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How Do You Feel About Thailand's Political Mess Every Year


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Just Curious to know if anyone else besides me has gotten bored with the constant repeat of political mess every year. Thaksin, bombs, violence, lots of protestors, Don't get me wrong I do at least read a update maybe once every 2 days and I do realize this mess like the year before and probably next year never stops like a giant merry go round. So for those of you out there whats your take this are you:

Bored already

Still Interested in the development





look forward to all your answers and postings

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mixed views

I find that democracy in motion a good thing and the govts restraint refreshing, however making a point does not need to take weeks the best that can happen is you will have the same supportors as before carry it on and you lose support.


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I think most of us expats or people who visit Thailand often are bored with the troubles again and again and are worried about the things to come, But as we say this is TIT (This is Thailand) These problems are also a part of thailand and the way thai people live and this will stay like this forever. With all respect for the thai its just the way thai people are. I see my father inlaw go nuts about what the redshirts are doing now again, If its not the redshirts it going to be the yellow or the green. This is just the negative side of Thailand and you need to live with it and exept it.

TIT (This is Thailand) :)

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I find the us or them mentality on the (too) many political threads on Thai Visa bemusing.Wake up folks the reality is them v them. It seems impossible to have a reasoned and detached debate here without trying to score points. There are no prizes either! :)

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My thoughts on the turmoil have just about reached a full cirlce.

An ex gf (whom you could describe as being a very priveleged, anti red, bangkokian) had me thinking that these protestors were merely Taxins paid monkeys...devoid of any of their own thought processes, and whom would do anything for money.

I have second thoughts on that now, in some cases the above might be so, but i cant help but wonder if you could seperate the shades of grey in the makeup of any society would the realities cause such devisions to be inevitable.

As i (cant) wait in Australia for my return trip to BK, i see a society here that keeps blindly going along, ALLOWING injustices to happen, conditioned by society and bending over to be shafted by the big boys..time and time again.

The poor have no power and are basically well trained at toeing the line and doing what they are told without question.

The rich get richer,governments look after big business (and big money interests) without a care to the massive gambling and alcohol problems, the cost of living massively up, property prices and rents skyhigh, wages often getting lower, and society being over-policed and over taxed in every possible way, all as a money-spinner for the greed of the "old boy" powers.

for example a recent trip to a beach waterfront in a friends car resulted in a AU $197 fine for 1.5 hours parking infringement!!! <deleted>!! :)

my point:

While i might not agree with all the measures of the red camp (and the motives of its leader) i can at least admire the little guys bucking the system, getting up and saying enough is enough INSTEAD of taking the crap we do in our so called "civilised" countries :D

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My personal observation/acceptance of Thai Politics is often characterized by a chuckle, disgust, unbelievable amazement, and yes, boredom. Then I will have a conversation with my wife about what I consider a minute problem/question, and everything falls into its proper perspective, including Thai politics. Now my thoughts toward some of the more sinister individuals involved in politics in this country could result in the topic closure, so best left to the imagination. I do think the oft repeated term 'your farang, you do not understand Thai way" suits me and many others in this regard.

Many of the Individuals, on the other hand, are quite similar in action, speech, attitudes, etc to people of ill repute who many of us have been exposed to and had to deal with in some way in the past. This is the part of Thai politics where my disgust and anger come to the forefront

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If people want to see a political mess, they see a political mess. I often want to see a political mess. So I go to the internet, newspapers, TV, etc. and get wrapped up in the political mess. I see it as distraction and entertainment, albeit not very spiritually uplifting.

When I back off the media, turn off the TV, the internet, newspapers and relax into what is and has always been, into life itself, into the wind caressing the hot earth, the birds, the seashore, the smiles of the local people going by, I am happy. I am home. I am resettled and reassured.

The pattern repeats itself as bad habits do. Life goes on. We live and die, inhale and exhale, sleep and awake. We are sustained by that which we seek sustanence in.

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Frustrated, but at the end of the day:

1. We choose to live in Thailand at a time of change. This has happeenedd in many countries including our own at times and is still happening across the world now. Histroy shows that at some point things will be settled. It is up to the Thai people to decide their destiny.

2. Where I live you wouldnt know anything was happening unless you turned a news channel on, which when you do is a bizarre juxtaposition

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i like it - there's less tourists, shopping malls have less people, and driving and

parking is easier (up in chiang mai). less tuk-tuks and taxis on the roads, and

less touts all over the place - they cant make a buck as easily so maybe some

have moved on to more honest, and less annoying work.

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If people want to see a political mess, they see a political mess. I often want to see a political mess. So I go to the internet, newspapers, TV, etc. and get wrapped up in the political mess. I see it as distraction and entertainment, albeit not very spiritually uplifting.

When I back off the media, turn off the TV, the internet, newspapers and relax into what is and has always been, into life itself, into the wind caressing the hot earth, the birds, the seashore, the smiles of the local people going by, I am happy. I am home. I am resettled and reassured.

The pattern repeats itself as bad habits do. Life goes on. We live and die, inhale and exhale, sleep and awake. We are sustained by that which we seek sustanence in.

very poetic....

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Fascinated and sad.... :D (not amused by injuries/deaths)

Funny that eh, you wanted riot police to use tear gas water cannon and rubber bullets against the yellows in 2008 and wanted them "clubbing"... :)

No need to shoot old ladies - use rubber bullets, tear gas, and water canons - general crowd disbursement techniques. However police need to do their jobs mind you have little faith in them after yesterdays debacle.

Forum: Thailand News clippings · Post Preview: #2367948 · Replies: 2083 · Views: 98,983

Riot police - drag them away. They resist and put the police in danger then the club comes out. Not very hard - first few people who get clubbed will deter others from doing so. If you know their is no consequence to what you do then this just emboldens these lot.

Forum: Thailand News clippings · Post Preview: #2383936 · Replies: 107 · Views: 6,522

OP I just cancel or postpone travel plans to Thailand when things look bad, but I'm getting a bit tired of all this mess and hope it ends soon, but I can't forsee it in the near future, if the reds gain power then the yellows will probably kick off and on and on we go again.

Edited by MB1
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Indeed and same w/reds now if they caught it in the beginning. Makes you wonder if this actually scripted out to happen. (honestly who allows a stage to be constructed in the middle of the shopping district?) (heaps of logistics come into play)

No way you can use these tactics when someone has entrenched themselves without heavy loss of life.

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The whole world is bored &/or amused by the happenings of the idiots here. The whole world is well aware of the current situation here in Thailand.

Because I'm 50/50 about this thread, I will give an opinion, which no doubt, already exists in other countries:

We think that the Thai government is a complete joke & Thailand is also an otherwise dangerous place to visit.

There you go! That quote came from my sister in Australia.

Ok. Since the rest of the world is likely to think similarly, why bother talking about it?

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Frustrated, but at the end of the day:

1. We choose to live in Thailand at a time of change. This has happeenedd in many countries including our own at times and is still happening across the world now. Histroy shows that at some point things will be settled. It is up to the Thai people to decide their destiny.

2. Where I live you wouldnt know anything was happening unless you turned a news channel on, which when you do is a bizarre juxtaposition

After nearly 25 years here, Thailand, IMHO, hasn't changed at all on the political front, only the players have changed as well as the tactics. The Army and elite have and will most likely always rule this country and unfortunately, it's not up to the Thai people but the one pulling the puppet strings.

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