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Farang Hatred Of The Reds ?


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Don't want to call names but I have seen members calling to crack heads open and such.

In all seriousness if they would have used tear gas and water canons years ago, we wouldnt have what is going on today. Mind you somewhere I think some Thai General is having a good laff over this. :)

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The strange thing is that many of the red-haters support Islamic terrorists and every other nutjob on the planet, but have no sympathy at all for the poorest people in Thailand - who just want a chance in life. I just don't get it. :)

I'd say you don't get it. If you could see the demos up close here in Bangkok, I don't think you'd be so quick to presume they "just want a chance in life." They want to party and get away from work and be paid for it. They're expecting a huge cashout if they can bring Thaksin back. In my 'hood most of the reds are driving late-model motorcycles, and the leaders are riding in BMWs and gold-trimmed Camrys. It's a sham.

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This thread is trolls-ville. The OP is a flame. Suggest people IGNORE it. I know I will.

Hmmm odd since you do much the same Jing, should we ignore your topics? :)

Here here :D That's why he is on my ignore list

How did you see that post if they are on your ignore list? :D

Because even when you ignore someone their posts still appear when someone quotes them. Not so clever are you?

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I have never been able to understand why most of the Farang on TV are such fervent supporters of the Bangkok elite

I have noticed this too and god help you if you critisise back,maybe they are the sponsors.Racist remarks are the norm on here but you cannot reply back sometimes depending on,oops i better not

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I have never been able to understand why most of the Farang on TV are such fervent supporters of the Bangkok elite

They marry the daughters ?

:) Yes - TV lads always marry the hi-so uni educated thai birds.

especially the barely literate men who meet their lovebirds in pattaya and then run off to set up noodle shops & low end guest houses with bed bugs forever proclaiming themselves to be captains of industry.........

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Most always talk about their thai/chinese,educated wonderful woman then talk about darkskinned,thick issan thieves.

The thing is that 99.9% of them are lying about having wealthy, light skinned, well educated wives. Are they so deluded that looking down on the poor folks is part of the fantasy? :)

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The strange thing is that many of the red-haters support Islamic terrorists and every other nutjob on the planet, but have no sympathy at all for the poorest people in Thailand - who just want a chance in life. I just don't get it. :)

You would understand it when you here the Bangkok brigade that do not want Issan as part of Thailand

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Most always talk about their thai/chinese,educated wonderful woman then talk about darkskinned,thick issan thieves.

The thing is that 99.9% of them are lying about having wealthy, light skinned, well educated wives. Are they so deluded that looking down on the poor folks is part of the fantasy? :)

Ulysses,i suspect that some lie thru their lily white <deleted> but there is a nasty farang element who have no thought or interest in supporting anybody but the minority elite.Why this should be mainly Bangkok i try to think,and the ones who seem to be bigots are the farangs who work,the rest are just laid back kind of guys with no malice in their body

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I have never been able to understand why most of the Farang on TV are such fervent supporters of the Bangkok elite

They marry the daughters ?

:) Yes - TV lads always marry the hi-so uni educated thai birds.

especially the barely literate men who meet their lovebirds in pattaya and then run off to set up noodle shops & low end guest houses with bed bugs forever proclaiming themselves to be captains of industry.........

Now that is very deranged

what job do you do in Bangkok

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Ulysses,i suspect that some lie thru their lily white <deleted> but there is a nasty farang element who have no thought or interest in supporting anybody but the minority elite.Why this should be mainly Bangkok i try to think,and the ones who seem to be bigots are the farangs who work,the rest are just laid back kind of guys with no malice in their body

Whether I have had mine bleached yet or not is my own business, but I do not like the inference that because I work I am more likely to be a bigot. Who rattled your cage. :)

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Ok here comes the Anti-red onslaught - can't have a pro red message. :)

Red Shirts are just like the Government if you do anything as long as it does not involve they losing they continue to do. So if government shows force I would believe most of Red Shirts would back away and go home. Just a few who are hooligans and are aid very well may continue or resort to force. I would not mind a bit if they are the one who are hurt in the process

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Few "redneck" Farangs still fighting the Vietnam War (although too young to have been there) and still cant believe that the little guys won.......just stuck in the past. :) ..World is changing

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I think we need to distinguish between the Red LEADERSHIP, who are Thaksin's cronies; and the mass of rural poor who are the Red foot soldiers.

I despise Thaksin and all his henchmen for taking an already extremely corrupt system of government and increasing the level of corruption by an order of magnitude - not to mention inflaming the south and extra judicially disposing of 2500 ALLEGED drug dealers/personal enemies of local police. Equally, I despise them for holding Thailand to ransom in a bid to get a very vindictive and totally amoral convicted criminal off the hook and back on the gravy train.

The rural poor by contrast have a load of legitimate gripes against the ruling class in Bangkok - not to mention rural middlemen like rice millers who always pay farmers bottom dollar even when the market price is high. Unfortunately, the poor are very badly educated (and whose fault is that?...). As a result, once Thaksin threw a few scraps their way, 30 baht health care, OTOP, loans etc; these people thought he was all things bright and beautiful. Why? Nobody else had ever done anything like this for them, and they were not able to recognise it as a marketing ploy (from a marketing man par excellence) for Thaksin's intended rerun of the Marcos years in the Philippines.

So, in summary, a plague on both Thaksin and the wealthy exploiters. Now, please can we have an honourable leader to make the case for the rural poor. Sadly, I'm not holding my breath.

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I doubt if Thailand ex-pats really hate the Red Shirts.

Last time when the Yellow Shirts laid on the airport siege, they become the bad boys of Thailand.

It all depends which group is in the limelight at the time. This year the baddies are the Red Shirts. Who knows what it will be next year? Green Shirts perhaps?

I suspect most of us object to anyone, whatever colour the shirt, who blocks ordinary people from going about their business; who blocks roads and won't let traffic pass; who forces shops to close for fear of looting (a fear so far unjustified, but it's still there).

I live in Isan, not Bangkok... and while most of my neighbours support Taksin and the Red Shirts, I doubt whether one of them can show how these protests are doing anything for the poor. An election in these parts means victory for the guy who can hand out the most B.1000 notes, and that's not democracy in my book. Yes, Taksin did hand out a lot of Government money to the poor (and took quite a bit for himself), and I have no doubt any PM would do so if given the chance (I mean hand out, not necessarily take!).

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I see we have developed a new forum rule. If you post without spitting poison about Thaksin....or if you fail to call redshirts violent thugs, or ignorant, or dirty, then you are a Troll. Now this is a new development.....up till now you would just have been a "Thaksin apologist" or a "Redshirt supporter who just won't admit it"....

Guess it must have been time to take the hysteria to a new level.

If on the other hand you harp on day after day...thread after thread, spitting poison at anyone who shows the slightest sympathy for the reds cause, or even stating that you are neutral and not taking sides.....that is OK..you are just a loyal defender of the status quo...stand up guy...made man.

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Ulysses,i suspect that some lie thru their lily white <deleted> but there is a nasty farang element who have no thought or interest in supporting anybody but the minority elite.Why this should be mainly Bangkok i try to think,and the ones who seem to be bigots are the farangs who work,the rest are just laid back kind of guys with no malice in their body

Whether I have had mine bleached yet or not is my own business, but I do not like the inference that because I work I am more likely to be a bigot. Who rattled your cage. :)

Nobody rattled my cage i am one of the laid back farangs who dont have to work and retired early to enjoy myself in a wonderful country.Hope you are one of the decent hard working farangs with no malice in your body then.Why do you need to bleach your arse then is it a bit dark lol.

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I think we need to distinguish between the Red LEADERSHIP, who are Thaksin's cronies; and the mass of rural poor who are the Red foot soldiers.

I despise Thaksin and all his henchmen for taking an already extremely corrupt system of government and increasing the level of corruption by an order of magnitude - not to mention inflaming the south and extra judicially disposing of 2500 ALLEGED drug dealers/personal enemies of local police. Equally, I despise them for holding Thailand to ransom in a bid to get a very vindictive and totally amoral convicted criminal off the hook and back on the gravy train.

The rural poor by contrast have a load of legitimate gripes against the ruling class in Bangkok - not to mention rural middlemen like rice millers who always pay farmers bottom dollar even when the market price is high. Unfortunately, the poor are very badly educated (and whose fault is that?...). As a result, once Thaksin threw a few scraps their way, 30 baht health care, OTOP, loans etc; these people thought he was all things bright and beautiful. Why? Nobody else had ever done anything like this for them, and they were not able to recognise it as a marketing ploy (from a marketing man par excellence) for Thaksin's intended rerun of the Marcos years in the Philippines.

So, in summary, a plague on both Thaksin and the wealthy exploiters. Now, please can we have an honourable leader to make the case for the rural poor. Sadly, I'm not holding my breath.

Excellent post.

Two additional points:-

1) Many of the rural poor that I come across are bored with the red shirt protest.

2) Given half a chance I think Abhisit could hold of a Thaksin return and take Thailand to the next stage (hopefully, free and fair elections with everyone bound to accept the outcome).

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I doubt if Thailand ex-pats really hate the Red Shirts.

Last time when the Yellow Shirts laid on the airport siege, they become the bad boys of Thailand.

It all depends which group is in the limelight at the time. This year the baddies are the Red Shirts. Who knows what it will be next year? Green Shirts perhaps?

I suspect most of us object to anyone, whatever colour the shirt, who blocks ordinary people from going about their business; who blocks roads and won't let traffic pass; who forces shops to close for fear of looting (a fear so far unjustified, but it's still there).

I live in Isan, not Bangkok... and while most of my neighbours support Taksin and the Red Shirts, I doubt whether one of them can show how these protests are doing anything for the poor. An election in these parts means victory for the guy who can hand out the most B.1000 notes, and that's not democracy in my book. Yes, Taksin did hand out a lot of Government money to the poor (and took quite a bit for himself), and I have no doubt any PM would do so if given the chance (I mean hand out, not necessarily take!).

Thats a very good post mate.

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I think we need to distinguish between the Red LEADERSHIP, who are Thaksin's cronies; and the mass of rural poor who are the Red foot soldiers.

I despise Thaksin and all his henchmen for taking an already extremely corrupt system of government and increasing the level of corruption by an order of magnitude - not to mention inflaming the south and extra judicially disposing of 2500 ALLEGED drug dealers/personal enemies of local police. Equally, I despise them for holding Thailand to ransom in a bid to get a very vindictive and totally amoral convicted criminal off the hook and back on the gravy train.

The rural poor by contrast have a load of legitimate gripes against the ruling class in Bangkok - not to mention rural middlemen like rice millers who always pay farmers bottom dollar even when the market price is high. Unfortunately, the poor are very badly educated (and whose fault is that?...). As a result, once Thaksin threw a few scraps their way, 30 baht health care, OTOP, loans etc; these people thought he was all things bright and beautiful. Why? Nobody else had ever done anything like this for them, and they were not able to recognise it as a marketing ploy (from a marketing man par excellence) for Thaksin's intended rerun of the Marcos years in the Philippines.

So, in summary, a plague on both Thaksin and the wealthy exploiters. Now, please can we have an honourable leader to make the case for the rural poor. Sadly, I'm not holding my breath.

Great post mate.

You summed it up perfect,but very corrupt and very very corrupt is same same.One government opened fire on university students many years ago killing many,so Thaksin is no different

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I see. So now anyone who disagrees with the leaders of the redshirt movement must be a racist. Nice to see the bar set so high here on TV.

No, but repeatedly calling the demonstrators 'morons' is hardly a reasoned argument; is it?

There have been some reasoned arguments posted by those who are against the demonstrator's cause; but unfortunately far more where the 'argument' is that the poster is inconvenienced, or that the demonstrators are 'morons' and similar.

Whichever side you 'support' post reasoned arguments as to why. Silly, childish name calling does nothing except show the poster to be ignorant and prejudiced.

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I must admit that when the yellows occupied the airport, I wanted the forces to move in and wreak carnage..

With the reds, I think some people misguidedly assume they are communist. Others remember Thaksin making the bars shut early. I know I didn't like getting chucked out of Nana Plaza at 12am.

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I have never been able to understand why most of the Farang on TV are such fervent supporters of the Bangkok elite

Maybe because we held/hold down good jobs and are not of the same ilk as some who come over here and shag around around in the bars, have an ex bargirl girlfriend, is an ECC language school teacher who is feeding his whoring habit by working for 220bht an hour and has been here all of 5 minutes and knows it all?

Just a thought!

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"Thankfully Thai politicians are more thoughtful and less violence prone than many of the posters here would like them to be"

Obviously you were not in Thailand when then Prime Minister Thaksin issued the order to the Police Force concerning Drug Dealers "Bring them in dead or alive" in this case it was mostly dead, 2,500 to 3,000 and not one conviction for unlawful killing.

Sorry for off Topic.

Source of quote:Bangkok Post.

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I think we need to distinguish between the Red LEADERSHIP, who are Thaksin's cronies; and the mass of rural poor who are the Red foot soldiers.

I despise Thaksin and all his henchmen for taking an already extremely corrupt system of government and increasing the level of corruption by an order of magnitude - not to mention inflaming the south and extra judicially disposing of 2500 ALLEGED drug dealers/personal enemies of local police. Equally, I despise them for holding Thailand to ransom in a bid to get a very vindictive and totally amoral convicted criminal off the hook and back on the gravy train.

The rural poor by contrast have a load of legitimate gripes against the ruling class in Bangkok - not to mention rural middlemen like rice millers who always pay farmers bottom dollar even when the market price is high. Unfortunately, the poor are very badly educated (and whose fault is that?...). As a result, once Thaksin threw a few scraps their way, 30 baht health care, OTOP, loans etc; these people thought he was all things bright and beautiful. Why? Nobody else had ever done anything like this for them, and they were not able to recognise it as a marketing ploy (from a marketing man par excellence) for Thaksin's intended rerun of the Marcos years in the Philippines.

So, in summary, a plague on both Thaksin and the wealthy exploiters. Now, please can we have an honourable leader to make the case for the rural poor. Sadly, I'm not holding my breath.

Thank you Colin. You have articulate what I and I think many others feel about this issue in a way better than anyone else I've seen over the last couple of weeks.


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I have never been able to understand why most of the Farang on TV are such fervent supporters of the Bangkok elite

Maybe because we held/hold down good jobs and are not of the same ilk as some who come over here and shag around around in the bars, have an ex bargirl girlfriend, is an ECC language school teacher who is feeding his whoring habit by working for 220bht an hour and has been here all of 5 minutes and knows it all?

Just a thought!

I rest my case again

What the hel_l has that got to do with supporting what the Bangkok elite want.You tar everybody with the same feather then moan when somebody puts you into the snob slot.


this post confirms what i say about MOST farangs in Bangkok,such a terrible view of decent retirees,and other workers in smaller wages.When i was working in uk i was earning over 50k a year and thats why i retired early,when can you retire sonshine

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