's very wrong.

Unfortunately my good lady is very timid, until she gets home that is.

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I was being satirical, never had to pay tea money in over 10 years :D Of course having the family with me and my wife's mother doesn't take any sh%t from them. In a polite way of course :)

I wasn't trying to be pompous, as I say it's the majority view and something I have to admit that I have done, but I still think it's very wrong.

Unfortunately my good lady is very timid, until she gets home that is.

No offense taken, seem people just seem to be unlucky and be in the wrong palce and the wrong time (right time for the copper) :D

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I refuse to get into the criminal action of handing money to police, Till now 50,000km driving a car and 20,000 by motocyc in 4 years and have paid fines at the cop shop 2 times, Sure i,ve been stopped and told i was in the wrong lane and so but still i refuse to hand money over.

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No, sorry, this is not a major issue.

You are talking about $3

This is a minor inconvenience of living in beautiful Thailand.

If something this minor is causing you major heartache, I think you need to source out the original cause of your problems

This is part of life here, either accept it or move on.

I cannot image 100 baht would ever get in my head enough to warrant writing a story about it

There is no place on earth that is perfect

Just for you and your insulting paternalistic remarks. I write here on many subjects that some folks actually care about. To tell me to move on instead of offering ways to improve or contribute to this place shows your lack of education and ignorance, let alone , any sense of manners. I suggest to you, that come from a low class life style without any reverence for rules and integrity. I live here, intend to die here, and contribute , rather than take away anything from Thailand.

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Last year as a kind of social experiment i put 250bht in an envelope intended for donating money to the temple, When i rode into gang of police in the action of stealing at the side of the road and was accused of being in the wrong lane i produced the envelope and explained it was the only money i had with me and intended to donate it to the temple, Strange thing was he would,nt take it and just said go!

Fear of bad karma or fear i might spread the word that police stole money intended for the temple?

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A couple of years ago was driving on a BMW bike south from Chaing Rai with my Thai girlfriend on the back. Ran into a typical police checkpoint, where they were pulling EVERONE over and getting money. They even had a small table set up for instant payment. Of course they flagged me over, and demanded 300 baht for no reason. I smiled and refused to pay, speaking only English of course.

I was then directed into the office of the ranking policeman there. He starts explaining to my girlfriend in Thai that I should pay immediately, and then adds in that I was "bak ma" for not paying. This means dog mouth in Thai, and is a severe insult. I was not really in a good mood from being pulled over for nothing, and now this " policeman" is insulting me for not paying the shakedown money....... I am pretty even tempered, but this was too much for me. I then launched into Thai, telling him he was no better than the mafia, and that all the Thai people hated the police because of all the money the police steal from them..............There was a brief moment of silence. The three other policeman in the room has eyes as big as saucers, and their jaws were hanging down in amazement. This was a moment of confrontation and face loss that was beyond their comprehension....The head guy's face turns bright red, he leaps up from the desk, starts throwing papers around, and starts yelling in rapid Thai that I cannot understand. My girlfriend turns to me and says it is time for me to step outside. I was in fight mode, but one look at her face and I knew it was in fact time for me to step outside. :-) She paid the 300 baht, and we were on our way.

Looking back with the clarity of hindsight and knowing a lot more about Thailand now, I realize he could have shot me on the spot, with the story that the giant foreigner went crazy and he had to shoot me to save himself. The other police would have backed him up, then he would have told my girlfriend to keep quiet or her family members would start dying. So that would have been the end of me.......... So now that I know the police here are not really police as we understand the word ( ie public servants whose job is to protect the public), but rather revenue collectors, I now no longer stop at checkpoints. I treat them the same as if robbers were by the roadside waving me over to stop so they can take money from me.

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And that's the very reason the police in Thailand are a disgrace and cannot be respected.

All this red shirt lark must be really winding them up, they have to do real policing now, albeit not very well, they will have a lot of ground to make up when all these shenanigans are over and they can get on with the only thing they know how to do properly, extort money and threaten people.

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on the spot 'fine' once in best part of ten years-mistook right hand turn light-my fault. Guy chased me. had a bit if a chat. fifty baht changed hands and pilou.

Stopped many times at routine road blocks. The guys are always courteous and friendly and never cost me a sebang. Sometimes, I give them a drink, if there is some in the car.

If you want rampant murder/thievery etc in this country, get rid of the present system, because if you do there will no incentive to have road blocks and consequently, no police presence, ANYWHERE. Then, the highway and biway thugs, scumbags, muggers, hijackers and thieves will take over.

'law and order is like patriotism-anyone that comes on strong about it has something to hide..they always turn - out to be crooks, or, <deleted>, or traitors or something.'

Bill Mauldin

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Corruption is not an inconvenience it shows a lack of integrity and honesty by the perpetrator and using whilst in a position of trust or authority for dishonest gain is reprehensible.

It may just be easier to hand over a small amount of money to get on your way but the longer this practice of extortion is accepted, the police cannot be taken seriously. And what about the number of Thai people who begrudgingly hand over money, is that ok? they probably cannot afford it.

And before any bright spark makes the usual suggestion, I am home and I'm going nowhere.

Git, the disagreement I have over your post is not that you should go home. I rarely think that that's an appropriate response on this forum...although I do feel that some people just aren't cut out for living in other than the "first world". You're not one of those people, however. And I don't find you to be a moaner and groaner. You can put things in perspective, although it's not always a perspective with which I agree...but that's what makes debates fun!

What I do disagree with is the lack of integrity/honesty aspect of your post. Oh, you're right. But among the posters on TV, I don't find the group to overall to be the paragon of honesty and integrity. And, to some extent, I include myself in that, and I'm probably one of the goody-two-shoes. But have I greased the wheels since I moved here almost a year ago? Yes. Only once, so far, but 1,000 baht under the table saved me 5 hours of my time one day...and I did it without even thinking about it...it was practical and put me at the front of the line...ahead of those who hadn't. Evil incarnate? No. A lack of integrity? Yes.

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