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Democrat MPs Angry Over Suthep's Soft Handling Of Red-Shirts


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Note that the use of Water Cannons &/or Tear Gas does not have to be life threatening either. Unlike previous governments, this one actually seems to want to prevent bloodshed.

You belive that the previous governments wanted bloodshed? They weren't satisfied with merely dispersing the PAD but actively sought bloodshed?

Do you confuse effect with intent?

If there is bloodshed in this event will you condemn the current government as actively wanting that effect? (as you sarcastically imply the Somchai gov't did).

This is not a made for tv movie- every government does what it feels it must do to preserve social order. If there is bloodshed in Bangkok- and Abhisit and his advisors/handlers aren't stupid- watch what happens in the provinces--- and in Bangkok down the road. Somchai was faced with exactly the same quandry- he made a choice- and tragedy ensued- tragedy which hastened the demise of his government. Abhisit doesn't want the same fate. While the picture of government leaders as wimpy, ballsy, compassionate and cruel might be attractive to some, the fact is that most are motivated by pure practicalities. And in no case does a government regard the wanton spilling of blood as practical.

If the current government believed that a greater evil could be allayed with the use of some bloodshed in the capitol=- they won't hesitate.

And if they believe that bloodshed in the capitol will only lead to further disruption of civil order- they will hesitate.

There is a difference between not wanting bloodshed, and not caring if bloodshed occurs. Actions speak louder than words don't they? And we very well know how Samak felt. Somchai, as brother-in-law & nominee..... well it wouldn't be much of a stretch, would it now?

And in answer to your question, I hope that there is NO MORE bloodshed..... have you not been keeping up with the blasts all over Bangkok?

If I were to assume that my brother in law shared my feelings- we'd both be offended.

But again I ask, on what basis do you suggest that either of those guys 'wanted' bloodshed?

Both of them had enough problems without yielding to some kind of bloodlust.

What they wanted was an expedient end to a crisis- exactly the same thing the current government wants.

Somchai chose a path for which he knew he'd possibly pay a price. Abhisit has learned from that- it's not that he lacks balls or is some kind of saint- he is doing what he thinks is the most practical thing to do right now- just as Somchai did what he thought was the most practical. History will determine whether they took the right course (the verdict on Somchai is in- Abhsist learned from that verdict).

As far as the bomb blasts occurring- of course I condemn that regardless of who is responsible or to what end they are intended. But I have studied revolution long enough to know that public approbation fuels rather than mitigates terrorism.

If you read again, you can see that I noted that Samak / Somchai did not necessarily want bloodshed, but that they did not care if it occurred. (On previous form this would probably be an understatement for Samak though). Whilst Abhisit did not want bloodshed.

As far as Abhisit learning from previous situations, I would have to agree with you.

(Although I do think, that he is also more of a statesman, and much more rational than most of what has gone before)

Of course you might also add that the Army may have learnt from past situations....

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The answer is quite simple.

Just as the court dissolved the somchai government, so it should now dissolve the abisit government over the illegal 258 million donations.

All they have to do is apply their own rules.

Elections to follow.

Embrace democracy.

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The answer is quite simple.

Just as the court dissolved the somchai government, so it should now dissolve the abisit government over the illegal 258 million donations.

All they have to do is apply their own rules.

Elections to follow.

Embrace democracy.

Other than the fact this is a different Democrat Government

and the current party leaders in control positions were not implicated

in what is, as yet unproven, from 5 years ago.

Somchai was in PPP leadership when it's law breaking occured.

Big difference.

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