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I want to describe the following trip as complete as possible and hope that forum members will help me with a description of and directions to, many points of interest along the way. I will then drive this trip and will try to find all these POI's and note the coordinates. From this I will create a google map which will be published on the web.

Trip would be like this: Chiang Mai-Chiang Dao-Ang Khang-Fang-Thaton-Mae Salong-Mae Sai-Chiang Rai-Chiang Mai.

And additional loop would be: Chiang Rai-Golden Triangle-Chiang Saen-Nan-Phrae-Chiang Mai.

POI's that I'm looking for would be:

restaurants, hotels, museums, natural phenomena's (hotsprings, waterfalls etc), cultural (museums, temples, historical places), in general all that is worth visiting when you would ride/drive this trip or part of it.

An xml or kml file of this tour will be made available and can be loaded in your GPS.



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Achtmet - The Garmin Thailand GPS mapset would make this a doddle for you as it has all your desired waypoints and GPS coordinates for them listed. I believe the cost has come down considerably on the software. I originally paid over 20,000 baht but a friend told me it is down to 2000 baht now.

As others have noted the Hall of Opium is well worth a look. Quite a step above most visitor sites I've seen in the Kingdom in terms of layout, displays, documentation and done in English as well as Thai.

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Mrs Millwall_fan and I did exactly the first option you describe, but in reverse in December last year.

Doi Angkhan, thoroughly recommended, the A frame huts on the side of the mountain go for around 800 baht in the off season. The government research station in the village is well worth a visit, a bit like a small Indian hill station.

Thaton is a very pleasant litle town. There's an interesting is rather bizzarre Wat set on several layers of hillside on the edge of town. We stayed at Apple Bungalows for around 800 baht a night (don't confuse with the cheaper Apple guest house across the river)

Mae Sai grows on me with every visit. some great little restaurants and a range of accomodation options and of course that unique boder town feel.

just a few ideas to add to your description OP. Feel free to PM me if I can provide any more specific details.

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In Fang, there is a hotel called, well, its the Thai for british hotel, or, great britain. Sorry I cant remember the name. Anyhow, the bedbugs will give you storys to tell and memories that will last long after the welts have disapeared. Like being in an ants nest. Even sat on a chair, they were climing up the chairlegs to feast on my liquids. Only standing in the shower could stop their onslaught.

Dont miss the caves at Chiang Dao. Pay a guide to show you around. I didnt, coz i thought he was scamming, and regreted it.

If you get to Chiang Dao, and find there are no caves there, its my memorie fading, and they are somewhere else....

Maybe someone can confirm...

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Why would I like to help a guy for free if people like David and Oliver put 20 years research and thousands of hours of work in it.

Get out of your office and do it your self Achtmet or pay these guys to do the job for you. (or already did for you if you copy their information)

Like many old timers, they don't make the bigg $$ for all the hard work they put in to their research. But on the other hand many people are enjoying it for free (take a folder at budget) or just for a small fee (book, or map they buy).

Do your home work yourself instead of asking other people.

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Why would I like to help a guy for free if people like David and Oliver put 20 years research and thousands of hours of work in it.

Get out of your office and do it your self Achtmet or pay these guys to do the job for you. (or already did for you if you copy their information)

Like many old timers, they don't make the bigg $ for all the hard work they put in to their research. But on the other hand many people are enjoying it for free (take a folder at budget) or just for a small fee (book, or map they buy).

Do your home work yourself instead of asking other people.

Hello Somchai,

What universe do you live in? Must be a shitty place. David and Oliver are legends and do not need a <deleted> to defend themselves or their work.

Thanks for your valued contribution


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Why would I like to help a guy for free if people like David and Oliver put 20 years research and thousands of hours of work in it.

Get out of your office and do it your self Achtmet or pay these guys to do the job for you. (or already did for you if you copy their information)

Like many old timers, they don't make the bigg $ for all the hard work they put in to their research. But on the other hand many people are enjoying it for free (take a folder at budget) or just for a small fee (book, or map they buy).

Do your home work yourself instead of asking other people.

Hello Somchai,

What universe do you live in? Must be a shitty place. David and Oliver are legends and do not need a <deleted> to defend themselves or their work.

Thanks for your valued contribution



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I totally agree with Somchai, it's more than asking a few targeted question, sounds more like scrounging to produce a product. The GT rider maps took years to compile and more years before making some return, I guess.

Plus these plain vanilla routes envisioned are already so well documented in so many books , so many web sites so what the purpose?

Not to forget = without a standardize evaluation system , a clear rating structure of e.g. hotels or restaurants in place, there will be only more cross bashing of members for their perceived questionable taste.

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White Temple Chiang Rai.


Wow! I never did see that when i first arrived in the region. My CR temple experience was supposed to be the oldest standing temple in Thailand, but had no 'wow' factor to it like the pic. I've just found out that it's officially called the "Chapel of Wat Rong Khun"

Think an overnight stay in CR is on the cards on my next 3 month border run. Thanks for posting Goglost.


Edited by Drew Aitch
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I've PMed the Op with hotel info in Mae Sai. what are you guys saying? that he's doing this for commercial gain?

This certainly has the semblance of a commercial venture.

Can the OP explain exactly what the purpose is for the information, what he intends to do with it and whether or not this is for business purposes or not?

A description of the project and explanatory in laymens terms would certainly clear any doubts.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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Check out this site.

It is the Golden Triangle Rider website put together by David Unkovich. David has been exploring the roads of Thailand and Laos for more than 20 years. His maps and books are the most comprehensive available.

Thanks for that recommendation, Bill. I've marked it for further study.

Mai Sai from the temple at the top of the hill.



Golden triangle area...






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