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Have you read some of the rather hilarious political ramblings on here by the usual suspects? A lot of the hatred of the red shirts comes from the anti-Thaksin stuff. The reason why quite a few of the geriatric farang crowd hate Thaksin is because he passed some laws that were perceived as anti-farang back in the day and I suppose old bitter persecution complex grudges last forever in those circles.

Suffice to say farang expats are probably the last source you want to go to get the serious lowdown on national politics.

Yes, I have always suspected this as well. You should have seen the posts during the 'social order' campaign.. Just about every bar-stool Farang thought it was a campaign against them personally. :)

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The 'authorities' of the world are far too quick to use violence in solving all their problems, it really annoys me when you see a demonstration in say London where thousands of heavily armed police are beating, gassing and electrocuting the crap out of unarmed people who are just demonstrating.

The way the prime minister and the authorities in Thailand are handling this demonstration is admirable and sets an example to the rest of the world.

I know where I come from there would be injuries and deaths already alongside a large scale riot, this is the way it's done in Britain and across Europe, and of course the US.

Agree, Patient is the right way to go, step by step.

Good leadership.

I must admit that when the yellows occupied the airport, I wanted the forces to move in and wreak carnage..

With the reds, I think some people misguidedly assume they are communist. Others remember Thaksin making the bars shut early. I know I didn't like getting chucked out of Nana Plaza at 12am.

Holy cow, I can't believe it; I was thinking of Posting about that. Remember, he's the one who made it a law the dancers had to have some clothing on!? The man PROVED he was encouragable in the eyes of English Teachers of BKK.


This Thread is really getting some traction, though the Subject has been previously brought up in the Forum. One good answer was that expats are from countries where monarchism was replaced by imperisialism. They know that democratic movements are a big waste of time, you end up with the Bush's and the Thatchers anyways. You end up with the tyranny of political parties!

You end up with a sunken World wide economy!

Another possibility is their ancestors were traitors who fought against Paul Revere and the raiders and helped Anoinette hand out cake. [letthem eat cake - one of the Yellow uppity ups was quoted as saying the poor should be happy with a bowl of rice every day ,,, hmmmm]

Don't worry though, it the Reds win the day, these Posters will claim they were freedom fighters all along the way! whoo HAH

The way I look at it, a victory by the Reds won't be a victory for Thailand; BUT neither will a victory by the Yellows.

Change is needed, but not the kind of change either camp envisions.

I have little respect for Yellow OR Red supporters.

They both have rotten to core, corrupt leaders.

Thankfully Thai politicians are more thoughtful and less violence prone than many of the posters here would like them to be.

Thoughtfulness doesn't come into it; they'd have their heads off if there were no recriminations and are sizing up the best way to rip em out, keep face, stay in power.

Let the Thai people sort out their own problems, Farangs don't have any influence at all, and let's face it, most of our home countries are a complete mess themselves, that's why we are here.

Op, you're as green as green can be... your silly synopsis certainly ain't the reason I'm here.

Others remember Thaksin making the bars shut early. I know I didn't like getting chucked out of Nana Plaza at 12am.

Holy cow, I can't believe it; I was thinking of Posting about that. Remember, he's the one who made it a law the dancers had to have some clothing on!? The man PROVED he was encouragable in the eyes of English Teachers of BKK.

It is good to see some honesty about this issue. :)

Remember, he's the one who made it a law the dancers had to have some clothing on!? The man PROVED he was encouragable in the eyes of English Teachers of BKK.

I think the word you're looking for is " incorrigible " eggo.

Would any English teachers of BKK care to comment? :)

The strange thing is that many of the red-haters support Islamic terrorists and every other nutjob on the planet, but have no sympathy at all for the poorest people in Thailand - who just want a chance in life. I just don't get it. :D

You would understand it when you here the Bangkok brigade that do not want Issan as part of Thailand

Good point, but understand that it cuts both ways for the Bangkokians. If Issan was not a part of Thailand who else could they exploit? :)


If one reads the threads closely, one sees the motivation for a lot of the hatred: Displaced aggression arising from personal failure. Here is an example and I want you to pay attention to the overt falsehoods used to justify the irrational hatred, but also pay special attention to the last entry from this person;

Please note that to spare everyone some time, I am going to take the relevant sections from

1. That may be true, but it is not the guiding purpose of their mission, and to the best of my knowledge, there is not a single poster who spits venom on the reds because they look down and disparage the poor.

Really and what of the multiple posts from people describing these people as morons, as unwashed savages that are drunk? What about luckyLew's request that they all be shot/ Is this civil, let alone mature behaviour?

2. makes it easier for you to discount those of us with integrity and decency by creating such an unreasonable representation.

Really? I think you are a liar, and devoid of any integrity and I will prove my point below.

3. the struggling Bangkokians who were oppressed under that dictator to treat them with anything other than that same contempt.

Mr. Thaksin was legally elected. The entire passage is a lie.He neither oppressed nor was a dictator.If someone wishes to claim he was a bad manager or employed heavy handed means, ok, that's an opinion and I will respect that. However the use of the terms oppression and dictator is nasty hyperbole.

4. They mean to do me more harm by bringing that sadistic square faced cretin back.

Is such an insult really necessary? If he was such a cretin, how then could he have achieved the great range of horrors you feel he conducted. The redshirts are going to do you harm? Ok, now I am beginning to see why you are so angry, it's all about you isn't it? Your personal profit, your personal demands. it is not about justice or even corruption, although you like to throw the word around.

If you worked in the telecom industry you wouldn't ask such a question. I lost my job and nearly lost everything because of his unscrupulous corruption and duplicitous illegal deals which drove everyone else out of business. The telecom industry has always been rife with corruption, but he drove it to obscene levels. He is a threat to anyone working in Bangkok anywhere. You need only look at Cambodia for a picture of what Thailand would be like under Thaksin. There would be no competition nor freedom to do anything in any industry that he has decided he wants to personally control.

Eventually, that would be all of them.

Be very, very afraid of that man. He is the devil himself.

You lost your job and blame it on Thaksin? Great logic. How about you come to grips with the truth and stop lying to yourself? You came to Bangkok to take advantage of a system that let people like you make profits. When the rules changed you could not adapt. The reality is that when the system was twisted to favour you the foreigner you were happy. then when it changed and you lost that advantage you blamed Thaksin. The corruption and illegal deals as you call them were there long before Thaksin and when they benefited you, you did not complain. The Telecom industry was run as a monopoly with cushy deals and cronyism before Thaksin. Thaksin may be evil incarnate as you term him, but that doesn't change the fact that you were profiting from a corrupt system before he showed up with his version of corruption. You sound just like the gangsters in Cuba that complained about Castro after he shut their casinos and whore houses. Yes, what Castro did was wrong, but what the foreigners were doing wasn't right either.

This isn't about the Redshirts for you. It's about getting back at a man you think ruined your life. Go look in the mirror and grow up. You wanted to play in these markets, then accept that this is the downside of the chance of making the windfall profits. No one forced you to come. You came because of the lure of money. You want free markets and capitalism as long as you can profit. As soon as it goes the other way, then you want something else. We all fail at something in life. It's what we do after the failure that marks us men. The people that go on for success, don't harp on the past, but the buck up and move on without the hate.


Why do farangs hate the reds and support the yellows? Beats me.

The present Abhisit fronted government military junta has systematically made it harder for farangs to live and work in Thailand in so many ways, yet so many naiive farangs support their tormentors and despise a government that pretty much left them and the business world in general alone. Masochism if you ask me.

Many Farangs were brought up to espouse democratic values, yet in Thailand they so vehemently oppose a democratically elected civilian Prime Minister and instead support a Myanmaresque bunch of corrupt and incompetent old army generals that wouldn't look out of place among the dinosaur exhibits in a natural history museum.

Propaganda works on some people, obviosuly. Or maybe this is just another symptom of the funny effect that Thailand has on some foreigners - they become culture shocked and lose sight of their values, to the bizarre extent of supporting people who want to curtail their meagre rights still further.

Why do farangs hate the reds and support the yellows? Beats me.

The present Abhisit fronted government military junta has systematically made it harder for farangs to live and work in Thailand in so many ways, yet so many naiive farangs support their tormentors and despise a government that pretty much left them and the business world in general alone. Masochism if you ask me.

Many Farangs were brought up to espouse democratic values, yet in Thailand they so vehemently oppose a democratically elected civilian Prime Minister and instead support a Myanmaresque bunch of corrupt and incompetent old army generals that wouldn't look out of place among the dinosaur exhibits in a natural history museum.

Propaganda works on some people, obviosuly. Or maybe this is just another symptom of the funny effect that Thailand has on some foreigners - they become culture shocked and lose sight of their values, to the bizarre extent of supporting people who want to curtail their meagre rights still further.

Clockwork Orange is a great movie, a great nickname and this is a great post! thumbsup.gif

Why do farangs hate the reds and support the yellows? Beats me.

The present Abhisit fronted government military junta has systematically made it harder for farangs to live and work in Thailand in so many ways, yet so many naiive farangs support their tormentors and despise a government that pretty much left them and the business world in general alone. Masochism if you ask me.

Many Farangs were brought up to espouse democratic values, yet in Thailand they so vehemently oppose a democratically elected civilian Prime Minister and instead support a Myanmaresque bunch of corrupt and incompetent old army generals that wouldn't look out of place among the dinosaur exhibits in a natural history museum.

Propaganda works on some people, obviosuly. Or maybe this is just another symptom of the funny effect that Thailand has on some foreigners - they become culture shocked and lose sight of their values, to the bizarre extent of supporting people who want to curtail their meagre rights still further.

Clockwork Orange is a great movie, a great nickname and this is a great post! thumbsup.gif

Agree about Clockwork Orange but the post is just rambling with no fact just statements made as facts with nothing to back them up.


Not sure I am aware of any military run country (as some claim Thailand to be) would allow a mob of opposition to take to the streets for a month in the capitol.


What a moronic statement to make.

They wipe their <deleted> with their hands and eat with their fingers. I don't approve. :)

Excellent post geriatrickid, I know of several farang who lost out when Thaksin was in power and they carry that chip full square on both shoulders

What a moronic statement to make.
They wipe their <deleted> with their hands and eat with their fingers. I don't approve. :)

Agreed but I am more concerned with why this poster is hanging out in the bathroom watching people defecate. Surely he must have done this many times to make such a statement.

Excellent post geriatrickid, I know of several farang who lost out when Thaksin was in power and they carry that chip full square on both shoulders

Being someone who strongly opposes the Red Shirts right now and having many Thai & Farang friends who feel the same ... I can tell you that none of them are Yellow supporters and although many dislike Thaksin, their beef has little to do with Thaksin right now. They are simply upset at what the Red mob are doing right now. In fact, most are becoming upset with the current government for its lack of handling this situation and restoring peace to BKK.

And not one of these people I know supported the Yellow's take over of the airport. These are simply people who believe the way to change cannot be intimidation by thugs and that the democratic rules of law in Thailand need to be followed and change needs to be sought within those boundaries (courts, elections, petitions ...). The answer is not a roaming group of thugs who continue to break the law and doing all they can to instigate and force the hand of government to become forceful in upholding the law and protecting the interest of Thailand and its people as a whole.


Red Shirt leader calling for peaceful demonstrations ?????

Clearly this is a perfect example of why Farangs and Thais are upset with the Reds right now.

Excellent post geriatrickid, I know of several farang who lost out when Thaksin was in power and they carry that chip full square on both shoulders

Not to mention that business in general, very much including foreign operated businesses, were helped a great deal by the Thaksin/TRT government.

It would be great to get some common business sense back in government.

Pet theory:

Those married to Northern women: Issan, CM etc.. more tolerant of Reds because wifey is..

Those farang living in democrat land (beach area, the posh islands ect, and of course Bangkok, are swayed by the dem wife)

Possibly; for sure people in the North are more likely to come in contact with red leaning people, wives/girlfriends or otherwise.

My wife however is pretty solid Democrat even though she's from Chiang Mai. I think she voted for that lot every time, until the coup at least.

My gf does not vote as she thinks all parties are corrupt,and she lived in Bangkok for a few years,and loves it,mainly because she had no contact with farangs on thaivisa lol

probably to busy spending your 50k a year retirement fund!! lived in bkk and loves it? she still lives here or she did? where r u living on your fat pension anyway?

Live in Pattaya,went for holiday and met some good mates,and decided to retire at 50,and enjoy myself.Rented my house,cashed in some funds,and lived here for 4 years on 74.9 baht to the gbp.Then cashed more money and got 70 to the pound.Made some good decisions,and the best was to retire.She used to work in Bangkok,but got made redundant form an electrical repair company and she came to Pattaya,her cousing got a job for her in hotel and luckily i stayed there when i first came here to retire,the rest is history and thank you Buddha lol


Many of us think that Thaksin was a horrible PM. To me and many others he seemed to be egotistical, greedy, obsessed with control and money, authoritarian and corrupt. Before I came to Thailand I thought that he was the right man to lead Thailand into the 21st century, but when I experienced his rule first-hand, I quickly became disillusioned. On a personal level, he increased visa and residency fees several hundred percent. Also, his nationalistic rhetoric and attitudes set the stage for continued obstacles for resident Farangs.

The China/Thailand Free Trade Agreement that he pushed through was and continues to be a disaster for fruit and vegetable farmers in the north. The IMF/Singapore loan shell game that he played will financially damage Thailand for decades to come. His reorganization of the government continues to lead to hardship and confusion (for instance, he took the authority to license teachers away from the MOE and gave it to the notoriously corrupt TCT. He also took the penultimate approval of Permanent Residency away from the Immigration Police and gave it to the Ministry of the Interior, with the consequence of greatly delayed PR approvals).

Currently, the Redshirt movement is inextricably tied to Thaksin. Until they genuinely separate themselves from him, I can only oppose them. If they succeed in their aims and return Thaksin to power, it will be a disaster for Thailand.

Many of us think that Thaksin was a horrible PM. To me and many others he seemed to be egotistical, greedy, obsessed with control and money, authoritarian and corrupt. Before I came to Thailand I thought that he was the right man to lead Thailand into the 21st century, but when I experienced his rule first-hand, I quickly became disillusioned. On a personal level, he increased visa and residency fees several hundred percent. Also, his nationalistic rhetoric and attitudes set the stage for continued obstacles for resident Farangs.

The China/Thailand Free Trade Agreement that he pushed through was and continues to be a disaster for fruit and vegetable farmers in the north. The IMF/Singapore loan shell game that he played will financially damage Thailand for decades to come. His reorganization of the government continues to lead to hardship and confusion (for instance, he took the authority to license teachers away from the MOE and gave it to the notoriously corrupt TCT. He also took the penultimate approval of Permanent Residency away from the Immigration Police and gave it to the Ministry of the Interior, with the consequence of greatly delayed PR approvals).

Currently, the Redshirt movement is inextricably tied to Thaksin. Until they genuinely separate themselves from him, I can only oppose them. If they succeed in their aims and return Thaksin to power, it will be a disaster for Thailand.

I can understand perfectly what you say and agree with some of the things,but,as a farang,how can you OPPOSE them,we cannot vote and have no rights unless you are a thai or nationalised farang


i am not from thailand but would like to say what i think abou this issue. i dont think violence will be the solution. it is just ok the way the government is dealing with the red shirt but i hope they will come to a consensus soon. it is not our business to say what the government should do. we should just hope and pray for peace and that is all. Thailand is a nice place to live i guess and i pray for the thai people. I hope they will sort out their differences.

God bless Thailand


I don't hate the redshirts. Most of the redshirts I have met are quite likable and friendly. They are certainly misguided. Thaksin was only interested in increasing the wealth of himself and his family, he was not interested in the welfare of the rural poor. They need to look at why their party can't form a coalition that could take power. Even if parliament was dissolved and there was an election today, at best, their party would get 40% of the seats, and probably only 35%. They wouldn't take power, because they have no coalition partners. They need to get along with other parties and learn to form a coalition and work with other parties within the political system. Right now, they are operating outside the political system, and their support is waning.

Excuse me

The people I find truly loathsome are the Thaksin apologists who constantly try and frame the red miscreants as an honest group of people who are here simply because they have been dealt injustices in their lives. That may be true, but it is not the guiding purpose of their mission, and to the best of my knowledge, there is not a single poster who spits venom on the reds because they look down and disparage the poor.

You can set up and knock down all the straw men you want if you think that makes you morally superior, but the truth is your support of the reds is equivalent to the support of Thaksin. A man that brutally oppressed millions of Thai people for his own nefarious purposes. *ALL* the reds support Thaksin. Find me a single group of reds that vocally denounce the demagogue, and I will grant you your moral superiority. People hate what the reds stand for, which is selfishness and hypocrisy. They do not hate the reds themselves, although I understand it makes it easier for you to discount those of us with integrity and decency by creating such an unreasonable representation.

The simple fact is, as long as the reds hold the rest of the country in contempt by refusing to recognize the mammoth injustices Thaksin inflicted on them, they have zero hope of convincing the struggling Bangkokians who were oppressed under that dictator to treat them with anything other than that same contempt.

No, 2 wrongs do not make a right, but as long as the reds continue wielding Thaksin as a weapon they are dangerous and they are my enemy. They mean to do me more harm by bringing that sadistic square faced cretin back. It is simple defense. Denounce the dictator, and then we can talk. I do not disparage the rural Thais, but I spit venom on the red cause.

When the red cause no longer includes Thaksin I will be more receptive.

Thaksin is evil.

That is something all the Thaksin apologists should consider.

Excellent post! :)

The misguided or intentional efforts to make those that oppose Thaksin/Reds as some sort of anti-poor is amazing.


All this talk of hatred gets nobody anywhere. I feel sorry for the masses deluded by unscrupulous leaders... never mind whether they are Red-shirts, Yellow-shirts, or Purple-shirts with green spots.

BUT I think it is the duty of any Government to keep order in the streets, and allow people to go about their business in peace and security. Unfortunately some people may get hurt in the process; nobody wants to see that happen, but if the protesters don't give way, it will. Blame the leaders if you will... but hatred? Neither they nor Thaksin are worth it.

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