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Crazy Ideas To Change-make Thailand A Better Place


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I really love Thailand, and plan to stay here the rest of my life, however Thailand has it's share of problems, now I am not offering solutions to everything but ideas to ponder

1. like the red shirts or not something should be done to improve things outside of bangkok, when i moved here to Chiang mai 5 years ago they were building and now completed 2 business class hotels the LE meridian and the shangrila, So I figured Chiang mai was also building office parks, factorys etc but nothing happened.?

2. legalize gambling in specific areas ....ubon and chiang rai for example, make a large area near those locations open to legal gambling and encourge compitition so more than one casino can do business, and encourge entertainment, shopping restaurants etc Vegas style a relaxed not formal place. Yes i know so some gambling is a sin and with it comes problems that is why i would encourge compitition including transportation ie-tuk tuks cabs etc. This might bring in tons of needed jobs and would keep thais from giving money to the junta in burma.

3.yaa-baa...now correct me here from what i understand it-yaa -baaa comes from 2 sources 1 the karen tribe who use the money to fight the junta and 2 the wai tribe who is protected by the junta. so why not just give the money to the karens...would cut down distribution and enable Thai police to go after the real bad guys, also the west should support that 100% and put our money where our mouth is and do something to help those in burma not just talk.

4 dogs. I am getting sick and tired of some mutt biting at my ankles when i ride my motor cycle, and many of them have owners the owners just let them run wild. start a licience program loose dogs go to the pound and give 30 days then put them to sleep.

dogs are a responsibility take care of them, but then this is a buddhist country so fat chance of that happening...

5.somehow someway provide more water to issan...i dont have any answers here but they do need it.

6. get away from rote learning in Thailands school system, let them ask questions and think outside the box in the long run it will not only make them better students but better citizens and might stop the lock step blind following of leaders.

7 allow 100% outside ownership of homes this for non-thais.. perhaps no more than 2 houses or value up to 10 million....that could be hashed out.

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rip the roads up and start again from scratch, only this time don't put entrys to/exits off motorways so close together, it may just cause less accidents when the traffic doesn't have to weave in and out of each other. also U-Turns in what is still essentially the faster moving lane of traffic doesn't help

also having signs BEFORE the turning instead of 10m past it would help stop people driving in the middle of 2 lanes having no idea <deleted> they are going

that's my suggestion

Edited by c411um
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I think you will find the education system is designed to make good workers for the yellow shirts who send their kids to private schools to avoid the dumbing down process.

Edited by garyh
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Toughen the visa requirements and enforce the current visa laws with zero tolerance. This should get rid of alot of foreigners that I dislike. Perhaps it is time to impose the same education, wealth and skill requirements that countries like the USA, Canada, Australia etc. impose on those that seek residency visas.

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Toughen the visa requirements and enforce the current visa laws with zero tolerance. This should get rid of alot of foreigners that I dislike. Perhaps it is time to impose the same education, wealth and skill requirements that countries like the USA, Canada, Australia etc. impose on those that seek residency visas.

geriatrickid, I always look forward to you posts.

There's no need to change anything about Thailand, because it is evolving at it's own pace and in it's own direction.

I would like to see some improvement in the school system, but that will take a generation or two.

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There are many ideas that would improve Thailand (including the ones of the OP). Unfortunately, they are not going to happen any time soon. Thailand is still stuck in the dark ages and the authorities want no suggestions from foreigners. As someone already said... Thailand is SLOWLY evolving at its own pace. Not allowing foreigners to own land is one problem limiting the process. And, there COULD be ways around that problem without out opening Thailand to exploitation by rich foreigners.

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Toughen the visa requirements and enforce the current visa laws with zero tolerance. This should get rid of alot of foreigners that I dislike. Perhaps it is time to impose the same education, wealth and skill requirements that countries like the USA, Canada, Australia etc. impose on those that seek residency visas.


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Toughen the visa requirements and enforce the current visa laws with zero tolerance. This should get rid of alot of foreigners that I dislike. Perhaps it is time to impose the same education, wealth and skill requirements that countries like the USA, Canada, Australia etc. impose on those that seek residency visas.

You overlook the fact that many, if not most, are not economic or working migrants to Thailand (I'm talking about westerners here)

Umm, something simple: Corruption

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I really love Thailand, and plan to stay here the rest of my life - Having actually lived here how long? , however Thailand has it's share of problems, now I am not offering solutions to everything but ideas to ponder

1. like the red shirts or not something should be done to improve things outside of bangkok, when i moved here to Chiang mai 5 years ago they were building and now completed 2 business class hotels the LE meridian and the shangrila, So I figured Chiang mai was also building office parks, factorys etc but nothing happened.? What do you suggest?

2. legalize gambling in specific areas ....ubon and chiang rai for example, make a large area near those locations open to legal gambling and encourge compitition so more than one casino can do business, and encourge entertainment, shopping restaurants etc Vegas style a relaxed not formal place. Yes i know so some gambling is a sin and with it comes problems that is why i would encourge compitition including transportation ie-tuk tuks cabs etc. This might bring in tons of needed jobs and would keep thais from giving money to the junta in burma. OK, a suggestion that is worth considering, but why is a change needed? If you think only the 'junta in Burma' are making money from this ......

3.yaa-baa...now correct me here from what i understand it-yaa -baaa comes from 2 sources 1 the karen tribe who use the money to fight the junta and 2 the wai tribe who is protected by the junta. so why not just give the money to the karens...would cut down distribution and enable Thai police to go after the real bad guys, also the west should support that 100% and put our money where our mouth is and do something to help those in burma not just talk. 'The' money - are you saying that the Thai government should give money to the Karen tribe?

4 dogs. I am getting sick and tired of some mutt biting at my ankles when i ride my motor cycle, and many of them have owners the owners just let them run wild. start a licience program loose dogs go to the pound and give 30 days then put them to sleep.

dogs are a responsibility take care of them, but then this is a buddhist country so fat chance of that happening... No idea where you're living but you obviously don't like dogs. I've only once (in my 4 years actually living here) had one nip at my ankles as a game - not bite. There are FAR more people I've come across that should be destroyed than the local dogs.

5.somehow someway provide more water to issan...i dont have any answers here but they do need it.

6. get away from rote learning in Thailands school system, let them ask questions and think outside the box in the long run it will not only make them better students but better citizens and might stop the lock step blind following of leaders. Not going to happen. It suits the wealthy to keep the poor uneducated and stupid.

7 allow 100% outside ownership of homes this for non-thais.. perhaps no more than 2 houses or value up to 10 million....that could be hashed out. No personal interest involved here? :) Personally, I don't blame the Thais one bit for wishing to keep Thailand owned by Thais.

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Lower tax on wine.

Learn how to produce good beef.

Learn how to produce good avocados.

Learn how to produce good cheese.

Legalize sex toys.

Build some kind of mass transit system for Pattaya metro area, linking to Bangkok.

That should cover it.

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Lower tax on wine.

Learn how to produce good beef.

Learn how to produce good avocados.

Learn how to produce good cheese.

Legalize sex toys.

Build some kind of mass transit system for Pattaya metro area, linking to Bangkok.

That should cover it.

I would of thought one of your wishes but be, let Abhist be PM for life?

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Lower tax on wine.

Learn how to produce good beef.

Learn how to produce good avocados.

Learn how to produce good cheese.

Legalize sex toys.

Build some kind of mass transit system for Pattaya metro area, linking to Bangkok.

That should cover it.

I would of thought one of your wishes but be, let Abhist be PM for life?

Didn't even cross my mind. I am more like Anybody But Thaksin/Thaksin Puppet.
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Toughen the visa requirements and enforce the current visa laws with zero tolerance. This should get rid of alot of foreigners that I dislike. Perhaps it is time to impose the same education, wealth and skill requirements that countries like the USA, Canada, Australia etc. impose on those that seek residency visas.


and this weeks free yellow shirt to the elitist <deleted> of the month goes to....................

Edited by billythefish
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^ No wait, I actually like that.

(The impact would be completely minimal of course because only a tiny percentage of foreigners are on 'residency visas' (sic), -which is a bit of an oxymoron as residency doens't require a visa- but Geriatrickid, who presumably counts himself among the ones passing education requirements, would know that. :) )

EDIT: Additionally: JT can retain the shirt, again. :D

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Toughen the visa requirements and enforce the current visa laws with zero tolerance. This should get rid of alot of foreigners that I dislike. Perhaps it is time to impose the same education, wealth and skill requirements that countries like the USA, Canada, Australia etc. impose on those that seek residency visas.


and this weeks free yellow shirt to the elitist <deleted> of the month goes to....................

You might be one of the ones he was referring to Billy !

Lower the tax on cars.. to a reasonable limit (VAT)

Agree with JT - Good beef and lower tax on wine, again to a reasonable limit (VAT)

I like the idea of permitting a foreigner land ownership - Perhaps 1 Rai would do it.

This may appear hypocritical given the above comment about lowering tax on luxury items....

Enforce the payment of income tax - Which may generate the kind of monies that could be used to give the police force better salaries which may help weed out corruption at its entry level, help fund Emergency and social services and assist with welfare for the poor...

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Toughen the visa requirements and enforce the current visa laws with zero tolerance. This should get rid of alot of foreigners that I dislike. Perhaps it is time to impose the same education, wealth and skill requirements that countries like the USA, Canada, Australia etc. impose on those that seek residency visas.


and this weeks free yellow shirt to the elitist <deleted> of the month goes to....................

You might be one of the ones he was referring to Billy !

I'm sure he is.

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Toughen the visa requirements and enforce the current visa laws with zero tolerance. This should get rid of alot of foreigners that I dislike. Perhaps it is time to impose the same education, wealth and skill requirements that countries like the USA, Canada, Australia etc. impose on those that seek residency visas.


and this weeks free yellow shirt to the elitist <deleted> of the month goes to....................

You might be one of the ones he was referring to Billy !

Lower the tax on cars.. to a reasonable limit (VAT)

Agree with JT - Good beef and lower tax on wine, again to a reasonable limit (VAT)

I like the idea of permitting a foreigner land ownership - Perhaps 1 Rai would do it.

This may appear hypocritical given the above comment about lowering tax on luxury items....

Enforce the payment of income tax - Which may generate the kind of monies that could be used to give the police force better salaries which may help weed out corruption at its entry level, help fund Emergency and social services and assist with welfare for the poor...

I am probably one of the ones he is referring to, he has been around a while but he is still a wanke_r, he can afford to sit back and laugh at people who try to eke out a living here, but his days will be as numbered as everyone elses, beleive me! People like Naam are the cun_ts that bought Gold Elite Cards! - they think they are superiour to your average "sex tourist" because they live in their fancy houses in Phuket, high above the scum. But when the rain comes and cleans the shit from the streets, he will get washed away just like all the other <deleted>!

That'll do a lot of good, lets enforce income tax on the 180/200 baht a day farmers! whey hey, that should solve the problem!

Edited by billythefish
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1. There is building going on all over Thailand. If you have not seen it you have not looked. Do gooder foreigners have hung up some things by insisting they don’t pollute and poison people but that will be put aside soon.

2. You can already gamble anywhere in Thailand. That you don’t know where to go saves you a little money. Thai’s cheat.

3.Ya ba is imported and distributed by Thai people. I don’t think you want to mess with it.

4. In some towns they eat dogs and don’t have a dog problem. Soon this idea will catch on as long as the foreigners keep their mouths shut. Korea doesn’t have a dog problem.

5.China controls the water to Thailand. So you can forget about that.

6. Rote learning is good. Before rote learning in Thailand there was no learning at all and all the ladies ran around topless and the men wore skirts and ate with their hands. Besides, it is all rote learning in the west until you either drop out of school or get a masters degree anyway. I would agree that PhD’s don’t need rote learning but how many PhD’s does Thailand need? Who wants a doctor that thinks outside of the box anyway. “No doctor I only have two arms, yes really. I know I am a farang but I still only have two arms. I’m not hiding one, honest.” Better than spending a fortune on PhD’s, educate some engineers to add and subtract. Take every marketing graduate in Thailand and throw them in the sea, they are a complete waste of time. Rote learning is good. Teach the MBA’s to repeat, “lower prices till everything sells and then make some more.” That should take care of 90% of the eventual problems they will encounter.

7. Let the Thai’s own everything. The smart money is only renting anyway.

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Lower tax on wine.

Learn how to produce good beef.

Learn how to produce good avocados.

Learn how to produce good cheese.

Legalize sex toys.

Build some kind of mass transit system for Pattaya metro area, linking to Bangkok.

That should cover it.

I really don’t think you have thought this one through. Lowering the tax on wine would bring more French people here. You know what the French did to Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Not a good idea.

If more people eat beef the supplies of rice will go down and the supplies of feed grains will have to go up, ruining the peasant population of Thailand. Plus beef is not good for you. Stick with fish and chicken.

Avocados are among the most fattening vegetables in the world. Thai significant others of Thailand are already getting obese, stop all the fattening foods for gods sake.

The same thing with cheese, you will have all the sex objects looking like Dutch people on holiday.

Sex toys would explode the sexual organs of Thai people. They have no moderation. Look at ya ba and moonshine as only two examples.

If you build a mass transit system between Bangkok and Pattaya all the undesirables now confined to Bangkok will fly to Pattaya at every opportunity and the place will definitely become lower class.

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Lower tax on wine.

Learn how to produce good beef.

Learn how to produce good avocados.

Learn how to produce good cheese.

Legalize sex toys.

Build some kind of mass transit system for Pattaya metro area, linking to Bangkok.

That should cover it.

I reckon GROW UP,

live in the real world, and start to take responsibility for your actions would be good start...

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Banish all that are in the deluded state of mind that they accepted here by their purchased family where they was not in their home countries and wear a Buddah Amulet and look the other way when a fellow countryman walks past them.

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The original OP had a lot of very valid points, most of which I agree with!

Especially the ones about education.

Restricting Visas to only the Elite like people like NAAM, is not really going to make a difference to Thailand, it is simply going to allow these species to perform their Royal Wave as they walk through the streets of their "Estate"

The OP has a few good points, restrictying visas is goin to do bugger all to help Thais, and that surely is the point of this.. Education, betterment, not who can stay here and live like some fuc_king glorified king in his little paradise!

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Banish all that are in the deluded state of mind that they accepted here by their purchased family where they was not in their home countries and wear a Buddah Amulet and look the other way when a fellow countryman walks past them.

I look the other way because I am trying to be polite. The costumes most foreigners wear on holiday are enough to make statue crack up, let alone the body odor of some Europeans could gag a maggot.

If you are wearing a nylon football jersey expect me to cross the street because they hold smells particularly well. If it is a sleeveless shirt I might turn around and go back the other direction. I am embarrassed that Thai’s might think I know you.

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Banish all that are in the deluded state of mind that they accepted here by their purchased family where they was not in their home countries and wear a Buddah Amulet and look the other way when a fellow countryman walks past them.

What a sad bunch you are, why do you think that you are entiltled to stay here above anyone else?

Please let us have a list of the benefits that you and your mates bring to Thailand, people like you and that <deleted> Naam make me sick, you are the Nazis of the free world, what the hel_l does it matter, if someone loves the place and marries here, who the fuc_k are you people to disapprove, aresholes!

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