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Crazy Ideas To Change-make Thailand A Better Place


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Just piping in here to note that avocados are a VERY healthy food providing excellent nutrition. Yes they have a high fat content but the GOOD kind of fat that promotes heart health. Cheers.

Did you know they grow avocados in the Mae Sod region. It was a royal initiative as part of replacement crops for opium poppy's. When they are in season there's thousands for them at the markets, you can get a big bag full for 30b.

This was a complete failure. Even with Bob Marley music playing in the background and the sun setting over the rice fields those avocados don’t smoke worth a darn.

Nice :):D :D :D :D

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1. I would like to see Thailand make an effort to put all Electric power lines in towns under ground. This would improve the look of the place 10 fold and make it much safer.

2. Also tidy up the stray dogs (but they did take 10 dogs or so off the soi where I have a house this week so that is a start).

3. Pick up the litter! Some areas are spoilt by litter/rubbish just dumped on them.

4. I would like to see an improvement in the visa/work permit regulations for foreigneers wishing to enter Thailand. Not just Thailand but globally and for Thais travelling. It is a human nature to explore and these generally silly rules need to be modernised so what.

5. Allow foreigneers to own Thai land, yes I would like the option.

You can't put the power under ground. I could not plug in my noodle cart to sell noodles to the tourists.

You can't buy land because you might put the power under ground and then no one could sell noodles.

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1. I would like to see Thailand make an effort to put all Electric power lines in towns under ground. This would improve the look of the place 10 fold and make it much safer.

2. Also tidy up the stray dogs (but they did take 10 dogs or so off the soi where I have a house this week so that is a start).

3. Pick up the litter! Some areas are spoilt by litter/rubbish just dumped on them.

4. I would like to see an improvement in the visa/work permit regulations for foreigneers wishing to enter Thailand. Not just Thailand but globally and for Thais travelling. It is a human nature to explore and these generally silly rules need to be modernised so what.

5. Allow foreigneers to own Thai land, yes I would like the option.

Make it like Singapore you mean?

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1. I would like to see Thailand make an effort to put all Electric power lines in towns under ground. This would improve the look of the place 10 fold and make it much safer.

2. Also tidy up the stray dogs (but they did take 10 dogs or so off the soi where I have a house this week so that is a start).

3. Pick up the litter! Some areas are spoilt by litter/rubbish just dumped on them.

4. I would like to see an improvement in the visa/work permit regulations for foreigneers wishing to enter Thailand. Not just Thailand but globally and for Thais travelling. It is a human nature to explore and these generally silly rules need to be modernised so what.

5. Allow foreigneers to own Thai land, yes I would like the option.

Make it like Singapore you mean?

No just improve it.

Can't own land in Singpaore either!

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1. I would like to see Thailand make an effort to put all Electric power lines in towns under ground. This would improve the look of the place 10 fold and make it much safer.

2. Also tidy up the stray dogs (but they did take 10 dogs or so off the soi where I have a house this week so that is a start).

3. Pick up the litter! Some areas are spoilt by litter/rubbish just dumped on them.

4. I would like to see an improvement in the visa/work permit regulations for foreigneers wishing to enter Thailand. Not just Thailand but globally and for Thais travelling. It is a human nature to explore and these generally silly rules need to be modernised so what.

5. Allow foreigneers to own Thai land, yes I would like the option.

You can't put the power under ground. I could not plug in my noodle cart to sell noodles to the tourists.

You can't buy land because you might put the power under ground and then no one could sell noodles.

Not to mention the logistics and training involved in setting up the 'dial before you dig' call centre!


Look, there's free cooper wire buried here, I can sell that!

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Me, I like the hookers. At least they are honest. A hooker tells you her price up front and sticks to it. With others you find out later how much it costs from her lawyer, and it's ALWAYS a great deal more... both financially and emotionally. And, you needn't have done one thing wrong... other than make a bad choice.

But, that's not the topic here. It's how to make things better. There have been many good ideas, but as foreigners (even if you live here as an expat) we have no say in the matter. Unlike foreigners in Europe or North America, you can't GET citizenship in Thailand no matter what hoops you jump through.

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Banish all that are in the deluded state of mind that they accepted here by their purchased family where they was not in their home countries and wear a Buddah Amulet and look the other way when a fellow countryman walks past them.

He may be a troll, but this post is golden. Still sniggering at it now... :)

It must be five years ago that I was eating dinner at John's bar in Chiang Mai with friends.

Myself, my girlfriend and an Italian friend with his wife. We hadn't seen each other in a while and we were catching up on our lives. We all knew each other and were involved in a lively conversation in English, Thai and Italian. It would have been difficult for anyone else not speaking all three languages to follow. The mamma san at Johns ran out of seats and put this old guy at an empty seat at our table. He was lonely with a Buddha amulet. I assumed his wife was at home while he went out for a beer. He wanted to talk and asked some inane questions.

We gave the guy the cold shoulder and he eventually left.

I didn't think about the incident for a couple of years when as chance would have it I was alone on New Years Eve. I was eating dinner in a pub trying to stay out of trouble as my GF was out of town on business. I was feeling sorry for myself when an older gentleman with a Buddha amulet asked if he could join me and we had a pleasant dinner and some light conversation to pass the time on New Years Eve since we were both alone. I appreciated his gesture and it brought to mind the incident where I had been discourteous to the old guy in Chiang Mai.

You said you sniggered at the golden post of the man with the purchased family and Buddha amulet who was trying to ignore other expats.

I don't think I will change your mind. I don't think I will make you more sensitive to the plight of others less fortunate than yourself.

Maybe Karma will.

Ummm, the poster was talking about farangs who are a touch delusional, go overboard in their 'Thainess' and ignore other farangs automatically - for whatever reason. The poster who 'sniggered' wasn't laughing at people 'less fortunate than himself' - only at the recognition of these strange people.

You were with friends and didn't want a stranger at your table. Yes, you were rude, but it wasn't an automatic reaction to ignore other farangs.

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Banish all that are in the deluded state of mind that they accepted here by their purchased family where they was not in their home countries and wear a Buddah Amulet and look the other way when a fellow countryman walks past them.

He may be a troll, but this post is golden. Still sniggering at it now... :)

It must be five years ago that I was eating dinner at John's bar in Chiang Mai with friends.

Myself, my girlfriend and an Italian friend with his wife. We hadn't seen each other in a while and we were catching up on our lives. We all knew each other and were involved in a lively conversation in English, Thai and Italian. It would have been difficult for anyone else not speaking all three languages to follow. The mamma san at Johns ran out of seats and put this old guy at an empty seat at our table. He was lonely with a Buddha amulet. I assumed his wife was at home while he went out for a beer. He wanted to talk and asked some inane questions.

We gave the guy the cold shoulder and he eventually left.

I didn't think about the incident for a couple of years when as chance would have it I was alone on New Years Eve. I was eating dinner in a pub trying to stay out of trouble as my GF was out of town on business. I was feeling sorry for myself when an older gentleman with a Buddha amulet asked if he could join me and we had a pleasant dinner and some light conversation to pass the time on New Years Eve since we were both alone. I appreciated his gesture and it brought to mind the incident where I had been discourteous to the old guy in Chiang Mai.

You said you sniggered at the golden post of the man with the purchased family and Buddha amulet who was trying to ignore other expats.

I don't think I will change your mind. I don't think I will make you more sensitive to the plight of others less fortunate than yourself.

Maybe Karma will.

Ummm, the poster was talking about farangs who are a touch delusional, go overboard in their 'Thainess' and ignore other farangs automatically - for whatever reason. The poster who 'sniggered' wasn't laughing at people 'less fortunate than himself' - only at the recognition of these strange people.

You were with friends and didn't want a stranger at your table. Yes, you were rude, but it wasn't an automatic reaction to ignore other farangs.

I thought he was laughing at the man because he had been deluded and the poster was holding himself up as an example of a Falang who has not purchased a family and is cosmopolitan enough not to wear a Buddhist charm.

I think the poster is saying look at me, my wife is not a hooker and I am educated and rich enough not to be taken in by silly country superstitions.

It is easy to see the poster places himself in a different league than the man he was sniggeing about.

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Just piping in here to note that avocados are a VERY healthy food providing excellent nutrition. Yes they have a high fat content but the GOOD kind of fat that promotes heart health. Cheers.

Did you know they grow avocados in the Mae Sod region. It was a royal initiative as part of replacement crops for opium poppy's. When they are in season there's thousands for them at the markets, you can get a big bag full for 30b.

Thank the good lord for royal intervention, without avacados the thais would starve!

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Toughen the visa requirements and enforce the current visa laws with zero tolerance. This should get rid of alot of foreigners that I dislike. Perhaps it is time to impose the same education, wealth and skill requirements that countries like the USA, Canada, Australia etc. impose on those that seek residency visas.


The fuc_king Cecil Rhodes of Thailand! Hats off everyone, your king walks amongst you!

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