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I think a sweeping statement like that is a little unfair.

I'm sure that happens at some places, but probably more so in kitchen's away from public view than street vendors or open wall restaurants.

For example a 'hole in the wall' place near to where I live has been going for at least 12 years.

All dishes are 35 baht including rice.

I know the girl/lady very well as she lives in a nice house not far from me. She gets up every morning around 5am, goes to the market and buys everything fresh. It is refrigerated on her return to her place. She cooks at the front of the shop and after every dish is cooked the wok is washed and new oil used. She has several woks and her helper washes the one just used. Her rice is constantly being cooked fresh and she certainly doesn't use 'rice sweepings and husks'. She will use your own oil if you prefer. If you don't want MSG or sugar, she will not put it in.

Her food is delicious and you can see exactly how she handles it. Usually she is sold out by mid afternoon, doesn't buy so much that it's left over until the next day. Canned Cokes, Pepsi etc are 15 Baht and water is free.

You can get a really good, clean feed and an ice cold coke for 50 Baht.

I don't know the stall you are talking about, but If she is selling top grade Jasmine rice and the oil is genuinely new, and her portions are Farang sized, she's making a loss. Believe me, I sell the stuff, so does Kevin.

I'm not saying street food isn't tasty, it is, and I eat it regularly, but the quality of ingredients isn't the same.

As your denegrating post regarding Thai food stalls/cafes using "rice sweepings and husks" has been removed (quite rightly), I find no point in responding further, except to say I didn't picture you eating rice sweepings and husks regularly.

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Same here. However if it's an unfamiliar place that wants to be high-end, charging amounts like 380 baht for a dish or more ( :) ), then I would most certainly bring it up. Then it's not so much food, it's an investment. :D

For regular restaurants I will just not go back, and complaining is unlikely to improve the food anyway. It's cheap enough to just walk away and go somewhere else. Now, to be honest this is an exceptionally rare occurrence indeed, I can't remember this ever happening in Chiang Mai. (Of course I'm quite skilled at judging a place based on appearances.)

Very well said; and never eat food that has been taken back to the kitchen and 'rectified'!

Walk away, the choices are enormous.

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I think a sweeping statement like that is a little unfair.

I'm sure that happens at some places, but probably more so in kitchen's away from public view than street vendors or open wall restaurants.

For example a 'hole in the wall' place near to where I live has been going for at least 12 years.

All dishes are 35 baht including rice.

I know the girl/lady very well as she lives in a nice house not far from me. She gets up every morning around 5am, goes to the market and buys everything fresh. It is refrigerated on her return to her place. She cooks at the front of the shop and after every dish is cooked the wok is washed and new oil used. She has several woks and her helper washes the one just used. Her rice is constantly being cooked fresh and she certainly doesn't use 'rice sweepings and husks'. She will use your own oil if you prefer. If you don't want MSG or sugar, she will not put it in.

Her food is delicious and you can see exactly how she handles it. Usually she is sold out by mid afternoon, doesn't buy so much that it's left over until the next day. Canned Cokes, Pepsi etc are 15 Baht and water is free.

You can get a really good, clean feed and an ice cold coke for 50 Baht.

I don't know the stall you are talking about, but If she is selling top grade Jasmine rice and the oil is genuinely new, and her portions are Farang sized, she's making a loss. Believe me, I sell the stuff, so does Kevin.

I'm not saying street food isn't tasty, it is, and I eat it regularly, but the quality of ingredients isn't the same.

As your denegrating post regarding Thai food stalls/cafes using "rice sweepings and husks" has been removed (quite rightly), I find no point in responding further, except to say I didn't picture you eating rice sweepings and husks regularly.

yeah how did "that post" disappear?

just a theory, perhaps the food stall makes a profit due to lower overheads and is prepared to run on leaner margins than what a farang run establishment would

question; if a stall sold the same bottled beer as a farang run establishment, would it still make a profit?

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I think a sweeping statement like that is a little unfair.

I'm sure that happens at some places, but probably more so in kitchen's away from public view than street vendors or open wall restaurants.

For example a 'hole in the wall' place near to where I live has been going for at least 12 years.

All dishes are 35 baht including rice.

I know the girl/lady very well as she lives in a nice house not far from me. She gets up every morning around 5am, goes to the market and buys everything fresh. It is refrigerated on her return to her place. She cooks at the front of the shop and after every dish is cooked the wok is washed and new oil used. She has several woks and her helper washes the one just used. Her rice is constantly being cooked fresh and she certainly doesn't use 'rice sweepings and husks'. She will use your own oil if you prefer. If you don't want MSG or sugar, she will not put it in.

Her food is delicious and you can see exactly how she handles it. Usually she is sold out by mid afternoon, doesn't buy so much that it's left over until the next day. Canned Cokes, Pepsi etc are 15 Baht and water is free.

You can get a really good, clean feed and an ice cold coke for 50 Baht.

I don't know the stall you are talking about, but If she is selling top grade Jasmine rice and the oil is genuinely new, and her portions are Farang sized, she's making a loss. Believe me, I sell the stuff, so does Kevin.

I'm not saying street food isn't tasty, it is, and I eat it regularly, but the quality of ingredients isn't the same.

As your denegrating post regarding Thai food stalls/cafes using "rice sweepings and husks" has been removed (quite rightly), I find no point in responding further, except to say I didn't picture you eating rice sweepings and husks regularly.

yeah how did "that post" disappear?

just a theory, perhaps the food stall makes a profit due to lower overheads and is prepared to run on leaner margins than what a farang run establishment would

question; if a stall sold the same bottled beer as a farang run establishment, would it still make a profit?

Donnyboy - apparently the post was removed because it contained a reference to K H and not because Millwall Fan stated that Thai food stalls/cafes use 'rice sweepings and husks'.

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I don't see it that it matters much who is paying...This contract is brtween you and the restaurant/server..

In polite terms, point out what your problem is and what you expected...Do it immediately on the spot

At best, you should be made whole and at worst, some compromised should be reached..

Your party is paying for it and you as a recipient of service has the right to speak what you expect...

Be forceful and clear under an umbrella of politeness and diplomacy...

Next time, I will help you negotiate for the equivalnet of the Louisana Purchase...


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