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Thai 'Red Shirts' Pledge More Protests After Court Ruling


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I am not sure if its possible, but an effective way to disperse the protesters without violence would be with ear splitting noise, it wouldn't be much fun for the local residents but it would get rid of everyone within a few hours.
Too easy...... the movement will carry on with or without the funding of any one individual........in fact the movement may well prosper......broadly thinking of course!!!.........

No money, no protest.

Then the smart move would be to let the protest run......totally deplete the UDD funds.......then call an election when they cannot purchase votes!!!!

And most of the Anti reds are saying finish it off and send them home now.......wow such vision eh!!!

Never heard of contingency funds?

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Interesting, that in the first court case after Anupong was summoned to General Casey in America, the court bucks its trend since the illegal coup, and does not find against the pro democracy movement.

Maybe the good General had a little word in anupongs ear along the lines of "Boy, get yer yellow butt out of the democratic process".

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I am not sure if its possible, but an effective way to disperse the protesters without violence would be with ear splitting noise, it wouldn't be much fun for the local residents but it would get rid of everyone within a few hours.
Too easy...... the movement will carry on with or without the funding of any one individual........in fact the movement may well prosper......broadly thinking of course!!!.........

No money, no protest.

Then the smart move would be to let the protest run......totally deplete the UDD funds.......then call an election when they cannot purchase votes!!!!

And most of the Anti reds are saying finish it off and send them home now.......wow such vision eh!!!

Never heard of contingency funds?

If you "totally deplete" contingency no longer exist right? otherwise you have only partially depleted!!!

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I have been listening to the actual court ruling (I can understand government legal Thai).

The court basically said that the government already is empowered to manage the situation as it deems fit, in accordance with existing laws. In other words, the government's authority to disperse the demonstrations has been ratified by the court.

For the red shirt's leaders to be representing this as a "victory" is the height of deceit and a hideous betrayal of the trust and faith of their believing followers. They know very well that the majority of their assembled masses are unable to understand even the language of the ruling, let alone the true implications.

Actually it is not a point for Abhisit. There is a difference between the normal civil law and an emergency law like the ISA or SoE. These decrees putting the PM or the CAPO above the law. It It is a a temporary suspension of law. No separation of powers like the normal division of into executive, a legislature, and a judiciary, a self appointed authority takes the responsibility for all three branches. The 'authority' is free to do almost everything what it want.

There are times where the normal civil law must be protected by these emergency laws.The govt thinks it is necessary at the moment, to protect the civil law this way is a moral and legal right, though a moral and legal dilemma too. Even with the best intention for the good of everybody it is an temporary dictatorship lacking an independent judiciary.

The interdependent civil court refused to give an order. Under the current state of exemption the civil court don't holds that power. Basically the court said the govt empowered itself with the help of a stronger law, there is nothing to do for us.

Yeah, Abhisit can almost do everything what he want but it is nothing to admire.

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Another setback for Abhisit -- makes him look foolish for asking. He already had the authority, can't he take "yes" for an answer?

Not a set back just a confirmation that the Government has the power to do what is necessary if things get out of hand. I also think that you will find that Abhisit has been doing other things today, for the good of all the Thai people, not just a few thousand minority protesting group.

I hope it all ends peacefully.

Cheers, Rick

Rick, Wouldn't agreeing to hold free elections or at a minimum a referendum on the legitimacy of the current government be a good thing for the Thai people? Could you get behind that idea Rick, old sport, or is that too radical for you?

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That will silence the people that say the courts have been subourned and now he can still deal with the issue. Kinda smart!

the way ive read between the lines the courts have back healed it. saying its up to the goverment to sort out. i hope the reds reach their goal.

What you mean

they already have

they want an early election and the PM said okay

What part of yes you not understand

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The PAD and the yellowshirts are going to be really pissed off about that ruling.

In essence the court have told everybody that its actually abisit who has been letting the protest go on and on and on.

I told you he was more ideologically aligned with the pro democracy movement than the illegal military junta government.

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Another setback for Abhisit -- makes him look foolish for asking. He already had the authority, can't he take "yes" for an answer?

Not a set back just a confirmation that the Government has the power to do what is necessary if things get out of hand. I also think that you will find that Abhisit has been doing other things today, for the good of all the Thai people, not just a few thousand minority protesting group.

I hope it all ends peacefully.

Cheers, Rick

Rick, Wouldn't agreeing to hold free elections or at a minimum a referendum on the legitimacy of the current government be a good thing for the Thai people? Could you get behind that idea Rick, old sport, or is that too radical for you?

What you mean by a free election is not radical at all. It is an election with legitimised corruption paid for by Thaksin, old sport.

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I wish all the ignorant contributors here who claim that all the reds are just paid to be demontrate would stop making things up.

I know that in my village they are having to harvest their crops early to finance trips to Bangkok to lend their support.

You can call them ignorant or stupid but they do have genuine feelings that they are getting a rough deal from the powers that be.

Just the fact they have maintained the demos for 3 weeks show there is genuine commitment.

Please stop criticising them for their lack of sophistication. Sure many have limited education but that is the result of years of Bangkok elite governance and not their fault.

Just remember that at their height the yellows could get 20,000 on the street for just a few days these reds have maintained far higher numbers for 3 weeks and not closed down any airports! They may be uneducated but they are not stupid and I find it disgusting that so many so called educated farangs in this forum think they know better an dismiss their complaints out of hand.

Ok I'll talk about the experience in my girlfriends village. They live about 25km from the middle of Chiang Rai. good Thaksin country. They are not lucky enoudh to have water to be able to grow another crop. They have one rice crop a year which feeds them and their family. They don't have any to sell. The rest of the year they get by on bits and pieces. Example the dad sets traps for wild birds which he can sell at the market for 50bt. He's also a bit of an odd job mechanic. As of last week people in this village were being offered 700 Baht a day to go to Bangkok. A lot of people in the village did this because at the moment they have no crops and are just meeting ends meet.

When Thaksin was in power they and a few other people got loaned cows or bulls. As soon as they got them they started breeding them because later, they were told, Thaksin wanted them back. When the coup happened they thought ok the cow is ours now. But they did not feel sorry for Thaksin. More like here is the end of another guy with his own interests at heart. But at least we have a cow.

When I went there three weeks ago the majority of people were anti red shirt, but the red shirts were most vocal and made it seem like they were the majority. The rest of the village were being pragmatic and looking how they could benefit themselves while not knowing the whole picture.

So Somo, my girlfriend's family would love to be in a position where they caould harvest crops now but for a lot of North Thailand this is not an option now. So there are a lot of people down there now because at the moment they are being pragmatic. This is a good way to make money and they are being lied to by the red shirt leaders. These are the people I worry about if things get nasty.

Truth is my thai wife says

You can see what the red shirt leaders are doing to Bkk, so imagine what and how they threaten their own in Issan

We are the power do what we want or else

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While the rank-and-file protesters "consider this a victory" I have to wonder if they were read the whole of the court statement. If it has been read, has it been explained? (Legalese can be very difficult for the lay person to understand.) Obviously, I haven't read the court's decision; but as reported it seems as though the government has been given the court's imprimateur to continue within the bounds of the existing order.

I'm also curious...if the attorney for the Red Shirts was there in court, why did he not appeal the ruling on the grounds that the order in effect was unconstitutional? I don't know if that's possible under Thai jurisprudence, but if it is possible I would think it could hang up the order for quite a while.

Your reading is right on the dot. It is a decision that Abhisit hopes for. Legal confirmation of his right to disperse the mob at Rajprasong. In this scenario, if tear gas is used, then it is within the boundary of his right. (Abhisit's lawyers are not dumb to ask a silly order from the court. They have their agenda in dealing with Thai politicians who love to call Abhisit, a murderer. Weng has already done so)

As to your curiosity, the red-shirts' attorney did file a challenge with this court on the order being unconstitutional. The court ruled that the challenge is irrelevant since it has already ruled that the government has the right to disperse the mobs without requiring a court's order.

Even with this sanction, Abhisit is not sitting in an enviable position to decide on how to disperse this crowd without loss of life or serious injury even the court has said to him that he has power to do so. His political life could either shine nationwide or be buried forever in his young age. My heart is with him in what to do next. (I always thought water spray from a fire truck is safest but then I don't know of the technics. It is this area that should be given thought to instead of lambasting Abhisit destructively).

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Another setback for Abhisit -- makes him look foolish for asking.

He already had the authority, can't he take "yes" for an answer?

Actually no. He wanted it verified for all to see.

Dot the I s and cross the T s very publicly IN ADVANCE.

The Parliament makes laws

and the courts interpret law in relation to facts.

So in this case the need for an injunction was stated as redundant.

The courts need not give a ruling because the courts understand

that the government already has the appropriate powers in hand.

But now the protesters ALSO have been told this quite publicly.

So for Jatuporn to say Abhisit has lost makes no sense, except in his scattered mind I guess,

since the courts have just stated Abhisit is more powerful than he pretended to be.

They said he can evict them right now under existing law, an injunction is not needed.

That is the executive power to maintain order in the public places of the nation.

"Walk softly, but carry a big stick."

What Teddy Roosevelt also said was be prepared to use it too.

Remember San Juan Hill, and Rajprasong Square!

The only reason Red protesters can rejoice is

if the don't understand the rulings real meaning.

Where again did you get you law degree?

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Another setback for Abhisit -- makes him look foolish for asking.

He already had the authority, can't he take "yes" for an answer?

Actually no. He wanted it verified for all to see.

Dot the I s and cross the T s very publicly IN ADVANCE.

The Parliament makes laws

and the courts interpret law in relation to facts.

So in this case the need for an injunction was stated as redundant.

The courts need not give a ruling because the courts understand

that the government already has the appropriate powers in hand.

But now the protesters ALSO have been told this quite publicly.

So for Jatuporn to say Abhisit has lost makes no sense, except in his scattered mind I guess,

since the courts have just stated Abhisit is more powerful than he pretended to be.

They said he can evict them right now under existing law, an injunction is not needed.

That is the executive power to maintain order in the public places of the nation.

"Walk softly, but carry a big stick."

What Teddy Roosevelt also said was be prepared to use it too.

Remember San Juan Hill, and Rajprasong Square!

The only reason Red protesters can rejoice is

if the don't understand the rulings real meaning.

Where again did you get you law degree?

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It seems obvious the reds are desperate to have the authorities resort to crowd dispersal in order to attract more attention to their cause. The government are playing a great waiting game in that the heat, draining of financial resources & Songkran will eventually wear the reds down. The more desperate the reds become, they will resort to more radical means to provoke the government. If the government stands firm the reds will look more & more like the bad guys.

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Another setback for Abhisit -- makes him look foolish for asking.

He already had the authority, can't he take "yes" for an answer?

Actually no. He wanted it verified for all to see.

Dot the I s and cross the T s very publicly IN ADVANCE.

The Parliament makes laws

and the courts interpret law in relation to facts.

So in this case the need for an injunction was stated as redundant.

The courts need not give a ruling because the courts understand

that the government already has the appropriate powers in hand.

But now the protesters ALSO have been told this quite publicly.

So for Jatuporn to say Abhisit has lost makes no sense, except in his scattered mind I guess,

since the courts have just stated Abhisit is more powerful than he pretended to be.

They said he can evict them right now under existing law, an injunction is not needed.

That is the executive power to maintain order in the public places of the nation.

"Walk softly, but carry a big stick."

What Teddy Roosevelt also said was be prepared to use it too.

Remember San Juan Hill, and Rajprasong Square!

The only reason Red protesters can rejoice is

if the don't understand the rulings real meaning.

Where again did you get you law degree?

Animatic with his bold type comments is correct irrespective of the colour of his shirt.

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Thai Wife and girlfriend came up with idea

supply a truck full of beer all laced with sleeping tablets

2 hrs later send in the trucks to pick up the little sleeping darlings

when they wake up all was a dream and they are all back home

If only real life was sio simple

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Another setback for Abhisit -- makes him look foolish for asking. He already had the authority, can't he take "yes" for an answer?

Not a set back just a confirmation that the Government has the power to do what is necessary if things get out of hand. I also think that you will find that Abhisit has been doing other things today, for the good of all the Thai people, not just a few thousand minority protesting group.

I hope it all ends peacefully.

Cheers, Rick

Rick, Wouldn't agreeing to hold free elections or at a minimum a referendum on the legitimacy of the current government be a good thing for the Thai people? Could you get behind that idea Rick, old sport, or is that too radical for you?

He has agreed to hold new elections, in about 9 months from now

next !!!

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Another setback for Abhisit -- makes him look foolish for asking. He already had the authority, can't he take "yes" for an answer?

Not a set back just a confirmation that the Government has the power to do what is necessary if things get out of hand. I also think that you will find that Abhisit has been doing other things today, for the good of all the Thai people, not just a few thousand minority protesting group.

I hope it all ends peacefully.

Cheers, Rick

Rick, Wouldn't agreeing to hold free elections or at a minimum a referendum on the legitimacy of the current government be a good thing for the Thai people? Could you get behind that idea Rick, old sport, or is that too radical for you?

Not too radical, but not necessary. This Government is legitimate under Thai law, so why go to the expense of a referendum. Abhisit's offer of elections in 9 months in more than fair. He could stay in power until the 2011 elections if he wanted too!

Cheers, Rick

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I am not sure if its possible, but an effective way to disperse the protesters without violence would be with ear splitting noise, it wouldn't be much fun for the local residents but it would get rid of everyone within a few hours.
Too easy...... the movement will carry on with or without the funding of any one individual........in fact the movement may well prosper......broadly thinking of course!!!.........

No money, no protest.

The tall foreigner would probably enjoy it. :):D

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I am not sure if its possible, but an effective way to disperse the protesters without violence would be with ear splitting noise, it wouldn't be much fun for the local residents but it would get rid of everyone within a few hours.
Too easy...... the movement will carry on with or without the funding of any one individual........in fact the movement may well prosper......broadly thinking of course!!!.........

No money, no protest.

Jaturporn has been providing an ear splitting noise for the past few weeks, but the Reds are still there!

Cheers, Rick

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I have been listening to the actual court ruling (I can understand government legal Thai).

The court basically said that the government already is empowered to manage the situation as it deems fit, in accordance with existing laws. In other words, the government's authority to disperse the demonstrations has been ratified by the court.

For the red shirt's leaders to be representing this as a "victory" is the height of deceit and a hideous betrayal of the trust and faith of their believing followers. They know very well that the majority of their assembled masses are unable to understand even the language of the ruling, let alone the true implications.

For the sake of my wife and children, no matter what may happen, I hope that in the following years their homeland will be a better place to live.

From what is being reported, the court additionally declared the Rajprasong rally to be illegal and subject to criminal charges.

Yes that is what is being said. TYhe government have a green light to go of they want to go but whatever happens will be on the PM and not the courts. Now over to the government and military.

The alternastive is to give in to the reds but thenm the dems will be wiped in the election even more than a couple of weeks ago because they havent done what their supporters wanted them to do. Interesting

Bring on elections...... Dems will win easily now ...

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Come on you reds! If we could just get rid of Rafa we'd really go places!

If the reds here could ofload Takhsin (for a fee of course) they might qualify for the the top table.

Stick at it lads, self belief is the key to success even though the press has got it in for you.

And then I woke-up...!

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BTW -- yesterday I saw 3 busses leave from Wororot Hotel (Rak Chiang mai 51 base) full with reds -- none dressed in red!

4 hours ago I saw 3 more busses leave there this time everyone on board was in red.

Wow, good for you. Glad you've had some buses to watch today.

Anyways, going by the rate you're describing, there shouldn't be any left by tomorrow afternoon. Of course, you said 3 weeks ago that this would be over in a few days when all the reds are gone home. Looks like they stuck for nearly 3 weeks beyond your prediction ..but I guess it's good news for you that they're leaving now.

Let me know when you've got some more BS to post :)

Did I say that? Of course they actually DID go home .. the estimates of 16,000 watching from the rally site last monday during the discussions between the Red leadership and the Government must have escaped you :D

I know you are hurt that you can no longer make your public claims about the courts though, so I forgive your forgetfulness :D

You must have missed the 60,000 to 80,000 being reported by the government 2 days ago. Surely the government wouldn't inflate the numbers. It's in the BP and TN if you want to look it up.

Yes, but take away the many childrens, and the many many OAPs, Not too many left..

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This is really embarrassing ... why don't they just dissolve this mob or at least arrest their heads?

The problem doesn't go away by "dissolving the mob" or arresting the leaders. In case you haven't noticed, this is going on for over a year now. Simply cleaning up when your bathroom is full of water doesn't solve the problem. The water will come back unless you find the source of the running water.

Thaksin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

As much as so many people on this forum are claiming, Thaksin isn't the main reason behind the protests. But I'm not here to educate people and you're free to have your own opinion.

HaHa, Thaksin is the ONLY reason behind it..... Did everyone but you miss something..???

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Actually no. He wanted it verified for all to see.

Dot the I s and cross the T s very publicly IN ADVANCE.

The Parliament makes laws

and the courts interpret law in relation to facts.

So in this case the need for an injunction was stated as redundant.

The courts need not give a ruling because the courts understand

that the government already has the appropriate powers in hand.

But now the protesters ALSO have been told this quite publicly.

So for Jatuporn to say Abhisit has lost makes no sense, except in his scattered mind I guess,

since the courts have just stated Abhisit is more powerful than he pretended to be.

They said he can evict them right now under existing law, an injunction is not needed.

That is the executive power to maintain order in the public places of the nation.

"Walk softly, but carry a big stick."

What Teddy Roosevelt also said was be prepared to use it too.

Remember San Juan Hill, and Rajprasong Square!

The only reason Red protesters can rejoice is

if the don't understand the rulings real meaning.

Where again did you get you law degree?

Animatic with his bold type comments is correct irrespective of the colour of his shirt.

Thanks, but I am not wearing a shirt.

So Pink and Tan fits, but rather loosely. :)

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As much as so many people on this forum are claiming, Thaksin isn't the main reason behind the protests. But I'm not here to educate people and you're free to have your own opinion.

HaHa, Thaksin is the ONLY reason behind it..... Did everyone but you miss something..???

When someone can remain calm while everybody else is panicking, someone probably doesn't understand the situation.

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They said everyone must wear a green shirt tomorrow to support the army.

Can I wear huge black plastic ears to support Mickey Mouse instead?

WoW...you mean you DON`T have them already.... had us all fooled..!!

Maybe those are real ears, but a tiny head?

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Another setback for Abhisit -- makes him look foolish for asking. He already had the authority, can't he take "yes" for an answer?

Not a set back just a confirmation that the Government has the power to do what is necessary if things get out of hand. I also think that you will find that Abhisit has been doing other things today, for the good of all the Thai people, not just a few thousand minority protesting group.

I hope it all ends peacefully.

Cheers, Rick

Rick, Wouldn't agreeing to hold free elections or at a minimum a referendum on the legitimacy of the current government be a good thing for the Thai people? Could you get behind that idea Rick, old sport, or is that too radical for you?

during round two of discussions with the red hiarachy, Abhisit said to Weng when challenged about the countries general feeling '' do you dare me to have a referendum on dissolving the government?' Weng (the wenger) declined to answer

perhaps Abhisit is too radical for the reds........

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When someone can remain calm while everybody else is panicking, someone probably doesn't understand the situation.

Sorry, i do not follow you. On contrary, it is a characteristic of strong leaders to remain calm in the middle of a confusing situation. In my professional life, I was trained to face emergency situations: you have to put aside your own feelings which must not submerge your intellect. You have to focus on the essential features of the situation, first get an understanding and then respond in an orderly manner.

Great Leaders are abstracting themselves from the surrounding atmosphere and are thinking ahead.

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